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  • Data: 17/05/2024
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  • This research aims to investigate the education proposed by the Landless Rural Workers' Movement (MST) within the Brazilian educational context, and its empirical reference is the experience in Maranhão. In this sense, we sought to analyze and understand the extent to which the application of the alternation system as a pedagogical practice at the Roseli Nunes Field Education Center, located in the Cigra agrarian reform settlement - Lagoa Grande do Maranhão, can be emancipatory. Since its creation in the 1980s, the MST has linked the struggle for access to land to the development of new pedagogical perceptions for the formation of autonomous subjects. As opposed to traditional neoliberal practices, education stands out as one of the 1 most powerful instruments for breaking with common sense. With this in mind, this work is based on a bibliographical and documentary study, data collection and fieldwork in the Cigra/MA settlement, where observation was carried out at events, semi-structured interviews and participation in the daily activities of the school, which has as its central aspiration the construction of a space to meet the demands of rural education. The MST, despite its limitations and difficulties, has been decisive in the education of the peasant population, proposing its practices as essential tools in the struggle for land.




  • Data: 12/04/2024
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  • A configuração socioespacial do Maranhão, na atualidade, é marcada pelos grandes projetos “desenvolvimentistas” implantados nesse Estado a partir da década de 1960, sendo destacado o Projeto Grande Carajás, administrado pela então Companhia Vale do Rio Doce, atual Vale S.A. Entretanto, esses investimentos “desenvolvimentistas”, sob o discurso de fortalecer a economia nacional e/ou o capital privado, geraram no estado profundas desigualdades sociais, além de efeitos socioambientais que afetam, sobretudo, povos e comunidades tradicionais que historicamente habitam esse território, de modo que, necessário se faz um olhar que problematize o “desenvolvimento” em suas múltiplas formas e efeitos sociais. As atividades da Vale S.A. têm provocado circunstâncias nocivas às comunidades localizadas no Noroeste do Maranhão, sobretudo aos territórios indígenas presentes nessa região, uma vez que fragiliza o controle territorial e desmobiliza as políticas e práticas de proteção e conservação ambiental, conforme se observa na Terra Indígena Rio Pindaré, do povo indígena Tentehar/Guajajara. Diante desse contexto, este estudo se preocupa em indagar como os indígenas da Terra Indígena Rio Pindaré têm se articulado em frentes de resistências, buscando uma forma de definir o projeto societário dessa comunidade e colocar em questão a imposição da lógica colonizadora hegemônica, sendo uma dessas estratégias utilizadas o processo de escolarização intercultural. Para a construção desta pesquisa, me apropriei metodologicamente da etnografia apresentada por Geertz (1989); das noções decoloniais fundamentadas nas “histórias fronteiriças” propostas por Mignolo (2003); da interculturalidade crítica proposta Walsh (2009); das interpretações de Almeida (2008) a respeito dos processos de ocupação territorial maranhense, dentre outras. Utilizo como estratégias para construção reflexiva: interlocuções, observações situadas, além de registros fotográficos. Conclui-se que há a (im)possibilidade de que as estratégias político-pedagógicas de cunho educacional específico e diferenciados estejam sendo construídas como um elemento que opera em oposição às investidas desenvolvimentistas do capital. Por isso, no presente trabalho observou-se a relação dos efeitos socioculturais impostos pela presença da Vale S.A. na Terra Indígena Rio Pindaré, cuja consequência refletiu na construção de uma educação intercultural e diferenciada voltada para o projeto próprio Tentehar, frente à dinâmica do “desenvolvimento” hegemônico.



  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • One of Brazil's biggest problems is the unequal distribution of wealth within society. Such discrepancies seem to take shape in rural areas, where inequalities become more evident. Considering that large production in the agricultural sector led by an economic elite has long been part of society, this unequal movement comes from the scenario resulting from the differentiated spatial and temporal action of capital, in which family and capitalist production take on opposite sides. Based on Weber and Marx who define the State as a human community that successfully seeks a monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force within a given territory, the State is far from being the result of a social contract or the embodiment of democratic popular will. , nor does it represent the apex of rationality. Furthermore, racism is not a residue of a slave society overcome by capitalism, but a ballast of capitalism itself. Given this, we arrive at the general objective of this work, which was related to an analysis of the consequences of the insertion of projects financed by Pronaf in quilombola communities. from Bequimão. The specific objectives included an understanding of the relationship between Pronaf and food security in the quilombola communities investigated; an assessment of socioeconomic changes in communities that contracted program credits; and an assessment of the role of the State in implementing public policies that guarantee food security and the territorialities of quilombola communities. Regarding methodology, this work is exploratory in nature. The information gathering was carried out through qualitative and quantitative research, using semi-structured interviews and participant observation.

  • JUDICIAL INTERVENTION IN HIGH-RISK AREAS: Reflections on Institutional Racism and Environmental Justice in São Luís – Maranhão

  • Data: 26/04/2024
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  • From time to time, disasters in risk areas become the central focus of news reports. Losses and fatalities resulting from human occupation in places susceptible to various risks such as flooding, mass movements, erosion, and floods are common. The recurrence of these events and the apparent negligence in resolution, despite the existence of robust specific legislation aimed at protecting life, human rights, and the environment, justified the conduct of this study. In theory, resorting to the judiciary represents the last means of conflict resolution. Therefore, to understand how the parties involved in the process approach this issue, this research analyzed the main legal documents and technical reports, extracting insights into the approach of institutions and residents regarding the issue of risk areas in São Luís, Maranhão. The key legal actors highlighted include the Municipality of São Luís, residents (who are sometimes defendants and sometimes victims), the Public Defender's Office, the Public Ministry, and the judiciary. The analysis of legal records reveals the prevalence of institutional interests over fundamental rights, a consequence of the structural racism evident in the arguments and requests presented, without taking into account the constitutional guarantees of citizens and communities. The institutions substantially reflect the capitalist model of cities, land income, the segregation of vulnerable communities, and the absence of environmental justice. The study underscores the need to humanize the perspective of these institutions, encouraging them to go beyond their functional objectives and engage in resolving the issue of risk areas with the aim of providing dignity, safety, and development for residents and society as a whole.

  • CHINA: SOCIALISM, ECONOMIC OPENING AND GLOBAL-LOCAL INTERACTIONS. The flow of commodities from the Itaqui’s harbor (MA) to China.

  • Data: 05/06/2024
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  • Em 2009, a China se tornou o principal parceiro comercial do Brasil no qual o minério de ferro e a soja estão entre os principais produtos brasileiros exportados via Porto do Itaqui. Uma projeção histórica sobre a evolução da infraestrutura portuária indica que o Porto do Itaqui foi inicialmente construído para atender à demanda de exportação de minério de ferro, paulatinamente ampliado entre as décadas de 1980 e 2010 para atender à demanda do mercado internacional cada vez maior por commodities. Este fluxo de exportação por meio do Itaqui reflete o peso comercial da China na região Norte e Nordeste do Brasil, suscitando reflexões acerca da relação entre o local, regional e o global. Neste contexto a pesquisa analisa o fluxo comercial de commodities entre Brasil e China por meio do Porto do Itaqui, considerando que o comércio entre os dois países aumentou substancialmente na última década, quando a China se projeta na economia globalizada. Incorporamos aspectos relativos à vertente marxista da Teoria da Dependência para melhor conceituação, caracterização e análise acerca da relação comercial entre Brasil e China pautado no fluxo de commodities que trazem apontamentos relevantes no âmbito da integração de economias periféricas ao mercado mundial e o intercâmbio desigual. Nesse sentido, nossa hipótese sugere que a caracterização da presença chinesa na região, levando em consideração um cenário de permanência ou mesmo aumento, pode contribuir para melhor caracterização das implicações da presença da China via fluxo de commodities na região Norte/Nordeste do Brasil, notadamente na região da Amazônia Legal, que inclui o estado do Maranhão. O trabalho conclui que a relação econômica entre Brasil e China através da exportação de commodities via Porto do Itaqui reforça a posição do Brasil como país exportador de commodities, sem, no entanto, significar implicações reais para o processo de desenvolvimento regional do Maranhão, que perpetua uma dinâmica secular de região produtora de produtos agrícolas.

  • GESTÃO AMBIENTAL EM RESÍDUOS SÓLIDOS URBANOS: análise sobre a situação no município de São Bento – MA.

  • Data: 09/02/2024
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  • O Brasil negligencia o tratamento e disposição dos resíduos sólidos produzidos em seu território. Ageração de resíduos cresce à proporção que aumenta a população e o consumo, impactando diretamente o meio ambiente e a saúde pública. No Brasil, de acordo com a Política Nacional de Resíduos Sólidos (PNRS), Lei nº 12.305/10, os lixões deveriam ter sido extintos e os Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos (RSU) somente destinados aos Aterros Sanitários. As prefeituras são responsáveis por assegurar o serviço de limpeza pública incluindo a coleta e disposição final dos RSU. É nesse contexto que se justifica a realização desta pesquisa, a qual tem como necessidade investigar a eficiência da Gestão dos Resíduos Sólidos Urbanos no município de São Bento, localizado no estado do Maranhão. Nesse cenário, estabelece-se a questão que norteia a pesquisa: Como o município realiza a Gestão dos RSU? O objetivo geral foi analisar a implementação e as práticas adotadas em relação ao que preconiza a política nacional dos resíduos sólidos no município de São Bento – Maranhão. Como metodologia, estabeleceu-se a pesquisa descritiva, com coleta de dados por meio da análise documental, pesquisa bibliográfica e da legislação disponível, entrevistas com representantes municipais responsáveis pela gestão dos RSU e levantamento de dados primários em campo. A pesquisa bibliográfica aprimorou as bases teóricas do estudo, tratando os aspectos relacionados àsustentabilidade e à gestão dos resíduos sólidos. A pesquisa documental abordou a normatização referente aos resíduos sólidos, identificando as políticas públicas já adotadas, e avaliando a eficiência no gerenciamento desses resíduos, bem como, possibilitou a comparação das normas ambientais referentes aos resíduos sólidos nos níveis federal, estadual e municipal, e, a obrigatoriedade do poder público na sua execução. Na pesquisa de campo utilizou a aplicação de questionário a membros da administração pública municipal responsáveis pela gestão e destinação correta dos RSU, usando a técnica SWOT para avaliar os pontos fortes e fracos da gestão, além de visitas com registro fotográfico de locais públicos aonde se destinam os resíduos. Portanto, conhecer as ações que vêm sendo desenvolvidas pela prefeitura municipal, os desafios enfrentados na gestão de resíduos sólidos, trouxeram à luz o que está sendo realizado e desenvolvido nesse município. Quanto aos resultados, constatou-se que no município de São Bento, a legislação federal sobre os resíduos sólidos não está sendo implementada segundo as diretrizes nacionais. Tais constatações evidenciam a necessidade premente de uma sistematização e aceleração do processo de conformidade com a referida legislação, destacando a urgência de medidas corretivas. 



  • Women in the socio-productive and environmental context in the Maçaranduba
    village - Caru Indigenous Land, Bom Jardim, Maranhão.

  • Data: 12/06/2024
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  • Maçaranduba Village, located in the Caru Indigenous Land, Bom Jardim, Maranhão, is one that well represents the issues that involve all sociocultural aspects and the effects of patriarchy on the lives of its inhabitants. The indigenous women of this community play crucial roles in the village's economy, culture, and governance, without excluding themselves from the social effects of post-colonialism. However, their voices and experiences are often underrepresented in wider society and are often overlooked in public policy. In this sense, this work has the general objective of giving visibility to the experiences and struggles of indigenous women in Aldeia Maçaranduba and, thus, contributing to a more comprehensive understanding of gender relations in indigenous communities, based on the socio-productive and environmental context of the local. To support this theme, the first part of this study, presented in this document, will be based on a theoretical framework centered on three main themes: (1) Social relations of gender, patriarchy, and indigenous women; (2) The agenda for indigenous women, centered on public policies on gender and autonomy for these women; and (3) Indigenous women themselves from the perspective of environmental issues and sustainable development. This translates into the first part of this study, focused on building an important theoretical framework for the second part, which, based on the application of questionnaires and interviews, will outline the sociocultural and productive context of the village. So far, we have noticed that the relationships established in the villages are permeated by social gender issues, just as in more modern societies, the result of post-colonial patriarchy. Furthermore, indigenous women are normally sidelined and made invisible when it comes to important public policies for this group, which ends up hampering their autonomy. It is noteworthy that women and the environment are put aside when they put themselves ahead of the interests of the wealthiest and most socially privileged groups and, in this scenario, ecofeminism plays a fundamental role in environmental protection and in matters of sustainable development. The study thus far explains that gender discussions are fundamental to the establishment of a rule of law for indigenous women. Thus, the first part of this study fulfills its role and generates the desired theoretical framework for the discussions that will arise from the impressions and responses obtained from the incursions carried out near Aldeia Maçaranduba, MA.


  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • The interaction between cooperative federalism and Cultural Heritage management, emerging from the constitution of the modern Brazilian state, plays a crucial role in preserving the identity and history of our society. This dissertation examines and debates the collaboration among different state levels, focusing on the preservation policies for the historical center of São Luís, Maranhão, through the lens of cooperative federalism in devising and implementing conservation-oriented policies, specifically the "Nosso Centro" program. Initiated in 2019 by the Government of Maranhão, "Nosso Centro" emerges as a strategic response from the state administration following periods of discontinuation of previous programs. This study aims to investigate how the principles of cooperative federalism were enacted in actions to enhance public management for the Cultural Heritage of São Luís. The author's direct experience as one of the program managers offers a unique and privileged perspective from within the process, allowing a qualitative approach grounded on interviews and documental investigations, framed by the observation and analysis of the conception and realization of plans and programs. This examination seeks to elucidate and problematize the state of harmony and collaboration of the legally responsible bodies for Cultural Heritage in the effective exercise of cooperative federalism. Aiming to contribute to the academic field and public management by outlining a comprehensive and critical analysis of these interactions within the program, this work aspires to shed light on an indispensable theme for strengthening cooperative federalism in future initiatives focusing on Brazilian Cultural Heritage.


  • A Tribuna do Povo, Maria Aragão and the PCB: reception and dissemination of communist ideas in Maranhão between 1945 and 1955

  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • O jornal maranhense Tribuna do Povo (1945-1962) foi fundado e dirigido pela comunista maranhense Maria Aragão, num contexto de reorganização das bases do Partido Comunista Brasileiro (PCB) no Maranhão, quando, nacionalmente, o partido fruiu de um breve período de legalidade pós Segunda Guerra. Aragão era também dirigente do PCB no estado. Construída por e voltada a trabalhadores e suas reivindicações, a Tribuna refletiu sobre a dinâmica sociopolítica estadual, nacional e internacional, fomentando a organização política das classes trabalhadoras. O objetivo deste trabalho é investigar as atividades da Tribuna durante seus primeiros dez anos (1945-1955), revelando elementos de sua estrutura organizativa e perscrutando o conjunto de suas publicações. Para isto, partindo do referencial teórico-metodológico ofertado pelo materialismo histórico e por abordagens histórias de análise do pensamento político, como o contextualismo linguístico da Escola de Cambridge, recorremos à pesquisa documental e à pesquisa bibliográfica para o alcance dos objetivos propostos. Como resultados, o trabalho identifica a Tribuna como órgão oficial de comunicação do PCB no Maranhão, recepcionando e difundindo as teses e orientações do partido em terras maranhenses. Em favor dos trabalhadores, sem abrir mão dos referenciais teóricos do PCB, de matriz terceiro-internacionalista, e com o papel decisivo de Maria Aragão à frente do jornal, a Tribuna influiu nas lutas políticas de seu tempo. E, numa perspectiva mais ampla, compôs o todo complexo que foi e é a circulação das ideias marxistas no Brasil, na América Latina e no mundo.


  • AS RELAÇÕES DE TRABALHO DE MOTORISTAS DE ÔNIBUS: uma análise da precarização social do trabalho na região metropolitana de São Luís

  • Data: 10/06/2024
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  • Este trabalho objetiva analisar o processo de precarização das relações de trabalho dos motoristas de ônibus na região metropolitana de São Luís,impulsionado pelas novas tecnologias, especificamente, a implantação da catraca eletrônica como parte da modernização do sistema de transporte urbano de São Luís. O foco é tentar perceber a relação entre as novas tecnologias e o avanço crescente da precarização das relações de trabalho, assim como o processo de reestruturação dos processos produtivos no Brasil, e os seus efeitos e desdobramentos pós reforma trabalhista, tal como o processo de precarização das relações de trabalho dos motoristas de ônibus
    urbano na cidade de São Luís, pós a implantação do novo sistema de bilhetagem eletrônica, em que obriga o motorista a cobrar e a dirigir ao mesmo tempo. Considerando a cidade de São Luís como um espaço de disputas e de desigualdades socioespaciais, e onde as precárias condições de trabalho são produzidas, justifica-se, assim, a escolha pelo materialismo histórico-dialético, método que possibilitou compreender a realidade a partir das suas contradições. A pesquisa fundamentou-se em dois tipos de dados: os primários, obtidos através da realização de entrevistas com os motoristas, vice-presidente do STTREMA e com usuários do transporte coletivo e pela observação direta da realidade pesquisada; e os secundários, adquiridos por meio de levantamento, estudo e análise de acervos documentais concernente aos aspectos constitucionais como convenção coletiva de trabalho. O foco foi compreender como as relações de trabalho dos motoristas de transporte público urbano, pós a implantação da nova bilhetagem eletrônica, vem sendo vivenciadas por esses trabalhadores, assim como também os seus efeitos e desdobramentos no cotidiano dos mesmos.

  • MATERNITY IN ADOLESCENCE: analysis from an intersectional perspective in the context of CRAS- Social Assistance Reference Center.

  • Data: 25/04/2024
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  • O presente estudo tem como objetivo analisar os fatores que afetaram o cotidiano de mulheres que foram mães na adolescência. Buscou-se fazer um breve histórico sobre adolescência e maternidade no Brasil, trazendo a discussão acerca das relações de gênero e de raça, as desigualdades sociais que atingem a vida das adolescentes, além da análise de vulnerabilidade socioeconômica no processo de maternidade na adolescência e como a política de assistência social atua na proteção das mães adolescentes. Participaram da pesquisa, mulheres usuárias dos serviços do CRAS São Raimundo, São Luís-MA que foram mães na adolescência e os profissionais do CRAS. Foram utilizadas entrevistas semiestruturadas, que permitiram avaliar os fatores que afetaram o cotidiano destas mães após a maternidade na adolescência. Verificou-se nos resultados que a evasão escolar é uma realidade presente na vida das mulheres que ficaram grávidas na adolescência, adiando os estudos para se dedicar-se ao cuidado do filho(a) e em alguns casos adentrar no mercado de trabalho para prover seu sustento. No entanto, devido à falta de qualificação estão mais expostas a trabalhos precarizados e mal remunerados. A rede de apoio faz diferença na dinâmica familiar de mães adolescentes, principalmente para permanência na escola e crescimento profissional, além de políticas e serviços públicos que são essenciais para enfrentar essa realidade, como os serviços de saúde, assistência social, creches, educação sexual (direitos sexuais e reprodutivos), políticas que possibilitem a autonomia social de mães adolescentes. Conclui-se que a maternidade na adolescência é uma realidade presente no país, e que os maiores índices estão entre as adolescentes pardas e pretas. Concluiu-se com as entrevistas com mulheres que a maternidade durante a adolescência é um fato que marcou suas vidas e que o fator escolaridade foi afetado, logo se refletiu em seus futuros profissionais, no entanto essas mulheres contam que conseguiram superar essa fase da vida e continuaram a construir sonhos, seja para mesmas ou para os filhos. Entendeu-se que a rede de apoio é fundamental para enfrentar a maternidade na adolescência e que os serviços e políticas públicas são instrumentos que fazem a diferença na vida dessas mães.

