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  •  Proposition of a game book in the Teaching of History about the enslaved child in Colonial Maranhão (1801-1818).

  • Data: 21/06/2024
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  • The present study addresses the presence of enslaved black children in Colonial Maranhão, especially in the regions of São Luís and Ribeira do Itapecuru, between 1801 and 1818, mentioning the particularities existing within the process of enslavement. In this sense, we problematize the figure of the enslaved child, through the bibliography consulted and the data collected in the database organized by the team of researchers from the Center for Studies, Research and Extension on Africa and the Global South (NEAFRICA) and the Archive of the Court of Justice of Maranhão (TJMA). From this process, we developed a notebook of educational games, privileging the understanding of the reality of the enslaved child in Maranhão lands. Thus, the didactic resource was elaborated with the objective of including the theme of this study in Basic Education (7th). Demonstrating how educational games can be efficient in transmitting knowledge. Therefore, through these reflections, we believe that not only does knowledge become more accessible, but that, in addition, it can promote critical and reflective learning about the historical injustices that affected black children during the period of enslavement in Maranhão.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Enslaved Child, Educational Games Notebook.

  • PEDRINHAS’ PRISON COMPLEX AND THE VIOLATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: teaching history through an audiovisual production.

  • Orientador : KARINA BIONDI
  • Data: 19/07/2024
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  • The general objective of this study is to carry out a bibliographical survey of the main historical facts that contributed to triggering the cycle of rebellions in the Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex between the years 2010 and 2014, as a consequence of the non-enforcement of human rights for inmates housed in the respective unit. Maranhão prison. Therefore, the aim is to more specifically: address the historical contextualization and political reforms carried out in the Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex, emphasizing that the neglect of public authorities in implementing the human and fundamental rights of inmates contributed to the emergence of criminal factions in the prison and the consequent cycle of rebellions; describe the main consequences of the cycle of rebellions that occurred in the Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex between 2010 and 2014 and the main measures taken by the different spheres of national government and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights and point out how theimplementation of history matters and human rights to Brazilian basic education and to convicts serving sentences that restrict their freedom can contribute to avoiding involvement in crimes, as well as effecting the process of resocialization of convicts. To this end, bibliographical research was carried out with specialist authors in the area, in which the SCIELO and Web Of Science databases were used using the following descriptors: rebellions 2010 to 2014; Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex; teaching; history; human rights, resocialization. The research results showed that the lack of public policies aimed at implementing the human rights of inmates was one of the main factors that contributed to triggering the cycle of rebellions that took place between 2010 and 2014, in the Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex. In view of this, the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, the National Council of Justice, together with the Government of the State of Maranhão, among other entities, took a series of measures to improve the execution of sentences in the main prison in Maranhão. However, in this space of almost ten years, Pedrinhas continues to present the same problems as at the time. Given this scenario, it is suggested the creation of Local Councils for the Human Rights of Prisoners, greater action by inspection and control bodies and, above all, the inclusion of the subject of history and human rights in basic education to prevent the future involvement of young people with the organized crime and in the Pedrinhas Complex to strengthen the process ofresocialization of those convicted.

    kEYWORDS: Teaching History. Pebbles. Rebellions. Human Rights.

  • MÁQUINAS, MUROS E O GALO IMPERTINENTE: o realismo mágico literário de
    José J. Veiga na reflexão acerca da ditadura militar no Brasil e proposta didática para ensino de história.

  • Data: 26/04/2024
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  • This work is dedicated to researching the relationship between the works of magical realism by Goiás author José J. Veiga and the context of the military dictatorship in which they were published, pointing out ways of using this literary language in teaching the history of the period. To this end, research in the field of history that focuses on the literature of the dictatorship period is reviewed and the short stories O galo impertinente (1967) and A máquina extraviada (1967) and the novel Sombras de reis barbudos (1972) by José J. Veiga are analyzed based on Roger Chartier's notion of representation (1991;2010). The aim of the work is to produce a didactic product in ebook format for teachers of the 9th grade of elementary school, with guidelines for using literature in the classroom to teach the content of the military dictatorship. From the perspective of history education, the aim was to contribute to historical awareness of the dictatorial period.

    Keywords: History Teaching; History and Literature; Military Dictatorship; José J. Veiga; Magic Realism.

  • (ABOUT) EXPERIENCES FROM FACTORY TO SCHOOL: memories, records and narratives of teachers from Rio Anil in São Luís-MA between the years 1994 and 2018 in the light of an educational virtual museum for historical research.


    Título do Produto Educacional: (Inglês): VIRTUAL MUSEUM OF AFFECTIVE MEMORIES OF

  • Data: 19/06/2024
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  • The present study seeks to investigate the potential of the inclusion of Virtual Museums in the teaching/learning process, aiming to question the relationship between the life narratives of teachers with the historical process that took place in the old Fábrica do Rio Anil and the social and educational perspective developed in this transition period for IEMA Pleno Rio Anil. The research proposal is relevant, as questions were established with the aim of achieving the desired objective, among them, understanding the dimension of the life narratives of Rio Anil teachers as sources of historical research, thus identifying the transformations established from these experiences experienced at CINTRA from a socio-educational perspective, in addition to enriching the understanding of the dimension of these life narratives as a source of historical research. Can the virtual museum be used at school as a pedagogical instrument to aid the teaching-learning process? This approach is justified as a possibility for teaching reflection on pedagogical praxis, searching for alternatives that value collaborative and multidisciplinary work. The theoretical basis used in this research is based on the studies of Halbwachs (1990), Pollak (1989), Alberti (2012), Caldeira (1988), Delgado (2003), Itapary (1995), Levy (1996), Melo (1990), among others who will contribute to the basis of this study. Initially, I sought to map the historical subjects, in the figure of teachers who participated in the educational process of the old CINTRA, in addition to carrying out the survey in newspapers, magazines, photographs and in the personal collection of these teachers, then a structured qualitative interview was carried out after mapping these professionals, seeking to analyze the importance of these social agents in this educational process, therefore, that the research presented here contributes to the debates that involve not only. the creation of virtual museums at school, butalso the training of reflective professionals as a path to transforming teaching practice

    Keywords: memory; life narratives; virtual museum; teaching-learning; pedagogical praxis.

  • FROM THE YARD TO THE CLASSROOM: construction and use of a didactic sequence about religions of African matrix in basic education

  • Data: 28/03/2024
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  • The research deals with the stereotypes related to religions of African origin and the performance of the school for their deconstruction. It makes an analysis of the presence of the enslaved African in the process of colonization of Brazil, as well as the conditions to which blacks were placed after the abolition of slavery. It points to religiosity as a fundamental element of resistance of enslaved Africans, as well as an element of their identities, and religions of African origin as a constituent element of Brazilian culture. It makes a brief journey in the legal changes that led to Law 10639/03 that deals with the mandatory teaching of African and Afro- Brazilian history and culture. It aims at the elaboration of a didactic sequence as an educational product that assists the teacher in the theme about religions of African origin. It is based on bibliographic research through books and articles, in physical and digital format referring to the themes addressed in the research.

    Keywords: history teaching, religiosity; african matrix; teaching.

  • "GRANDMA TOLD ME THAT THIS ALSO HEALS!": Popular healing practices among women in Oiapoque – Amapá.


    Título do Produto Educacional: GRANDMA TOLD ME THAT THIS ALSO HEALS!

  • Data: 26/08/2024
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  • This thesis aims to present practices of healing among women in Oiapoque - AP, to provide anv electronic book (e-book), in Portable Document Format (PDF), as an Educational Product, with the that considers popular cultural practices of healing, not underlined in a school culture with colonialist bias. The study seeks to instigate reflection on the local/ regional and the place of knowledge of subordinates in school education and for the teaching of history, including through a book in digital format of youth literature called "Grandma told me that this also heals!". The space between Amapá (Brazil) and French Guiana (France), as a point of singular ethnic interactions, is presented as locus for research that resulted in the Educational Product. Popular healing practices include pulling, food bans, benzimentos, prayers, advice, indication and preparation of medicines and others, embracing a plurality of ways of doing and conceiving the world. They are of multiple genesis, resulting from ethnic interactions and cultural recreations and are dissipated among women midwives, benchers, healers, people who live and arrived in the municipality of Oiapoque, regardless of the physical demarcations that limit the border. The qualitative research for the study included collection and analysis of documentary sources and semi-structured interviews with women healers, to understand healing practices, to questionnaires with high school teachers for the formatting of the Educational Product, as well as bibliographic research. The study allowed reflections on a decolonial perspective for education that highlights popular knowledge.

    Keywords: Decoloniality. Education. History teaching. Healing practices. The Social Sciences.

  • FOR A DECOLONIAL EDUCATION: thinking about anti-racist
    educational policies from the voices of history teachers at IEMA.

  • Orientador : ELOY BARBOSA DE ABREU
  • Data: 25/04/2024
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  • This work addresses the importance of education in the fight against structural racism in Brazil. It seeks to highlight the need to rethink the curricula of undergraduate courses in History, in order to implement themes such as the History of Africa. Furthermore, the text points out the contradictions present in current educational policies, such as Law 10,639/2003, which introduces the study of the History of Africa and Africans, but still has gaps. It also highlights the importance of discussing and combating structural racism, misogyny, homophobia and promoting the inclusion of people with disabilities within the educational environment. These themes are crucial for complete citizenship training and the construction of a more egalitarian society. Finally, it concludes that schools can be a powerful tool for building a more just and democratic society, but it is necessary to rethink current educational policies and ensure that education is an effective tool in the fight against racism. Regarding the proposed educational product, through diagnosis, deficiencies in the academic training of history teachers in the implementation of law 10.639/2003 were verified. Therefore, there is a pressing need to re-discuss and develop strategies for the actual implementation of the aforementioned law in the classroom


    Law 10.639/2003, History of Africa, Racism.

  •  Between chivalry and sanctity (Portugal-15th Century): Nuno Álvares Pereira, a medieval hero in History Teaching


    Título do Produto Educacional: (Inglês): The Middle Ages and Chivalric Literature through Nuno Álvares Pereira

  • Data: 04/10/2024
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  • The present work seeks to demonstrate the points of contact between History and Literature during the Middle Ages. In this sense, using the context of Portugal during the late Middle Ages to analyze the figure of the knight, specifically through the constable Nuno Álvares Pereira who had a great participation in the 1383–1385 Portuguese interregnum. Titled as the greatest knight of Portugal in documentation, such as Crônica do Condestável de Portugal by an anonymous author, as well as A Crónica de D. João I, by Fernão Lopes, written in the 15th century, it is described that this is an influence of arthurian narratives. Specifically, it is said that the Constable was influenced by the figure of the literary knight Galahad from the novel The Quest for the Holy Grail, from the 13th century. Both characters carry elements that make up an idealized model of behavior of a Christian knight to the point that Nuno Álvares Pereira was canonized in the contemporary era, thus demonstrating the influence of the Middle Ages in the present day.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Nuno Álvares Pereira, Chivalric literature, Galahad, Middle Ages in Portugal.

  • Teaching History in the Final Years of Elementary School: approaches and methodologies

  • Data: 15/07/2024
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  • This research deals with continuing education with a focus on the approaches and methodologies of History teachers in the Final Years of Elementary School, in the municipal network of Arari, Maranhão, in the period 2018-2023. The general objective of the research is to offer Final Year Elementary School teachers a Guide with methodological guidelines for some methodological experiences in the History classroom, plus reflections and proposals to explore the topics covered, thus creating possibilities for replicability of interactive and meaningful classes for students. This objective was created based on the following research problem experienced in school reality: how to encourage students to analyze historical facts in a critical way, making them capable of starting their process of understanding, criticality and changing social reality in that lives? As a methodological approach, this research has a qualitative approach in which we use some techniques such as: semi-structured interviews, application of semi-structured questionnaires and class observations, enabling research participants to express their perceptions about teaching. To this end, experiences lived by teachers from the municipal network of Arari were identified and mapped, created from the continuing training offered by the Municipal Department of Education (SEMED), and worked on in the classroom by teachers. Based on these experiences, an Educational Product was created entitled: “Guide of Methodological Guidelines for Elementary School History Teachers Final Years”, with the aim of systematizing and expanding teaching practices and disseminating them in the municipal network in order to contribute to the improving the quality of teaching and learning in the classroom.

    Keywords: Elementary History Education. Continuing Training. Methodologies. Methodological Guidelines Guide. Arari, Maranhão.

  • CITIZEN EDUCATION ON THE SCHOOL FLOOR: Rights and Guarantees Fundamentals of the Constitution of the Federative Republic of Brazil of 1988 as school content in Basic Education.

  • Orientador : ELOY BARBOSA DE ABREU
  • Data: 11/06/2024
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  • This work addresses the importance of teaching in Basic Education the fundamental Rights and guarantees provided for in the Federal Constitution of 1988, through the use of instructional material aimed at teachers. Initially, we take a look at the history of constitutions from 1824 to the Constitution of the Military Regime of 1967, observing how little by little the rights to human dignity that we have today were built. We alsopresent the concept of Constitution and Constitutionalism. Soon after, we talk about the concept of Citizenship, its emergence and its consequences in Brazilian society, through a critical analysis. It is also discussed how the study, in Basic Education, of Fundamental Rights and Guarantees, is significant for consolidating citizenship, which is not yet universal in Brazil. Finally, an educational product will be presented in the format of instructional material for teachers. In addition to the concept of citizenship, a summary of the Brazilian Constitutions is also made, however, the focus of the material is the detailing of some of the fundamental rights and guarantees. present in the Brazilian Constitution, with explanations, exemplifications and how the teacher can apply knowledge in practice.

    Key-words: Teaching History. Citizenship. Fundamental Rights and Guarantees. Federal Constitution of 1988. Instructional Material.




  • Data: 29/07/2024
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  • The racism of the present has its origins in the language and strength of slavery expanded in the 16th century. Colonial Brazil, the so-called Portuguese America, has a history linked to Atlantic slavery. But slavery in Brazil was a genocide against Africans, as well as indigenous people. However, where there was slavery, there was resistance. Law no. 3,353 of 1808 declared slavery extinct, but, despite being a struggle of resistance by the enslaved, it entered history through official memory as a gift from white people. Another issue is equality, guaranteed by law, but denied by science, as it naturalizes racism through racialist theses and racial determinism at the end of the 19th century. How can we understand the invisibilities and racial violence that occur today? A first step is to start discussing “otherness”, a dangerous characteristic of racism in Brazil. Another is to perceive the contradictions of the past and reflect through memory, history and forgetfulness. Thus, the research analyzes cases of racism broadcast in the media (television, news and social networks), developing didactic plans so that this topic can be thought about and debated on the school floor. In this way, five episodes of racism were selected, analyzed and debated with 2nd grade classes at IEMA Bacelar Portela. As the teaching work was being carried out, the Racist Digital Platform doesn't bother me! was being fed with content aimed at anti-racist History Teaching.

    Keywords: Racism in the media; History Teaching; IEMA Bacelar Portela; Digital platform.

  • BLACK FEMALE COLOR AND FACE: the experiences of enslaved women in Colonial Maranhão based on the construction of a didactic game (1801-1819)

  • Data: 10/06/2024
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  • This work analyzes the experiences of enslaved women in Colonial Maranhão, specifically, in the territory of São Luís – Rio Itapecuru, between the years 1801-1819, thus giving a specificity to the female world. In this sense, the figure of enslaved women will be problematized, through the bibliography consulted and inventory data collected in the Database organized by the Center for Studies, Research and Extension on Africa and the Global South (NEAFRICA). As part of the composition of the dissertation text, a didactic-pedagogical question and answer board game entitled “Board Game: Black Women Enslaved in Colonial Brazil” was developed, which presents itself as a tool that will contribute to the field of education in Brazil. Teaching History. It outlines the objectives of the game, as well as how it is designed and developed, including the relevant rules. This resource highlights the theme of the presence of enslaved women in Colonial Maranhão, offering an approach to the history of Brazilian enslavement that, in many educational curricula and textbooks, is not properly highlighted or emphasized. The teachingmaterial in question was created with the purpose of introducing the theme of this research directly into the classroom, using the game as a base, this resource being specifically created for second-year high school students. Therefore, we seek to demonstrate how games can be effective not only in transmitting knowledge, but also in engaging students in an engaging and meaningful way, especially in complex and sensitive topics such as colonial enslavement.
    Keywords: Teaching History; Enslaved Woman; Slavery in Colonial Maranhão; Board game.

  • THE PRESS AS A SOURCE FOR HISTORY TEACHING: discussion analysis of newspapers during the strike of 1964 throughout O Globo and Última hora.

  • Data: 24/04/2024
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  • The civilian military strike of 1964 still is a target of narratives contests by being a recent event in Brazil’s contemporary history and a target for revisionist studies. To reflect about the historical facts that happened during this context we have to look to the present and think about the breaks and continuities that occurred after the 1964’s strike.That being, it is important to recall attention to the ideological project that was being built in Brazil from this fact, that broke in that moment with the democratic republic that was being built. The strike against João Goulart was articulated with the support of important civil sections such as businessmen, political groups and press. It is known that other sections of society were involved in the construction of the strike and that was crucial for the military to gain more strength in 1964. In this work our main goal it’s to built an educational product that contributes with the teaching of History in the analyses of civil military strike of 1964 investigating the context from the newspapers O Globo and Última Hora, highlighting their stance and to present a proposal to use these newspapers as a source for the teaching highlighting the participation of civil society in these conjectures. The methodology that will be used in this research consists in the use of theoretical and historical reference of the 1964’s strike to understand the political and social process that occurred during 1961 and 1964 with emphasis in the works that analyzes the action of civil society. Furthermore a discussion analysis will be done based on Roger Chartier (1990). As a result of this work an educational product will be done, a paradidactic book with the title: História e Imprensa: o golpe civil militar de 1964 através dos jornais, for students of the final year of high school. In this way, we want to contribute with the valuation of History teaching and the use of journalistic sources.

    Keywords: 1964 Strike; Teaching of history; O Globo; Última hora; Press; Representations; Newspapers.

  • Creole drum a pedagogical tool for valuing the intangible culture of the Axixá-MA region: Knowledge, memories and identity

  • Data: 26/06/2024
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  • The Tambor de Crioula is recognized as intangible cultural heritage in Brazil, supported by the 1988 Federal Constitution, and was inscribed in the Book of Forms of Expression in 2007 bythe National Institute of Historic and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN). Therefore, this researchpresents an approach to the Tambor de Crioula as intangible cultural heritage: reflections onthe categories of knowledge, memory, and identity. It also discusses popular culture as culturalheritage and the dance of Tambor de Crioula. In this regard, the main objective of this research is to investigate how popular culture can interact with identity discourses in the educational process, with emphasis on Tambor de Crioula from the state of Maranhão, specifically in themunicipality of Axixá, located in the Munim region, in order to enrich the field of knowledgefor high school students.Therefore, it is essential to develop bibliographic research with emphasis on these categories and their relationships with Tambor de Crioula, based on the analysis of texts already produced by literature, such as articles, theses, dissertations, and other printed or virtual texts, as well as official documents and legislation. Additionally, part of this study focuses on field research carried out with the aim of collecting significant data through questionnaires and interviews, both with participants from two existing Tambor de Crioula groups in the municipality of Axixá and with high school students from the State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IEMA). The relevance of this theme is associated with the possibility of encouraging the continuity of such an important intangible heritage for the culture not only of Axixá but also for the entire state of Maranhão.

    Keywords: Creole Drum; identity; memory; Patrimony.

  • Digital information and communication technologies in history teaching: study of the use of video-process methodology as a learning tool in history classes
  • Data: 21/03/2024
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  • Currently, the teaching of History faces the challenge of modernizing in a constantly changing world, with the need to employ new educational technologies and learning methodologies. In this context, this study aimed to assess the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in history education through the audiovisual methodology "Video-process" for the production of short educational videos by high school students. The research was conducted at the Institute of Education, Science, and Technology of Maranhão (IEMA), using both qualitative and quantitative approaches, along with action research procedures. The project “Exploring the history of Maranhão through its heritage” was created to evaluate the potential of this methodology, aiming to valorize the history of Maranhão through its cultural assets, especially the heritage of IEMA Rio-Anil. The goal was to contribute to the development of students' skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, organization, cooperation, interest, and responsibility, fostering the formation of a historical consciousness and appreciation for local history. As a result, a methodological guide for the production of short-duration videos using the video-process methodology was generated, applicable to both teachers and students. The audiovisual productions by students demonstrated the effectiveness of this resource in promoting the learning of local history by bringing students closer to their everyday lives, especially their cultural assets. This study thus contributes to the expansion of contemporary educational practices in History teaching, incorporating technological innovations and collaborative learning strategies.

    Keywords: history teaching; active methodologies; video-process; collaborative learning.

  • CHARMS AND SPELLS: the practices of love magic in Rome - 1st century BC. W.


    RELIGIONS AND THEIR PLURAL ASPECTS: concepts and terms about religions - “Rites and Rituals” of the Roman populus

  • Data: 05/06/2024
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  • The research-product aims to analyze questions about religiosities and their plural aspects, namely - the social representation of love magic practices contained in Roman society in the 1st century. to analyze how magic rituals to instill love were carried out, identifying the practicing subjects and their magical elements. To do so, we look at the testimonies present in the literary epistolography of Públio Ovídio Nasão, a Roman author who wrote poems on the theme of love during the period of Augustus' reign. We also consulted, as a theoretical foundation, the concepts developed by Jean Maisonnueve in the work ‘The Rituals’, Bronislaw Malinowski in ‘The Art of Magic and the Power of Faith’, among others. Through investigation into magical rituals, the aim is to enhance studies on ancient civilities, highlighting their practices and beliefs, which should contribute to discussions about religiosities and the different experiences that societies have built with the divine, since the past to the contemporary. All this research is to generate a paradidactic product, analyzing the documentation worked with the purpose of demonstrating how the religiosities of Ancient Rome are close to the pluralities related to the cultural permanences of everyday life. The paradidactic, in addition to assisting the primary school teacher with material on Roman religion, should contribute to discussions about religiosity and the different experiences that societies built with the divine. It also aims to investigate the elements that make up the ritualistic imagination of citizens Romans, therefore, the approach shifts to the religious context of the Republican period, a time when Roman religion centered on the family. Through this perspective, answers are sought in the history of populus romanum beliefs to identify the symbolic value of love magic practices manifested through rituals.


    Keywords: History Teaching, Memory, Love Magic, Religion, Rituals, Rome.

  • Charges, Teaching History and War in Paraguay.

  • Data: 20/03/2024
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  • This dissertation-product approaches the teaching of History from the perspective of cartoons, understanding them beyond a visual resource, listing their critical and political contents. To do so, it uses as a backdrop the Paraguayan War and the cartoons published by the Brazilian Illustrated Press during the time of the conflict (1864-1870), dialoguing with questions about the teaching of History and the historiographical debate about the press and the conflict. Finally, it presents a pedagogical product, in the form of a paradidactic, as a result of a analysis of the different agents of the conflict, underprivileged in the narratives about the Paraguayan War in History textbooks for the 8th year of Elementary School, which are under the validity of the Plano Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), with the aim of valuing them as social and historical beings and important participants in the conflict.

    History Teaching. Languages. Paraguayan War. Charges.

  • "Threads of Memories on Canvas: The Factory and the Schools CINTRA and IEMA RIO ANIL"

  • Data: 09/07/2024
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  • This study analyzes the historical trajectory of the building of the former Fábrica de Tecidos Rio Anil and the schools Centro Integrado Rio Anil/Cintra and IEMA Rio Anil, in order to better understand their uses over time, in addition to the various symbolic representations, considering the aspects socio-cultural related to material and intangible heritage. Considering especially the period that spans from the operation of the old CINTRA school (Centro Integrado Rio Anil) to the IEMA school, we highlight the importance of the school as an institution for preserving the history of our city as a local heritage of memory for the community as a whole: teachers; students who graduated there (and still studied there); collaborators; communities in the Anil neighborhood and surrounding areas, etc. To this end, the methodology used was a triangulation of methods containing: a) a review of scientific literature; b) historical documentary analysis and; c) testimonies from relevant agents. Our time frame (1893-1959- 2019) consists of the importance of the periods investigated, and also because one of the sources is oral history and its subjects participating in society. The theoretical references are the concepts of oral history (Alberti, 1996), place of memory (Nora, 1993), collective memory (Halbwachs, 2006), memory and culture (Le Goff, 1999), memory and identity (Pollak, 1989).

    Keywords: memories; identity; place of memory; Rio Anil Textile Factory; CINTRA; IEMA Rio Anil.

  • Memories of the struggle for land in the Palmeiral-Vietnã Settlement in Esperantinópolis-MA: Textbook Teaching History and Rural Education

  • Data: 23/04/2024
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  • The struggle for land is a historical reality in the Brazilian context and, in Maranhão, the Sarney Land Law (No. 2,979, of July 17, 1969) intensified land conflicts in the state by guaranteeing large amounts of land to companies and farmers, leaving rural workers without working conditions, which is why they began to organize themselves in favor of the struggle for land. Part of this history is forgotten because history teaching does not cover these facts, especially in the voice of rural workers. In the face of the educational project made available to peasants, "the educational leftovers", Rural Education was born, concerned with the political formation of peasants as a class and subjects of rights, an education that aims to meet the collective interests of the class. This research aims to compile and analyze memories of the struggle for land in the Palmeiral-Vietnã Settlement (Esperantinópolis-MA), in order to provide contextualized teaching that is part of the history of the community that houses the school. To this end, a textbook was created that articulates the assumptions of History Teaching and Countryside Education, aimed at the 9th grade of the Jefferson Moreira Municipal School, which can be used in other countryside schools. From a methodological point of view, the research is diagnostic, exploratory and explanatory, with observations made at the school and interviews conducted using oral history. Despite the fact that the settlement being researched has a lack of continuity in terms of Rural Education, this educational paradigm, combined with History Teaching, corresponds to a possibility of building historical knowledge that values the students' identities as rural subjects.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Countryside Education; Textbook; Struggle for Land; Palmeiral-Vietnã Settlement.

  • POLITICAL CULTURE IN THE MEDIEVAL: notions of power in the manuscript Vision of Tundal and poem Divine Comedy and its applicability in History Teaching

  • Data: 16/04/2024
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  • The present work seeks to discuss the Political Culture in the Middle Ages, having as main thread the New Political History for analysis and use of the sources Vision of Tundal and Divine Comedy. In order to fulfill this task and still Problematize it with the Teaching of History, we decided to divide the debate into an introduction focused on documents that govern the Teaching of History, as well as Historiographies that exerted and exert influence on textbooks. While the other part is directed to insert the two primary sources in the dimension of the New Political History and Medieval Political Culture. Finally, the third part of this work will analyze the medieval sources and their notions of power. The Vision of Tundal is a narrative that is configured as an imaginary journey and tells the experience of travel to the Afterlife made by a sinful knight. This account was written in 1149 by an Irish monk named Marcus, who lived at the time of the 12th century Papal Reformation. The Divine Comedy is a poem dating from the first two decades of the 14th century, in which the fictional journey of Dante is narrated, literary persona of the Florentine Dante Alighieri (1265-1321). The writings in question are loaded with political messages that are exemplified through spaces, characters and dialogues contained in the narratives. In addition, these works were written in the regions of Germania and Italy, spaces that were the scene of intense conflicts and power disputes in the Medieval West between the 12th and 14th centuries.

    Keywords: Beyond the grave, Political Culture, Divine Comedy, New Political History, Vision of Tundal.

  • Applying Cyberlearning in History Teaching Through The Digital Collection of the Araguaia Guerrilla.

  • Data: 22/04/2024
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  • The construction of the “Araguaia Guerrilla Digital Archive” website stands out as a very important initiative for problematizing the teaching of a traumatic historical event, yet often neglected in contemporary educational and media spheres: the Araguaia Guerrilla. Between 1972 and 1974, militants from PCdoB and military personnel from the armed forces staged a bloody conflict with tragic ends not only for themselves but also for rural workers living in the conflict zone; an agrarian region that interconnects the states of Maranhão, Pará, and Tocantins. This material aims to meet the pedagogical demands of 9th-grade students, as well as teachers and researchers interested in the topic. Through the digitalization and provision of related resources, the project seeks to establish a connection between the traditional approach to history teaching and the current demands for digital tools. By grounding itself in guidelines such as the National Common Curricular Base and the Maranhense Territory Curriculum Document, and in Digital Education Policies, as well as using sources like the newspaper “A Classe Operária” and the “Orvil” Project as fundamental research objects, this dissertation proposes a pragmatic and objective work that encompasses both the craft of historiographical making and the pedagogical and civic practice in the contemporary context. The focus is not only on the provision of documents but also on the critical analysis of the discourses and languages used to interpret the events of the Araguaia Guerrilla. This research, aligned with the principles of Historical-Critical Pedagogy and Cyberlearning, argues that the Digital Archive not only enhances the pedagogical experience but also boosts academic production, creating a dynamic digital environment that favors the continuous update and deepening of historical knowledge. In this sense, the integration of the Digital Archive into the academic environment can become a central point for the dynamization of classes in basic education, future conferences, publications, and the formation of research groups dedicated to the study of the Araguaia Guerrilla, promoting a virtuous cycle of innovation and historiographical investigation with the pedagogical practice of History Teaching.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Araguaia Guerrilla, Cyberlearning, Araguaia Guerrilla Digital Archive.


    Título do Produto Educacional: (Inglês): An(a)thologies: (re)discovering the self

  • Data: 22/08/2024
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  • In this work we will talk about the experiences of black women in the books Becos da Memória (2006) and Olhos D’água (2016), by author Conceição Evaristo, in an intersectional approach. From cultural history, we will discuss the relevance of literature in teaching History in basic education, understanding the novel and selected short stories as valuable language instruments to be worked on in the classroom, as well as our educational product, a book which tells the story of a black protagonist at various stages of life, from childhood to adulthood, with an
    emphasis on the period of adolescence.

    Keywords: Conceição Evaristo, Becos da Memória, Olhos d’água, Intersectionality, Black- female literature

  • PARODYING THE BUSINESS-MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN MARANHÃO: Rethinking pedagogical practices through Musical Education and the Press (1964 - 1979)

  • Data: 15/05/2024
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  • This research aims to streamline classes about the business-military dictatorship in Maranhão using music as a possible language for teaching History in Basic Education. Based on them printed material from Jornal Pequeno, we will present the role of the press in the context of the exceptional regime from April 1, 1964 until 1979, the period in which institutional acts that changed the dynamics of repression during the dictatorial period were in force, presenting the position politician from Jornal Pequeno. By presenting a historiographical discussion on topics such as coups and the actions of repression devices, we will create an educational product that dialogues in a playful way with a topic so dear to Brazilian history and its specificities in Maranhão, analyzing Jornal Pequeno and using musical education to transmit historical knowledge without losing the historian's attentive look at the issues that are fundamental to historical making. Parodies, reading with rhythms, use of new technologies and a readjustment of those that are already available, will make this work an important tool for Basic Education teachers and will also serve as teaching material for students who wish to deepen their studie on the corporate-military dictatorship in Maranhão through music, without distancing itself from the historian’s precepts.

    Keywords: Teaching History Dictatorship, Maranhão, Jornal Pequeno, Music.

  • EDUCATION AND QUILOMBO LAND: Proposals for quilombola school education.

    Quilombola Knowledge and Education App.