  • PRONAF ANALYSIS IN FAMILY FARMING: a study on the experience with small farmers in the Itapary community in the municipality of São José de Ribamar - MA.

  • Data: 29/04/2024
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  • The National Program for Strengthening Family Farming – Pronaf had its origins in the struggles of social movements such as CONTAG (National Confederation of Agricultural Workers), MST (Landless Movements) and CUT Rural (Central Única dos Trabalhadores), in addition to the days, which came to be called “Screams of the Earth” and their main struggle was the demand for specific policies for agriculture. Since, since the creation of the program, the achievement of its goals, promoting the sustainable development of family farming, increasing productive capacity, generating jobs and improving income, have been discussed, I present the objective of this study, to analyze the socioeconomic impacts of PRONAF with family farmers in the municipality of São José de Ribamar. The methodology used was through the qualitative method. This is an exploratory study, part of a master's degree research in Socio-Spatial and Regional Development-UEMA. Keywords: Family farming. Public policy. Income. Pronaf.

  • In the current phase of the restructuring of capitalism, a new model of development was gaining space in Brazilian public policies. It is about the Local Production Arrangements (APL) that in the last two decades are present, incisively, in the planning agendas on national and state scale. In Maranhão, the prospect of using this model to foster development was expressed in 2003 with the Program for the Promotion and Development of Local Maranhão Production Arrangements and Systems - PAPL, and since then it is part of the state government plans based on the discourse that the organization of enterprises in agglomeration has the potential to boost the economy and, consequently, promote local development. Among the productive clusters identified at the time of PAPL, the one of Red Ceramics stands out in the axis around the Metropolitan Region of Greater São Luís (RMGSL) with emphasis on the municipalities of São Luís, Rosario and Itapecuru-Mirim. In this context, the objective of this dissertation is to analyze the productive activity of Red Ceramics for civil construction in the Rosario pole under the prism of Local Productive Arrangement as a local development strategy. This analysis is based on the use of the dialectical method, in order to understand the limits and contradictions of that proposal considering the logic of capitalist mode of production. The methodological procedures used included bibliographic research, field research, analysis, selection and interpretation of the data and information obtained. Field research, in turn, used the techniques of applying semi-structured interviews, intensive direct observation and photographic recording. The results point to the inability of APL Ceramic to promote the economic and social development of the municipality of Rosario, in view of its alignment with the demands of the market which, in turn, values capital and its accumulation process, while contributing to predatory methods of exploitation, such as precarious labour relations and environmental damage, which ultimately align with the absence of a sustainable consciousness between potters and potters. This concludes by the need for projects that converge to alternatives that respect the ecological limits of the territory and that promote the generation of jobs and the fair distribution of economic benefits.

  • Data: 03/08/2023
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  • Local Productive Arrangement. Red Ceramics. Rosario. Development.

  • RELAÇÕES ESCRAVISTAS CONTEMPORÂNEAS: uma análise socioespacial no estado do Maranhão.

  • Data: 16/08/2023
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  • CONTEMPORARY SLAVE LABOR: an analysis of neo-slavery in Maranhão lands


  • Data: 28/09/2023
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  • The present work, which is still under construction, addresses the theme of public policies for territorial development through action in the so-called Programas Territorios da Cidadania. Maranhão consists of eight territories, in which the Territorio Vale do Itapecuru will be approached with an empirical field Miranda do Norte. Through theorists who discuss relevant topics such as the discussion on territory and agrarian issue and bring the discussion on the dismantling of public policies, their processes of disagreements and disarticulations culminate in the abandonment of street workers who are at the mercy of food insecurity. It aims to analyze the challenges of the community inserted in the productive projects implemented from the Política de Desenvolvimento Territorial in the municipality of Miranda do Norte in the State of Maranhão. The work in development also analyzes the challenges of rural workers in the face of the disarticulation of public policies and the consequences for family farming in the municipality of Miranda do Norte. The research deals with the resistance that the community has in relation to the dismantling of the territorial development policy through productive projects Agroindustria de Farinha and Fabrica de Ração and what processes of social organization developed so that their activities and their way of life were not demobilized.

  • FINCADOS NA TERRA COMO UM BACURI: a luta da comunidade Carrancas pelo direito de existir

  • Data: 20/07/2023
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  • A presente pesquisa se propõe a analisar os impactos decorrentes da expansão do agronegócio da soja que atingiu a comunidade tradicional Carrancas, município de Buriti/MA, processo violento que ameaça as maneiras de ser, de fazer e de viver de populações tradicionais em um contexto de intensificação da violência no campo e de resistências populares diante das brutalidades. A problemática da investigação insere-se em uma realidade de intensos conflitos agrários e socioambientais, decorrentes do atual modelo econômico em curso, tendo como resultado a ampliação da fronteira agrícola denominada Matopiba, na qual o munícipio de Buriti está inserido. Analisa-se o desenvolvimento histórico do capitalismo no Maranhão e suas contradições na época neoliberal. Discute-se a história de Carrancas, contada a partir da versão dos seus moradores, a singularidade de sua organização socioeconômica e jurídica, o papel do Estado na implementação de um modelo de desenvolvimento desigual, violento, brutal e predatório do ponto de vista social e ambiental, os múltiplos impactos decorrentes da expansão do agronegócio da soja, os conflitos agrários e socioambientais e as distintas formas de resistências realizadas pela comunidade em face da territorialização do capital no campo. Para a realização desta pesquisa, tomou-se como referência a perspectiva de estudos decoloniais e pós-coloniais e a crítica marxista. Quanto aos procedimentos metodológicos desenvolvidos, foram realizadas análises de um conjunto de documentos (estudos, processos judiciais, processos administrativos, relatórios, cartas, mapas, imagens de satélite, documentários) relativos à comunidade Carrancas, bem como técnicas de observação direta, entrevistas semiestruturadas e conversas realizadas em distintos e diferentes contextos, buscando seguir as narrativas das memórias e cartografias, falas, olhares, expressões e sentimentos sobre cotidianos, festas, lamentos, direitos, tensões, conflitos e mobilizações. 

  • THE POPULAR ORGANIZATION OF PUBLIC SPACE: an analysis from the experiences of the committee of the 'Praça das Árvores' of the COHAB- COHATRAC Complex in São Luís do Maranhão.

  • Data: 25/10/2023
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  • O presente estudo buscou analisar a dinâmica constituída no espaço público livre organizado a partir da experiência do Comitê da Praça das Árvores no Complexo COHAB-COHATRAC, como os usos e apropriações coletivas no chão da praça, concebida como lugar de múltiplas significações, redesenham esse espaço urbano, posto que a praça é lugar de contradições e antagonismos. As intervenções nesse espaço público livre envolvem uma complexidade de percepções que vão para além da dimensão urbanística e perpassam pela construção de relações sociais e políticas. Desse modo, a pesquisa investigou o processo de construção do Comitê da Praça das Árvores após a qualificação urbanística, que suscitou questionamentos sobre as implicações do processo de institucionalização do referido comitê na autonomia política e comunitária, apontados na dinâmica do usufruto sociocomunitário dada as experiências no cotidiano desse cenário urbano. Nessa busca, novas perspectivas de cidade emergem e, nesse contexto, analisamos a experiência realizada pelo Comitê da Praça das Árvores no COHATRAC em São Luís do Maranhão, em meio ao desmonte neoliberal, e como práticas coletivas podem possibilitar esperança para a cidade como direito para todos os seus citadinos. 

  • Thinking about the city of São Luís from gender perspective: an analysis of the urban planning in public spaces reclassified by the Programa for the Revitalization of Historic Center of São Luís. 
  • Data: 23/10/2023
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  • This study aims to understand the social gender relations in the formation of urban space, focusing on the unequal access that women have to facilities, services, and opportunities. The gender debate is approached from a materialist perspective, drawing on Marxist principles for discussion. Authors such as Henri Lefebvre, Jane Jacobs, and Flávio Villaça are considered for their insights on space, city, and territorial structure, alongside gender concepts, patriarchy, and inequalities analyzed by Judith Butler, Heleieth Saffioti, Teresa Di Lauretis, and Michel Foucault. The goal is to contribute to the gender perspective in the discussion about cities, aiming to comprehend the place and role of women in urban spaces. The methodology of Gender Safety Audit and Walkability is employed to reflect on the factors that qualify public spaces within the Municipal Program for the Revitalization of the Historic Center of São Luís. This reflection seeks to address gender needs and aspirations, promoting women's presence and influence in urban spaces. The study utilizes the experience gained from the program implemented by the São Luís municipality, funded by the InterAmerican Development Bank (IDB), focusing on the central area from 2016 to 2022. Openended questionnaires were administered to analyze the quality of urban interventions in the historic center of the Maranhão capital concerning gender perspectives. The study presents a critical reflection on the impact of the patriarchal system on city formation and women's daily lives, including their access to contemporary urban spaces. It comprehensively examines the gender perspective within the established spatial context. The urban planning tools used by the program are evaluated as inclusive instruments within the territory. This evaluation is based on interventions made in public spaces, considering gender equity, functionality, and the empowerment of women directly affected. Interviews with women using these spaces provide insights into their perceptions.

  • Urbanisierung von Lagoa da Jansen: die widerspruche der frreizeit in verschiedenen segmenten

  • Data: 27/02/2023
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  • A temática apresentada visa compreender a formação do espaço público construído
    na Lagoa da Jansen, em São Luís do Maranhão pelo poder público e suas contradições no campo do lazer. A divisão pública e privada ocorre por uma segmentação do lazer, que diz aonde e como se devem praticá-lo em seu tempo livre. É nessa ordem capitalista que direciona os caminhos em que o entretenimento deve seguir. Desta forma, o Maranhão está inserido em um contexto global com predomínio do modelo capitalista hegemônico, que ao longo da sua história reflete para o desenvolvimento geográfico desigual. As mudanças ocorridas pela urbanização, no espaço em estudo, se dão por meio dos agentes sociais produtores do espaço urbano representados pelo Estado, detentores do capital e proprietários imobiliários. Estes se configuram de instrumentos ideológicos beneficiando uma determinada categoria social, quando os mesmos impõem hábitos e costumes distantes dos antigos moradores e de outros que resiste às mudanças patrocinadas pela especulação imobiliária. Portanto, a cidade torna-se cenário de importantes manifestações e o lazer se evidencia como pratica social. Desta forma, os espaços públicos de lazer, quando sofrem transformações de caráter urbanístico, proporciona mudanças para determinados públicos. Como fundamentação teórica utilizará os seguintes autores por discutirem a temática em estudo: David Harvey (2005), Neil Smith (1988), Karl Marx, (2007) Zulene Barbosa (2011), Frederico Burnett (2008), Maria Socorro Cabra (1992), Henri Lefebvre (1978), Luce Gomes (2008), Marcellino, (1996), Santos (1977), Bourdieu (2013) e Maricato (2012). Desta forma a pesquisa se apoia no método qualitativo e quantitativo sobre o problema. Tem resultados parciais as contradições nos diversos segmentos do lazer, nos equipamentos e categoria social. Após ampla verificação dos dados disponibilizados, selecinaram – se os fatores que poderiam aferir a validade das hipóteses. Em seguida, por meio de analise quantitativas, avaliou-se a correlação entre esses fatores.


  • PRECISÃO E TRABALHO ESCRAVO:  uma análise das formas de trabalho análoga à escravidão no estado do Maranhão

  • Data: 27/02/2023
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  • In recent years, Brazil has gone through serious economic and social crises, which have a direct impact on labor relations and, why not say, on the economy. Therefore, it has affected the worker's income, given the sharp drop in the offer of new jobs in the country. In this perspective, the article brought as an investigation problem a historical and contemporary rescue of occurrences related to work analogous to slavery. The present study seeks to demonstrate that it is not only the financial factors within the family that encourage the demand for this irregular practice. In some cases, it is verified the occurrence of work in conditions analogous to slavery, including in urban areas. There are even highlights that there are currently several demonstrations of work in these conditions, as the digital media invariably provides us with news of people who are rescued either at home, or in companies, or on farms. The research begins an analysis from the beginning, walks through the glamorization of slavery brought in our school benches, where they pass on information that since the enactment of the golden law, this type of offense to the dignity of the human person has not happened in Brazil, which remained demonstrated not be the expression of truth. After such notes, the possible causes for this continuity will be identified, as well as the current public policies that demonstrate its fight, with the main focus of not ending, at least mitigating the occurrences. The survey showed, based on official bodies, with the participation of society, that Maranhão is currently one of the largest exporters of labor analogous to slavery, whether due to socio-spatial issues, such as location, drought periods and even excessive rains or even, by the high rate of illiteracy. All this socio-spatial framework brought several concerns that motivated this research.

  • PATRIMÔNIOS DO NOSSO CENTRO: as práticas socioespaciais insurgentes e os programas de desenvolvimento do Centro Histórico de São Luís

  • Data: 12/09/2023
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  • On the occasion of the twenty-sixth anniversary of the title of Cultural Heritage of Humanity, this dissertation dedicated itself to investigating the implications (tensions, contradictions, and contributions) of urban development policies in the socio-spatial reproduction of the Historic Center of São Luís. This investigation focuses on the socio-spatial groups historically rendered invisible during traditional processes of heritage designation. Divided into two parts, the present work comprised a socio-spatial survey aimed at foregrounding the manner in which Historic Center development policies are enacted by socio-spatial groups directly engaged with them. The first part encompassed a conceptual discussion of analysis categories to support a decolonial critical analysis, followed by a panorama of the process of São Luís City's formation leading to its development policies, ranging from the Programa de Preservação e Revitalização do Centro Histórico de São Luís - PPRCHSL to the Programa Nosso Centro (2019). The second part focused on the socio-spatial survey, wherein fifteen insurgent socio-spatial practices were presented, organized into six general axes, accompanied by an analysis of the connections established with the three levels of government. This process brought to light local development logics operationalized around the native concept of "human heritage." This concept is presented as a strategy to underscore and advocate for the human element as a starting point for contemplating an alternative form of heritage designation.

    Keywords: Human Heritage, Socio-spatial Survey, Historic Center of São Luís

  • GAMELEIRA ON THE MAP: The impacts of monoculture in the Community of Gameleira, Brejo-MA.

  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • Gameleira é um povoado do município de Brejo – MA, situado no eixo do Leste Maranhense, que vem sofrendo continuamente com o avanço dos campos de soja sobre seu território secular, o que impacta diretamente no modo de vida da comunidade: na produção agrícola, na econômica, nas relações sociais, familiares e culturais, promovendo, paulatinamente a sucumbência das suas raízes históricas e pondo em risco a proteção do ecossistema e bioma, daquele território. Gameleira é uma comunidade tradicional, que por estar localizada no bioma cerrado, tem como cultura o plantio de subsistência, a criação de pequenos animais para sustento, venda e escambo, possui fortes raízes culturais tradicionais, uma logística administrativa própria, vivendo em perfeita simbiose com o bioma local, o cerrado, onde preservam as nascentes e árvores nativas da região, de onde tiram parte do seu sustento, pois praticam também o extrativismo. Diante dessa realidade, enquadra-se nos requisitos da categoria, Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais – PCT.

    Em contraponto à essa dinâmica de preservação do bioma e modo de vida baseada na tradição, com o slogan “O agro é pop”, novo marketing do empreendedorismo predador, temos a agroindústria, que massivamente vem buscando, em meio ao território amazônico e o cerrado, terras para a produção mecanizada, solidificando uma cultura econômica e ideológica, que projeta o “progresso” com “desenvolvimento” do campo, através do processo de implantação de monoculturas, que por vezes é violento em seu contexto econômico, ambiental e social, representando bem a atual conjuntura vivida não apenas pela Comunidade Gameleira, mas muitas comunidades rurais do país.

    Este trabalho, tem por objetivo, estudar o conflito que se estabeleceu na região, tendo como recorte principal, a implantação e expansão da sojicultura, e como a autoprodução da comunidade de Gameleira, em seu contexto multidisciplinar serve como resistência, frente ao avanço dessa prática capitalista em seu território.

    Como metodologia, trabalharemos a construção de um arcabouço histórico iniciando no Brasil colônia, passando pela análise das dinâmicas desenvolvimentistas aplicadas durante a década de 70 até os dias atuais, como forma de contextualizar as raízes que sustentam as atuais relações vivenciadas pela Comunidade Gameleira. 

         Realizar-se-á ainda, a conceituação e aplicação de algumas categorias tais com: território e territorialidade, Povos e Comunidades Tradicionais-PCT, conflito, agronegócio etc. que corroboram com a compreensão da realidade em que o estudo foi realizado, e a fundamentação dos nossos argumentos ao analisarmos, as relações da Comunidade, com o meio em que está inserida, as relações que ali ocorrem/decorrem.  Buscaremos entender ainda, a motivação e as estratégias, tanto do conflito como da resistência da Comunidade Gameleira diante da tragédia que avança sobre si.


    MULHERES NEGRAS NA POLÍTICA: sub-representação na Câmara Legislativa Municipal de Pinheiro/MA

  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • This study investigated the factors that determine the under-representation of black women in the Municipal Legislative Chamber of Pinheiro, a municipality located in the Baixada Maranhense. The problematized object is a phenomenon that is repeated in various places around the world and, although it presents satisfactory rates in some Latin American countries, with the adoption of the quota system concomitantly in Brazil, the result obtained in the Brazilian state has not been successful. In this way, we sought to analyze the persistence of the deficit, alternating with periods of lack of representation of black women city councilors. The research subjects were women candidates, elected and not elected, for the position of councilor in the 2020 election, and the president of the Partido dos Trabalhadores (PT) in Pinheiro, the only party based in the municipality. As for the methodological approach of the research, it is classified as qualitative and quantitative; in terms of aims and objectives, exploratory and descriptive; regarding the procedures, bibliographic and documentary, which subsidized and constituted the theoretical framework of the investigation. Empirical data was collected using pre-existing databases and information found on websites and official institutional documents. The timeframe of the research includes the period from May 2021 to March 2023. The whole context of the research required historical and dialectical materialism as a method of analysis and orientation, to better perceive reality, build knowledge considering the contradictions and antagonisms of the exploitation-domination system and reach the essence of the object. To better systematize the study, the types of research and method adopted, the profile of the participants, the process of data collection and treatment were detailed. Next, we discuss gender inequality and politics, with an emphasis on the inequality and under-representation of black women in Pinheiro’s Legislative Chamber, highlighting the contradictions between their absence or low presence in the Legislative Chamber and the quantitative superiority of women in the municipality’s population and electorate. In addition, an analysis was made of the impacts of the racism-capitalism association on the existence of black women, with an emphasis on the anti-racist and anti-capitalist struggles and resistance of black feminism in the face of oppressions intersected by gender, class, race, and ethnic inequality. A brief history of Pinheiro was also given, in terms of its physical, social, and political aspects, and the reasons for choosing it as the locus of the research were highlighted. We also looked at the issue of representation, perspectives and occupation of spaces of power by black women, highlighting inconsistencies in this representation and the relevance of representativeness for the organization of culture and counter-hegemony, as well as presenting the results obtained from the interviews in the light of the theoretical framework. Thus, it was found that patriarchal culture, lack of financial resources and party support, political violence based on gender and race, non-compliance with electoral laws and norms, the sexual division of labor linked to capitalism, patriarchy and racism and the little/existent party incentive to train female candidates are all factors that contribute to the phenomenon of under-representation of black women in the municipality in question.


  • THE STRUGGLE AND POLITICAL ORGANIZATION OF SOCIAL MOVEMENTS IN THE COUNTRYSIDE: an analysis of the Marielle Franco encampment of the Landless Rural Workers 

  • Data: 03/01/2023
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  • EEste trabalho expõe uma análise sobre a luta dos trabalhadores rurais pela terra e a organização politica em face da implantação de grandes empreendimentos no Maranhão, tendo como realidade empírica o acampamento Marielle Franco. Evidenciando as expressões históricas da questão agrária sob a égide da política neoliberal, que se assenta em uma relação desigual de disputa territorial e política. Analisando essa problemática que se expressa na disputa entre as classes sociais, numa relação desigual, através do confronto entre trabalhadores rurais e o grande capital. Compreendendo esse contexto desfavorável por meio de expressões organizativas dos trabalhadores rurais no decorrer da história, através de estratégias de luta e formação de alianças com o Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra – MST, Federação dos Trabalhadores Rurais Agricultores e Agricultoras do Estado do Maranhão – FETAEMA, Movimento Interestadual das Quebradeiras de Coco Babaçu – MIQCB, dentre outras organizações. Argumentamos sobre a identidade e consciência de classe na construção dessa luta politica em oposição ao poder hegemônico. Concluímos que o processo da luta pela terra não é homogêneo se faz parte de um processo de emancipação e consciência de classe, em que a busca pela sobrevivência dessas famílias, as conduz para se organizarem e se reorganizarem para enfrentar a ótica vigente.

  • HOUSING POLICY AND THE LOCAL URBAN SCALE: analysis of the performance of the Companhia de Habitação Popular in São Luís

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • Analysis of the Companhia de Habitação Popular do Maranhão with with the purpose to identifying the urban and architectural strategies used in the Cohab-Anil I, II, III and IV housing complexes and their consequences on the local urban scale and on the life of the resident of these housing complexes. The problem of housing in Brazil is addressed, which is present in the Brazilian cities until the present day. Historically and synthetically, the abolition of slavery and the beginning of industrialization, among other factors and variants, led the mass of workers to cluster in sub-housings. In the face of capitalist society, it is clear that the housing demand is an agenda that only the market is not capable of solving, requiring the State in an attempt to solve this issue. The State, in turn, finds housing, understood here as a commodity, a lucrative possibility and with populist gain. Turning to the city of São Luís, this production of housing by the State exemplifies the contradictions of capitalism. This research highlights the work of the Companhia de Habitação Popular do Maranhão (COHAB-MA) in the city of São Luís as a housing policy of the military dictatorship. COHAB-MA worked actively with the National Housing Bank (BNH), delivering 16.474 housing units, starting work in 1964 and ending in 1986. In addition to the need to understand COHAB-MA as a housing policy and a mirror of state actions that are carried out in the social housing scenario until today, the work is also justified in the face of the relentless pursuit of profit and government promotion to the detriment of the quality of the housing units and the urban space built by COHAB-MA. The main objective of this research is to analyze the Companhia de Habitação do Maranhão in order to identify the urban and architectural strategies used in the housing complexes Cohab-Anil I, II, III and IV and their consequences in the local urban scale and in the life of the resident of these complexes housing. The methodological procedure will be based on the materialist-historical-dialectical method as an explanation of social reality and, for that, it will use bibliographical, documental and field research. Furthermore, as research procedures and techniques, bibliographical research, documental research and field research will be adopted. 

  • TERRITORIALIDADE NEGRA URBANA EM ANÁLISE: produção do espaço no Quilombo Urbano da Liberdade e nos bairros da Madre Deus e Coroadinho em São Luís

  • Data: 26/07/2023
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  • Esta dissertação foi desenvolvida no âmbito do Programa de Pós Graduação em Desenvolvimento Socioespacial e Regional da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (PPDSR-UEMA) e visa compreender as implicações da territorialidade negra na produção do espaço de territórios e bairros negros, estabelecendo como campo empírico o quilombo urbano da Liberdade e os bairros da Madre Deus e Coroadinho, territórios negros localizados na cidade de São Luís-MA. Tais espaços exemplificam os conceitos de territorialidade negra, partindo inicialmente do histórico de formação para os aspectos identitários e específicos do lugar. Considerando o contexto da diáspora africana são firmados a partir de conceitos próprios e se colocam como exemplares fundamentais para se pensar o urbanismo criado e produzido no Brasil. Para além de toda a imposição de lógicas de degradação dos territórios negros no decorrer dos anos, os espaços se concebem e se perpetuam a partir de lógicas próprias e distintas das formulações urbanísticas hegemônicas, sendo desconsiderado nas rotas de desenvolvimento urbano e na própria história do urbanismo brasileiro. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa parte de uma orientação decolonial somada às perspectivas do pan-africanismo e da afrodescendência para formular o campo epistemológico, a partir de estudo bibliográfico conceitual das teorias de produção do espaço e território negro, revisão histórica da formação dos territórios e bairros negros brasileiros, para assim adentrar à pesquisa de campo nos bairros estudados, com utilização de fotos, mapas e entrevistas com moradores locais. As conceituações e levantamentos bibliográficos somados às informações colhidas in loco nas comunidades proporcionaram discussões sobre a percepção dos territórios indo além das carências, sendo concebido e mantido através de lógicas próprias de produção do território negro, ainda que distintas pontualmente, relacionadas a partir da origem em comum

  • POLÍTICAS PÚBLICAS DE FOMENTO À AGRICULTURA FAMILIAR: Uma análise nos Povoados de Pindoba e Iguaíba em Paço do Lumiar-MA

  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • This dissertation aims to highlight the relevance of family farming over time and its role in reducing food insecurity, as well as the importance of public policies to encourage family farming.  The work promotes an analysis of public policies to promote family farming in the villages of Pindoba and Iguaíba, located in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar-MA.  The research started from the following problem: what is the role of public policies to promote family farming in the socioeconomic development of the municipality of Paço do Lumiar-MA? The investigation covered programs that encourage family farming were executed in the municipality in the period from 2018 to 2022. It was surveyed which benefits of support and productive social inclusion family farmers had access to and which projects were executed. During the conduction of the studies, the dialectical method was used and data collection took place through research techniques involving interviews conducted with the application of a questionnaire with open and closed questions. The programs implemented in Paço do Lumiar to which farmers had access are the Programa Nacional de Alimentação Escolar (PNAE), Programa de Aquisição de Alimentos (PAA), Programa de Fortalecimento Agricultura Familiar (PRONAF) and Programa de Compras da Agricultura Familiar (PROCAF). These programs have helped local producers in subsistence, in the sustenance of their families and in the production, marketing and generation of income. Because 80% of respondents have access to programs such as PRONAF and PROCAF, while 71.4% have access to lines of credit. Therefore, a large majority subsists on the value they receive from programs where they participate by supplying products and making products. In the perception of all the interviewees, the programs to promote family farming have had a positive impact on their lives, both economically and socially. With the conclusion of the research, it was possible to verify that the policies of strengthening family agriculture have contributed to the incentive to local producers in the production and commercialization of agricultural inputs, as well as the guarantee of food security

  • ALCÂNTARA, TERRA DE INTERESSES: Desafios e Perspectivas da identidade da agricultura familiar na comunidade quilombola de Mamuna no munícipio de Alcântara.

  • Data: 10/10/2023
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  • En el presente trabajo, buscamos explicar la situación de Alcântara-MA, específicamente la comunidad remanente del quilombo Mamuna, campo empírico del referido texto de disertación, que tratamos de evidenciar la situación vivida por las comunidades a través de una nueva amenaza de expulsión de sus territorios o que puedan poner en peligro su trabajo de subsistencia y la erradicación de su identidad étnica. Con una territorialidad comprometida por el avance de un gran entramado tecnológico, la comunidad Mamuna junto a las demás comunidades se articula y a través de sus representaciones mantiene la resistencia a través de la lucha por su derecho al territorio de pertenencia ancestral. Cabe mencionar que esta lucha contra este nuevo ordenamiento territorial y el racismo estructural, este último considerado un obstáculo en la resolución de títulos de propiedad que hasta el día de hoy nunca han sido emitidos. Toda esta maraña de contrastes sociales compromete el día a día de las comunidades que temen una nueva ampliación del Centro de Lanzamiento de Alcântara (CLA), una vez ampliado las consecuencias serán catastróficas, pues impactará todos los sistemas productivos de agricultura familiar, pesca y vivienda de esa población. Este estudio se orientó por el método materialista histórico y dialéctico con el fin de comprender la construcción histórica e interpretar esta realidad donde se inserta el hombre.


  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • O presente trabalho coloca em questão o desenvolvimento, a partir das disputas territoriais entre mega empreendimentos “versus” comunidades tradicionais, sendo estas, especificamente, a implantação e a expansão do CLA “versus” Marudá (Alcântara-MA); e a implantação do Porto São Luís “versus” Cajueiro (São Luís-MA). A disputa se apresenta a partir do momento em que agentes institucionalizados na figura do capital e do Estado declaram interesses em um território e desapropriam compulsoriamente comunidades locais já certificados pelo próprio Estado. As análises de casos serão feitas na perspectiva da decolonialidade à luz de Mignolo (2020), privilegiando as narrativas dos agentes subalternizados às estruturas hegemônicas do capital e os seus efeitos sociais. As entrevistas feitas para esta pesquisa, outras coletadas em outros trabalhos acadêmicos e de falas observadas em algumas audiências públicas da/na comunidade são apresentadas neste trabalho, na intenção da apresentação exata dos interesses individuais e coletivos dos agentes da pesquisa. “O método de desenvolvimento e da explicitação dos fenômenos culturais, parte da atividade prática objetiva do homem histórico”. (KOSIK, 1926, p. 39). Entendemos aqui que o indivíduo está inserido na totalidade social e histórica, portanto, inseparado da natureza e da realidade. De entendimento dessa práxis humana de organização, à luz de Kosik e Mignolo, é que percebemos que os sujeitos são produtores de sua própria realidade, tentando transformá-la mesmo que frente às tramas jurídicas que se rogam numa tentativa de etnocídio. Este estudo verificou que o processo de enfrentamento das comunidades tradicionais em questão ainda se encontra ativo e através de mobilizações sociais, estes povos resistem pelo seu território e pelo direito de existir. Dessa forma, as entidades e agentes em análise se encontram em constante movimento trazidas aqui em seus interesses coletivos e individuais que somam e somarão não mais para uma reformulação do conceito de desenvolvimento (pois este paradoxo sistema capitalista não tem mais salvação e tange para o seu fim), mas na aplicabilidade de um modelo existente e eficiente, dado a sua existência há milhares de anos: o bem viver ou viver bem.

  • Production of urban space. Socio-spatial segregation. Risk areas. Spontaneous occupation. Vila Isabel Cafeteria.

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • This work aims to investigate the process of formation and occupation of the neighborhood “Vila Isabel Cafeteira”, located in a “risk” area in São Luís/MA. The focus is on understanding the relationships between the socioeconomic aspects (family income, education, occupational history, etc.) of the residents, with their motivations for occupying this location. Brazilian urbanization has been strongly marked in recent decades by inequality of access to space and housing, characterizing a socio-spatial segregation in its process. We sought to explain how the production of urban space in São Luís, based on the highlighted neighborhood, reproduces these broader aspects of urbanization in Brazil. The research was based on two types of data: the primary ones were obtained through semi-structured interviews and direct observations of the researched reality; and the secondary ones were acquired through information about the Brazilian urban expansion and the city of São Luís produced by IBGE, in addition to the analysis of published articles on news portals about the neighborhood, in general showing the situation of a risk area - floods and landslides – of some streets in the locality. The focus was to understand how the characteristics of the broader process of urban expansion and socio-spatial segregation in the municipality of São Luís are evidenced through individual/family experiences and through the representations of the residents interviewed.

  • Studies focused on economic growth have received a lot of attention in the literature and, although there are controversial debates, in general, most consider that such an increase has a positive effect on economic development. However, it is necessary to verify if this development was enough to extinguish most of the social demands, otherwise harms emerge such as disproportion in the distribution of wealth, maintenance of regional inequality, compromise of the environment, among others that hinder access to well-being. The research aims to analyze the economic growth of the municipality of Estreito - MA, using the period from 2000 to 2022 as a basis. The study method used was historical materialism, which allows the analysis of essential elements for understanding the formation process socio-spatial analysis of the Chapada das Mesas Region, whose empirical study is centered on the aforementioned subnational unit. To this end, a bibliographic, cartographic and documental survey was carried out, primary and secondary data were selected, questionnaires were applied, as well as data and information obtained were analyzed and interpreted. Despite having registered economic growth in the period from 2000 to 2022 and standing out in the Chapada das Mesas Region, the municipality of Estreito still faces a range of social and environmental problems that have become more evident with the increase in investments and whose reference is the Hydroelectric Plant.

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • Estudos voltados ao crescimento econômico têm recebido bastante atenção na literatura e por mais que haja debates controversos, em geral, a maior parte considera que tal incremento tem efeito positivo sobre o desenvolvimento econômico. Porém, é necessário verificar se esse desenvolvimento foi suficiente para extinguir a maior parte das demandas  sociais, pois do contrário emergem malefícios como desproporção na distribuição de riqueza, manutenção da desigualdade regional, comprometimento do meio ambiente, entre outros que dificultam o acesso ao bem-estar social de forma ampla. A pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar o crescimento econômico do município de Estreito – MA, utilizando como base o período de 2000 a 2022. O método de estudo utilizado foi o materialismo histórico, que possibilita a análise de elementos essenciais para a compreensão do processo de formação socioespacial da Região da Chapada das Mesas, cujo estudo empírico é centrado na citada unidade subnacional. Para tanto, procedeu-se ao levantamento bibliográfico, cartográfico e documental, seleção de dados primários e secundários, aplicação de questionários, bem como análise e interpretação dos dados e informações obtidas. Apesar de ter registrado crescimento econômico no período de 2000 a 2022 e se destacar na Região Chapada das Mesas, o município de Estreito ainda se depara com uma gama de problemas sociais e ambientais que ficaram mais evidentes com o recrudescimento de investimentos e cuja referência é a Usina Hidrelétrica


  • Data: 24/02/2023
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  • O presente estudo teve como objetivo observar e analisar a acessibilidade urbana e como esta se coloca enquanto direito fundamental e indispensável no tocante ao direito à cidade. O método utilizado nesta pesquisa teve um viés marxista, na compreensão de como a lógica do capital burguês apropria-se do espaço urbano do bairro do João Paulo, de maneira específica na Avenida São Marçal. Neste cenário de conflitos acontece a reprodução do valor e da riqueza de maneira bem presente na cidade de São Luís. O bairro do João Paulo, desde o começo do século XX, contribuiu no processo de expansão da cidade de São Luís, antiga rota chamada de “Caminho Grande.” Nota-se a presença do poder no bairro do João Paulo através do Quartel do 24 BIS e também pelo enorme valor cultural que acontece pelas festividades do Bumba-meu-boi na grande Festa de São Marçal. A abordagem da pesquisa foi do tipo bibliográfica, pois trabalha-se um recorte teórico a partir de Santos (1977,2007,2013), Lefebvre (2001), Garcia (2012), Jacobs (2000), Gehl (2013), Speck (2016), Burnett (2008,2011), Pfluger (2012,2020), Lopes (2013,2016), Cunha (2012) entre outros autores, e também qualitativa, aquela que se faz por meio da observação não participante da prática cotidiana das pessoas ao se deslocarem dentro do espaço urbano do João Paulo, de como usam os espaços destinados a pedestres, e de que forma a acessibilidade urbana se torna um indicador na qualidade de vida de todos aqueles que buscam bens, serviços, trabalho e lazer no bairro do João Paulo. O diálogo com atores sociais que participaram da pesquisa, e que vivenciam acessibilidade em seus cotidianos, ajudou a contribuir na construção da reflexão sobre uma política urbana que assegure acessibilidade no espaço urbano do João Paulo como direito humano e fundamental. Concluiu-se, portanto, que o atendimento aos critérios de acessibilidade não deve visar apenas o cumprimento da Legislação vigente, uma vez que é um instrumento de promoção da cidadania, possibilitando a criação de espaços que acolham e reconheçam todas as pessoas de maneira democrática e inclusiva.


    As Especificidades do Microempreendedorismo da Área Itaqui-Bacanga de São Luís

  • Data: 31/03/2022
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  • dgthgvgb

  • SOCIAL ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT: a study on the productive chain of babassu coconut in the region of Itapecuru Mirim - MA.

  • Data: 24/10/2022
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  • The present study has as its object of analysis the relationship between social entrepreneurship and the sustainable development of the babassu production chain from the specific case of the Itapecuru-Mirim region. It is demonstrated that the exploitation of babassu in Maranhão took place in a complex and contradictory way, in which the fruit was only partially used. While the industrial and commercial sectors accumulated surplus value, extractive families resold almonds by the kilo for a very low price. With the contribution of social movements in the countryside, in the early 1990s, a discussion began on labor options that went beyond the formal relations of salaried work. With a more inclusive proposal, enterprises such as associations, cooperatives and mothers' clubs have spread throughout the interior of Maranhão. In the Vale do Itapecuru region, coconut breakers, producers and entrepreneurs change the status quo through entrepreneurship. The investigation brings as a theoretical perspective the work of Alexander Chayanov, a Russian agrarian economist who investigated the specificities of the social fabric in rural areas. For the author, the salary phenomenon does not reach the peasant production unit, which will have another motivation for work: the satisfaction of their needs through collective production, as occurs in the empirical field of the present research. In Itapecuru Mirim, we sought to characterize the role of social entrepreneurship and its contribution to the sustainable development of the babassu production chain in the region. It was also sought to assess whether this type of enterprise promotes the protagonism and empowerment of the families involved in the activity. To this end, field research and questionnaires were applied to agencies that support extractivism and family farming that operate in the region. It is concluded about the relevance of social entrepreneurship as an income generator and in breaking some level of social risk state in the investigated communities.