  • Data: 15/05/2023
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  • This work seeks to analyze issues related to quilombola school education and the teaching of history, from the perspective of developing teaching methodologies or didactic strategies for the construction of contextualized quilombola school education proposals, that is, an education that increasingly explores the identifications and historicities of black quilombola communities in their school environments, in order to deepen and insert the traditional knowledge of these communities, thus providing an appreciation and a feeling of belonging to the black quilombola community by the student. In this way, the general objective is projected in the development of curricular proposals and teaching methodologies contextualized with the identifications of the black quilombola communities, especially in the perspective of the Piratininga community that constituted as a starting point for these questions. More specifically, it is intended to reflect on the possibilities of teaching History as a producer of differences and resignification of quilombola school education, however, in the process of implementing educational policies for quilombola education, a convergent relationship with the issues articulated with quilombola can be perceived. the incorporation of knowledge about Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture in official school curricula, opening the way for various educational policies for black populations such as Resolution 08/2012 “National Curriculum Guidelines for Quilombola School Education in Basic Education”. Regarding the methodological course of the study, it is called descriptive and exploratory, with a qualitative nature. Descriptive in the sense of presenting the historical, social and political reality of quilombola school education through the discussions of authors and dialogues with educational representatives of the Piratininga community, located BR 316, KM 377, rural area, Bacabal - MA. Exploratory for knowing the researched object and familiarizing with the researcher, in the perspective of contemplation of the object and the subjects involved in the study, in the case educators who develop teaching in quilombola schools through the teaching modality "quilombola school education" and also the History teachers in the sense of elaborating differentiated historical knowledge. With an attentive eye on the relationship between History Teaching and Quilombola School Education, the research is structured in three chapters, accompanied by part of the educational product. In its composition, the material describes teaching methodologies for the application of a quilombola school education, recontextualized mainly in the Elementary School II stage, thus exploring the experiences of black quilombola communities in the school environment.

    Keywords: Teaching History, black quilombola communities, quilombola school education and teaching methodologies.

  • HISTORY TRAILS AND CULTURE OF THE TABAJARA AND TAPUIO FROM NAZARÉ: resignifying school knowledges in an indigenous community.

    THE RESOUND OF THE VOICES THAT BROKE THE SILENCE: historical and cultural aspects of the indigenous peoples Tabajara and Tapuio from Nazaré.

  • Data: 12/04/2023
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  • Although the myth of the total extinction of the Indigenous of Piauí has been propagated even by Piauí's own historiography, a lot of peoples come breaking the silence and starting to express and claim their identities, one of the examples are the Tabajara and Tapuio from Nazaré, that lived in the country side of Lagoa de São Francisco’s county states of Piauí. In view of the historical and cultural silencing experienced by these peoples, the knowledge about their history and culture appeared in themselves the need for recognition as historical subjects, organizing themselves in a process of self-affirmation through the claim of their indigenous identities. Coming from a recent process of ethnogenesis consolidated in 2015, the indigenous of Nazaré need looking for ways to fortify their history and culture. This way the school that serves the community appears as a possible locus of historical-cultural resistance, demanding the need for a process of historical reparation, since the image attributed to these peoples who once entered the schools of that country had a strong colonialist bias, and there are still many traces. In this way the present research search for analyze the constitution of the history and culture of the peoples Tabajara and Tapuio Itamaraty from Nazaré as a possibility of re-signification of school knowledge at Escola Municipal Professor José Raimundo Pereira, an institution that serves the community. The accomplishment of this study is guided by means of a bibliographical research by descriptive character of qualitative design, based on works and recent studies about the subject, including legislation that take into account these issues, constituting itself also through a field study, which is of a descriptive nature. In parallel with this research, the educational product named “The resound of the voices that broke the silence: historical and cultural aspects of the indigenous peoples Tabajara and Tapuio from Nazaré”, this is being a didactic-pedagogical manual that looks for contemplate the historical, geographical, art and culture aspects, linguistic rescue, as well as the rituals of the Tabajara and Tapuio Itamaraty peoples, and each theme is being approached in a chapter of the production. It is understood that nowadays there is a consolidated legislation that ensures that indigenous history and culture enter at schools, also understanding the possibilities of adapting the curriculum as a reference, a direction for institutions with regard to the theme. Finally, the resignification of school knowledge presupposes that the school contemplates more effectively the context which it is inserted, thus constituting itself as a possible space for the realization of the rights achieved and for the materialization of what is being proposed in the curriculum.

    Keywords: History teaching. History and culture. Indigenous people. School knowledge.

  • ETHNIC-RACIAL RELATIONS AND EDUCATION: The Portuguese language book and its textual genres as bases for building black and quilombola historical and identity awareness, in view of the implementation of Law n.º 10.639/2003

    HISTORICAL CONSCIOUSNESS AND BLACK IDENTITIES: thinking references for the organization of pedagogical practice by literature.

  • Data: 20/04/2023
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  • This research proposes to analyze to what extent the Portuguese language textbook for the 1st cycle of fundamental education, from the Raimundo Nonato Lobato Municipal School, located in the quilombola community Vila Nova, in the municipality of Palmeirândia, responds to the discussion on the construction of Afro-descendant identity in schools located in contexts remnants of quilombo, under the perspective of Law no 10.639/2003. At first, the methodology follows the qualitative method with analyzes of the speech and content of textbooks. The educational legislation referring to quilombola and ethnic-racial education, as well as several
    bibliographical references also composed the analyses. Portuguese language books from the 3rd, 4th and 5th years of elementary school are examined, focusing on the textual typologies presented and their relationship with aspects of the insertion process, representation and approach to Afro-Brazilian and African literature as bases for the formation of students. students in aspects of recognition and construction of historical awareness and black and quilombola identities. In a second moment, observations were made at the school and interviews with the teachers and with the municipal secretary of education. The contrasts in the teachers' initial and continuing education are analyzed, as well as their knowledge about ethnic-racial politics, the criteria and parameters for choosing the textbooks used in the school. The results show weaknesses in meeting the discussions and implementation of the ethnic-racial policy, showing the need to think and present a didactic booklet as a research product as a teacher training support and teaching basis for multidisciplinary pedagogical work. The purpose of the booklet is to enable the training of teachers and students about historical-identity aspects based on the relationship between Literature and History.Keywords: History Teaching; Quilombola education; Textbook; Afro-Brazilian Literature.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Law nº 10.639; Textbook; Afro-Brazilian Literature.

  • GENDER AND THE TEACHING OF HISTORY: an analysis of the approach of gender relations, as an axis of the transversal theme sexual orientation, in history classes, of high school, in São Luís.

    Gender relations on the agenda.

  • Data: 28/08/2023
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  • The present work consists of an analysis on the approach of gender relations, as an axis of the transversal theme sexual orientation, in history classes, of high school, in São Luís - MA, which aims to problematize gender identities based on heteronormativity. and how such issues have been mediated in the classroom. To this end, a bibliographic survey was and is being carried out to expand the theoretical debate, as well as questionnaires and interviews with history teachers and managers of the State Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão - IEMA, located in the Anil neighborhood. The result of this work will be a website, aimed at teachers of the discipline, in order to provide materials and lesson plans that facilitate the approach to gender.

    Keywords: History teaching. Gender Relations. Education. Transversal Themes. Teacher training. Didatic books.

  • THE EXPOSEDS OF THE SANTA CASA DE MISERICÓRDIA DO MARANHÃO: assistance for helpless children in the 19th century.

    Lady Antonia's album and the memories that cannot be forgotten.

  • Data: 11/05/2023
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  • The Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Maranhão was a charity institution that aimed to assist the destitute, the poor, the sick, prisoners, abandoned children and women. In the 19th century it had several patrimonies and establishments, among them the Casa dos Expostos, founded in 1828, whose purpose was to create and educate found children. The objective of this research focuses on analyzing the role of Casa dos Expostos in assisting abandoned children. The research intends to give voice to subjects who were silenced by History, it will allow the understanding of the imaginary referring to childhood, gender relations and education in the 19th century, as well as understanding the charitable model of institution. The methodology consists of the analysis of 19th century newspapers and official sources of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia do Maranhão, such as monthly and annual reports, speeches by the President of the Province, official letters, minute books, Compromisso da Santa Casa, Regulation of the Casa dos Expostos, between others. The Educational Product is a children's tale that aims to re-signify and (re)build memories of Casa dos Expostos, it also seeks to build narratives about underprivileged children who were made invisible in the teaching of History due to the hegemonic narratives in force in the school space. . The tale will use imagery sources, thus forming the product entitled “D. Antonia's album and memories that cannot be forgotten”.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Disabled Childhood. Assistance. Casa dos Expostos.

  • AFRICA: between historical awareness and history teaching.

  • Data: 26/07/2023
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  • This study aims to analyze how historical awareness can be developed through the Teaching of African History, that is, prioritizing an interdisciplinary perspective that addresses the conceptions of time and history for Africans. In this way, it is intended to connect both Philosophy and History to African Studies. It is considered that African thought is born in permanent confrontation and dialogue with the so-called Western thought. Thus, in the present work, which consists of an exploratory research, mainly of bibliographic and documentary character, in the first place, a reflection is made on how time and history have been defined in the West, in their connection with the construction of the other. , especially, of the other African and the other black; evidencing the temporal and spatial character of Western philosophy and thought, it discusses the possibility of other epistemologies and gnosiologies that present descriptive and explanatory formulations about Africa, black and African.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Africa. Time. Historical awareness.



  • Data: 19/04/2023
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  • The present research sought to establish a dialogue between gender issues from a multidisciplinary practice, that is, making a relationship between History and Literature in the teaching of History in Basic Education (High School). For this, the works Uma Mulher Vestida de Sol by Ariano Suassuna and Sem lei nem rei by Maximiano Campos were used to carry out this dialogue with the northeast regional space of the 20th century and its sociocultural aspects. In order to do so, we thought about the dialogue between literary works and gender issues in the Northeast of the beginning of the last century, so there was a need to understand the aspects related to the creation of the Northeast as a region and, consequently, what is meant by Northeast. In this way, the formation of the Northeastern identity is analyzed, in particular the construction of the virile Northeastern identity, focused on the virile male subject that demonstrates a “true male”. Furthermore, these elements are related to the regional literature of the 20th century, which was intended to define and legitimize the virile Northeastern identity. In this perspective, in order to deepen the discussions, the use of a multidisciplinary thinking, that is, of Literature as a source for History, served as a basis for us to think about the concepts of identity, masculinity, virility, honor and violence aimed at the Northeastern scenario and its people. Thus, relating History, Literature and History Teaching from discussions focused on gender issues and multidisciplinarity is configured as a base reflection for this research.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Northeast. Virile Male Identity. Literature.

  • INSIDE THE MISERICÓRDIA: political and social practices of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia in Maranhão and Gão-Pará (1650-1750)


  • Data: 16/05/2023
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  • The present work deals with the performance of the Santa Casa de Misericórdia (SCM) of São Luís do Maranhão, between 1652 and 1750, an Institution of the Portuguese Corroa that promoted welfare policies for the valorization of charity and practices and customs throughout the Overseas Empire. Established by the efforts of the inhabitants of the land and incentives from the Portuguese Crown, the SCM, in addition to administering fundamental services within urban spaces, was one of the mainstays of local authorities. The guiding problem of the research is: how did the political, social and cultural structures of the Portuguese empire determine and maintain the installation, performance, expansion of the Santas Casas de Misericórdias in overseas lands and how did this institution drive welfare policy in the local elite? The main objective of this work is to present the SCM to think about the political, administrative, cultural and social practices of the colonial period in Brazil and Maranhão and, through this Institution, to assist teachers and students of the Final Years of Elementary School in the teaching/study of History. from colonial Maranhão to know and understand the logic of organization of that society. In this sense, we start from the normative texts that organize teaching such as the Base Nacional Comum Curricula (BNCC) and the Documento Curricular do Território Maranhense (DCTMA) until we reach the proposal for the elaboration of a pedagogical product that can be used in the final years of Elementary School. . From a methodological point of view, we investigated the digital collection of the Arquivo Histórico Ultramarino (AHU), in addition to correlated documents produced by the communication between the brothers of Santa Casa de Misericórdia de São Luís and authorities of the Kingdom.

    Keywords: History teaching.. Assistance Policy.. Colonial Maranhão. Holy House of Mercy.

  • THE HISTORY TEACHER IN HYBRID EDUCATION: training, knowledge and experiences in the final grades of Elementary School.

    Continuing training mini-course of hybrid teaching methodologies in History classes.

  • Data: 15/05/2023
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  • The present research investigates how the formation, knowledge and experiences of the History teacher are articulated in the context of Hybrid Teaching, in the final grades of Elementary School, in a public school in the city of São Luís - MA. The choice of this proposal comes from my professional experience in two private schools in São Luís-MA. The thematic choice to study this theme was justified by its relevance and relevance for the continuing teaching formation of the History teacher, in view of the process of self-regulation of their learning and knowledge. This approach will bring the construction of omnilateral educational practices, which, according to Ramos (2014), enable a conception of professional education committed to human education in the light of ontological and historical processes of appropriation of nature by man.


    Keywords: History Teaching; Blended Learning; Continuing Education; Learning Self-Regulation.

  • BETWEEN CLICKS AND REMINISCENCES: The subsidies ofthe photographic document in teaching the local history of Barra do Corda/MA.

    LOCAL HISTORY IN PHOTOGRAPHY: A didacticmethodological proposal for teaching history in Barra do Corda/MA.

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • This research presents and discusses the contributions of the use of photography through a didactic-methodological procedure for the teaching of the local history of Barra do Corda/MA, exemplified its application through the church-monument in the condition of place of memory of the conflict of Alto Alegre occurred in 1901. The study proposes to reflect on the ways that local history is manifested through photography as a historical source of information in an approach that obeys the particularities of the locality, instituting the informative capacity of the photographic document so capillary in modernity. Such understandings are fundamental for valuing memory and spaces that form a cultural and social identity that History as a school subject can effectively offer, in order to situate the student in his reality and in his place of coexistence. Furthermore, it seeks to encourage an active and dynamic learning methodology, using public and private imagery files that characterize social and historical aspects of the locality in which the students are inserted. The theoreticalmethodological approach regarding imagery sources was contributed by several authors, such as: Mauad (1996), Kossoy (2007), Molina (2007), Belting (2014), Schwarcz (2014), among others. In addition, the authors Brandes (1994), Everton (2016), Carvalho (2017), Sarmento (2018), Silva (2020), Everton (2021), provided important discussions regarding the historical-cultural context in the formation of the municipality of Rope Bar. As an educational product/process, a digital guidebook was prepared with the didactic-methodological procedures in the use of photographic documents to guide the educational activity of the history teacher in basic education.

    Keywords: History teaching, Local History; Memory; Photographs; Barra do Corda/MA.

  • Teaching rural history: the construction of peasant collective memory and the exhortation of violence and the criminalization of the struggle for land in printed newspapers (Médio Mearim – MA 1980-90).

    The field is on the agenda: social movements of struggle for land and agrarian reform in newspapers printed on the island: a website.

  • Data: 26/07/2023
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  • The present work aims to analyze the appearance of a series of political-religious entities and social movements of struggle for land and agrarian reform, in the printed newspapers that circulated on the island of São Luís throughout the decades of 1980-1990. As a spatial section, we will analyze three entities linked to the Catholic Church and two social movements that were present in the Middle Mearim – MA region, these being: Action of Christians in the Rural Environment (ACR), the Pastoral Commission of the Earth (CPT) and the Legal Assistance to Farmers (AJULAV), as entities linked to the Catholic Church, inspired by liberation theology; the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST); and the Coco Breakers Movement, currently organized in what we know as MIQCB. The approach of these movements and entities aims to understand the conflicting scenario found in the study region, observing the impacts on the new national and state land legislation (Land Statute of 1964 and Land Law 2.979/69), in addition to analyzing the construction of an "opinion" and the legitimation of the use of violence against these agents through news found in newspapers; for this research we will use the newspaper O Estado, O Imparcial e Jornal Pequeno, as well as some newspaper clippings found in the archives of the Pastoral Land Commission; we also propose an analysis about the construction of the "peasant collective memory" by social movements together with the entities described here, aiming at the elaboration of the educational product "The field is on the agenda", with the aim of bringing into the classroom themes previously marginalized, in addition to presenting new sources of research and study for students and teachers of high school.

    Keywords: History teaching; Press; Opinion; Peasant Collective Memory; Agrarian Question.

  • NEUROSCIENCE IN HISTORY TEACHER TRAINING: theory and practice in the teaching-learning process.

    Produto Educacional: Course Neuroscience applied to History Teaching.