  • AFRO-ATLANTIC MARANHENSE REGGAE: the growth of Liberdade and the settlement of the Brazilian.

  • Data: 21/12/2022
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  • Reggae is a Jamaican black musical expression that has taken global proportions in the 70s. On the island of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) there was an adherence to the Jamaican rhythm of predominant form on the outskirts of the city, where in the mid-70s to the beginning of the In the 1980s there were spaces where part of the local black majority population celebrated the rhythm. O Maranhão, and especially São Luís, are highlighted in the national context on the prevalence of rhythm in their territories. In the context of the local cultural industry, reggae was attributed to a regional identity, mobilizing public policies for culture and tourism in St. Louis. A constant concern within the public debates about the dynamics of reggae site revolves around ‘’how’’ reggae arrived in Maranhão and ‘’why’’, especially in the capital, adherence to the rhythm by the popular classes was predominant. This work seeks collaborate with this restless debate by studying the expansion of Bairro da Liberdade (São Luís) between the 70s and 80s, focusing on the urban formation of the black populations that lived there. related to reggae. The research intends to provide data that collaborate for the understanding that the strong adherence to reggae in São Luís, among several factors, is also attributed to the spatial dimension experienced by the local black population in the arrival of reggae to capital.

  • DESENVOLVIMENTO SOCIAL: lutas e contradições na atuação da Rede de Bibliotecas Comunitárias Ilha Literária

  • Data: 16/12/2022
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  • Este trabalho pretende investigar a atuação da Rede de bibliotecas comunitárias “Ilha Literária” no âmbito da efetivação do direito humano à leitura no bairro do Coroadinho e da Cidade Operária, duas comunidades periféricas de São Luís. Com o objetivo de perceber se e de que modo esses espaços públicos contribuem para o desenvolvimento social das comunidades às quais estão inseridas. Para apreendermos criticamente tal movimento, nossas análises foram ancoradas no materialismo histórico enquanto perspectiva metodológica. Em relação ao referencial teórico que serviu de base e sustentação para o desenvolvimento da presente pesquisa, priorizou-se autores que trabalham com uma análise crítico-dialética da realidade social, processo indispensável para a compreensão do objeto em estudo. Entre as principais referências, tem-se: Karl Marx e Friedrich Engels, Antonio Gramsci, Jorge Acanda, Ricardo Antunes, Virgínia Fontes, Allyson Mascaro, Carlos Montaño, entre outros. Como instrumentos de coleta de dados utilizamos a pesquisa bibliográfica nas principais bases de dados de pesquisa e a pesquisa documental em fontes disponibilizadas pela Rede Ilha Literária, por meio de uma pesquisa de campo foi auxiliada por anotações em diário de campo, aplicação de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e aplicação de questionários. Os resultados da pesquisa apontam que mesmo frente ao avanço do capital, as bibliotecas comunitárias resistem e têm conseguido melhorar a vida do seu público e da comunidade em que estão inseridas por meio da aplicação humanizadora da leitura. Enfatiza-se  que o livro de literatura, mediado sob uma perspectiva emancipatória, possibilita o discernimento sobre os Direitos Humanos, estimulando o desenvolvimento de sujeitos mais conscientes, com habilidades para melhor assimilar sua responsabilidade no mundo e de transformá-lo por meio de suas condutas. A teoria gramsciana levou-nos a identificar que os principais parceiros e subsidiadores da Rede Ilha Literária formam um conglomerado de Aparelhos Privados de Hegemonia que, junto a outros de alcances e potências diferenciados, formam uma complexa rede social composta por uma fração da burguesia brasileira, que influencia e age sobre a educação pública em várias frentes, em especial, nas políticas públicas do livro e da leitura, nas práticas e no consenso.



  • Data: 28/03/2022
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  • O Avanço das estruturas públicas voltadas à execução da Política de Defesa Agropecuária no país permitiu ao longo dos anos a estruturação de vários programas voltados à saúde animal, em especial, o considerado de maior impacto e que foi o grande fomentador destas estruturações: o Programa Nacional de Erradicação a Febre Aftosa.

    A busca pela erradicação da Febre Aftosa no País, impulsionada pelo interesse do grupo hegemônico rural brasileiro, teve um papel fundamental no avanço da criação e consolidação dos órgãos estaduais de Defesa Agropecuária no Brasil, que, de forma geral, atuaram por muitos anos prioritariamente com este objetivo.

    No Maranhão, similar ao que ocorreu em boa parte do país, em especial ao Nordeste, a Agência Estadual de Defesa Agropecuária – AGED, teve suas ações fortemente pautadas no direcionamento de tornar o estado livre da Febre Aftosa. Sendo assim, o órgão se tornou popularmente conhecido como “o órgão da vacinação contra a Febre Aftosa”, trazendo para sua identidade uma única parcela de rua responsabilidade institucional.

    A análise dos dados e informações coletados ao longo deste trabalho de pesquisa indicaram que a AGED assumiu ao longo dos anos uma postura focada em direcionamentos ditados pelo Ministério da Agricultura, que conduziu as ações da Defesa Agropecuária no estado para uma realidade que não atendia necessariamente a demanda de grande parte dos produtores maranhenses, principalmente os familiares, a exemplo da postura higienista adotada pelo S.I.E seguindo o direcionamento estabelecido pelo RIISPOA.

    Apesar das dificuldades, puderam ser observados dados que demonstram o avanço do S.I.E-MA, incluindo a iniciativa de um regramento próprio que buscava a simplificação das normas para beneficiar as agroindústrias de pequeno porte, artesanais e familiares, a Lei  Estadual no 10.086/2014 e o Decreto Estadual no 30.388/2014.

    Entretanto, na Região objeto deste estudo, a Imediata de Viana, o desafio é ainda maior, tendo em vista que não existe nem mesmo o arcabouço legal de concepção do S.I.M em 80% dos municípios. 

    Articular as políticas públicas e simplificar as formas de acesso são grandes desafios que precisam ser alcançados para que de fato os Serviços de Inspeção não se tornem mais um intransponível desafio para a agricultura familiar no Maranhão e sim um ponto de apoio e orientação com objetivo de fortalecê-los.


  • QUILOMBOLAS IN FRONT OF THE SOCIAL EFFECTS OF AGRIBUSINESS: strategies of struggle and resistance in the territory of Saco das Almas in Brejo/Buriti-MA.

  • Data: 30/12/2022
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  • Conflicts between capital holders and people who depend directly of material and symbolic reproduction evidence the correlation of forces existing in the capitalist system, which, in the unbridled search for the accumulation of profit, acts based on a colonialist logic. The article 68 of the Temporary Constitutional Provisions Act ensures the right of remnants of quilombo over their territories, with the State being responsible for issue of titles. However, the dichotomy between the legal and the real is accentuated in the Brazilian structure, promoting uncertainties and threats to these collectivities.  In this context, Saco das Almas, a quilombola territory, is located in eastern Maranhense, in the municipalities of Brejo and Buriti, inserted in the dynamics of MATOPIBA, an agricultural frontier presented as a development plan of the Brazilian government since 2015. The region of the new frontier covers a significant number of traditional populations, which suffer constant investments from agribusiness. In this perspective, this research aims to investigate the organizational processes of resistance of the quilombolas of Saco das Almas to face the social effects of agribusiness in the region of Brejo/Buriti-MA. During this study, two methodological bases are adopted, which privilege the analysis of the totality of social processes to understand oriented beyond the apparent, as a methodology based on the contrast of the logic of modernity/coloniality, because it prioritizes local and frontier stories. Therefore, the dialectical historical materialist method and the decolonial proposal are applied. Saco das Almas is identified as a quilombola territory not titled by the responsible body, implying imminent risks to the residents of the communities due to the advance of soybean fields.Faced with the predatory nature of the capitalist mode of production, the quilombolas put themselves in a position of struggle and resistance to defend the right to the territory, the maintenance of life, and a liberating project anchored in another type of society, the Good Living.

  • O conselho da cidade e o planejamento urbano de São Luís na dimensão da participação

  • Data: 25/02/2022
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  • Esta dissertação analisa o Conselho da Cidade de São Luís, no período entre 2006 e 2010. Para o desenvolvimento desta dissertação foram empregados métodos investigativos: o levantamento bibliográfico, ou seja, recorrência aos teóricos que serviram como referência de literatura e a coleta de dados, método empregado em que se utilizam entrevistas subjetivas. Esta dissertação apresenta quatro capítulos, as considerações e as referências. Com base na questão da participação social, concluiu-se que esta não acontece de forma concreta nas decisões de formulação das políticas públicas do planejamento da cidade.


  • “E aí vumbora, vamo na luta”: territorialização contra-hegemônica e resistências sociais das comunidades de Jambuca e Batista, Maranhão, Brasil”, 

  • Data: 30/11/2022
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  • This research aims to identify the strategies of resistance and political articulation used by the Traditional Communities Jambuca and Batista in Campo de Perizes, Bacabeira, in the defense of their territoriality in the face of the dynamics of capital advance in Maranhão. The location of the municipality of Bacabeira, close to a logistic infrastructure network (BR-135 highway, the Carajás and Transnordestina railroads, power transmission lines, the Italuís system), and near the Port of Itaqui, has been attracting national and international investments linked to mineral exploration and production, activities linked to agribusiness and the construction of large infrastructure works that boost the circulation and reproduction of capital. The period demarcated as a reference for the research is from 2011 to 2021, where the first collective actions of resistance and political articulations were triggered and continued to happen in the face of constant threats promoted by the capital, putting at risk the territorialities of traditional communities. The development model in Brazil, based on attracting national and international investments that "modernize" and bring "progress" to the country, full of contradictions and disrespect for social and ethnic rights, has been directly impacting several traditional peoples and communities, depleting natural resources, loosening the laws, and interfering in ways of social reproduction. In this context, Jambuca and Batista are part of a range of traditional communities in rural areas of Maranhão that experience impacts from large development projects and create, in an antagonistic way, resistance movements in defense of their territories and find, in the act of (r)existir, a way of being visible beyond the ideology of demographic voids. The method adopted for the analysis of such processes is based on the Dialectical Historical Materialism (MARX, 2008), since it is based on the assumption that the concrete reality does not present itself truly as it is, but in an abstract way, and also that the concrete is a synthesis of several determinations. The theoretical-methodological conception of the research combines propositions by Smith (1998), Harvey (2005, 2014) regarding the capitalist production of space, supporting itself in decolonial studies by Escobar (2014), Porto-Gonçalves (2012) and Quijano (2002), rural identities and territorialities by Little (2004), Cândido (2017), Woortmann (1981), and Haesbaert (2007), as well as processes of resistance discussed in Scott (2013), Castells (2018), and Laclau and Mouffe (2015). The dissertation contemplates bibliographic research, complemented with case studies in scientific publications and specified with official documentary research and electronic media, and the direct research, effected through visits and field study, it sought the socio-spatial characterization of the communities, with the identification of the territory by the residents themselves in the production of collective maps, photographic surveys and interviews with residents, social agents and public managers involved directly or indirectly in the conflict for land. The partial results of the research indicate that, even under unfavorable conditions in the correlation of forces in the class struggle, the actions of resistance and articulation of the communities of Jambuca and Batista happen in multiple ways - internal organization of the residents, permeating the daily life, partnerships with legal and civil institutions, local power and state departments - also in alliance with other social groups that face similar situations of the struggle for territoriality.




  • Data: 17/03/2022
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  • Este estudo analisa os impactos do turismo no município de Santo Amaro MA antes e depois da Rodovia MA 320 sob a percepção dos seus atores sociais, refletindo sobre as principais implicações no desenvolvimento local. Está fundamentada no método Materialismo Histórico Dialético, pois analisa as contradições do objeto estudado. Contextualiza as dinâmicas do turismo com sua história, tipologia e sustentabilidade, a partir dos diversos impactos que são atribuídos a essa atividade nas esferas econômicas, socioculturais e ambientais. Indica também uma compreensão dos processos por meio da percepção dos atores sociais do governo, mercado e da sociedade civil sobre a realidade desta região, considerando o papel desenvolvido por cada um deles na organização do turismo. Desse modo, caracteriza o referido município com informações gerais da sua história, economia, heranças e tradição, enfatizando as relações turísticas. Em seguida, profere sobre o turismo de base comunitária que já ocorria de forma espontânea e sobre o que está sendo implantado atualmente em contraposição ao turismo de massa ocasionado após a inauguração da estrada. Destaca-se também dois projetos que visam a instalação de grandes empreendimentos turísticos no município com a facilidade do acesso que a estrada MA-320 proporciona. Sob este prisma, a discussão é centralizada nos impactos positivos e negativos do turismo na percepção e avaliação desses atores envolvidos. 


  • Data: 07/03/2022
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  • The processes of economic development since the beginning in Brazil have been responsible for most of the great social changes that have shaped society as we know it today. The process of slavery suffered by African peoples in Brazil is a real representation of how economic activity can have harmful and permanent influence and consequences. Slaves, in the process of fleeing the plantations, sought to survive and assert themselves. The formation of quilombos was an act of resistance and survival, which was maintained thanks to the aspect of the land and the production of food itself through agriculture and breeding. Even after the “end of slavery”, the quilombos still remained for a long and complicated period, during which the quilombolas were invisible to the State. The process of social and economic inequality also experienced by this group of the Brazilian population only portrays how the public policies aimed at the segment are doing. Over time, the quilombola territories gradually gained the power to make themselves present to the State. It was only after the 1988 Constitution that negotiations began for the Territory Certification and Titling processes, which gradually gained recognition. In this sense, this work aims to analyze the process of agricultural and livestock activities in a quilombola community, and the processes of Certification and Titling of Quilombola Territories. The focus of the work was the representation and analysis of current data from the Certification and Titling Processes of Quilombola Territories, as well as the results of the Juçaral dos PretosQuilombola Community in Presidente Juscelino, where historical, productive and social data were analyzed, with surveys among young people and adults.


  • Organização política e resistência dos trabalhadores rurais em Santa Quitéria - Bacabeira-MA - em face da implantação de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento na região.

  • Data: 30/03/2022
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  • A presente dissertação expõe os resultados da pesquisa sobre a temática “organização política e resistência dos trabalhadores rurais em Santa Quitéria – Bacabeira –Ma”. Analisa os projetos de desenvolvimento industrial na comunidade de Santa Quitéria- Bacabeira-Maranhão, em face da implantação de grandes projetos de desenvolvimento na região, destaca as implicações desses projetos na vida dos trabalhadores rurais do município e analisa a organização e resistência dos trabalhadores rurais da comunidade na luta pela terra. Para tanto, fundamenta-se no materialismo histórico-dialético, com destaque em categorias históricas e conceituais pertinentes ao objeto de estudo (organização, resistência e consciência de classe) e inseridas no quadro de referência teórico-metodológico utilizado na pesquisa realizada, para fins desta dissertação. Analisa a lógica de implantação de grandes empreendimentos nos países periféricos, evidenciando a política de desenvolvimento no Brasil e sua relação de dependência com países hegemônicos no processo de expansão do capital. Contextualiza os conflitos e a luta pela terra no Brasil, notadamente no Maranhão, como uma questão histórica, passada e presente, das classes sociais. Destaca, também, o processo de expansão dos projetos empresariais financiados por verbas federais e transnacionais que anunciam a dinamização e modernização no município de Bacabeira, local de implantação da Refinaria Premium I e a particularidade do povoado Santa Quitéria. Esses projetos, desconsideram o modo de vida e de trabalho dos trabalhadores de Santa Quitéria e, principalmente, o seu direito à terra. Por fim, analisa as formas de expressão da consciência da classe trabalhadora nas suas organizações e lutas políticas, centralizando a discussão na organização e resistência dos trabalhadores rurais de Santa Quitéria e destacando diversas táticas utilizadas pelos trabalhadores, na luta pela terra como necessidade histórica e de sobrevivência. Nesse contexto, evidencia que a organização é um processo político de resistência da classe trabalhadora, contra as ofensivas do grande capital.


  • Data: 30/03/2022
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  • Esta dissertação apresenta uma reflexão e análise sobre os projetos de desenvolvimento industrial na comunidade do Cajueiro situada na Zona Rural II de São Luís, Maranhão, evidenciando alterações na dinâmica territorial da comunidade em estudo, bem como discute a organização e resistência dessa comunidade frente às ações de projetos desenvolvimentistas. De maneira específica, demonstrou-se que essa comunidade centenária vive essencialmente do extrativismo, da agricultura e da criação de pequenos animais e, desde 2014, vivencia uma luta socioterritorial e um grande enfrentamento por parte dos seus trabalhadores contra a instalação do TUP Porto São Luís, representado pela empresa WPR São Luís Gestão de Portos e Terminais e pela empresa chinesa China Communications Construction Company. Destacou-se, ainda, a instalação dos projetos industriais sob a dinâmica do capital e suas implicações nas disputas pela terra. Contextualizou-se a lógica do capital nos países periféricos e a política de desenvolvimento no Brasil, a partir da década de 1950 até a década de 1980, enfocando o papel do Estado e do mercado frente a essas políticas. Abordou-se a ação dos projetos industriais, bem como a expansão portuária na comunidade do Cajueiro, a partir dos projetos financiados por verbas federais e transnacionais que desconsideram o modo de vida e a diversidade cultural, além do direito desses trabalhadores à terra. Analisou-se, também, as alterações no modo de vida e nas condições laborais dos trabalhadores rurais da comunidade do Cajueiro diante da perspectiva de implantação do Porto Privado. Centrou-se a discussão na organização e resistência dos trabalhadores rurais no Brasil, destacando as formas de expressão da consciência da classe trabalhadora. Por fim, analisou-se a luta da comunidade do Cajueiro em seus movimentos de consciência política, evidenciando suas formas e estratégias de organização e resistência na luta pela terra como condição de sobrevivência. Portanto, a organização política nesse contexto é a expressão dos trabalhadores perante o conflito gerado pelo capital. Este estudo está fundamentado no método materialista histórico-dialético, tendo como referência a pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, para compreender as categorias centrais e suas implicações na realidade concreta, precisamente da comunidade do Cajueiro. 


    THE POLICY OF TRANSPARENCY AND ACCESS TO PUBLIC INFORMATION: an analysis of the Portals of transparency - limits and possibilities.

  • Data: 25/02/2022
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  • This dissertation analyzes the policy of access to public information having as empirical reference the transparency portals in the most populous municipalities of Maranhão. Through the Transparent Brazil Scale (EBT), the CGU assesses the effectiveness of the transparency portals and the Citizen Information Services (SIC) and assigns a grade to Brazilian municipalities. From a methodological point of view, analysis was made of the data released by the CGU and also interviews with public managers and civil society organizations. Regarding the public transparency panorama, EBT revealed that none of the city halls reached the optimal level of transparency. With the level of transparency considered good are the city halls of São Luís, Imperatriz, Açailândia and Buriticupu. With a regular level of transparency are the city halls of Itapecuru-Mirim, Timon, Balsas, Zé Doca, Paço do Lumiar, Bacabal and Tutóia. Barra do Corda, Viana, Grajaú, Coroatá, Barrerinhas, São José de Ribamar, Vargem Grande, Chapadinha and Pinheiro obtained poor transparency levels. And, finally, Santa Luzia, Santa Inês, Codó and Caxias presented a level of transparency considered to be very bad. The survey revealed that 55% of the evaluated municipalities have problems in active and passive transparency. And this problem has to be recognized as a priority and of great relevance by society and the government. Although the portals have become central instruments of public transparency, they have not yet received the attention deserved by most of Maranhão's city halls, failing to comply with the basic determinations indicated by the Law.


  • Data: 10/12/2021
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  • Study on the formation of Lagoa da Jansen in São Luís do Maranhão, making a socio - spatial analysis of the area in order to visualize the gentrification existing in the construction of the space, which caused the valorization of some parts and the devaluation of others within the study space. . Later, present how the Lagoa da Jansen is in contemporaneity and the reflection of these changes in the urban landscape



  • Data: 10/12/2021
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  • Thisdissertationaimstoanalyze local developmentprojects: Quilombola’sRouteof Guaxenduba, coordinatedbytheExtraordinarySecretariat for Racial Equality (SEIR), linkedtotheGovernmentoftheStateof Maranhão andtheGuaxenduba’sRoute, proposedbytheExtensionandDevelopment Center (LABEX), fromtheStateUniversityof Maranhão, through its proposalsandinterventions in the quilombola communityof Santa Maria de Guaxenduba, in Icatu-MA. Suchprojectspropose local developmentthroughconceptsthat are notpartofthecurrentproductiveconfigurationofthecommunity, whiletheRoutemanagedby SEIR advocates a more technologicalagriculturalmodel, theRouteledby LABEX invests in communitybasedtourism (TBC). The communityof Santa Maria of Guaxenduba has in fishingtheactivitythatmostarousestheinterestoftheresidents, as it iswidelycarried out andrepresentsthemainsourceofincome in thisplace. Will bediscussedherefurther, theconflictsbetweentheintentionsoftheseprojectsandthedemandsandsocio-productive, territorial and cultural particularitiesofthecommunitywillbediscussedhere. The theoreticalinstrumentationthatconductedthisworkwasthemethodofhistoricalanddialecticalmaterialism, andthemethodological procedures developedwere: thesurveyandanalysisonthetopictobediscussed, on Icatu andthecommunityof Santa Maria andoncategoriesassociatedwiththeresearch, suchas asdevelopmentandterritoriality; meetings withstate agencies andinstitutionstoobtain data andinformationaboutthedevelopmentprojectsunderway in Icatu; fieldwork in the quilombola communities Mata, Fazenda and Santa Maria for empiricalanalysisofissuesthatneededtobeclarifiedordeepened. The theoreticalcontributionsaddedtotheinformationcollected in loco provideddiscussionsonthediscourseandperformanceofstatedevelopmentprojects in a specific reality ofthe quilombola communityof Santa Maria de Guaxenduba.

  • The workofshellfishgatherersand its implicationson local development in themunicipalityof São José de Ribamar

  • Data: 13/12/2021
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  • This study aims to analyze the implications of the work of shellfish gatherers for local development in the municipality of São José de Ribamar. It contextualizes the world of work and gender relations to understand the social conditions and social vulnerability in which they are inserted. It identifies the forms of socioeconomic production of seafood for local development, analyzing the sexual division of labor within the artisanal fishing community and profiling these women. To guide this analysis, the dialectical historical materialism method was used as a theoretical and methodological basis, in order to understand the contradictions existing in the categories surrounding this study, as well as their historical and material determinations. To this end, qualitative and quantitative research was chosen to critically analyze the particularities of the living conditions of the shellfisherwomen in their socio-spatial context. We used as auxiliary techniques participant observation, semi-structured interviews, bibliographic and documentary research in primary and secondary official sources, with statistical data. The field research was aided by field diary entries of oral histories, photographic records, and audio recordings. The result of this research showed that the work of shellfish gatherers is possible to contribute to local development and income generation, however, there are many difficulties that need to be overcome. It was found that it is necessary to strengthen the social and political organization of shellfish gatherers, as well as gender public policies that respond to their real needs. Government programs and the seafood processing plant, projects considered as local development by public administrators, also require more expansion and dissemination, as well as acceptance by the community. On the other hand, the paradigms of the sexual division of labor legitimize the precarious conditions that still exist among shellfish gatherers, prevailing in situations of inequality and invisibility of their work.

  • THE NATIONAL PROGRAM FOR RURAL HOUSING IN ALCÂNTARA: an analysis from the community of Paquatiua.

  • Data: 16/12/2021
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  • O presente trabalho socializa as percepções dos beneficiários do Programa Nacional de Habitação Rural (PNHR) em duas comunidades rurais em Alcântara. O objetivo é apresentar as representações dos beneficiários sobre o programa implantado pela Associação de Moradores e Produtorees da Comunidade de Paquatiua. No Brasil, o planejamento das ações estatais na área habitacional, voltadas para atender demandas dos trabalhadores é caracterizado pela capacidade de organização desse segmento e, pela conjuntura do capital. O desenvolvimento do Capitalismo no país, a partir da década de 1930, impôs ao Estado o desafio de implantar políticas, inclusive no campo habitacional. Os processos históricos de lutas por moradia ganharam densidade, desafiando os governos a investirem em políticas que respondessem tais demandas. Como uma dessas respostas surgiu o Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida (PMCMV) nas modalidades urbano e rural. O PMCMV trouxe como uma de suas marcas, a produção de unidades com o mesmo padrão arquitetônico, como já havia sido realizado em programas estatais de habitação anteriores. A comunidade quilombola Paquatiua na zona rural de Alcântara, beneficiada pelo PNHR tem especificidades históricas e culturais marcantes. A implantação do programa trouxe elementos novos para a rotina dos moradores, alguns característicos do urbano. Ao avaliarem o PNHR, os beneficiários se reconheceram como sujeitos de direitos da política habitacional estatal. O programa foi avaliado pelos entrevistados como bom ou excelente. Conclui-se que o PNHR trouxe para os moradores de Alcântara, a possibilidade de acesso à polìtica habitacional estatal e, apesar de incipientes e contraditórias, as políticas sociais são necessárias, uma vez que contribuem para a reprodução social dos sujeitos e para melhorar sua qualidade de vida.



    The bucket, the broom and the projects: an analysis of the racial issue in the branch of Architecture in Maranhão

  • Data: 03/11/2021
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  • The Brazilian academic production, in general, is affected by several factors related to its colonial past. Since the beginning of the Brazil’s conquest and colonization plan, the relations of power developed have outlined a process of subalternation, silencing and subordination, which would remain and reinstate even after the formal end of that period. The influence of diverse power structures arising from colonial relations was all over country. Therefore, colonization in Brazil comes to an end, but domination structures and international dependence are maintained. The definition of these international (European) standards as hegemonic models makes the non-hegemonic sciences dependent on this universal knowledge. Thus, methodologies, concepts, ideas, projects, and surveys are determined, oriented, and controlled based on the sciences of the dominant countries. Accordingly, this research was made from the analysis of the implications of colonialism and structural racism in the eurocentred conception of the way of making science, having as an empirical field the course of architecture and urbanism of the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) and as main objective to analyze the impacts of these historical processes in this field of knowledge. A historical contextualization on the origin of Eurocentrism and scientific racism is briefly developed, as well as the effects of colonialism into the history of architecture that by itself already configures a silencing history. Throughout this work the first curriculum framework of the first courses of architecture in Brazil are analyzed and subsequently the composition of the UEMA’s curriculum framework and in addition the racial analysis of the teacher’s framework. In the end, the interviews with students and former students are exposed related to racial issue in architecture, as well as the interview with the teacher who participated directly on the course’s plan in 1992. This research, therefore, is centered on the concepts of Eurocentrism, colonialism (of power and knowledge) and structural racism starting from an approach based on decolonial authors and in the theoretical-methodological perspective of Pierre Bourdieu.

  • OF (IM) POSSIBILITIES OF THE INSTITUTIONAL MARKET FOR FAMILY AGRICULTURE: analysis of the Food Acquisition Program in the rural settlement Cinturão Verde in the municipality of São Luís - MA from 2014 to 2020

  • Data: 10/08/2021
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  • The present researcha aims to analyze the implications of the Food Acquisition Program dynamics in the rural Cinturão Verde settlement. We highlighted the Cinturão Verde settlement in this research, considering that the settlement concentrating the largest number of PAA beneficiaries in the municipality of São Luís, in addition, the city counted as one of the municipalities of Maranhão with the greatest representation in the PAA, in terms of consumer and supplier beneficiaries. We also seek in this research, to link the process of articulation of the Cinturão Verde settlement with the PAA; identify the barriers of the institutional market in the Cinturão Verde settlement; diagnose the socioeconomic effects on the productive organization of the Cinturão Verde settlement. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, we established Historical and Dialectical Materialism for our analysis as theoretical-methodological foundation, since we highlighted the existing power correlations and the game of forces mediated by the state, as well as the theoretical framework with the authors who discuss territory, family farming and PAA, besides collecting secondary data in order to assist us in our analyses representing them cartographically. Thus, we analyzed the public policies behavior aimed at the countryside, highlighting the disarticulation of structures on the Federal scale of support for family farming which is reflected in the drastic cuts in such policies, as PAA instituted in 2003, as a policy aimed at for the promotion of food security combining family with the fight against hunger. We also list the socio-spatial transformations in the municipality of São Luís, in order to emphasize how these have affected agricultural production in the rural area of the municipality, especially the Cinturão Verde settlement which is characterized by a diversified agricultural production serving markets in large urban centers of São Luís, as well as the implications of the PAA dynamics for the settlement farmers, especially the disarticulations that the policy has been suffering and compromising the family agricultural production, consequently the generation of income and the acquisition of food amid the increase of food insecurity in the country, considering that the socioeconomic changes promoted by the State.


  • Data: 17/12/2021
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  • Self-segregation, status and lack of security are important factors when discussing the wide growth of the condominium typology, not only in São Luís, but in most cities, since this Brazilian model has its benefits and drawbacks in the urban environment. This work aims to present an interpretation and analysis of the singular character of condominium occupation and understand how horizontal and vertical condominiums have transformed the urban space of the city of São Luís. In the last twenty years, the main product of the housing market in housing has been urban enclave models , which following the current logic of capitalism, has been reproduced in peripheral areas such as the capital of the state of Maranhão



  • Data: 23/06/2020
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze the post occupation process of the houses inserted in the Minha Casa, Meu Maranhão Program in Pequizeiro, Belagua, verifying how the peasant has appropriated the new housing. A theoretical foundation was made based on the main concepts related to the rural area. The aim was to understand the trajectory of the peasantry in the state, its components and especially how they live, traditionally, so that with these concepts, a value of the ideal housing public policy is created for the peasant of Pequizeiro, taking into account its specificities exposed here as well. It was intended to comprehend how the peasant has inhabited the country's various territories, identifying characteristic patterns of peasant housing, also present in Pequizeiro. In the village, the territory production was characterized, how its residents are organized productively, how they construct and occupy their houses. By analyzing the program, was perceived how it was inserted in the village, from the beginning, also checking the work of government technicians involved in the process, how the peasant was inserted in the development of the program, whether actively participated or was mere viewer of the actions that technicians little aware of the rural reality performed. At the end of the research, it was analyzed how the Pequizeiro peasant has appropriated the new house. As the peasant has not received a voice in the project elaboration and execution process, it is expected to find obvious modifications after the dwelllings occupation, once the rural way of living is understood, the sooner is realized that the house model offered has little to do with the peasant's life.

  • Spacial Development and Water Management: the Urban Dreinage Interventions in 1º de Maio Stream in Belo Horizonte and in Paciência River in São Luís through the inhabitants perception

  • Data: 27/07/2020
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  • This research aims to stablish through the importance of water and landscape concept, how it is possible to conect urban development and lanscape perception together with drainage infraestructure understanding, tackling the vision of those who live with this type of project, previously approaching the historical evolution of drainage infraestructure  within the world and in Brazil, highlighting the drainage issues in this country, approaching also susteinable water reuse policy models as good river management cases are archieved together with the local community. The main interest areas for this research are the Córrego 1º de Maio Park and the insertion point of Paciência river channeling where is located at MA-201 in São Luís city. Qualitative studies are made to understand aspects related to urban space quality, as well as, how drainage infraestructure is inserted in the inhabitants and other agents imaginaries in both mentionated examples. The both projects are caracterized  at the same time for a similar and different approaches, due to this aspect, this research tries to comprehend in which ways the generated impact of sanitarist and environmental friendly project implementation approaches differenciates in the manner how population realize each project also in the form how the project provide improvements for the environment, reinforcing conflits and at the same time co-dependance between those who implement urban drainage projects and those who are directly impacted by this projects. 


  • QUESTÃO AGRÁRIA E A LUTA PELA TERRA: organização e resistência do Movimento dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Terra (MST) no Maranhão sob o neoliberalismo

  • Data: 31/08/2020
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  • This work analyzes the relation of the agrarian question with the social struggles for land, and has as empirical reference the Movement of Landless Rural Workers - MST. The study reflects the relationship between the categories agrarian question and “social question”, showing the expressions of this relationship within the state of Maranhão, under the aegis of the neoliberal ideology, where capital is developed in the countryside instilling increasingly complex configurations of the question agrarian. This discussion explains the expansion and consequences of agribusiness in Brazil in the aforementioned state, as well as the ways in which Movements, such as the MST, organize and fight their struggles in this context of regression of the historically conquered rights. In view of this, this exhibition lists the results of the research that was guided by the question: What are the forms of organization and resistance of the MST in Maranhão under the aegis of neoliberalism? With regard to methodological aspects, we use dialectical materialism as a method, followed by of a qualitative approach and empirical research in the spaces of the MST. As auxiliary techniques we use direct observation, photographic records, audio recordings and an exploration of bibliographic, documentary and database references, such as the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics - IBGE and the Pastoral Land Commission - CPT. The reflection showed that neoliberalism became essential for the advancement of agribusiness and of the so-called large projects, which stimulated profound transformations in the Maranhão countryside, such as the intensification of land conflicts and the exploitation of labor relations, demanding from the peasantry rearticulations and resumption of the struggle by land, with different strategies, as an important means of guaranteeing access to land and the production of material existence.



     Citizenship and Social Development: contradictions and limits in the social-business performance of the Maranhão Institute of Corporate Citizenship (ICE-MA)

  • Data: 16/07/2020
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  • Abstract: This paper aims to investigate the notions of citizenship and social development in the universe of the so-called “social-corporate responsibility” from the conceptions and practices of the Maranhão Institute of Corporate Citizenship (ICE-MA). As data from the Institute of Applied Economic Research (IPEA) and the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE) point out, there is currently a significant volume of organizations that make up the so-called “third sector” and that propose to act in what is commonly called “Social field”. As an expression of this phenomenon is the ICE-MA, an entity founded in the 1990s and still present in the Maranhão context. Given this, two main questions guide this research: 1) What factors explain the range of civil society organizations that in recent decades have been acting as actors in the design and implementation of social projects / interventions in Brazil? 2) To what extent do the entities and organizations occupying this land contribute to building a framework of full citizenship and effective social development? As a hypothesis, I argue that the entry of civil society organizations in the field of social action is largely explained by the process of state withdrawal in this sphere of action since the 1990s, a milestone in the introduction of neoliberal policy in Brazil. I further suppose that as they move away from the problematization of the structural causes of economic, political, and social inequalities — fundamentally related to class domination and the logic of capital accumulation — these entities would contribute more to management-maintenance than to structural overcoming of the social precariousness framework in which they operate. The qualitative investigation brings dialectical materialism as a theoretical-methodological perspective, relevant for understanding history as a conflicting process, for articulating economy, politics and culture in explaining reality and for allowing the association of particular phenomena with social wholeness. As specific procedures, the work has bibliographic and documentary research, as well as interview and field observation.


  •   “AGROVILAS” QUILOMBOLAS: the case of the relocation of productive autonomy and the resistance of women in Marudá Novo

  • Data: 25/06/2020
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  • This paper aims to analyze the case of the relocation of productive autonomy and the resistance of women in Marudá. The study reflects on the establishment of the Rocket Launching Center in Alcântara in 1980 and the social implications of the quilombolas that lived in Marudá Velho and were relocated in the territory of Marudá Novo. Given this, the central question of this investigation intends to unravel, in what way the compulsory displacement implied in the productive autonomy of Marudá Novo's quilombola women? In an attempt to answer this question, we will use dialectical historical materialism as a method, followed by a qualitative approach, an empirical research in Marudá Novo. For descriptive analysis of the reports, we used as auxiliary techniques direct observation, field diary annotations of oral histories, photographic records, audio recordings, a survey of bibliographic, documentary and statistical data provided by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistic. The research showed that with the deployment of the Launch Center and the relocation of the quilombolas to Marudá Novo, the historically constructed social, economic, cultural and political organization was severely shaken, women had to reinvent themselves and seek new strategies to develop their labor activities in the fields, since they began to live in a region where much of the land was unsuitable for planting. Moreover, the problems of access to natural resources directly implied women's productive autonomy and led families to live with food insecurity. To overcome this situation, the quilombolas have reorganized themselves to claim and fight for their social and territorial rights through contemporary aquilombamento. 

  • NATIONAL SCHOOL MEALS PROGRAM: A data analysis about the structure, dynamics and access in the municipality of São Luís - MA from 2014 to 2018

  • Data: 15/07/2020
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  • This research aims to analyze the structure, dynamics and access of PNAE in São Luís from 2014 to 2018. The choice of the municipality of São Luís as spatial cutout for the reserach is due to the fact that the municipality has the largest participation in the PNAE in Maranhão. In addition, we also seek to verify the strategies used by the municipal secretariats of education and agriculture for the consolidation of PNAE in the communities, in addition to mapping the schools served and the participating communities of the program and investigating how much the Ludovicense rural area supplies schools of the municipality through the PNAE. For the development of the research, we used the Historical and Dialectical Materialism as theoretical-methodological foundation and the survey of essential secondary data taking into consideration the methods of representation and distribution of the geographic space together with the statistical and geostatistical methods. Thus, we highlight how much agriculture and the State make possible, respectively, through food production and public policies to supply the Brazilian population. However, the hunger is still a problem and we have no estimate for when it will cease be an obstacle for humanity and the PNAE, instituted in 1979, had importante changes in its structure to attend children and teenagers in school. Regarding to the São Luís city, we have theoretically analyzed the multifaceted formof changes in time and space over the years and as an example, it is the urban advance moving more and more towards the rural. From these socio-spatial transformations, we signal to the effects of the reduction of the Ludovicense Rural Zone, where communities and villages are being affected in their productions and may vehemently stop producing their food to sell to PNAE. Finally, the low quantity of communities benefited by the PNAE results from part of the requested food not being produced in agricultural areas, in addition to São Luís not measuring efforts to comply with at least 30% of the products of family farming. In short, the ties and firm arms of the State with big Capital put obstacles that affect the execution of the PNAE and this is clear when we talk about the privileges exercised by the agricultural sector economically



  • Data: 24/07/2020
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  • Abstract: he constant need for housing development to meet the housing deficit in Brazil requires special attention to what has already been produced. Sets where the housing model is imposed, where residents participate only in the final stage of the draw of the real estate and do not discuss elements such as location, arrangement, layout, neighborhood, access to services, among others, present results that need to be studied. Relationships to be established at the local level can be better evaluated and are of utmost importance for the quality of the spaces created. Obvious problems with insecurity, water supply and sanitation, urban depreciation, drainage, street lighting and urban vitality should not be recurrent. The importance given to popular participation and urban components during the planning process reflects the reality found in the housing development and stimulates the investigation of the results obtained in the social housing policy from the particularities found in Residencial Ribeira.