  • Data: 16/02/2023
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  • This study aims to analyze and promote the relationship between Neuroscience, teacher education and the teaching and learning process of the History discipline, with History teachers from the third stage of Basic Education in schools in the city of Pinheiro Ma. to identify necessary knowledge in relation to neuroscience in the formation of History teachers so that one can understand human development in the teaching and learning process, in addition to pointing out the contribution of Neuroscience to the formation of these teachers. It will also be necessary to identify and analyze possible courses, short courses and subjects taught in undergraduate courses in Brazil on Neuroscience focused on teacher training, with a view to proposing, implementing and evaluating a 60-hour refresher course on Neuroscience applied to Teaching and History Didactics. The present work will be carried out through bibliographical and field research using mixed method, where the approach will be qualitative and quantitative with application of questionnaires and interviews with an average of 100 people involving History teachers of the third stage of Basic Education in CEE D schools Ungarelli, CEE-José de Anchieta, Colégio Pinheirense and Fundação Bradesco and academics from UFMA public universities in the municipality of Pinheiro Ma. . The semi-structured interview combines closed and open questions and will have twenty questions in which the interviewee will be able to talk about the proposed theme, covering the research objective. After conducting interviews and observation, possible courses, disciplines and short courses taught in Brazil and intended for undergraduate students in History will be analyzed with a view to subsidizing the development, offer and subsequent evaluation of a refresher course in the field of Neuroscience.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Teacher training. Neuroscience and Teaching.


  • Data: 14/09/2023
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  • The present work articulates a historical synthesis about the Chilean military dictatorship (1973-1990) with the analysis of the repercussion of the episode in the Brazilian press, with the objective of proposing adequate approaches to the theme for the teaching of History at the Fundamental II level. It starts with a bibliographic review of works considered fundamental for understanding the practices, strategies and institutions that implemented State Terror in Chile and that were responsible for the proven violations of Human Rights filed against Chilean society. Concomitantly, we selected from the newspapers O Estado do Maranhão and O Estado de São Paulo materials of different natures (news, articles, editorials, cartoons, images) that demonstrate the impact of the interpretations of the Brazilian press on the use of violence as a strategy for legitimizing power. of State in Chile. The publications of the Brazilian press, elucidated by the historical-critical study of the Chilean Military Dictatorship, are considered subsidies for proposals for didactic interventions that intend to present the transnational dimension of the practices of State Terror that marked Brazilian and Latin American History in the second half of the century XX.


    Keywords: Chilean Military Dictatorship, Human Rights Violation, History Teaching.

  • From cartographic silences to indigenous territories: the backwoods  of Maranhão from the map of Francisco de Paula Ribeiro

  • Data: 18/05/2023
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  • This text is an analysis of the “Mapa geográfico da Capitania do Maranhão, que pode servir de Memória sobre a População, Cultura e Coisas mais notáveis da mesma Capitania” (1819) by portuguese military Francisco de Paula Ribeiro. In light of the theoretical references of the New History of Cartography and historiographical studies on the backwoods, and more specifically on the Pastos Bons, it is intended to problematize speeches about the supposed demographic void, which characterized the backcountry areas of the colonial period. This time, it seek to deconstruct the notion that maps are objects free from partiality and that, in fact, are vectors of political discourse. Finally, we propose the development of an educational product in map format that aims to highlight the indigenous populations that inhabited the interior of Maranhão in the nineteenth century.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Historical Cartography; Maranhão; Backwoods.



  • Data: 14/04/2023
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  • The research described here deals with the possibility of write about the process of elaborating a Curriculum Proposal for the teaching of history in the municipality of Campo Maior, considering the current historical context of implementation of the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) and (re) construction of state and municipal curricula. In this sense, we sought to discuss the possible paths that we can envision for the construction of a
    document that considers the teaching of the city's history, considering the legal obligation regulated by Municipal Law No. 14/2009 , of October 16, 2009, which establishes that the history of the municipality must be taught to students in their school curriculum, both in public schools: state, municipal, and private schools. Thus, we will emphasize the existing connection between the BNCC, the Piauí Curriculum and the law municipal. Therefore, to
    design a theoretical methodological path for the future Curriculum Proposal of the municipality of Campo Maior – PI.

    Keywords: History Teaching; BNCC; Resume; Curriculum Proposal; Campo Maior.

  • The Ancient Middle East: eurocentrism, deportation and history teaching

  • Data: 05/05/2023
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  • The following master's thesis strives to contribute to the development of basic understandings about respect for differences of opinion, the construction of the “critical self” and openness to cultural multiplicity. In addition, through Connected Stories, visualize the convergences between cultures throughout history. Mesopotamia, Assyria and Babylonia can be a means to achieve a very useful end for the teaching of History and education, especially the fight against Eurocentrism. Eurocentrism is an inconvenient tenant in education that needs to be deeply reviewed and alerted in public schools. Within the research itself, Antiquity, the phenomenon of the deportation of the statue of the Babylonian god Marduk is studied. From the 8th century BC to the 6th century BC. the Assyrian "theft" of Marduk is observed, and years later his return to Babylon. From the violent and strategic convergence between these cultures, we will understand what can be important for us in the now.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Deportation; Connected Stories.




  • Data: 13/09/2023
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  • Hegel was the first to develop an idea of conceptual history (Begriffsgeschichte), in the 1830s. However, it was the works of Otto Brunner, already in the 20th century, that served as a link between the Hermeneutics of History and Modern Social History, giving the discipline its initial contours. What was originally born as a critique of liberalism and, to a certain extent, a defense of National Socialism, became, after Koselleck, a great project of a lexicon of concepts, which questioned conceptions thought to be solid and irrevocable, exposing their concerns and contingencies, as a reaction to the limitations of traditional Social History. The Begriffsgeschichte sought to transcend theoretical thematic and disciplinary divisions, bringing a self-reflexive perspective into History with the “linguistic turn”, considering that historical concepts not only capture the uniqueness of events, but also contain cognitive possibilities and invisible concatenations.

  • HAS CINEMA IN AFRICA: African cinemas and audiovisuals as educational tools for teaching African History.

    Educational video trilogy: What history of Africa in African films?



  • Data: 28/07/2022
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  • Since the 1960s, he has developed his own cinematographic production on the African continent, strongly characterized by its connection with the memories, histories and traditions of Africa in the past and present. Audiovisual resources have aroused the interest of historians as a source of research and as an element of historiographical representation, even contributing to the promotion of a critical teaching of History and to the production of teaching materials. This work proposes to problematize African cinemas as a locus of knowledge about Africa, through the production of a set of educational videos about these cinemas and the main themes they address. Therefore, the research seeks to reflect on the critical and contextualized use of films and videos in History classes. Likewise, we propose an analytical mix in the field of two African cinemas, taking them as a source of decolonial studies, since it recognizes the production of knowledge from Africa and contributes to the decolonization of the Eurocentric curriculum, of fabrics by through. from which films that historically favored Hollywood productions are watched, and minds marked by colonial logic. As an educational product, we present a trilogy of educational videos about African cinematography.

    Keywords: Teaching History; African cinemas; audiovisual.

  • A FORGOTTEN HERITAGE: the sugar mil Joaquim Antônio Vianna's end Heritage Education in Central do Maranhão-MA.

    Educational Product: At Pindahyba.

  • Data: 04/07/2022
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  • Bibiographic and documental study with historical, cultural and social relevance, aqualitative in nature and exploratory in character with regard to the application of data collection instruments(questionnaires and semi-strutured interviews). Its main objective is to investigate and reconstruct the historigraphy of Mr. Joaquim Antonio Vianna's Sugar Mill, located in the Microregion of the Western Coast of Maranhense, territory of the then parish of GuimãesMA, currently , municipality of Central do Maranhão-MA, pucntuating its importance in Regional and Local History. The Sugarcane mill , which dates from the beginning of the second half of the 19th century, until the definitive closure of its operation in the 1965s. Administrative, and its production (destination of the goods). Local Material Heritage is presented as a learning space, highlighting Heritage Education as a tool for the development of historical awareness and for the self-recognition of individuals as historical subjects. We seek to articulate the valorization and strengthening of the local identity and, consequently, form transforming agents and multipliers of the collective conscience of preservation of the cultural property. We emphasize the relationship between Heritage Education and the Teaching of History. However, we open space for other interrelationships as a way of producing knowledge through memories and the feeling of belonging, while also stimulating connections between the student's places of experience. The research presents methodological aspects adapted to the current context of the Covid-19 Pandemic, where we also consider conducting interviews and informal conversations through applications such as and facebook. As an educational product, we propose the construction of a booklet on local history with the title: "Na Pindahyba". The booklet will serve as a tool for teaching-learning local history in basic education schools, with the aim of developing awareness of valuing local heritage through its content. The booklet can also have wider use

    Keywords: History Teaching; Heritage Education; Central do Maranhão (MA); Sugar Mill.

  • GREEK ANTIQUITY IN TEXTBOOKS: Global and Connected History.

    Didactic Sequence – History: The Mediterranean as a space of interaction in the classical period: economic and cultural relations.

  • Data: 10/12/2022
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  • The present work aims to establish a discussion about the approach on Greek Antiquity present in textbooks. For this, the perspective on "Global and Connected History" is used, a perspective that allows the historian to cross the boundaries of historiography, making him better understand the form of interaction between societies and civilizations that is intended to analyze. In addition, it is proposed as a final product, a paradidactic, directed to the teacher, as an aid tool in order to weave a better discussion about the historiographic approach in the classroom focused on the history of antiquity.

    Keywords: History teaching. Antiquity. Global and Connected History.



  • Data: 05/09/2022
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  • History as an important field of teaching and research has the mission of improving the knowledge that occurs over time and that dimension society to think about the facts of the past in order to enlighten people's minds in the present. Education is a path that we believe is capable of breaking with certain attributes considered taboo by societies, so it is important to make the school a place of dialogue and motivator of knowledge. This dissertation is a yearning in the face of the changes we want to make in our society and the directions we want to take when we are willing to talk about such significant issues for our lives. Thus, this research consists of an exploratory analysis and documents and books that talk about the subject studied here. In the first chapter we will talk about the legal framework for the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, where the social identity of black people will be discussed and, thus, bring some documents that guide the theme of the Teaching of AfroBrazilian and African History and Culture. In the second chapter, a description of the city of Santa Helena will be made with a historical-cultural focus, bringing the geographical characteristics, foundation process, population, religion, education and Afro-Brazilian and African presence in the municipality. The intention of the third chapter is to analyze the History textbook used by the Santa Helena school system, and to build an analysis of the History contents in the student's 7th year book and in the teacher's manual, as well as to talk about the importance of local history.

    Keywords: Teaching History. Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture. Baixada Maranhense.


    Notebook of Classes-Workshops: Discussing Sexuality through the Military Business Dictatorship at school.

  • Data: 26/09/2022
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  • During the Brazilian Military Business Dictatorship, individuals who did not constitute an aesthetic, behavioral and moral standard established by the joint action of the State and a portion of civil society suffered various political and social consequences, in this specific case homosexual people were persecuted, subjugated and marginalized in the social dynamics by the very condition of existing. This debate has been growing over time and mainly consolidated after publications of research and official documents that gave breath to a capillarity of these themes beyond the academic space. In this way, the school space, in addition to being an environment conducive to debate, is the specific specific place for transformation and construction of knowledge, thus making the Teaching of History essential for the elaboration of strategies to expand the aspects of individual freedoms, diversities and democratic rights. That said, this study proposes to think of methodological and critical strategies that are capable of proposing an approach to this theme and boosting the confrontation of prejudice and discrimination in these spaces, using transversal themes from the Teaching of History. That said, to demonstrate this, it will be demonstrated how homosexuality is portrayed in legal regulations, books and educational resources. Assuming that teaching and learning are fundamental in the construction of identities, in the fight against prejudice and in the promotion of individual rights and freedoms, . This research, intends to create a bridge between the production of scientific knowledge and basic education, based not only on the training of students and the learning process, but on the training of the History teacher, whose access to several that through the possibilities of pedagogical resources , the possibilities of approaching these themes are expanded, in addition to allowing and allowing the inclusion and access to new methodological, instrumental and tools for teaching practice that extend beyond the textbook. . As an educational product, notebooks for class-workshops will be built, which aim at the (re)construction of knowledge through the investigation and analysis of historical discourses as the main basis of the teaching-learning process. The Workshop-Class is a way to stimulate the relationship between teacher and student in a more horizontal way, optimizing teaching experiences. It attributes to the student a greater participation in the knowledge construction process, breaking with the only expository class model, leading them to elaborate problems and find practical solutions based on the Teaching of History.

    Keywords: History teaching; Military Business Dictatorship, Homosexuality, Diversity; Workshop-class.

  • EFA DE SÃO LUÍS GONZAGA -MA; rural education, teaching the history of migration to mining, (1970 to 1990) from the documentary at the crossroads of gold.

    At the Crossroads of Gold.

  • Data: 25/08/2022
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  • This work aimsto discussthe historical paths of the configuration of RuralEducation in the Middle Mearim region, specifically on the teaching of local and regionalhistoryat the Escola Família Agrícola de São Luís Gonzaga – MA. We question the essential elementsfor the development of the discipline of History in these formative institutions belonging to therural areas of the Middle Mearim. We seek to carry out analyzes and reflections on rural education in the highlighted region, based on the available bibliography on the subject of RuralEducation. We try to understand the educational training processes based on considerations concerning the agrarian structurein Maranhão. Thus, it is necessary to point out the importanceof building the AgriculturalFamily Schools and the educational social movement in favor of rural education in rural areas. The EFAs contributed significantly to the social and critical development of students belonging to rural areas, this achievement took place from the inclusion of various professionals and the idealization and application of various projects, engaged in the struggle and social organization based on qualification, which provided awareness and the feeling of belonging to the land and the resistance of the peasants, in the faceof significant attacks of expropriation and violence by farmers and land grabbers who aimedatall costs to usurp the lands of the oldest inhabitants of the middle Mearim. It is noteworthy thatrural workers in the Middle Mearim region, through the permanence, cultivation and defense of these lands, developed several strategies of economic and social political organization. Finally, during the construction of the work, we will analyzethe events that triggered the construction of the EFA in São Luís Gonzaga and how this institution is related to the other communities located around it. We will also discuss somecontributions from researchers who focus on the movement “For an education in the countryside”, which ends up being conceivedas the main theme of the work’s plot.

    Keywords: Middle Mearim; Education; Story; Migration; Work

  • The underrepresentation of women artists in History textbooks (PNLD 2020).

    Invisible trajectories of women artists in the History of Art.

  • Data: 22/07/2022
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  • Textbooks are places of memory, they are part of school culture and give students a world view and a perspective of history, however, the cultural heritage of certain subjects is still negligible in these teaching materials. Among these subjects are women artists, who did not have the legitimation and dissemination of their productions in spaces that safeguard memory, places still marked by the conception of male artistic genius, with this, it is necessary to reflect and question the androcentric logic. which is still part of these spaces. This logic reveals the way in which the experience and the look of the male subject are identified as experiences of all individuals, in a hegemonic and universalizing way. This crosses the importance given to female intellectuals and the recognition of their experiences, knowledge and memories. Few women managed to enter the History of Art, despite having productions of the most diverse styles, schools and artistic movements, their recognition is minimal. Recognizing these historical differences in the representation of genders means contributing to a critical view of History, identifying the social factors that foster the marginalization of female artistic practice. There is a need for a closer look at female artistic productions, inserting women as an active subject in the creation of art and not just as an object of art. In this sense, the present research aims to analyze the representativeness of female artistic productions in textbooks from the National Textbook Program (PNLD) for the year 2020, as it configures an important segment in the analysis of gender relations in History . For this, the bibliographic methodology was used from the survey of theoretical references and document analysis.

    Keywords: History teaching. Women artists. Under-representation. Didatic books.

  • TEACHING LOCAL HISTORY IN THE MUNICIPAL PUBLIC NETWORK OF ZÉ DOCA: a look at the contents worked and their sources.

    HIGHLAND: knowing and debating the history of Zé Doca (Paradidactic Book).

  • Data: 11/07/2022
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  • Local History is a historical approach that allows the work with themes of more delimited spaces and, generally, close to the student, which defines the place as something of enormous significance when thinking about the formation of the being. In this way, the present research has as its field of study, the teaching of Local History in the Municipal Public Teaching Network of Zé Doca, and as an object, the contents related to the history of this municipality and worked by the teachers of this network in their classes, as well as the sources of these works in the classroom. In view of this, the main objective of this research is the analysis of the approaches developed about the local history of the municipality of Zé Doca in the final years of elementary school, from the reflection of the contents and the sources that evidence the history of this city. In this sense, it is essential to develop bibliographic research aimed at reflecting on issues that correlate with the concept of History and Local History, the Teaching of History and Local History, as well as historical facts related to the city of Zé Doca. , based on the analysis of texts already produced in the literature, such as articles, theses, dissertations and other printed or virtual texts, as well as official documents and legislation, in addition to plans, projects or other possible means produced by teachers and that can prove work with local themes. Also, part of this study turns to a field research, to be carried out in order to collect significant data for the research and from the application of questionnaires and interviews with both teachers and students of the schools surveyed, as well as old and current residents of the city of Zé Doca, for the production of the educational product that is presented here as a proposition. The relevance of this theme is associated with the importance that Local History, and here specifically the history of Zé Doca, has for the formation of individuals, especially regarding the historical understanding of the world, the processes and aspects of identity formation and the historical consciousness.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Contents. Sources. Local History. Zé Doca.


  • Data: 26/09/2022
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  • The present work proposes to deepen the theme, problematizing the different power dispute projects on how the Political Transition can be approached in the classroom, through programmatic content about the Dictatorship and the New Republic. Discussing and addressing political issues in the classroom, it is necessary to debate not only the chosen historical clipping, but to prepare a reflection on current political moments, and thus manage to build critical thinking by students for the action to implement the freedoms of their political rights. Reflecting on the school space as a favorable and fertile context for such discussions, using the Teaching of History as the main channel, in addition to being possible, it is feasible, effective. After all, elucidating the political trajectory of the current democratic regime, through teaching and learning, allows students to develop practical actions that relate to citizenship and rights. I also seek to develop a discussion to enter the analysis of textbooks that address the subject, in order to produce a didactic unit to assist the teacher in the classroom.

    Keywords: Teaching of History; Dictatorship; Political Transition; Didatic Unity.

  • LUDOVICESE POPULAR CULTURE IN THE CLASSROOM: sambas-enredo as an educational historical source (1975-1985).

    Educational Product: THE CLASSROOM IS THE CATWALK: it's the São Luís carnival that shines.

  • Data: 15/06/2022
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  • The present research has as objective the feasibility of a methodological proposal of teaching History through the use of sambas-enredo of the Ludovicense Carnival (1975-1985), in order to reflect the culture, historical affirmation and local identity. In view of the discursive varieties of Cultural History, it is possible to propose new methodologies, sources and spaces for didactic insertion that help the teaching-learning process. Among the alternatives, the proposal is to present the São Luís Carnival as a manifestation of great potential related to the transmission of values, memory preservation, formation and criticality of the subject, enabling new learning experiences in the school environment.

    Keywords: History teaching; Carnival; Samba-enredo; São Luís.

  • WHO SINGS THEIR TORMENTORS OUTRAGE: Use of musical lyrics as resource of teaching History about the period of the dictatorship in Brazil.

    Educational Product: REMEMBERING THROUGH SOUND: How to work program contente using song lyrics.

  • Data: 13/06/2022
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  • El trabajo trae la propuesta de pensar la enseñanza de la Historia desde conceptos historiográficos y la transmisión del conocimiento bajo la vertiente de nuevos recursos metodológicos como el uso de letras de canciones que posibilitan uma reinterpretación de la vida ccotidiana en la que se insertan los estudiates, como uma acción interacción proactiva entre professor y alumno, participación y mejora en el processo de enseñanza/aprendizaje. La posibilidad de informar sobre temas históricos hasta ahora marginados y llevarlos a la contemporaneidade y para que la facilitación de tecnologias como la música y sus fundamentos audiovisuales puedan favorecer el trabajo del docente en el aula. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo sondear la contextualización histórica de la memoria, la identidade y el contenido de los libro de texto sobre el tema historia y Dictadura en Brasil.

    Palabras clave: Enseñanza de la Historia, Dictadura, Letras de canciones.

  • The Process of Territorial Occupation of Maranhão: a proposal of didactic material for the school teaching of History of Maranhão.

    The Sesmarias in Colonial Maranhão.

  • Data: 03/08/2022
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  • The present work entitled, The process of territorial occupation of Maranhão: a proposal of didactic material for the school teaching of History of Maranhão, aims to produce a didactic material on the process of territorial occupation of the regions of the valley of the river Itapecuru and Mearim in Maranhão 18th century, contextualizing the social, political and economic relations resulting from the process of reoccupation of space through the distribution of land in sesmarias. The guiding problem of the research was to reflect on how the sesmarial legislation influenced the process of territorial occupation in Portuguese America, especially in 18th century Maranhão. The research methodology, fundamentally, bibliographical and documentary. The results are presented over three chapters, two of which are theoreticalmethodological and analytical on the subject and its relationship with teaching and the last one is the presentation of the educational product, entitled As Sesmarias no Maranhão Colonial. It is a material on the subject, but with a language directed to the public of the 7th year of elementary school, whose proposal is to equip students for a perception about the formation of the territory of Maranhão from the Sesmarias.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Sesmarias. Colonial Maranhao. Educational Product.

  • PENTECOSTALISM AND RELIGIOUS RACISM: Orality from the Assembly of God in Bairro da Liberdade (1984-2020) as a proposal for a Pedagogical Manual for the teaching of History.

    History teaching; Racism; Orality ; Pentecostalism.

  • Data: 28/11/2022
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  • The present work has as its object of research the analysis of the scenario of the Pentecostal religion from the experiences of the Evangelical Church Assembly of God in Bairro da Liberdade in the city of São Luís, state of Maranhão, which integrates a region of Quilombo Urbano that consists, according to Arruti (2014) in a group whose social structure and ethnic boundaries would be delimited according to their social, cultural and religious practices from a process of black resistance. In this sense, the methodology adopted was the Oral History, with interviews with the leaders of church departments, in order to understand which conceptions about the Quilombola Territory of Freedom that are present in the leadership of this religious institution and that radiate influence over the membership and the operating logic of its surroundings. The Quilombola Urbano da Liberdade Territory was the region chosen for this study due to the effervescence of its culture and religious traditions of African origin and for composing one of the largest urban quilombos in Brazil. In this way, Pentecostalism as a religion that is characterized as proselytizing typifies a project of power in the reality of the Territory, marked by a strong black presence and subalternized subjects in a condition of periphery and social exclusion, and that from the religious discourses that seek to convert and impose a type of culture and behavior, undergo a process of erasing their history and ancestry. In this way, a pedagogical notebook was developed; bringing together the narratives of department leaders of the researched church as a source to discuss the process of religious racism lived there and formulate class scripts aimed at the 3rd year of high school.

    Keywords: History teaching; Racism; Orality ; Pentecostalism

  • SLAVE AFRICAN PEOPLE IN THE RIBEIRA DO ITAPECURU: production of didactic material about the presence of enslaved Africans in the village of Cachias das Aldeias Altas (1754-1830).

    VILLAGE OF CACHIAS: the presence of black Africans in Caxias lands.

  • Data: 21/12/2022
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  • The objective of this work is to emphasize the presence of enslaved Africans in the region of Caxias, Maranhão, which was constituted through the agricultural economy, in the period that extends from the 18th century to the first quarter of the 19th century. We seek, through this research, to point out about the characteristics, historical processes and plots that place Caxias das Aldeias Altas as a place of extreme importance for the captaincy/province of Maranhão in the colonial period/first years of the Empire, as well as highlighting it as a black locality. in the middle of the Maranhão hinterland. In order to do so, we explored the numbers of enslaved Africans distributed in Ribeira do Itapecuru, especially in the region of Caxias, analyzing their characteristics and particularities, so that we could develop an educational product with the purpose of dialoguing in basic education about the presence of enslaved Africans in Caxias – MA. The research was developed through the cataloging and analysis of documents available in the Archive of the Court of Justice of Maranhão, from the collection of Caxias and São Luís. The construction of this product about the presence of enslaved Africans in Ribeira do Itapecuru and in Caxias has the purpose of valuing other narratives, built from the protagonism of these populations, once enslaved.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Languages; African enslaved; Caxias; Ribeira do Itapecuru.

  • Connected And Interconnected: Challenges For History Teachers At The Full Unit Of Coroatá Of The State Institute Of Education, Science And Technology Of Maranhão.

    Challenges For Teachers Of History In A School Of Professional And Technological Education: Didactic References For Class Plans.

  • Data: 25/08/2022
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  • The discipline of History, even though it is no longer mandatory, remains in the curricula of regular high school and vocational education institutions across the country and plays a fundamental role. This research seeks to analyze the place occupied by the discipline of History in the political-pedagogical project of the Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IEMA) and intends to evaluate its development in teaching practice at the Full Unit of Coroatá. Our objective is to emphasize the role of the discipline in the training of vocational education students and to propose possibilities for approaches that demonstrate, in practice, the importance of historical knowledge for the training of qualified professionals in different technical areas. At the same time, it is intended to demonstrate how the use of digital technologies can contribute to interesting approaches to historical themes considered fundamental for the technical training of students. The final purpose of the research will be to develop an educational product that serves as a didactic subsidy for IEMA teachers to teach History using digital technologies properly.

    Keywords: Teaching History. Vocational Education. Digital technologies.

  • RAILROAD SÃO LUIS – TERESINA AND THE CITY OF CODÓ: history and memory from the 1800s to the 1940s.

    THE TRAIN AND THE CITY: History and memory Of the são luis– teresina railroad and the city of codó (ma).

  • Data: 26/07/2021
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  • This study aims to analyze how the first railroads in Maranhão territory were constituted since the first projects and plans, realizing the relevance that the first constructed sections had: the railways of Engenho São Pedro, in the city of Pindaré, and the road from Caxias railroad to São José das Cajazeiras, linking the city of Caxias to the old town of Flores, current municipality of Timom. Pioneers, these railways projected space and technical and geographic conditions to think about, and to project the current São Luís-Teresina railroad, establishing relationships with several cities that received their services, among which, the city of Codó. The time frame of the research ranges from the late 1800s to the 1940s, when the railroad most contributed to the development of the entire eastern region of Maranhão, between the municipalities, towns and villages that were on its route. Like other cities in the interior of the state, Codó emerged from the cotton economy and with the installation of the industrial park, it had good acceptance in the commercial squares in the cities towards the capital. In order to carry out this work, we dialogued with several authors who directly or indirectly approach the research theme, such as Camelo Filho (2000), José Cechin (1978), Jeronimo de Viveiros (1992), Pacheco Filho (2016), as well as using it as a source. historical periodicals, Monitor Codoense (1895), Correio do Codó (1914, 1915 and 1917), O Coroatá (1915), Gazeta de Caxias (1918), The school of Caxias (1928) and Gazeta de Flores (1932). Government messages and reports were also analyzed, as well as a summary of meetings of the companies contracted for the construction of the railway, chronicles written by people from Codoense about the railway, oral and memorial sources.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Railways; São Luís Teresina Railway; Code.

  • EDUCATIONAL MODELS OF BEHAVIOR: Fernão Lopes and D. Duarte, Ordenadores da Memória de Avis in the 15th century, and the production of the paradidactic "The Portuguese Medieval and the Avis Revolution”.


  • Data: 29/07/2021
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  • Literature and History are two forms of world conception, and have long been used to give life to distinct realities, and describe temporal contexts and social aspects. These writing categories were widely used resources after the enthronement of D. João I, (1385-1433), sovereign who, through such narratives was laureated with the epithet of King of Good Memory, that through the Lopesian chronicles type of document that was the embryo of a national history. We observe the construction of a State discourse with pretensions to legitimize the image of the new faction, and to execute this project the kings of this lineage set themselves to writing treatises, as in the case of Leal Conselheiro, which was written by D. Duarte, or delegated this function to others, as in the case of Crónica de D. João I, a narrative of the events that occurred in the wake of the events that led the Master of Avis to the Portuguese throne. We believe that this propagandistic program of moralistic, doctrinal and disciplinary bias, had the purpose of educating through the suggestion of advice aimed at the escape from sins and the pursuit of virtues, in charge of the Loyal Councilor that according to its royal author was configured in "huũ A.B.C. of loyalty. Ca he feicto principalmẽte pra senhores e gẽte de suas casas," where the King-Philosopher dictates restraint and virtuous posture to be followed by the group of secundogênitos that rose to a new social status with the climb to power of D. João. The educational process would also be given by the suggestion of models of social conduct already consolidated, for this device the Chronicle of King John I written by Lopes, in addition to seeking to strengthen the image of the initiator of the dynasty, through a report that is constituted as a praise of his warlike deeds, also tries to make permanent in the collective memory a good image of this group. The chronicler intends his writing to point out models to be reproduced, such as a model of a good king, transubstantiated in the person of the first sovereign of avis, a model of a brave warrior, personified in the image of D. Nuno Álvares Pereira, as well as a good Portuguese who would be all those who were supporters of his cause. That said, our research aims to analyze the aforementioned documentation, to unveil the attempt to institute a standard social model of acting, thinking and feeling, which uses a strong Christian moralistic appeal, in an effort to educate by indicating "the rule of our consciences and wills" and crystallize the memory and forge models anchored in the "firm the clear deeds worthy of great remembrance".

    Keywords: History Teaching. Educational Models of Behavior. Medieval Portugal. Paradidactic.

  • INDIGENOUS PEOPLES IN THE HINE OF THE CAPTAINCY OF MARANHÃO: A reading from the "teninfestation" of the Mearim river in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.

    Animation video: "The Roots of Teçá".

  • Data: 16/07/2021
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  • This research proposes to analyze the indigenous protagonism in the Mearim stream, based on the expeditions of “dezinfestations” mentioned in primary sources of the Public Archive of the State of Maranhão and military travel reports. To do so, we started from the New Indigenous History approach looking for a Social History of relations and conflicts between indigenous people, residents, colonial authorities that took place in the backlands of the Captaincy of Maranhão in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. In addition to an analysis of the role of the church in the colonization of the hinterland of Maranhão, its actions in dealing with the indigenous people and in relations with other segments of that colonial society, as well as a look at the military and their functions in the hinterland, showing that beyond security , many other activities were performed by this segment and how was their dealings with the indigenous people during the expansion of the boundaries of the Captaincy of Maranhão. An analysis of “decinfestation” and resistance in the Mearim stream, problematizing indigenous action in the context of colonial society in order to identify in the analyzed sources its protagonist presence, even if indirectly or sometimes present in a generalist way. We also present a brief description of the pedagogical product under construction and its stage of development, tests carried out and actions to be carried out to complete it.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Indigenous History; "dezinfestação" in the sertão; Mearim River.

  • THE AFRO-BRAZILIAN CULTURE GOES TO THE SCHOOL: valorization of African legacy at the Centro de Ensino Nazaré Ramos.


  • Data: 29/07/2021
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  • The stories told in the textbooks remain with a Eurocentric nature, despite the law 10.639/03, since one decade ago, the obligation and importance of the Afro-Brazilian History and Culture approach. The neglect of these norms in the educational field is persistent and, in large measure, this is relationated with prejudices and stigmas in relation to black people. And the still slow changing in the curriculum and content worked on the main teaching material used by teachers. In this way, this work will present general data on the debates of the authors who discuss the History curriculum in Brazil since Pedro II school until recently. In addition, we analyzed textbooks approved in the last PNLD (2018), as well as those adopted at the Centro de Ensino Nazaré Ramos in order to promote a diagnosis of the contents included in these materials. From this perspective, the didactic material worked at school was observed, in order to understand the themes and contents that could possibly be worked on in the classroom related to AfroBrazilian history and culture. In a second stage, we also intend to observe the teaching methodologies applied in the classroom by the history teachers of this school, verifying to what extent they would work with the valorization of the African legacy. in order to promote a pedagogical view, with actions that make the teaching of Afro-Brazilian History and Culture viable, in order to contribute to the formation process, affirmation of the African heritage and the construction of historical awareness among students, we intend to elaborate, as a pedagogical resource, an educational booklet that values the experiences of the AfroBrazilian population of São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão, highlighting the African reminiscences found in quilombola communities in the municipality.

    Keywords: Teaching History; Afro-Brasilian History and Culture; Nazaré Ramos Educational Center (São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão); Educational Booklet.