  • Data: 15/01/2020
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  •  The Coroadinho appeared in São Luís in the 1970s, when people migrating from other states and regions of Maranhão occupied land on the banks of the Bicas River and settled there housing. This occupation generated a legal dispute over the occupied lands and even with a favorable decision to the residents, did not rid the population of the forgetfulness and absence of the State in this region, because as an occupation initially called "irregular", did not have the attention of the state in public policies aimed at development, and for decades suffered from neglect and forgetfulness, forcing residents to survive in a place with precarious living conditions over more than 30 years. Therefore, this work has as main objective to analyze the issue of development in Coroadinho since its emergence and formation, seeking in history how the social construction of this region occurred and what the real situation today in the face of policies in recent years, in the face of a socio-spatial and economic perspective. The capitalist system will be studied and critically analyzed seeking to clarify its contradictions, as well as the theories of development and its relationship with liberalism and neoliberalism and especially new theories that address human development sustainable beyond economic bias. This work used research of the bibliographic and field type, with qualitative approach and scientific method of Dialectical Historical Materialism.


  • Data: 14/07/2020
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  • Urban growth makes life more complex, so much so that public water supply systems are essential to ensure social welfare and economic development. Therefore, if in the past it was a space for capital to make profits, nowadays there is a global movement in the pursuit of water control and public water supply services as a way of transforming an important public service into a market. Such a phenomenon is no accident, but it is part of a plot of capital globalization. How does the theme get into SL? Among the objectives of the study, the following stand out: To know the globalization process of the economy and its relationship with water control, in addition to water availability; Examine public sanitation policies and the expression of social issues; Dissect about public water supply services in the municipality of São Luís do Maranhão. The methodological procedures included: bibliographic research, using already elaborated materials (books, scientific articles, magazines, electronic documents and encyclopedias); Cartographic and documentary survey; Non-standard interviews; Selection, analysis, tabulation and interpretation of data and information obtained. In Brazil, sanitation is a public policy with responsibilities under federal law, although it is a fundamental human right, but it is the result of an expression of the social issue, the private sector wants to improve the regulatory framework to facilitate the participation of the private initiative, in addition to state and municipal laws that shape policies at the state and municipal levels.


  • Women's struggles and resistance in the context of the Solidarity Economy in the Community of Itamatatiua - Alcântara MA.

  • Data: 21/12/2020
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  • This paper aims to analyze how struggles and resistance of women in the context of Solidarity Economy, in the Community of Itamatatiua - Alcântara MA and how this new way of making economic economy faced as crises of the world of work and perpetuating itself. It discusses the historical process of insertion of women in the labor market and in the midst of productive restructuring, highlighting gender relations and the sexual division of labor that requires workers to search for alternatives to generate work and income. To develop, also, an approach on the Solidarity Economy in international contexts, in Brazil and Maranhão, more recent in Maranhense Western Baixada brings elements that configure the solidary economy as an alternative of research and generation of work and income in the Itamatatiua community. It centers a discussion from the 1970s, when the new social movements bring political scenes such as women and blacks, who claim not only access to food, but also freedom and autonomy. Given this reality, a central question of this investigation intends to unravel, what are the forms of political and economic organization of women in the community and their process of struggles for the construction of local power? In an attempt to answer this question, we use dialectical historical materialism as a method, followed by a qualitative approach. To this end, some methodological procedures were adopted, such as the use of the Field diary (DC) to record oral histories and sensitive observation, as well as the socio demographic inventory (ISD) and an empirical research with semi-structured interviews (ESE) in Itamatatiua, and photographic record. We also used the bibliographic and documentary survey that gave basis to our first reflections. Our participation in the interventions carried out by the Gender, Sexuality and Family Study Center (NEGESF) in the community through workshops and lectures was adopted as a multimethodological strategy, which articulated quantitative data capable of observing human development from its perspective. Context. Research has shown that women from Itamatatiua break the protocol when they assume political and economic power in the community, because with the changes that occurred in the culture and the world of work they had to reinvent themselves and look for new strategies to develop their work activities with ceramics. . In addition, the problems faced with the transportation of raw materials, access to land tenure and the flow of production demand from women new organizational strategies to claim and fight for their socioeconomic and territorial rights through public policies.


  •  INTERFEDERATIVE GOVERNANCE: a case study from the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region from 2015 to 2019.

  • Data: 23/07/2020
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    The research proposal of this dissertation seeks to make a reflection on the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region - RMGSL - from the analysis of the pertinent legislation to interfederative management. It seeks to identify the main social and political agents involved in the process of establishing institutional arrangements for the viability of RMGSL's inter-federative governance. It analyzes the current scenario redesigned from the Metropolis Statute and LCE No. 174/2015, to understand the process of (re) construction of this interfederative governance, correlating it with the institutional political reality of the RMGSL. It is a qualitative research, analysis of the referenced process. The categories “governance”, “social space”, “territory” and metropolitan region are taken into account. Regarding the theoretical-methodological aspects, dialectical and historical materialism was used to analyze the concrete and effective relations that guide the object of this study. The timeframe of this research is limited to the period from 2015 to 2019. It is concluded that the emblematic figure of the State as the maintainer of space production and the capitalist dynamic of urban space itself, produces inequalities as to distinct places such as qualities many different.

  • Use and disorderly occupation of only urban areas of Bairro Pantanal in Bacabal - Maranhão

  • Data: 24/06/2020
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  • This is a study that presents in its structure aspects related to the use and occupation only of urban areas with a focus on disorderly occupation, semi-permanent delimitation of the areas of permanent preservation of the environment, and semi-studies on the impact that such a production would produce no local environment. A problem situation is configured by: how or use and disorderly occupation of the area of a suburb of the outskirts of the city of Bacabal - Maranhão caused the degradation of the environment and or commitment to areas of permanent preservation of the environment? The objective of the study and analysis of environmental impacts generated by the use of disorderly urban use alone. A methodology of referenced research in this work and an exploratory-descriptive research with qualitative approach. Use or resource of bibliographical research for a theoretical framework construction. Because it is an exploratory-descriptive study, it is not possible to use documentary research as a source of information. At this stage, we search documents and documents obtained together with the Municipal Secretary of Works and Sanitation and the Municipal Secretary of the Environment. With the information obtained from the documentary research, it is confirmed that you are in a situation where you find yourself or a driver, evidencing the environmental impacts caused by the disorderly occupation. It was identified that the initial process of occupancy was carried out by a semi-urban planning with an invasion of the area by means of rural areas in search of a space for residence in the city. There is no zone of space and the occupations of interiors and smaller batches according to the availability of two occupants to monitor the land to prevent other residents from taking account. As a study identified a series of environmental impacts, citing: Assoreamento of existing corregos not surrounding the area; Disappearance of nascent water in the construction of houses and occupy two lots on the area where nascent areas exist; Escavação de poços artesanais sem os devidos critérios de proteção aos lençóis phreatic; Disordered removal of mud and sand are only causing deep escavações; Accumulation of water of chuva, in some cases in areas where there were previously nascent of water or passavam or corregos of water twelve; Utilization of the area for the production of artisanal car with collapsed wood made of cocoa babaçu ainda com a amêndoa; Extração de arvores natives of great size for the construction of two barracks and the dada madeira for carvão da região factories; Use of spaces next to corres for the breeding of animals such as porcos, bode, bovines and keep two juices and cavalos used not transport das carroças, which ended up contaminating the waters of small lakes that exist in the region. Compensatory measures presented for the environmental impacts identified will initially arise at the initiative of environmental preservation entities and groups of residents that will create a partnership for residents of Bairro.


  • Constituent and operative principles of Acessuas Work in the Olympic City in São Luís (MA)

  • Data: 16/07/2020
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  • The current research is about the government program Acessuas Trabalho, in the neighborhood of Cidade Olímpica em São Luís - MA. It aims to relate the constitution and operationalization of the program with the residents and its implications on the lives of its users. I analyze the work from the Marxist perspective. The Program comes from Public Policy from Welfare, but is also articulated with other policies implied in the integration to the world of work, it is also intended for users of this policy. Regarding its operationalization, it can be considered that the Program provides the working class with improved conditions of exploitation of its workforce and that its actions are insufficient to overcome the poverty situation of its users.


  • PROJETO DE IRRIGAÇÃO SALANGÔ: Uma estratégia de desenvolvimento socioeconômico no município de São Mateus do Maranhão

  • Data: 14/12/2020
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  • O presente trabalho faz uma relação do processo de modernização dos campos agrícolas a partir de políticas aplicadas pelo Estado sob o discurso de desenvolvimento econômico com as novas configurações produtivistas estabelecidas no campo. Deste modo, verificou-se o processo de constituição das relações entre agricultura e indústria no Brasil, e, especialmente no Maranhão, com ênfase na utilização da agricultura como setor estratégico de desenvolvimento. Neste sentido, analisamos por meio desta pesquisa as implicações do projeto de irrigação Salangô no Município de São Mateus do Maranhão, tendo como enfoque as transformações socioeconômicas ocasionadas nas famílias assentadas na área do perímetro irrigado durante e após sua implantação. Para isso, tomando como suporte a indicação metodológica do Materialismo Histórico Dialético, usamos como estratégias para a efetivação desse trabalho, a análise das ações do Estado na dinâmica de produção agrícola do município, o depoimento dos gestores e agricultores acerca das perspectivas e historicidade do projeto; observação direta da área a fim de apreender a relações existentes entre agricultores e o interesse agroindustrial; análise documental e referencial teórico sobre desenvolvimento, território, agricultura e industrialização. Como resultados, identificamos que as descontinuidades e falta de assistência aos pequenos produtores tanto após a implantação quanto após o projeto de revitalização contribuíram para um processo de apropriação dos lotes destinados aos assentados pelos empresários agrícolas que passaram a se estabelecer no município. Do ponto de vista socioeconômico a área do projeto de irrigação Salangô contribui com uma produção de arroz em torno 30% da produção total do município, contudo para os assentados da área, tal percentual pouco se obteve melhorias nas condições de vida, haja vista que há uma apropriação produtiva por meio dos empresários agrícolas.


  • METROPOLITAN ARTICULATION: Public Institutional Capacity in Municipal Planning and Management of Land Regularization in Greater São Luís

  • Data: 26/09/2019
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  • Given the scenario that is formulated in the process of implementation of the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region (RMGSL), created by State Law No. 038/1998, and given its last configuration by Law No. 174/2015 that reproduces, according to its particularities. Metropolis Statute guidelines (Law No. 13.089 / 2015), the selection of a Civil Service of Common Interest (FPIC) becomes a central element in the verification of the planning and public management processes in the municipalities of this region. Focusing on the municipal institutional capacity, we seek to investigate the structural, technical and financial conditions for carrying out activities on the functional field of Land Regularization, as a public function intrinsic to land management, in order to ensure the social function of land and right to the city through urban, legal, environmental and social actions. This research is idealized and based on the process of elaborating the technical diagnosis that will provide subsidies for the production of the RMGSL Integrated Development Master Plan (PDDI). With the existence of 13 municipalities in this metropolitan region (RM), which are: Alcântara, Axixá, Bacabeira, Cachoeira Grande, Icatu, Morros, Paço do Lumiar, President Juscelino, Raposa, Rosario, Santa Rita, Sao Jose de Ribamar and Sao Luis , and covering a territory of 383.8 km², we can see the serious socio-spatial, socioeconomic, infrastructure, quality of life disparities, among other aspects, which lead to the question: How could the institutional capacity of RMGSL municipalities provide indications and consolidate actions to strengthen inter-municipal relations in favor of a metropolitan configuration in the pursuit of common interests among these municipalities? Even if state power is present, such intervention does not grant autonomy to the municipalities of the RMGSL, whose role is to develop local processes that can enable the approximation of intermunicipal interests for metropolitan purposes. Given the scenario that is formulated in the process of implementation of the Greater São Luís Metropolitan Region (RMGSL), created by State Law No. 038/1998, and given its last configuration by Law No. 174/2015 that reproduces, according to its particularities. Metropolis Statute guidelines (Law No. 13.089 / 2015), the selection of a Civil Service of Common Interest (FPIC) becomes a central element in the verification of the planning and public management processes in the municipalities of this region. Focusing on the municipal institutional capacity, we seek to investigate the structural, technical and financial conditions for carrying out activities on the functional field of Land Regularization, as a public function intrinsic to land management, in order to ensure the social function of land and right to the city through urban, legal, environmental and social actions. This research is idealized and based on the process of elaborating the technical diagnosis that will provide subsidies for the production of the RMGSL Integrated Development Master Plan (PDDI). With the existence of 13 municipalities in this metropolitan region (RM), which are: Alcântara, Axixá, Bacabeira, Cachoeira Grande, Icatu, Morros, Paço do Lumiar, President Juscelino, Raposa, Rosario, Santa Rita, Sao Jose de Ribamar and Sao Luis , and covering a territory of 383.8 km², we can see the serious socio-spatial, socioeconomic, infrastructure, quality of life disparities, among other aspects, which lead to the question: How could the institutional capacity of RMGSL municipalities provide indications and consolidate actions to strengthen inter-municipal relations in favor of a metropolitan configuration in the pursuit of common interests among these municipalities? Even if state power is present, such intervention does not grant autonomy to the municipalities of the RMGSL, whose role is to develop local processes that can enable the approximation of intermunicipal interests for m


  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • The Alcântara Launch Center (CLA), analyzed within the productive restructuring of global capital, through interests outside the Brazilian Space Program (PEB), in particular the US in the quest to retake its hegemony with the "new imperialism", deepens conflicts local communities with their CLA expansion policy, directly affecting the remaining quilombola communities of Alcântara where they are secularly within an "expropriating invisibility" by the "accumulation by dispossession", marking in this way a symbolic violence denominated "Pelourinho Tecnológico" and that requires a resolution of this land conflict to promote territorial development.



  • Data: 18/06/2019
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  • This study deals with labor cooperatives in the context of productive restructuring, specifically in São Luís do Maranhão and its implications on the way of life and work of the cooperative. It discusses the process of productive restructuring and its consequences for the working class, highlighting the processes of flexibilization, precarization and outsourcing in labor relations. It develops an approach on the historical process of cooperativism in Brazil and Maranhão, bringing elements that constitute a cooperativism linked to the State and encouraged, mainly, in the area of production. It centers the discussion from the 1990s period in which there is a significant increase of labor cooperatives as forms and alternatives of work and survival for the working class. It also deals with false cooperativism, which has distorted the image of the historical movement of cooperativism, linking it to the dictates and rules of capital. It emphasizes that the cooperatives studied do not have an ideology of union, mutual aid and self-management, that is, they are not governed by the pillar principles of cooperativism and cooperative education. For, the research shows that most of these cooperatives are subject to a business logic, implying a precarious work for their members.



  • Data: 24/06/2019
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  • This study addresses some changes in the world of work and the consequences for the social worker as a salaried worker and the implications of these changes in the field of Social Assistance. Throughout the study I started from the centrality of the work category as an explanatory form of analysis, which was fundamental for apprehending the configuration of the working conditions in which social workers are located in Paço do Lumiar-MA. It highlights the Social Assistance Policy, an area of greater insertion of the social worker, which with the implementation of SUAS extends the job opportunities for the social worker. It analyzes, in this regard, that despite the expansion of some social facilities such as CRAS and CREAS and, consequently, the insertion of social workers in them, there is a widespread precariousness of the work of the social worker and the conditions in which this work is carried out, which in truths express the dilemmas of a broader social context of dismantling rights historically conquered by the working class. It points out from the field research carried out with the social workers of the CRAS and CREAS of Paço do Lumiar some conclusions, such as: the social worker, as a professional who works with the various expressions of the social issue suffers directly or indirectly with the refutations of the capital, especially with regard to their working conditions and working with Social Policies, among them Social Assistance, which, inserted in the neoliberal program, are deeply cut and shifted from the point of view of the law to a compensatory viewpoint. It also points out that despite the progress of the Social Assistance Policy, mainly in legal terms, based on the Federal Constitution, this current situation has assumed a centrality to address the expressions of the social question as a response to social inequality. It also concludes that the Social Service Political Ethical Project is fundamental to the profession because it guides professional practice in the perspective of the rights of the working class. However, because they have principles that go against the current situation, the social workers of Paço do Lumiar-MA consider that the effectiveness of this in the daily professional is a challenge.




    A EXPERIÊNCIA DOS CHINESES NO CENTRO COMERCIAL DE SÃO LUÍS: O embarque e desembarque, o processo de inserção socioeconômica e a dinâmica entre o global, nacional e local

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • This research proposed to analyze the conjuncture of capitalist restructuring, established in the contemporary world that has reached several spheres of social being. The advance of the mode of production happens through the accumulation of capital. This accumulation causes the change in the composition of capital, in the ratio of constant capital to variable capital. With the impacts of globalization being one of the main guidelines of studies in several areas, mainly in the world of work, is that brings to debate a subject that is discussed around the world, which are emigrations. In the last ten years Asian immigrants have directed their gaze to some commercial centers in the Brazilian states, such as São Paulo and São Luís, the former being the oldest target of these immigrants. The research consists of analyzing the establishment of Asian immigrants in the shopping center of São Luís do Maranhão, as well as understanding their growth in the area of entrepreneurship, and their organization in a new nation, considering the current scenario of unemployment in the country. The field of research still demands of many studies, considering that its phenomenon is recent in the municipality of São Luís do Maranhão. 


    Keywords: Financial crises. Globalization. Chinese Immigration. Trade of the Center of São Luís.


  • The Urban Solid Waste Management Process: Analysis Of The Case Of Bacabeira - MA And Its Approach To The National Solid Waste Policy Law Nº 12.305 / 2010.