    HISTORY TEACHING IN HIGH SCHOOL: pedagogical practice of teachers through the interdisciplinary approach.

    THE PORTUGUESE COURT IN BRAZIL: possibilities of teaching through an interdisciplinary approach.

  • Data: 28/05/2021
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  • This study is based on the idea of analyzing how history can be developed through a teaching-learning relationship that establishes dialogue between different disciplines, that is, prioritizing an interdisciplinary perspective. The research has as general objective to understand the interdisciplinarity in the Teaching of History, promoting a theoretical and practical approach directed to a contextualized learning and necessary to the social, educational and cultural life of the student, with a view to the elaboration of an educational product destined to History teachers. . More specifically, the research aims to develop a discussion on interdisciplinary processes and their elements of integrality with the disciplines that make up the school curriculum; to verify if there is, among the researched teachers, knowledge accessible to interdisciplinary teaching; elaborate a script of pedagogical workshops in the light of the diagnosis made with the teachers and; detail the results obtained through analyzes of the collected data, considering the personal and professional profile of the researched universe and the conception it has about the interdisciplinarity and transversality of themes in History Teaching. The collection was carried out using a questionnaire in a virtual format. As for the methodological path, it is classified as descriptive and exploratory, of a qualitative nature. Descriptive, for interpreting and analyzing information from authors who study the relationships and meanings of the elements that make up the interdisciplinary process in the student environment. Exploratory, for familiarizing the researcher and his object through surveys that deepen the investigative look in order to understand and present satisfactory analyzes according to the understanding of the participating subjects. Regarding field research, the institution chosen was the Professor Barjonas Lobão Educational Center (CEPBL), located at Rua Oito, S / N, Cohatrac III neighborhood, urban area of São Luís / MA. Five History teachers from the 2nd grade of High School were chosen and analyzed, four with a background in History and one in Social Work, all linked to the Maranhão State Education Network. The results indicate that teachers conceive interdisciplinarity as a dynamic process that categorizes different ways of breaking with traditional teaching, but some find it difficult to carry out interdisciplinary classes with regard to work, planning, the relationship of schedules, the exchange of information. ideas and information with the other professors, in the articulation of interdisciplinary projects, among other ways that make the teaching action unfeasible under the interdisciplinary bias.

    Keywords: History teaching. Interdisciplinarity. High school. Pedagogical Practice.

  • GENDER AND VIOLENCE: an analysis of domestic violence against women and Institutional Protection Networks in São Luís/MA.


  • Data: 02/08/2021
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  • This dissertation is developed within the scope of the Master of History of the State University of Maranhão - UEMA. The object of the investigation covers the institutions, which are part of the Protection Networks, which serve victims of domestic violence in the municipality of São Luís - MA, with emphasis on the Brazilian Women's House. The interest in the research is justified, first, by the perception of the increased dissemination of cases of domestic violence against women and feminicides, being in this context necessary to understand the occurrences of domestic violence and their representations, besides explaining the impacts of the Maria da Penha Law on combating domestic violence in the Ludovic capital. The main objective of this research is to analyze domestic violence against women and institutional protection networks in São Luís - MA. Specific objectives are defined: contextualizing gender violence and the different forms of violence against women, considering their origins, causes and social determinants; discuss the laws to protect women in situations of gender violence and identify the actions of the institutions that are part of the Existing Protection Networks in the municipality of São Luís - MA. Thus, the study collaborates with the reflection on the current policy of protection of women, in view of the increased dissemination of cases of feminicides and domestic violence, in addition to informing about the existence of the Protection Networks that assist women victims of domestic violence, as well as the punishments suffered by the aggressors. For this purpose, the methodology used was the quantitative-qualitative analysis research, classified as descriptive, using the method of bibliographic analysis, documentary and oral history. As research instruments, interview scripts were used to collect data from representatives of the institutions that make the network to confront violence against women. The final product of the research to be presented for the conclusion of the Professional Master 's - PPGHIST[1]UEMA was of a pedagogical nature, consisting of Podscasts entitled "Caminhos para combater e enfrentar a Violência Doméstica", which had as content interviews /narration with representatives of the Protection Networks in São Luís, who reported their experiences in providing services to women victims of violence, in particular, the Brazilian Women's House.

    Keywords: History teaching. Violence. Woman. Podcast.

  • VIVA EL REI DOM SEBASTIÃO!: An analysis of the sebastianist phenomenon in Romance d’a Pedra do Reino e o Príncipe do sangue vai-e-volta, by Ariano Suassuna.


  • Data: 23/07/2021
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  • The present work aims to discuss how constructions were carried out for the formation of Sebastianism and an analysis of the work of the Paraiban writer Ariano Suassuna in A Pedra do Reino and the Principe do sangue vai e volta . Since the 16th century, religious manifestations regarding Dom Sebastião were considered as a king chosen by God who would bring years of prosperity to his people. After of his disappearance in 1578, permanence began to cause a future cause, that one day the desired would return as a messiah to save those who are faithful to him. Thus, this collection expanded in political and religious purposes, believing that Dom Sebastião would be the solution for these objectives. The intention of this work is elaborate a didactic material about sebastianism directed to high school students, with the intention of elaborating a deeper historical discussion about this religious phenomenon that progressing through the centuries and the idea of using the work of Ariano Suassuna it would be a way of presenting sebastianism in a literary aspect, in addition to showing the vision of this phenomenon in a fictional bias, it would also be creating a dialogue between history and literature to show the possibility of discussing history other materials that may be relevant to the historiographical field.

    Keyboards: History Teaching; Literature; Sebastianism; Ariano Suassuna; Dom Sebastião.

  • LINKED POLICIES: Neoliberalism, School Culture, History Teaching and approximation of academic and school knowledge through the paradidactic "A History that “Worth" to Learn".


  • Data: 11/08/2021
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  • This work proposes to analyze, at first, the historical trajectory of neoliberalism, covering the paradigmatic cases in which the defense of neoliberal assumptions, such as the reduction of public spending, privatization and social precariousness, are transformed into objectives unquestionable aspects of the government's agenda. After this initial moment, in which an important space was set aside for the analysis of Roseana Sarney's government (1995-1998), in dialogue with historiography and with central issues in the teaching of History and School Culture with an emphasis on curriculum documents, BNCC that includes all that cover Brazilian basic education and the DCTM covering basic education in Maranhão territory based on the BNCC. Also in line with the possible uses of the Textbook, the textbook of the ninth year most adopted in schools in the Basic Education Network in Brazil will be analyzed, with a view to understanding how the issues present in the analyzes on neoliberalism are covered by the textbook and, thus, map how neoliberalism is worked in history classes. Finally, using historiography and newspapers from Maranhão State and Jornal Pequeno, a paradidactic program will be built for ninth grade students, entitled "A History that is "worth learning", with the aim of bringing together academic knowledge and school knowledge, in addition to incorporating documentary sources, such as the press, into History classes, capable of enhancing the teaching of such a central theme, such as neoliberalism, taking as an example the privatization of Vale do Rio Doce Company.

    Keywords: History Teaching, School Culture, Textbook and Neoliberalism.

  • Critical Cartography in the Teaching of History: a pedagogical perspective for the classroom - using maps of the War with Paraguay in textbooks.

    Script for using a map in the classroom: Mato Grosso as a stage for the conflict of the War against Paraguay (1864-1870).

  • Data: 29/07/2021
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  • This dissertation-product approaches the teaching of History from the perspective of Critical Cartography, mapography thought of as a visual text that can be read and which, therefore, carries a discourse within itself. Thus, it understands maps beyond spatial information, extracting from them political, social and economic informations. Therefore, it takes the War against Paraguay (1864-1870) as its guiding thread, with special attention to the Mato Grosso region, in dialogue with the questions that guide the teaching of history and the historiographical debate on the subject, bringing them together. Finally, it presents a pedagogical product as a result of the analysis undertaken, in the form of a script for reading historical maps about the War against Paraguay.

    Keywords: History Teaching - Historiography - Cartography - Textbooks.

  • ENGENHO CENTRAL DE PINDARÉ: memory and heritage education.

    ENGENHO DE ANZOL PEQUENO: place of memory and heritage education.

  • Data: 22/07/2021
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  • Developing works that cover the theme of memory, requires interaction and meaning for those involved, in the field of History Teaching, there is an opening to work and suggest Heritage Education, as a methodological possibility for teaching, methodologies like this, they are fundamental for the construction of the individual's social identity, as they enable the perception of him as a subject and agent of History by identifying the relationships of different spaces. It is important to know your own roots, so that links between the individual and their legacy are strengthened, which lies in the fact that the greater the knowledge of oneself and of their past (individual and group), the greater the feeling of belonging from man to his environment and, consequently, stronger is his personality. “ENGENHO CENTRAL DE PINDARÉ: memory and heritage education” aims to present the relevance of Engenho Central as a place of memory located in the municipality of Pindaré-Mirim and its heritage process for teaching heritage education. It is characterized as a qualitative approach, developed through a field study, with observation of the material culture represented in the architecture of Engenho Central. It is also guided by reflections raised during the observation period and local manifestations in favor of the revitalization of the Engenho. The theoretical basis is organized in approaches based on collective memory, history teaching and heritage education with an emphasis on the challenges and perspectives, also, of Heritage Education and basic guiding concepts for its practice. In addition to the dissertation, as a result of this research and in a pioneering phase, an educational product was made with the main objective of proposing guidelines to elementary school teachers, level II, in order to encourage students to favorably expand the perception of Cultural Heritage , having as object of investigation the Architectural and Cultural Complex-Engenho Central de Pindaré, in the perspective of Heritage Education as a methodological possibility for the Teaching of History and an interdisciplinary dialogue with other areas of knowledge, also understood as a propitious instrument to be explored in the construction of historical knowledge and dissemination of historiography from Maranhão.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Central Engenho Pindaré, Memory, Heritage Education.

  • PATRIMONIAL EDUCATION: Archeology as a transversal tool for teaching the Ancient History of Upaon Açú (São Luís - MA).

    The Ancient History of UPAON AÇU in the “Upaon Açu” by master Humberto de Maracanã.

  • Data: 15/07/2021
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  • This work addresses heritage education from the perspective of archaeological heritage as a transversal tool for teaching the Ancient History of Upaon-Açú (São Luís / MA) and the Amazon rainforest. Highlights heritage education as an important auxiliary tool for history teachers in organizing teaching from the local context, developing cognitive skills. It describes certain aspects of the studies on the ethnohistory of indigenous peoples originating in America and their long duration. It points to archeography as a pedagogical mechanism that makes it possible to discover the ancient ethnohistory of São Luís-ma, since it made it possible to identify different cultural horizons that occupied São Luís Island, from 6,600 years before the present until the period of contact with Europeans, at the beginning 17th century. It presents an educational program with a decolonial critical view in relation to ethnocentrism, the construction of inequalities and the lack of protagonism of agents who are usually excluded from historical narratives or inserted in the prejudiced conception of “prehistory” and therefore “pre -humanities ”. It concludes that the socialization of a broad historical knowledge can contribute to the humanist struggle against social inequalities, racism, machismo and ethnocentrism in the Brazilian educational context.

    Keywords: Ancient history teaching, Archeology, Heritage Education.

  • AUTOBIOGRAPHIC NOVELS AND STATE TERROR IN BRAZIL: reflections and proposals for approaches to literary texts in History classes.

    Educational Product: HISTORY, LITERATURE AND MEMORIES OF RESISTANCE IN THE CLASSROOM: proposals for approaches to autobiographical texts in primary education.

  • Data: 24/09/2021
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  • In this work we analyze the use of literature as a historical source and its approach in the History of Basic Education classes. The literary works In slow motion (1977), by Renato Tapajós and What is that, companion? (1979) by Fernando Gabeira are the primary sources of this study. From them, we seek to demonstrate and propose ways to approach the systematic and violent repression triggered by the Brazilian Corporate-Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) and the processes of political and cultural resistance organized by the victims of State terror. From a theoretical-methodological point of view, our proposal explores the relationship between History and Literature and their contributions to the construction of historical knowledge in Basic Education, operating at the interface of individual and collective memories provided by the autobiographical character of the works. Finally, we present the paradidactic HISTORY, LITERATURE AND MEMORIES OF RESISTANCE IN THE CLASSROOM: proposals for approaches to autobiographical texts in basic education, aimed at History teachers in the 9th grade of Elementary School.

    Keywords: Teaching History. History and Literature. Autobiographical novels. State Terror. Cultural Resistance.

  • LETTER EXCHANGE BETWEEN HANNAH ARENDT E MARY MCCARTHY: Impressions of two women on their own time.

    WRITING PAPER- messages from Hannah and Mary.

  • Data: 26/07/2021
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  • Literature is an expanded field of interdisciplinary dialogue with history and produces its own space, where creation and conflict can fit. The content of the correspondence exchanged between Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy, gathered in the book Between Friends - The correspondence of Hannah Arendt and Mary McCarthy (1949-1975), organized and edited by Carol Brightman, is the object of this study. Arendt and McCarthy narrate in their text-letters the main events of the 20th century, as well as events related to their personal and professional lives. They use correspondence to report actions and produce their thoughts. They speak as witnesses about the social dynamics of the time, which sharpens their perception of the political-cultural environment in which they established themselves as writers. Events such as the Cold War, Student Demonstrations, Vietnam War, Fight against Racism, are some of the subjects covered in these letters that enable the work Entre Amigas as content to be used in History classes in High School based on the dialogue with Literature. For this, the research offers a pedagogical product, aimed at high school teachers and students, in the form of a Manual with entries of pointed events and reports of the influence and relationship that the authors had with them, in addition to activities that can be used in an interdisciplinary perspective in History, Portuguese Language, Literature, English and Art classes.

    Keywords: History teaching. Epistolary literature. Pedagogical product.

  • THE BALLAIADA MEMORIAL SCHOOL MUSEUM AND THE TEACHING OF HISTORY: Identities, local history and formation of historical consciences in Caxias/MA.


  • Data: 27/07/2021
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  • The main objective of the present work is the presentation of an educational guide resulting from the problematization of the limits and potentialities of the construction of historical narratives for the formation of consciousness and identities, having as an empirical an empirical space of observation the practical experiences of the Balaiada Memorial and the production of local historical knowledge in the city of Caxias, Maranhão. Thus, by exploring the history, the practical experiences and the subjective evaluations of institutional actors, it was possible to create the basis for the proposition of a didactic[1]pedagogical product, directed to visitors, students and teachers who access the Balaiada Memorial, with the intention of promoting reflections and actions concerning the role of historical knowledge and its social place in contemporaneity. The main theoretical bases of the work are based on the recent discussion about the production of historical knowledge and its role in the formation of identities, narratives, and social memories. To this end, the research resorts to various methodological strategies, such as: analysis of institutional documents, ethnographic description, exploration of actions, and interviews with institutional actors belonging to the universe in question. The reflection on the modes of public representation of identities and social memories produced by the Balaiada Memorial, through its narratives, constitutes an effective way of problematizing experiences, redefining didactic strategies for the teaching of local history and producing new pedagogical models that reposition the place of the historian and the importance of the formation of critical historical consciousness in the contemporary world.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Educational Guide; Local History; Museum; Historical Consciousness.

  • BUSINESS-MILITARY DICTATORSHIP IN MARANHÃO AND EDUCATION: The Historical-Biographical Dictionary as a Pedagogical Tool.


  • Data: 23/08/2021
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  • There is a growing number of works that seek to emphasize the importance of regional / local history in the teaching of history. On the other hand, the diversification of historiographical production in Maranhão and specifically in the Military-Business Dictatorship has not significantly affected history classes in basic education. Therefore, the objective of the present work is to relate the “national” historiographical productions about the 1964 coup and the structuring of a state committed to the interests of the associated national and multinational capitals, and their interpretations, with the regional productions, highlighting approximations and distances, aiming, with this, the production of a dictionary with concepts, historical information and biographies that can subsidize the classes of the 9th year of elementary school, that serves as a tool for the history classes of Maranhão, and that allows the integration between the basic curriculum and the history of the state.

    Keywords: History teaching. Business-military dictatorship. Regional History. Maranhão.

  • FEMALE EDUCATIONAL MODELS AND COUNTERMODELS AT GIL VICENTE'S THEATER: potentialities of literature in gender discussion in teaching of Medieval History.