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • The solid waste management implemented in the municipality of Bacabeira has not adequately addressed the multidimensionality of municipal reality in a globalized world, has little assisted in the necessary transformation of consumption patterns in the local community and has not helped in the environmental conservation of local ecosystems. In this work, we sought to analyze the issues related to solid waste from its generation, driven by unbridled production and consumption, until its final destination. We characterize the situation of waste management in Brazil, Maranhão and Bacabeira. Documentary surveys, surveys of municipal agencies that manage collection and disposal services were conducted, and field surveys were conducted. He noted that the resource resulting from the agreement of the municipality with FUNASA was not well spent, and this was an essential work for the correct functioning of solid waste management in Bacabeira. Finally we seek all information about the human and physical aspects of the municipality. It is concluded that solid waste management should be carried out within the framework of a local public policy, with the participation of the public authorities together with civil society.


  • COMUNIDADE EUGÊNIO PEREIRA IN PAÇO DO LUMIAR (MA): re-existence in the struggle for the right to housing and the realization of the right to the city

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • The city needs to be understood on several aspects. The city is not just a space where economic relations must be reproduced. The city must be a space of democracy, leisure, citizenship. Hence the need to pursue the social function of property and the environmental function. Thus, the main social function given to a property is housing, guaranteed by the Federal Constitution as a social right of all. It is not about any dwelling, but a space that dignifies the human being. The right to housing is not just the right to the ceiling. Housing should not only be seen as a roof and four walls, but as an aspect of the right to the city (LEFEBVRE, 2001): right to quality public transport, access to health policies, education, leisure; a space of citizenship. However, the lack of housing is still a serious problem in Brazilian cities, and it began mainly with the urbanization of the major centers and the industrialization of the country. The state tries to meet this need with public housing policies, but what is done and how such policies are thought do not meet the longings of the population considered marginalized. Thus, people allied to others invade idle land, which would serve for real estate speculation, and seek to build there, through the social function, housing and spaces for living and citizenship. From there, many conflicts over ownership happen. The clashes take place through the judicial route, but also through direct or veiled threats. The Brazilian judiciary has the important task of deciding on these issues. In Paço do Lumiar, metropolitan region of São Luís (MA), many land conflicts occur. Many of these conflicts originate from registration problems. With this, many occupations are formed in Paço do Lumiar (MA), as is the case of Eugênio Pereira Community, founded in 2005. This Community, over 13 years, due to the length of judicial processes, with struggle and re-existence, transformed and consolidated. In the community there is already postage with partial public lighting; electricity; potable water; public transportation; and community school. However, even in the face of all infrastructural advances, the community still does not have the title deed. Thus, this investigation was based on the legal impasses that generate insecurity in the Eugênio Pereira Community in Paço do Lumiar (MA), preventing it from being recognized by the State as a subject of rights. For this, a case study (YIN, 2001) was made in the community, with a qualitative exploratory-descriptive approach, through the analysis of court proceedings and interviews with subjects who would have relevant information about the community. Through content analysis (Kripendendff, 1980) it was possible to identify that the main factor that still prevents the legalization of community property is the Public Power, especially in the judicial waiting. Despite the consolidation, such scenario still generates insecurities, including losing the erected houses. Thus, it was evidenced that the socio-spatial transformation of the community is a reality, but the title of land ownership still seems to be a utopia.


  • TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE IN ARCHITECTURE AND URBANISM: experiences and challenges with low income populations in Açailândia - MA and Alcântara - MA.

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • That work refers a discussion about characteristics of housing policy brasileira, both in its aspects institutional and execution work. From here, it is made a parallel with advisory technic to construction and reform of housing units to families with income up to three minimum wages (according to law 11.888/2008), that historically is the part of population with bigger housing deficit.

                From here a hitoric and dialectical vision, the search seeks to demonstrate, by means of bibliographic research, the contradictions of a housing policy focused on combating housing deficit that ends up generating more social inequalities and features questionable results as improvement of housing quality of benefited. On the other side, features the advisory technic, using bibliographic and participatory research, as alternative to settle the difficulties presented until then by the notorious housing policy.

                For that, the cases of the Resettlement of Piquiá de Baixo in Açailândia (MA) and the attempt to guarantee the right to housing in Baixão do Lobato in Alcântara (MA) are studied. Through these cases, it is verified that advisory although features as an alternative, it has implementation difficulties, such as public bureaucracy, lack of resources, predominance of the assistance character, and not infrequently, private and business interests contrary to the guarantee of the right to housing. Thus, it can be said that the housing policy as it is known today is far from being overcome by a new policy housing more fair, where the benefited are protagonists in the conquest of their own home.


  • PROGRAMA MAIS EMPRESAS: Industrialização e Políticas Públicas Econômicas no Maranhão

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • Esta dissertação analisa o Programa de desenvolvimento industrial e de integração econômica do estado do Maranhão MAIS EMPRESAS com o intuito de fomentar e diversificar a indústria e o agronegócio maranhense. Destacou-se a dinâmica industrial e econômica do estado do Maranhão, trazendo seus ciclos econômicos-industriais (açúcar, algodão, babaçu, gado e os chamados grandes projetos) desde a sua criação até a década de 80; posteriormente foi discutido sobre os programas industriais criados no estado como o PRODEIN, SINCOEX e PROMARANHÃO, a partir do período considerado neoliberal nos anos 1990, e o cenário industrial e econômico correspondente a cada um deles. Por fim, foi analisado o programa MAIS EMPRESAS desde a sua criação (2015 – 2018), verificando sua atuação, ações, ferramentas, peculiaridades, dinamismo e os resultados alcançados diante do desafio do propósito geral do governo do estado.


  • Higher Level Education Institutions. Environmental Education. Solid Waste Management Policy. Ecological Behavior.

  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • Faced with continuous urban growth, the lack of efficient environmental planning that includes educational actions, has led to frequent discussions about the necessary changes in the patterns of production, consumption and proper treatment of waste, around the world. In this context, Higher level Education Institutions have the social liability of including Environmental Education into the educational process to build individual attitudes and skills to protect the environment proactively. Following this theme, a case study was conducted following qualitative and quantitative approaches, at the State University of Maranhão. The sample for this research consisted in two groups formed by students and State employees. The sample of the presential courses consisted of 267 undergraduate students and 41 postgraduate students, and the sample of the State employees was composed by 30 teachers and 20 technical-administrative workers. The main objective of this research was to analyze the relationship between integrated solid waste management at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), in São Luís Campus, and the perception of students and State employees about the environmental education, reflected in the environmentally responsible behavior from these individuals, in this Campus. The qualitative methodological procedures consisted in the further deepening about the environmental management policies of UEMA, and the perception about the main guiding elements of the institutional environmental management policy, from those who work with these issues in the institution. For this, documentary and bibliographic data were collected and grouped and, in parallel, we proceeded with the analysis of contents extracted from semi-structured interviews with five key persons directly involved with the environmental management work in the institution. In the quantitative approach of the research, the surveys of the Ecological Behavior Scale and the Environmental Education Insert Perception Scale were adapted. These scales were selected with the purpose of analyzing students and State employees' perceptions about UEMA's environmental education policies and their sustainable practices, inside and outside the institution. Using statistical calculations, descriptive, sociodemographic and factorial analyzes were performed, allowing a discussion about the individuality between the groups, the establishment of correlations between the constructs and comparisons between the samples. From the outcome of both methodological procedures, we could found that there is a need to strengthen the institution's Environmental Education, improvement of the administrative structure and the results control system of the actions developed. In addition, we could realize that the involvement of students and State employees in the activities promoted by the institution is still very low. The sociodemographic and factorial analyzes of the constructs indicates the divergences of ecological behavior between the samples, revealing, in general, that there is a greater environmental commitment of the State employees, compared to the students.The theoretical contributions of this study lie in the distinction of results, indicating the need to improve the environmental education in universities, causing significant behavioral changes in the relationship between society and the environment.


  • Data: 30/09/2019
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  • I work with a critical approach to the process of environmental licensing of the economic enterprise of port Nature called Port Terminal for private Use (TUP) São Luís, to be built in the capital Maranhão. The objective is to analyze legal situations related to the land conflict about the area claimed by the Chinese investment project, which implies the occupation of Cajueiro, a locality inhabited by a traditional community and a property title provided by the State in the year 1998, it was found that the same unjustifiably ignored this title. The community and the surrounding populations vindicate the creation of the Tauá-Mirim extractivist Reserve, whose administrative procedure is concluso, missing only the authorization of the state executive. From the observed facts, an analysis of the state-private initiative-external capital relationship is developed with a view to legalizing legal situations to the law to enable the port to be implemented in the region.


    Keywords: Capitalism; Development; Unequal; Ponta d'Areia


  • Data: 02/09/2019
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  • Abstract:

    In capitalism, space has become more of a marketing bias par excellence, and reproduces on a global scale in an unequal way. In this sense, capitalism has in its uneven geographic development its base, materializing at different scales and reflecting class society. Having as an empirical reference at the local scale, more precisely the Ponta d'Areia neighborhood, located in the city of São Luís, Maranhão, there are elements that interact with development, in equality and difference. In this perspective, globalization, capital accumulation, spatial adjustment, consumption, and time are categories that permeate the commodity space, which are expressed through gentrification and socio-spatial segregation, in which the question of housing and the form of consumption illustrate the Ponta d'Areia neighborhood. The present research was based on historical materialism, having as object of study the bibliographical analyzes on the subject and the social agents in question. In this case, the discussions are linked to the development, in the capital (financial-real estate market), in the inequality, in the State, and in the evolution of the Ponta d'Areia neighborhood, which has become one of the most overvalued neighborhoods in the city of São Luís, However, it presents innumerable aggravating factors that make it marked by socio-spatial contrasts, which is reflected in different living standards in the same urban perimeter. Therefore, the Ponta d'Areia neighborhood is currently one of the districts of São Luís that shows more socio-spatial in equality in the forms of consumption and housing, which directly influence the dynamics of space production in the city.


  • Keywords: Public Policies. Environment. Participative management. Protection Area. APA of Maracanã

  • Data: 27/09/2019
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  • Abstract:

    This dissertation analyzes the organization of social and economic resources and assumptions and re-spatial planning in institutional settings. In order to do so, we intend to identify the social and negative units of the area's occupation to the savings position, context and effectiveness of environmental legislation and the advance of private capital over protected areas. The reclassification of studies is an area of Environmental Protection of Maracanã without industrial district of São Luís. From the methodological point of view, a semi-structured interview was used and the participation of people with the intention of knowing the reality beyond the appearance mere Aspires to be with the participation of advisers to the council of APA, as well as the Municipal Department of Environment, responsible for the control, control and execution the conservation units of the State of Maranhão.




    SÃO LUÍS GONZAGA DO MARANHÃO: dismemberment and interrelation with neighboring municipalities

  • Data: 20/04/2018
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  • The present work has as its central theme the political and administrative dismemberment of the municipality of São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão, focusing on the dismemberment process and the main emancipations that have occurred in this territory, from the time of its creation to the present. The complexity of the relationship between city and field is analyzed through political policies of territorial planning using an analytical method the historical and dialectical materialism of Karl Marx. We start from the analysis of official data referring to the historical processes of this municipality and its relation with other frontier municipalities. We also use the approach based on the conceptions of Boaventura Santos. It was verified that the studied area presents significant changes regarding the geographic limits, however, the municipality maintained itself with provincial relations, typical of rural areas. So, it was necessary to reflect on the unfolding of the policies inherent to this municipality and its surroundings. The main objective was to identify the positive and negative aspects in the process of territorial fragmentation related to the area under study. Specifically, we analyze the reality of the 'new' region, describing its history and understanding how the municipality of São Luis Gonzaga do Maranhão, even being a mother municipality, gains status of 'invisibility' over the years. Therefore, reflections on the municipal emancipation process were carried out in Brazil and Maranhão. Initially, a brief historical approach to the process of emancipation of municipalities in Brazil. Next, we discuss the legal institutionalization of emancipations in Brazil, especially in the State of Maranhão, highlighting the causes of fragmentation, notably in the Middle Mearim region. Next, some reasons are presented that lead to the administrative emancipation of the municipalities, mainly the holders of large geographic areas. Finally, the direct and indirect reflexes that the political-administrative emancipations brought to São Luis Gonzaga do Maranhão.

  • The present work intends to analyze the Food Acquisition Program (PAA), with family farmers in the rural area of São Luís, with empirical reference to the community of Matinha, in order to identify the socioeconomic implications of the program in the community.

  • Data: 07/06/2018
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  • Family farming. PAA. Local Development.

  • The policy of technical assistance and rural extension in the state of Maranhão: the disassemble until (RE) Estruturation of the policy in the years 2000.

  • Data: 12/01/2018
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    1. We analyze the Policy of Technical Assistance and Rural Extension in Maranhão, by reading the dynamics of the ATER Policy, as a form of State intervention in Agriculture, with the development process under way in the country in the proposed period; Rescuing the role of conservative modernization for smallholder farmers; Characterizing agriculture in Maranhão, until we reached the ATER Policy, with its structuring, disorganization and reorganization of Politics in Brazil and Maranhão. The analysis begins in 1985 and goes until 2006, when, finally, the state government creates the AGERP.


  • Data: 26/05/2018
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  • The Port of Itaqui is a social agent of production of notorious regional and world strategic potential, and consequently materializes the production of the urban space, since it has been located since 1970 in urban areas, despite the geographical changes in the course of its history. However, the existing local socio-environmental configurations did not reflect the capitalist benefits of the Maranhão port expansion, due to the continuous insertion of development projects. In this study, we sought a priori to outline the relationship between nature, environment and space, in order to subsidize the discussions about the social and environmental impacts of the port, based on Neil Smith (1988), Milton Santos (1994), Foster (2015), among others. Next, the port-city relationship was approached in order to understand how the port is articulated within the urban and environmental conjuncture, through Maricato (2008), Lefebvre (2001) and Becker (2011). And as a sample of the environmental port reality, the research was delineated in the polygonal region of the Port of Itaqui- São Luís, MA, during the period 1970-2016, presenting primary and secondary data on the existing social and environmental impacts, such as , For example, direct damages caused to aquatic biota, air and water pollution, among others presented by the Maranhão port management itself, and indirect damages such as social damages to the community of Cajueiro, due to the expansion of the Port Complex of Maranhão, generating Regional development, however uneven. The methodology applied in this research was based on dialectical historical materialism, with documental and bibliographical analysis, as well as the presentation of data that reinforce the social and environmental problems of the port, such as the reduction of fish, mangroves, port waste, territorial conflicts, among Other damages pointed out by Itaqui's own port management. These results do not represent a sustainable regional development, as far as the integration between the economic, political, social, environmental and cultural dimensions, only reinforce the economic hegemony and capital accumulation


  • BACANGA STATE PARK – São Luiz, MA, 1980 - 2018: the failure of an institutional preservation policy.

  • Data: 15/10/2018
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  • The Bacanga State Park is an important source of drinking water for a relevant part of the population of the state capital of Maranhão. However, urban growth has occurred in this region in a rapid and uncontrolled way. Thus, the objective of this work was to understand how the urban expansion of the capital of the State of Maranhão, has modified the limits of the protected area. In order to achieve this goal, firstly, a context of the urban expansion of the city, of the motivating demographic growth and of the occupations in the Park area was established. The methodology used was a bibliographical survey, on-site visits, direct interviews and the formulation of maps. The results indicated a trend towards an increasing use of the Bacanga State Park space for city growth, with neighborhoods completely inserted within the borders of the protected area, which constitute a flagrant disregard for environmental legislation. Moreover, the research highlighted that there is no effective management of the Conservation Unit by the responsible agency, thus identifying the attempts only gradually diminishes of the park’s territorial limits, in order to exclude neighborhoods that expanded rapidly over the area, as the only form of action in place

  • Parque Estadual do Bacanga - São Luís, MA, 1980 - 2018: o fracasso de uma política institucional de conservação

  • Data: 15/10/2018
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  • Parque Estadual do Bacanga - São Luís, MA, 1980 - 2018: o fracasso de uma política institucional de conservação

  • São Luís Modern and Contradictory: resistence and permanence in Ilhinha i Ponta d’Areia and 

  • Data: 29/05/2018
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  • The present study has the purpose to analyze the contradictions materialized in the maranhense´s capital, with specific clipping that embrace the districts of  Ponta d’Areia (Peninsula) and Ilhinha, located on the North zone of São Luís, where currently is visible an intense process of production and valorization of the urban space, thus as it reveals the contradictions inherents to such dynamics.       


  • REGIONAL CENTRALITY AND INTRA-URBAN PRESSURES: Housing Production, Urban Land Planning and Management in Chapadinha, Maranhão.

  • Data: 15/08/2018
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  • The process of formation the Brazilians territory were marked through diverse economic cycles in different regions, though the South / Southeast region were the main center of industrialization and development that owned the better socioeconomic condition. This situation influenced and intensive dynamic population in direction these urban centers, in the quest improvement life condition and opportunities in big cities. This context of strong urban pressures have influenced through of the II National Development Politic and the Regional Development National Politic, the development of the others regions, the population deconcentration and productive of the main urban centers of country for another center in ascension, at the medium cities. Assuming important function in the urban network, the medium-sized cities began to act as centers of control of migratory population and industrial, agricultural and mineral investment, articulating the space of big and small cities and offering goods and services basic and intermediate for local population and your hinterland. In the Maranhense context, which does a fragile urban network characterize, these cities due the infrastructure investments and the development of industrial activities and the agribusiness are being restructured for attending at intra-urban e regional necessities. This appropriation of natural richness for the capital influence structural change in formation of urban space because the pressures inherent the demand new, mainly, at the population need actions for the municipal administration in the organization urban earth, for your attending. In this context, Chapadinha city, nodule in the urban network, that passed/ pass for process of population and economic growth, is spatially restructure due to the new demands, in special for habitation. In this scenario of restructuring and spatial consolidation the present research to mean to analyzes the regional role of municipality of Chapadinha-MA and the articulation between urban management and planning for to attend the housing pressures formed for the intra-urban e extramunicipal demands

  • Spatial interactions and public transport: analysis of its current conditions in the municipalities of the island of Maranhão

  • Data: 19/06/2018
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  • Public transport is an important means of displacement of the population around the world. Urbanization in the 20th century has aroused interest in transport, and study the problems encountered are not restricted to large cities like New York (USA); Paris (France); and London (England), so that due to the accelerated development of urban agglomerations, infrastructure problems currently hampering the offset. This is because public transportation is the most used by people of various social segments. Have your main function of taking many passengers in a given space with several options of displacement, reducing the use of the automobile, which has little capacity and takes up a lot of the access roads. The State of things in terms of transport infrastructure services is uneven. The search strategies for avoiding capital for investments in public transport. As a result, transportation services are relegated in quality. Public policies are important because they require new productive restructuring, new logical location of urban facilities and public transport more efficient (DRAIBA, 1993). Public transportation is essential to access to employment, health, leisure and to basic services. The extent to which there is a hinterland in the city, require more efficient urban planning. Indeed, the urban spaces are concentrated great lack of services and infrastructure. As regards public policy must walk in the priority objectives is the reduction of shift times, for what we perceive, for the most part, are high rates of home-work shift, leisure, home-shopping and home-study. The proximity of your residence ensures reduction of means of transport (foot, bicycle, car and bus) and the kilometres travelled. Thus, there is a problem I have studies and in accordance with the National Policy of urban mobility (Law 12,587/2012) the present study focuses on urban transport, in particular bus. Public transportation in the island municipalities of maranhão (São Luís, São José de Ribamar, Raposa, Paço do Lumiar) consists of transit bus, road bus, vans, cab, Quad Cab. Thereby, the transit bus is the main vehicle regulated and of fundamental importance on mobility of individuals.