    CURIOUS X DEMURE IN GIL VICENTE: women and their education in the late medieval times.

  • Data: 29/07/2021
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  • The discussion on gender issues in the teaching of History provides the understanding of the historicity of the conceptions about male and female in a given society. This research has the goal to analyze Gil Vicente and his gender discourses in the elaboration of educational models and conter-models for women in Portugal (15th-16th centuries). In this context, much was discussed about female education and its purpose within court nobility. Gil Vicente, as the artist in the courts of kings Manuel I, John III, and Queen Leonor, also addressed this topic in his plays. For that matter,in our qualitative research, we chose to favor the analyzes of the written texts of Gil Vicente's Copilaçam of 1562, from the articulation of two thematic units: female education and gender. About women's education, it was approached the topics of vices, virtues, mother's role, spaces of education, marriage relations, among others. The gender perspective, discussed by Joan Scott and Judith Butler, as well as the discourse analysis according to Foucault, were applied. We sought to identify which virtues were considered adequate in the construction of educational models, just as, the tactics of resistance to education by the female characters, who were depicted as educational conter-models. Finally, it was developed an educational material, aimed at the 1º year of "Ensino Médio" (High School), seeking to articulate the discussion between the History of Medieval Women and the issues of Gender Relations, due to its enriching aspect to the History teaching.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Gender; Gil Vicente. Female Education. Educational Book.


    Site FormationHist.

  • Data: 27/07/2021
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  • This work is about the continuing education of History teachers, apprehended from a specific professional and spatial perspective: Elementary School Final Years, in the municipality of Arari, Maranhão. Therefore, it is guided by four points of reflection: 1) Does the continuing education received by History teachers in elementary school in Arari meet their real needs? 2) How do Arari History teachers react to the need to use technology in their teaching practice? 3) What are the social, psychological and material conditions of these teachers? 4) What educational product could help the elementary school teacher in Arari to have a continuing education in order to better enable a training process, which would also add new technologies? As a path, it initially explores continuing education in History in a historical perspective, with an emphasis on the legal basis and the historiographical debate on the subject; then, it proposes a cartography of the universe of professors who composed the research, under different aspects; finally, it proposes as an educational product a site called FormaçãoHist, with the intention of contributing to the process of continuing education for this teacher.

     Keywords: History teaching. Ongoing training. Arari. Maranhão.

  • THE HISTORY OF LATIN AMERICA IN THE CLASSROOM: critical notes and didactic proposals.

    LATIN AMERICAN DICTATORSHIP ON SCREEN: a study proposal from the comparative approach of cinematographic works.

  • Data: 28/07/2020
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  • The present work aims to elaborate a diagnosis on the approach of History Teaching in Latin America in high schools belonging to the state network of Basic Education of São Luís / Maranhão. The place that the History of Latin America occupies within History Teaching and the repercussions of this on the representations, conceptions and visions of Latin America that students assume are questioned. To do so, we will take as a source the school curriculum, specifically the Curricular Guidelines of Maranhão and textbooks adopted in three schools in particular: Centro de Ensino Paulo VI (Colégio Aplication of Maranhão State University), Liceu Maranhense and Centro de Ensino João Lisbon. Our goal is to demonstrate the limits and possibilities for more consistent study of the topic on a more consistent basis. The obtained results made possible the foundation and elaboration of a material destined to the teachers with proposals of didactic sequences based on cinematographic works about the Brazilian, Argentine and Chilean Military Dictatorships, articulated by the perspective of Comparative / Connected History. It is hoped that the material will serve as a parameter for an adequate approach to the History of Latin America, which can serve as a reference in teacher training.

    Key words: History Teaching, Latin America, Didactic Sequences.

  • The traveling salesman as propellant of street commerce during the peak of Parnaíba as the main economic center of Piauí.

    Material and immaterial culture of the traveling salesman.

  • Data: 30/06/2020
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  • This study aims to present a brief overview of the economy of Piauí in the middle of the end of the 19th century and the first decades of the 20th, highlighting the municipality of Parnaíba, located in the north of the state, as the “granary” of large import and export companies that provided the economic growth in the period, leading that city to become the main economic center of Piauí. The research brings up the factors that initially contributed to the so-called Economic Stagnation as well as those that later would have been favorable to its growth. Within this scenario of effervescent economic growth, we can see some elements that corroborated for the consolidation of this period that once shone Parnaíba in its political, economic, cultural and social aspects. Among these elements we highlight the peculiar figure of the traveling salesman, object of research in this dissertation. Through the studies undertaken aiming to measure the degree of participation of this subject as “being a trader” in the expansion of the wholesale trade in the municipality of Parnaíba and its surroundings, we can understand how that element contributed for progress, from a view of the time, and the political, economic, cultural and social development of the state of Piauí, highlighting its performance in the scenario of Parnaíba. As a result of the studies undertaken here, we list the life trajectories of some of these characters who began their history as traveling salesmen, overcame all the difficulties that time has given them and who became entrepreneurs in the retail and wholesale branches, generating jobs and income for hundreds of families inside and outside the state today. Finally, we could not fail to mention that, within the historical spatial and temporal context addressed in this scientific research, the referred traveling salesman, pracist salesman, “comet” or any other codename he received, played the role of protagonist in cinema, in theater, in literature and in real life; whether in large urban centers or in the distant squares where he passed.  

    Keywords: History teaching; Economy; Parnaíba; traveling salesman; walking trade.


    Who will want?' Stories and Memories of the Nailers of São Luís.

  • Data: 14/07/2020
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  • This work explores the current social representation of the nailers, a typical figure in the city from the 19th century to the 1990s. His performance, language and trading posts, within a scenic construction, stand out as characteristics in the art of selling and persuading. As for the theoretical approach, the research includes the history of the life of the natives and their social function in the local economy, as well as the reasons for the changes in the exercise of this practice in the current context, in addition to presenting concepts related to the teaching of history as memory, identity and local history. The study was based on bibliographical research and field research, as well as on individual interviews with the natives, emblematic characters in the history of informal commerce in São Luís. We found that the profession, although its practice has diminished, has suffered adaptations to the market and still persists with renewed performances and products of the current market. In this context the importance of the profession stands out, their relationship with the population presenting a significant transformation in terms and meanings on the subject. Moreover, it points out the disappearance of many of these characters who, tied to products that no longer exist and were part of the local economy and marked the individual and collective memory of the city. This is the reason for the production of the videodocumentary, a product of this research, which manages to combine the teaching of history with scenic construction, from the approach on nailers, in a historical and sociocultural perspective.

    Keywords: Teaching History. Memory. Criers. Performance. Informal trade.

  • HISTORY AND MEMORY OF THE AGRARIAN ISSUE IN MARANHÃO IN THE 1980S: the audiovisual language as a resource for History Teaching.

    (RE) BUILDING MEMORIES: the agrarian question from Maranhão based on audiovisuals.

  • Data: 24/06/2020
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  • From the end of the 1960s, in view of the changes underway with the Civil-Military Dictatorship, justified by the discourse of modernization and development, deepened throughout the 1980s onwards, thousands of peasants are expelled from various rural areas of the Brazilian states , and conflicts and contradictions involving the land issue in the country intensify. In this way, this research takes as its object the Agrarian Question and the insertion of its theme in history classes. Thus, we propose the elaboration of a didactic manual that contemplates audiovisuals on the theme of the agrarian question in Maranhão and that dialogue with a wide range of sources (chronicle, newspaper, poem, music and interview), as a possibility of approaches on historical events and contribute to teaching practice.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Agrarian Question; audiovisuals

  • HISTORY TEACHING THROUGH ICONOGRAPHIES: didactic strategies for its use.

    READING IMAGES IN THE CLASSROOM: didactic strategies for its use.

  • Data: 30/06/2020
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  • The present research aims to reflection about the importance of reading the iconographic sources and/or visual images inserted in textbooks of History. This study aims to understand how the reading practice of visual images has been approached by history teachers. There are some important questions about the problem: can we say that the use of Iconographies while teaching device available in textbooks of History, have been incorporated into the pedagogical practice of the teacher in the classroom? What to do to know how to work with this vast field of iconography? In this sense, It develops a field research of descriptive nature with quali-quantitative approach, whose data collection instruments were: direct observation not participant, questionnaires, analysis of documents (two textbooks) and applied interviews in the 1st year of high school in the public schools of São Luís-MA, namely: Paul VI Education Centre and University College-COLUN, regarded as application schools (CAPs) from the State and Federal Universities of Maranhão, respectively. Given this, the research had as specific objectives report the approach of textbooks and the students' perception about the use of the images as educational resource for teaching history; describe how the teaching-learning process in school through the use of these sources; check with the teachers if there are investments in the construction of competence for using of the iconographic resources. In this sense, to know the possible difficulties and challenges found in the teachers in the image-text approach in the classroom, it develops as pedagogical product a thematic copybook entitled Reading Images in the Classroom, aimed to support teachers with proposal to promote their pedagogical practices regarding the use of this visual resource. we emphasize that the intention of the research was to produce in the teachers, a perception and plural and interactive posture on their praxis, which leading their students recognize the place of images as historical evidence.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Iconographic Sources – Image visual. Image Reading.

  • THE GOVERNMENTS OF FERNANDO COLLOR DE MELLO (1989-1992) AND DILMA ROUSSEFF (2014-2016) THROUGH THE NATIONAL PRESS VEHICLES: Approaching the school routine through the paradidmatic Brazilian Democracy in Crisis.

    BRAZILIAN DEMOCRACY IN CRISIS: the impeachments of Fernando Collor and Dilma Rousseff.


  • Data: 23/07/2020
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  • The present work is a study on the process of impeachment by Fernando Collor de Mello (1992) and Dilma Rousseff (2016), identifying the similarities and differences between the two historical periods. More precisely, it analyzes the main characteristics of these two moments, of the dismissal of a President of the Republic, through national and Maranhão journalism. For this purpose, works that deal with the topic will be analyzed in order to understand the political situation during the government of the “Caçador de Marajás”, as Fernando Collor became known during his term, and of President Dilma Rousseff. The theme is justified by the importance of discussing the impeachment processes in the New Republic and by the need to understand the limits of Brazilian democracy built after the Military Business Regime. Based on the analysis of the reports and photographs published during these periods, the study mapped the crisis of hegemony, under the Gramscian perspective, of the two governments pointing out the causes for the impeachment suffered by Collor in 1992 and the coup faced by Dilma Rousseff in 2016. In addition to this dissertation, an educational product (paradidactic book) was also created, aimed at basic education students, which intends to bring this theme to the classroom in a simpler and more didactic way, using newspapers and photographs disseminated nationally during the years of 1990-1992 and 2014-2016 as the main source.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Fernando Collor; Dilma Rousseff; Media; Paradidactic.

  • WHEN LIONS TELL STORIES: tales as a teaching resource for the teaching African History and Culture.


  • Data: 14/07/2020
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  • The history teaching is permeated by Western historiography, which produces places of memory in line with its writers, Europeans, politicians, and also to the peoples who kept in contact with them. Concerning the production of individual and collective identities, it declared policies of domination and subordination since the 18th century, directly affecting the fabrication of social imaginary. This paper aims to comprehend the processing of histories of West African peoples through tales that take into consideration the writing of a historical knowledge which corresponds to the social surface where these narratives were produced in a proposal of a decolonial approach. It will be used Cultural History as a methodology to analyze the damage presented in the narratives of how Africans have built their social representation repertoires (CHARTIER, 2002). This theoretical digression resulted in the didactic product “Mate Masie: five short stories from Africa”, which combines historiographical, pedagogical and methodological orientations aimed at documents of the discipline of history in the final years.

    Key Words: History Teaching; Tales; Western Africa.


  • THE LIBERAL REVOLUTION OF PORTO IN MARANHÃO: historiography and history textbook

  • Data: 21/05/2020
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  • This work aims at an approximation between the historiographic debate on the Liberal Revolution of Porto in 1820, the presence of this theme in history textbooks aimed at high school and the proposition of materials that enable new approaches, here materialized in the format of a paradidical book . To this end, the work is divided into three chapters and a final product, in the form of a paradidactic. The first chapter analyzes how the main authors of Brazilian historiography in the 19th and 20th centuries treated this movement, being especially interested in how a certain interpretation was formed among the main Brazilian historians who analyzed this subject; the second focuses on historiographical discussion on the impacts of the Porto movement on the captaincy / province of Maranhão and the examination of some printed documents published at that time, a resource that makes it possible to apprehend the constitutional expectations / readings derived from the Liberal Revolution of Porto at the provincial level; and the third consists of an analysis of the way the Liberal Revolution of Porto is approached in the High School textbook in use today. The paradidactic material entitled O Maranhão and the Liberal Revolution of 1820, on the other hand, proposes a dialogue that incorporates new interpretations on the theme, articulated to issues of our present, such as the conquest of individual rights. The referred material is subdivided into three chapters: the first deals with the contexts of Maranhão and Portugal in the early 19th century with a focus on the economic crisis in Portugal and the prosperity of some groups in Maranhão; the second deals with the outbreak of the Liberal Revolution of Porto in Portugal and the process of joining Maranhão to the Portuguese Courts; the third discusses / updates two principles disseminated by this movement: freedom of expression / press and constitution / constitutional order.

    Keywords: History teaching. Historiography. Liberal Revolution of Porto. Maranhão

  • “DON'T SAY I DIDN'T TALK ABOUT FLOWERS”: MPB's hegemony in the textbook.

    MUSICAL TEACHER MANUAL: the military dictatorship on Brazil in musical notes.

  • Data: 10/07/2020
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  • This study deals with the construction of MPB's hegemony in the textbook. This, it intends to reflect on the factors that led to this hegemony and how this process took place. It intends to reflect on the hegemony of MPB in the textbook, prioritizing the works approved by PNLD 2018, in the high school segment, more specifically in the third year. As Brazilian Popular Music was created and consolidated between the years 1964-1979, the theme present in the didactic works studied is the Military Dictatorship in Brazil (1964-1985). Thus, we propose a teacher manual that decentralizes discussions about MPB, think about other musical movements of the time and, through analysis of the songs, streamline and enrich the class, in addition to fostering historical awareness among students.

    Key words: History Teaching, Didactic Books, Popular Brazilian Music.

  • LAICITY AND HISTORY OF RELIGIONS: A historical approach of the religious education applied at UEB Luìs Viana.


  • Data: 28/07/2020
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  • Bringing up the debate about secularism in the Brazilian educational field, a reflection is raised about the role that religious agents play in this space, waging disputes with the aim of expanding their influence over it. Such clashes are not of recent origin, establishing their roots in the Brazilian colonial period and expanding to the present day as true “tug of war”, in which, on the one hand, defenders of a secular regime and, on the other, the supporters of confessionalism, especially Catholic. Thus, seeking to distance itself from unilateral views and promote, through the establishment of a secular state, a model of education that provides a sense of social belonging to all citizens, as provided for in the 1988 Constitution, in Art. LDB 9.394 / 96 and in the new wording of Law 9.457 / 97, this research will discuss the concepts of memory, history, identity and ability, mainly in the educational field, in order to reflect on a teaching of secular and non-doctrinal history, which contemplates the theme of the History of Religions, through the perspective of Mircea Eliade. 

    Keywords: History Teaching; secularismo; memory.

  • THE EDUCATION OF HISTORY IN DIALOGUE WITH LITERATURE DE JOSUÉ MONTELLO: the interlocution with the workmanship Night On Alcântara in the Basic education.

  • Data: 11/06/2020
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  • This work sought to establish a dialogue between History and Literature in the teaching of history in basic education (High School). We delimited for this research the History of Maranhão of the 19th century and the work Noite Sobre Alcântara de Josué Montello. Through this interdisciplinarity, we trace an interlocution that propitiated us to have an experience and to perceive that Literature as art allows us to diminish distances between realities, between times, dialoguing with the feelings of an epoch, enriching and widening the range of perceptions in its social, political and economic imaginary. Through an interdisciplinary practice, the teaching of History of Maranhão is enriched with allegories and metaphors that are proper of the literary language, but that greatly contribute to the enrichment of the teaching practice of History in the classroom. In this perspective, in order to base our work, we outline a discussion around the historical relationship that is constituted between History and literature and some possibilities of relationship between these disciplines from authors who have more recently debated this subject. Attention is also given to the historical and literary context in which Josué Montello forges his production, to the Maranhão and Brazilian literary scene in which he was inserted with the aim of understanding Josué Montello's Romanesque work as a whole, enabling us to see it from various angles and understand the discourses and visions constituted.