  • The socio-historical formation of latifundio in the Maranhão hinterland: structure and dynamics of agribusiness in the municipality of Grajaú-MA

  • Data: 13/07/2018
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  • The analysis of the municipality of Grajaú allows us to understand that the historical process is closely linked to its current territorial configuration. The purpose of this work is to analyze the socio-historical formation of land concentration in the Maranhão hinterland and from the unfolding of the Léda War, a political conflict in the region at the end of the 19th century, and its structural and conjunctural relationship with the current scenario land ownership characteristic of the region, which is shaped by the imposition of agribusiness that initially expanded from the Balsas region. In this sense, based on conceptual, historical, geographic and social reflections, it is intended to expose the elements that define the current research and, at the same time, to point out the main theoretical axes that guide it. In discussing the concept of territory, a reflection is made on the territorial and political reorganization of Maranhão, with emphasis on the municipality of Grajaú. In this way, the municipality inserts itself in the global logic through the commodity market, with emphasis on the production of soybeans and corn, the main car of the expanded reproduction of capital. In addition to these, other sectors also develop with expressivity, such as agriculture, forestry and forestry. However, there is an intense concentration of income and land generating conflicting social relations that widen the inequalities inherent to the territory under analysis.


  • Data: 26/07/2018
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  • This work aims to analyze the practices of university extension as public policy of education in the UEMA. A survey of national and intra-institutional legislation pertinent to extension practices is presented. The theoretical aspects regarding the extension are shown, and then the theory is related to what has been observed in the norms and practices of the UEMA. The Weberian method was used. The research is of a basic nature, with a qualitative approach, the objectives are exploratory. The technical procedures were the bibliographic, the documentary, field research and a case study. Two on-site visits were also used for observation and data collection with extension project participants. It is understood that extension is an academic activity that aims at the diffusion of academic knowledge, and its interaction with popular knowledge (common sense) to better understand problems and social demands.


  • A FORMA URBANA DA CIDADE TRADICIONAL E DA CIDADE CONTEMPORÂNEA EM SÃO LUÍS – MARANHÃO: Análise das áreas verdes públicas e da urbanidade do Centro Histórico, e em uma nova centralidade - o bairro da Cidade Operária.


  • Data: 10/08/2018
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  • O urbanismo moderno trouxe uma clara ruptura com o urbanismo tradicional em termos formais, em termos de escala e ideológicos. Os diversos tipos de urbanidade e apropriação dos espaços públicos estão relacionados também com as formas urbanas, pela maneira como a cidade é desenhada. A comparação entre o desenho urbano, o traçado e toda a composição urbana da cidade tradicional em contraponto com a cidade moderna e contemporânea, demonstra a monotonia da paisagem urbana que está sendo produzida e reproduzida e a forma como os espaços verdes públicos estão sendo preteridos em função do máximo aproveitamento do solo. Na cidade moderna e na cidade contemporânea veem-se as práticas do urbanismo subjugadas ao poder capital, representado por agentes produtores do espaço urbano, neste caso, o mercado imobiliário. Em linhas gerais, os espaços públicos, principalmente as áreas verdes públicas teriam uma função integradora e estética na cidade, espaços que ajudam a cidade a cumprir sua função social, espaços de lazer e de expressão democrática, além de ser um elemento morfológico do espaço urbano que propicia o bem estar e está associado à qualidade de vida quando bem idealizados. As áreas verdes livres são locais que expressam a identidade das comunidades, e o local onde o direito à cidade pode ser exercido, sendo possível fazer uma leitura social através destes espaços nos bairros. Objetivou-se nesta pesquisa analisar as áreas verdes de formas urbanas que representassem a cidade tradicional e cidade contemporânea de São Luís – MA. O principal debate desta dissertação é de que forma o urbanismo moderno impactou na forma urbana da cidade de São Luís e quais as mudanças na configuração das áreas verdes públicas. Parte-se da hipótese de que a produção do espaço urbano de São Luís, inspirado nas ideias modernistas, foi, e é, um instrumento de ordenação social e configura o território conforme os interesses do capital.



  • THE DYNAMICS OF THE REAL ESTATE CAPITAL IN SÃO LUIS: from the old republic to populism, from the rentismo to housing merchandise.

  • Data: 28/09/2018
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  • Real estate is the largest producer of urban space in Brazilian cities. Not being able to restrict space only to its physical and concrete aspect, the implications of the action of this form of capital result in social conflicts that illuminate the contradictions of the current economic system. The present work seeks to understand the dynamics of real estate capital in the city of São Luís (Maranhão), covering the period from 1889 to 1945 and its relations with economic development at different scales, through a historical-dialectical materialist approach. Bibliographical and documentary sources were used, with predominance for newspapers of local circulation in the studied period and official speeches of representatives and technical staff of the State. The concentrated development of the national productive forces generated situations that have similarities, but with dynamics for the real estate sector in the different regions of the country, implying different forms of housing production and conformation of the sector.


  • ASSISTÊNCIA TÉCNICA PARA O DESENVOLVIMENTO RURAL: O caso do Território Rural Campos e Lagos - MA


  • Data: 23/08/2018
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  • Em constante processo de mudança, o conceito de assistência técnica passa por várias transformações ao longo do tempo. Questionamos se deveria configurar-se de maneiras diferentes a partir de cada órgão que a executa. Deveria ser diferente a assistência técnica realizada pelo poder público? Essa questão orientou o trabalho que buscou ações, estrutura e saber como se encontrava a assistência técnica disponibilizada para a agricultura familiar. Neste trabalho, estabelecemos como objetivo principal da pesquisa: analisar as principais políticas de assistência técnica, instituídas pelo poder público no Território Rural Campos e Lagos - MA. Especificamente, analisamos os serviços de assistência técnica e extensão rural, assim como a atuação dos órgãos responsáveis pela execução no Território Rural Campos e Lagos. Evidenciamos que os técnicos se inserem no contexto de melhorias técnicas e produtivas, ao mesmo tempo em que contribuem com o processo comunicacional e representativo estabelecido entre os produtores rurais. Por parte da Agência Estadual de Pesquisa Agropecuária e de Extensão Rural do Maranhão (AGERP), percebemos que eles participam da execução de ações de educação buscando a fidelização dos agricultores, promovendo seu desenvolvimento econômico e qualidade de vida. Analisamos também, a ação do poder público local na tentativa de oferecer uma assistência às áreas rurais de seus municípios. Portanto, encontramos vários desencontros da “politica” de assistência técnica nas áreas rurais no Território. Primeiro, identificamos que a assistência técnica teve seu êxito em algumas áreas, foram realizadas capacitações, projetos e o acompanhamento para liberação do mesmo. Alguns problemas como a falta de técnicos e a descontinuidade do programa foi observado pelos que precisam da assistência no campo.

  • THE QUESTION OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT IN THE ITAQUI-BACANGA AREA: the forms of confrontation of the community of Cajueiro facing the prospect of installing a private port, starting in 2014.

  • Data: 19/06/2018
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  • This dissertation presents a reflection and analysis on the development of development projects, as part of an industrial development policy that impacts the communities located in the Itaqui-Bacanga area, in the municipality of São Luís / MA and, in particular, the Community of Cajueiro , a hundred-year-old rural community, which lives mainly from extractivism, agriculture and the raising of small animals. At the moment, it experiences a socio-territorial dispute and a great confrontation on the part of its workers against the installation of a private port in the region by the company WPR . It highlights the various forms of state intervention that seek, in alliance with capital, to ensure the installation of the private port, addresses the various tactics of confrontation that the community, in alliance with social movements, has used to avoid the realization of the installation of the private port and analyzes the current trends of change in the community's way of life in view of the installation of the private port and the struggle for the creation of the Tauá-Mirim Extractive Reserve in the region, one of the demands seen as fundamental to guarantee the regularization of the use and control of the territory, their way of life and the very social reproduction of communities.


    concept of original walkable Urbanism. Discussion about the mobility of people with motor and visual impairment, which includes accessibility (because without it, one can not have access to the desired places) and mobility (because one can get to the desired places in an accessible way for these people ). Discussions about architectural and urbanistic barriers are consequences of the displacement knowledge process, but not its main point of analysis, although they are fundamental for understanding the subject to be focused on. Also to be analyzed the meaning of "space"; In the analysis of space is intrinsic the accessible environment and mobility. Definition of Be Urbanism Walkable, its technique and measurement criteria. The adaptation of the Walking Urbanism to people with visual and motor deficiencies, extending the.

  • Data: 15/06/2018
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  • Accessibility, mobility, architectural barriers, walkable urbanism


    O Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida: A nova aurora da política habitacional? Uma análise sócioespacial na Ilha do Maranhão.
  • Data: 12/09/2018
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  • O presente trabalho tem como intuito evidenciar quais as implicações do modelo de provisão capitalista (produção por oferta) a efetividade do Programa Minha Casa Minha Vida na resolução do déficit habitacional dos segmentos de baixa renda na Ilha do Maranhão. 

  • SEXUAL DIVISION OF LABOR AND REGIONAL ISSUE: trajectory of the inequalities and their relations

  • Data: 13/11/2017
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  • This dissertation deals with the Sexual Division of Labor and Regional Question: trajectory of inequalities and their relations. The research aims to analyze how the Sexual Division of Labor and the Regional Issue relate and configure themselves in Brazilian society in an unequal way. It is an attempt to visualize a relationship between these two categories in an interdependent manner and to point to a possibility of understanding about the reflexes of the sexual organization of work in the context of regional diferences by the increasingly neo-liberal capitalist ideology system. The methodology is based on reflexive sociology, and uses a bibliographical, documentary and field research, subsidized with survey in available official data. Initially, the demarcation of the object, the objectives, the justification of the research, the methodological course and the organization of the dissertation were carried out; It analyzes the principles and concepts of the Regional Question in the historical context; It is identified the dynamics of the Sexual Division of Labor in Brazil in the context of the Regional Issue by means of available official data; It is analyzed how the Thousand Women Program is inserted in the Sexual Division of Labor and in the Regional Issue from the perspective of the subjects investigated.



  • Data: 20/12/2017
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  • The present study aims to present an analysis performed in the area in which the head of Sapo is located as a subsidy to the geopark implantation. The socioeconomic, cultural and geomorphological potentials of the impact crater are discussed. According to UNESCO's definition, a geopark is "a territory of well-defined boundaries with an area large enough to support local socio-economic development." The aforementioned meteorite crater presents these characteristics possessing historical, scientific as well as cultural and educational potential. It can become a space of leisure and knowledge through geotourism. The methodology is based on the assumptions of Geosistemic Theory, which has as main theoreticians Sotchava, Troll, Bertrand and Tricard. The geosystemic approach, according to Bertrand, is a result of the combination of physical, biological and anthropic elements and seeks to understand the landscape variations as a historical product of the flows of matter and energy, encompassing the action of man. Thus, the presented results demonstrate that the research area has great capacity for the development of geotourism activities and potential to host a future geopark.

  • Título em Inglês: Ethnic Rights: "the territorial right quilombola and the reasonable length of the process"

  • Data: 01/12/2017
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  • The question of the materialization of the rights of the quilombola communities is very important and current, since in the field of concrete disputes, it goes back to the colonial period, remaining to the present day, even after having been elevated to the condition of subjects of rights, starting from Of the current constitutional order. Notwithstanding the existence of several legislative instruments, there are many obstacles to the implementation of the territorial regulation policy, together with the legal obstacles and bureaucratic delays of different institutions responsible for guaranteeing this ethnic right. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the duration of the process of identification, recognition, delimitation, demarcation and titling of lands occupied by remnants of quilombos dealt with in Article 68 of the Transitional Constitutional Provisions Act in the 1988 Constitution. Community of Charco-Juçaral, located in the municipality of São Vicente Férrer, in the State of Maranhão. As a methodological approach, the multi-local ethnography will be used, implying not only the notions and the prohibitions contained in the process itself and in the execution of the public policy of territorial regulation by INCRA, in the State of Maranhão. Intertwining theory and practice, it is objectified, as proposed by Bourdieu, the relational thinking to the field research, in the sense of mobilizing all the techniques pertinent to the object in question orienting in this way the methodological options developed in this research. In the course of the research, it was verified that the constitutional provisions that determine the title of Quilombola territories and the reasonable duration of the process are characterized by reduced scope and inefficacy as symbolic legislations resulting from processes of liberal modernization that imply a symbolic hypertrophy Legislation.



    Rural housing: The Minha Casa, Meu Maranhão’s program in Pequizeiro, Belágua (MA)


  • Data: 20/12/2017
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  • The dissertation aims to analyze the implications of a housing program conducted by the state government on peasant’s way of live and production in the town of Pequizeiro, Belágua (MA).

    Trough a literature review on concepts about peasantry, peasant’s way of life, and history of rural housing policies conducted by the State, a theoretical ground was developed in order to understand the empirical field.

    In Pequizeiro, territory’s production was illustrated; how the inhabitants organize themselves in productive activities; how they build and occupy their houses; which knowledge they use in their housing’s constructions.

    During the program’s implementation, it was sought to verify how the government agents engaged the beneficiaries in the process, how the community received the new houses, and which values were assigned to them. In conclusion, it has been understood that the beneficiaries associate the masonry house to values such as safety and stability, although they question timorously its dimensions and typology. It was understood also that the new house, build with distinct materials then those that they are used to, may jeopardize the beneficiaries autonomy in the house’s maintenance.

    It was concluded that the program has potencial to improve the life quality of its beneficiaries, and the state government is sensitive to adjustments, but still fails in not providing more autonomy in the construction process. As a suggestion, works of technical guidance committed to empower the peasants, in order to guarantee that they can seize the benefits, besides researches about how to qualify current constructive techniques, may be alternative solutions to generate more autonomy and quality in rural housing’s programs.


  • Data: 24/10/2017
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  • This study deals with the formative processes by alternation of the rural youths and their actions in the local development in the EFAs of the municipality of Lago do Junco, Maranhão. The methodology was based on a case study that allows a qualitative and descriptive approach, using the contributions of the bibliographical research and the field research, semi-structured interviews were carried out, which were answered by the graduates of the EFAs. It was found that the majority of rural young people have a well-founded understanding of the concept of Sustainable Development and Agroecology. The main difficulty encountered by the young people, their families and the communities to which they belong after their formation of fundamental or average level, is the access to the public policies directed to the youth. Most of them work in the farmers' organizations and are still tied to the field. It is concluded that the Educational Project of the Family Agricultural School, based on the Alternation Pedagogy is efficient and achieves its objectives through training processes for rural youngsters aiming at an integral formation and local development. Based on the struggle for land and to remain on the land, peasants have developed various organizational strategies, one of them being Field Education increasingly permeated by agroecological principles and practices. Local development is one of the fundamental principles, being one of the aims sought by the formative process. Agroecology is a subject that has increasingly occupied space in the EFAs and tends to consolidate itself as one of the main axes of the Alternation Pedagogy. Although the Alternance Pedagogy is of French origin the first experiences in Brazil were inspired by the School of the Rural Family developed in Italy

  • This study deals with problems that the industries cause in São Luís - MA and around the Taim community

    that is the object of this study. Such community is one of the twelve inserted in the proposed area in the

    creation of the Tauá - Mirim RESEX in the rural zone, however, it has suffered pressures and conflicts due to state and municipal laws that benefit the industrial sector, such as the Master Plan, zoning, Subdivision, use and occupation of the soil of the municipality of São Luís that induce the industrial use. The objective of this work is to analyze the pressures exerted by urbanization and industrialization on the territory and community of Taim. From the methodological approach of historical - dialectical materialism, the following procedures were used: review of bibliographic data; Literature review; Two fieldwork in the community of Taim, with informal conversations with the leaders and people who participated in the project of agroecological practices; Iconographic record; As well as the preparation of maps; selection; Analysis and tabulation of data and information. It is concluded that for the proposal to create the RESEX aims to ensure the permanence of these traditional populations in their own territory as the Taim, whose introduction of agroecological practices provided an improvement in the quality of life.

  • Data: 18/07/2017
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  •  Tauá-Mirim RESEX. Conflicts. Industries

  • This study deals with the installation process of the Itaqui Thermoelectric Power Plant and its implications on the territorial dynamics of the residents of the old Vila Madureira, in the municipality of São Luís – MA, to Vila Nova Canaã, in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar – MA. Territorial management demonstrates that the State is the agent that has dominion in the relations of power, assuming strategic positions and executing interests of the dominant agents. From this perspective, the political actions that are demanded by a global and / or national scale present their repercussions on the smaller scales, being precisely in this context that the Brazilian Legal Amazon and the capital of Maranhão, São Luís (as a member of this), relative proximity to areas suitable for the location of extensive port facilities, suffers such reflexes, being considered the target to receive large projects, providing commercial logistics to serve the external market. This study is contextualized on the characteristics of the Itaqui Thermal Power Plant and its influences through the Energy Policy of the Growth Acceleration Program, emphasizing the discussion about the impasses of the environmental licensing of this project. This research is based on the method of dialectical historical materialism. It was evidenced that there is a close conflict relation in this new form of appropriation of the environment, where the company was only interested in a territory multiplier of capital, without having the concern of the socio-environmental problems of this process.

  • Orientador : ANA ROSA MARQUES
  • Data: 20/06/2017
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  • Territory. Itaqui Thermoelectric Power Plant. Socio-environmental. Vila Nova Canaã

  • This study deals with the installation process of the Itaqui Thermoelectric Power Plant and its implications on the territorial dynamics of the residents of the old Vila Madureira, in the municipality of São Luís – MA, to Vila Nova Canaã, in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar – MA. Territorial management demonstrates that the State is the agent that has dominion in the relations of power, assuming strategic positions and executing interests of the dominant agents. From this perspective, the political actions that are demanded by a global and / or national scale present their repercussions on the smaller scales, being precisely in this context that the Brazilian Legal Amazon and the capital of Maranhão, São Luís (as a member of this), relative proximity to areas suitable for the location of extensive port facilities, suffers such reflexes, being considered the target to receive large projects, providing commercial logistics to serve the external market. This study is contextualized on the characteristics of the Itaqui Thermal Power Plant and its influences through the Energy Policy of the Growth Acceleration Program, emphasizing the discussion about the impasses of the environmental licensing of this project. This research is based on the method of dialectical historical materialism. It was evidenced that there is a close conflict relation in this new form of appropriation of the environment, where the company was only interested in a territory multiplier of capital, without having the concern of the socio-environmental problems of this process.

  • Orientador : ANA ROSA MARQUES
  • Data: 20/07/2017
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  • Territory. Itaqui Thermoelectric Power Plant. Socio-environmental. Vila Nova Canaã

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