    Keywords: Teaching History; Literature; Night About Alcântara; Maranhão.

  • WOMEN-TEACHERS: a study on teaching experiences in the quilombola community of Damásio.

    "My plant has root ..."

  • Data: 03/07/2020
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  • The present work entitled WOMEN-TEACHERS: a study on teaching experiences in the quilombola community of Damásio aims to analyze the experiences of female teachers in the quilombola community of Damásio, in the municipality of Guimarães;; know the memories of women teachers in the community; report on the historical and social context of the Damásio quilombo; understand what factors influenced the professional choice of women teachers in relation to teaching; identify the self-perception of these female teachers in relation to their identity as women, teacher and quilombola and analyze how the educational background of female teachers influenced their social representation in the community. To carry out this research, bibliographical reviews were carried out about the object of study and visits to the quilombo of the Damásio community, located in the municipality of Guimarães, state of Maranhão. This study is carried out from the assumptions of the new history that supports the writing of women's history, therefore, it has a methodological focus on oral history, as it has important methods and techniques for the knowledge of the memories of quilombola women teachers. The light of the contributions of authors about gender relations, social identity of quilombola female teachers in the Brazilian scenario is discussed, especially in the municipality of Guimarães, which, through the narratives, redefines values lost by the common actions built in the educational and social practices that hinder reflection and development of the process of and their identities. Therefore, portraying the memories of quilombola women teachers contributes to the role of affirming social identity in their community. To weave a research that has as a subject, the woman teacher, within a quilombola community in Maranhão has become a relevance for ethnic racial studies, and also the fight against racism that persists in Brazilian society, a fact that puts quilombola communities in situation of a lot of oppression, but also a lot of resistance. Bringing as considerations the empowerment of women in the face of significant work experiences in the social context. As a result of this research, the proposal of a photographic catalog to support teaching activities.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Women, Quilombo.




  • Data: 14/07/2020
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  • Supernatural women were recurrent characters on medieval productions (oral and written) and inspired several narratives. The literary production was interlarded in a scenery of erudite and popular memory, of mythical and pagan backgrounds. One of these women was Melusine, a supernatural fairy that promotes prosperity and progeny through the marriage with a mortal. Taking the different versions of the melusinian tale existent in Europe into consideration, this work investigates the presence of this type of female schema in “The book of lineages of count d. Pedro” – a nobiliary book from Portugal of the mid XIV century. Within the logic of lineages, the union with a being from beyond legitimizes power and familial possessions, serving to political and ideological projects that build identities and role models. By way of the two sources The Goat-Footed Lady, the mythical ancestor of the Haro Family from Biscay, and of Lady Marinha, founding fairy of the Marinho Family, we are going to analyze the uses and representations of medieval women under the gender perspective. Considering the role of collective memory and of the medieval social imaginary, we place the insertion of mythical narratives in conjunction with the conflicts in the Late Middle Ages. As a result, we hold as our goal the production of a textbook about the ‘nameless’ women of the Middle Ages, which handles the uses of Memory, gender relations and the medieval ‘decolonization’, titled ‘Dames and Ladies: supernatural women in the Middle Ages’.

    Keywords: History teaching, Gender, Medieval Portugal.


  • Data: 12/05/2020
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  • This study addresses the Continuing Education of Teachers for the Teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture according to the obligation of Law 10.639/2009. This Law brought new demands for the training of teachers, considering them as subjects of paramount importance in the process of seeking the long-awaited educational quality. Thus, our main objective is to analyze how these formations have been occurring and what conceptions have been adopted during their development. To this end, we present discussions related to Historiography, History Teaching and Educational Legislation, seeking to understand how the implementation of Law 10.639/2003 in São Luís has been taking place, in front of the Municipal Department of Education - SEMED, analyzing its actions and continued training offered. It was also of fundamental importance, the elaboration of a historical path on the initial and continued training of teachers, providing reflections that can favor the understanding for the then application of questionnaires the trainers and teachers who participated in the analyzed Formations, to understand from the point of view of those who participated what the perceptions of Africa and what the continuity of these actions are. After these analyses, we sought to develop a Support Manual for The History Teachers of Elementary School - Final Years, on the Teaching of African and Afro-Brazilian Histories and Cultures, suggesting new forms of approaches and relating them to the materials already prepared by the Master's Students of the PPGHIST of UEMA, the National Common Curriculum Base (BNCC) and the Curricular Proposal of the Maranhense Territory. The objective is to produce a material that brings the academic environment and the school environment closer to the strengthening of the Teaching of Stories and Cultures of Africa and Afro-Brazilian.

    Keywords: History Teaching; Continuing Teacher Training; African and Afro-Brazilian Stories and Cultures.

  • TEACHING THE HISTORY OF MARANHÃO IN BASIC EDUCATION: the approach of the Sarneísta Oligarchy in the classroom in the municipal school “UEB Luís Viana”.


  • Data: 15/07/2020
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  • History teaching plays a fundamental role on contemporary educational dynamics. The education process inside the classrooms presents the complexity of the interrelationship between school-teacher-student, due to several educational parameter changes and transformation of the humanistic values present in social daily life. In Maranhão, the main concern revolves around the little knowledge of the contemporary historical trajectory of the main active political figures of the state, that is, a more consistent study of local history in the classroom environment. In this sense, the importance of this research, in the first instance, lies in valuing the History of Maranhão, introducing the aspects and the trajectory of the main oligarchy active in the state, the Sarneísta, and the remnants of its politics felt by the social sectors across the territory of Maranhão. Considering the current educational parameters, this study is based on the prerogatives of the Common Base National Curriculum (Base Nacional Comum Curricular) and the Curriculum Document of Maranhão Territory to face the newest classroom debates and history teaching procedures. Therefore, our goal is the construction of an educational diagnosis of Maranhão and of the history teaching procedures inside the classroom, taking as a reference the municipal school UEB Luís Viana, an institution of Elementary School. Methodologically, this study is grounded on data analysis about the teachers provided by INEP, on the documentary school collection and in conducting questionnaires with the teachers in charge of History and with the students of the ninth year about the History of Maranhão. The educational product elaborated is a pedagogical support manual made for teachers that contemplates the historiography about the origins of Sarneísmo, the process of building hegemony in Maranhão and pedagogical suggestions that can be used inside the classroom.

    Keywords: History Teaching. History of Maranhão. Sarneism. UEB Luís Viana. Pedagogical Manual.

  • LOCAL HISTORY AND TEACHING: the Maranhão hinterland in the final years of elementary school

  • Data: 22/06/2020
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  • Local history is characterized as an essential approach to teaching, as it allows the development of local identities and critical “Historical awareness”, so this work has as a general objective a study of the main literary productions about the hinterland of Maranhão and in the same way of the need to include this approach in basic education, based on the production of a paradidical material entitled “For the trails in the hinterland of Maranhão”. In this way, we work with local history, and the spatial outline is the southern region of the state of Maranhão. The historical sources used to support the work and the paradidactic were written by some travelers who left rich descriptions and impressions about the sertaneja region, namely: correspondence exchanged between the governor of the captaincy of Maranhão D. Diogo de Sousa and Minister D. Rodrigo de Sousa Coutinho contained in the Overseas Historical Archive (AHU-MA) and the travel report entitled Collection of observations of natural products from Piauí from the National Library of Rio de Janeiro, all corresponding to the expedition by Vicente Jorge Dias Cabral and also the writings of Francisco de Paula Ribeiro compiled in the book Francisco de Paula Ribeiro, explorer of Pastos Bons (2007). We map out how Brazilian educational legislation deals with local history and finally analyze the production of didactic and academic works on the south of Maranhão. Therefore, we hope that the paradidactic “Pelas trails in the hinterland of Maranhão” will contribute to the insertion of the history of southern Maranhão in the basic education network and in the diffusion of elementary notions, such as: concept of “sertão”, “reoccupation” process, territorial formation economic and natural exploration of the southern region of Maranhão.

    Keywords: History teaching. local History. Hinterland. Paradidactic.


  • Data: 10/06/2020
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  • We consider that great changes had happened in society due to Information/Knowledge Society, and the scholar community has embraced these changes, reason which requires adaptations from the educational agents, mainly the teacher, who has the function of knowledge moderator, with a bigger contribution for the student’s social growth. In this way, we have that the History may contribute expressively for this goal, but it is necessary that the teacher is ready for this task, for living in an informatized world, can’t be restricted to their own initial graduation. Therefore, the objective of this work is to approach the changes due to technological progress in society, especially in school; the entrance of the Communication and Information Technology (CIT) in schools and specific legal orientations to the scholar segment; transformations that occurred in History as science and subject and the impacts on teacher’s development, that is now turned to a new scholar reality, where the use of technologies became part of the methodologies used in classroom. For this, qualitative field researches were done with the teachers and coordinations about the application of the CIT in the History subject, in seven public schools in São Luís, aiming to try know the living reality by the teachers in their scholar activities and know which resources are available to use. The used method for this research was an application of questionnaire for both groups. The results show that the teachers use some technological resources in class, but in a restrict way, because of the difficulties faced about the support offered to the school’s infrastructure and to the technological training of the teacher. We observed that even that the majority of the teachers have the will to apply these resources, they face the difficulties cited above, forcing them to use a more traditional resource, like textbooks or slate. It was verified that independently of the initial or continued graduation, the teachers recognize the importance of using the CIT in classroom. As the dissertation’s product, a complementary material was elaborated for the teachers, entitled “Digital Technologies at School: knowing to use – A Teacher’s Manual”.

    Keywords: History Teaching, Information Society, CIT, History Teachers.

  • Music and Memory in the Vargas Era: a pedagogical approach of samba in the teaching of History

  • Data: 19/06/2020
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  • This work aims to demonstrate the importance of samba as a source in History Teaching in classes about the Vargas Era. Therefore, a brief history of samba was made, covering its constitutive lines through Brazil’s history and dialoguing with the elaboration of memory and national identity produced through this musical genre during the period studied. From these observations, a didactic guide for teachers was developed, aiming to analyze samba and its collaboration in the consummation of memory and national identity during the Varguista period, using the speech analysis methodology proposed by Foucault. It endorses that, with this object of analysis, it will be possible to better understand what happened in one of the most controversial periods in Brazil's political history and that it is still in need of teaching materials. Thereby, the central point of this work consists in the analysis of the sambas produced during the period that portray in their lyrics the patriotic feeling and the standard identity that the State wished to perpetuate in Brazilian society. In this way, it will be possible for the teacher to work on this content in Basic Education from other perspectives that provide the student with the development of a greater criticality about this context, using a historical source as rich and full of teachings as samba. 

    Keywords: History teaching; Vargas Era; Samba.

  • TAPUITAPERA IN THE FOGUETES ROUTE: the social impact of the installation of the Alcântara Launch Center and a construction of didactic sequences for the Elementary School of History.

  • Data: 09/04/2019
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  • This study aims to elaborate a history based on an updated bibliographical discussion about the history of Alcântara (1980-2000). The chronological cut is based on the implementation process of the Alcântara Launch Center and its social impact on communities that were compulsorily relocated in the first transfer phase proposed by the center's construction project. We relate the study of the history of the city understood as space of construction of social identities, with the elaboration of pedagogical practices for the elementary school. We started with thematic mapping based on the analysis and survey of the academic production on the subject, as well as the study of the official records filed in the Alcântara Launch Center, in the City Hall and in the class entities that participated actively in the transformation process of the city. In addition, we articulate the knowledge produced in the Universities on the subject with the possibilities of its approach in the discipline of History for the elementary school. In order to do so, the data on the fundamental education network in Alcântara, the textbooks on History from the 1st to the 9th year distributed by PNLD in the municipal network and the Maranhão Curricular Guidelines for this segment were analyzed. As a result of the reflections provoked in this research, we present the pedagogical proposal in the form of didactic sequences, destined to teachers of History and guided by the concern to contribute to the construction of a critical understanding about the social impasses that involved the accomplishment of this enterprise.

    Keywords: History teaching; Social Identities; Alcântara Launch Center.


  • TO BE A ROMAN: reflections on citizen models in Cato and Cícero in the first centuries of the republic

  • Data: 25/04/2019
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  • Roman society has its legacy diluted in our culture in the most diverse aspects, including the educational one. The work presented here is a study about the Roman educational perspective in the period of the Republic (509 to 27 BC), highlighting the first two centuries, taking into account the perspectives of Cato and Cícero and how they perceived the Republic and the role of education in maintaining it. Reading the works of these authors and the context in which they wrote was very important to understand this moment and to understand the search for the construction of an ideal citizen model in Republican Rome. For this task, we will start from the perspective that Roman education can be divided into two moments. The first moment can be defined as that of an education a little more limited to the practical bias that remains until the conquest of the Greek territory. However, from this domination the Greek influence will directly affect the way of educating the Romans, presenting us what would be the second moment, where education will pass through a phase of change and incorporation of new aspects. At this point, therefore, we will seek to reflect on the place of these educational models within the moment that society was passing through. This place can be perceived by relating it to political and ideological interests, which guided a change in behavior. For the most part, any perspective of what formed the Roman citizen and lasted for the following periods, was in a model formed during the period of the Republic. At this stage of Roman history, we have formed what we call the values of the Roman citizen that will continue until more or less the end of the republic and beginning of the Empire.

    Keywords: Teaching. Rome. Republic.



  • Data: 29/04/2019
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  • With regard to Brazilian racial issue, the path of an education which gave the black subject the opportunity to appear in the historical processes not only on the basis of African black slavery, led to a set of measures in the second half of the twentieth century in the field of education. Law 10.639/03, which made the teaching of the History of Africa and Afro-Brazilian Culture compulsory in public and private schools, arose from this set of measures by the Brazilian State in dealing with racial experience. Thus, in order to contribute to the process of consolidating the terms proposed in Law 10.639/03 regarding the teaching of African History, this dissertation has the purpose of producing a site as a pedagogical resource about African historicity, with contents relative to the secondary education, for use of the teacher of History. The research techniques used in this text were: analysis of history didactic book and bibliographical review about the topic. This dissertation addresses initially the 'education and racism', where it seeks to analyze from a historiographical review the relation education and black subject in what concerns its representativeness in the textbook, paradidactic textbook and in the racial discourse, as well as, the recognition of the racism by the Brazilian State that resulted in the elaboration of laws and measures applied with the purpose of making education non racist and diverse, which later generated implications in the use and terms of Law 10.639/03, used to make positive the image and history of the Negro. Next, it is presented an analysis of the production of knowledge about the history of Africa in different contexts and dilemmas related to the problematic about what Africa we are dealing with in the school space and in the production of knowledge, since the determinations created around Law 10.639/03 defined of which Africa we are talking about. At the last moment, the African historicity in the textbook is analyzed. In the end, African historicity is analyzed. As a theoretical contribution is used epistemological conceptions which propose as methodology the valuation of knowledge that survive in the midst of the dominant epistemology.


    Keywords: Teaching; History; Africa; Historiography; Textbook.

  • TELE TEACHING IN MARANHÃO: journalistic discourses (1998-2003)

  • Data: 26/04/2019
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  • Education in Brazil went through a long process of change between the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, new policies and reforms were implemented by the Brazilian states, aiming for a quality education and, at the same time, democratizing education. In this context, the State of Maranhão promoted an educational policy that united the public and private sectors in order to seek greater efficiency in state education. This study aims to analyze the speeches present in the newspapers about the Project Viva Education, based on Tele teaching, implemented during the second term of governor Roseana Sarney (1998-2002). The project was adopted as an educational policy to correct the age / series distortion of youths and adults. The study had as documentary base two newspapers of great circulation in that period: O Estado do Maranhão and Jornal Pequeno. The first governor and the second aligned with the opposition. The research was based on bibliographical readings and documentary sources to better understand the context studied. The chronological cut goes from 1998 to 2003, I understand the years of implementation of tele teaching in Maranhão.


    Keywords: History teaching; Newspapers; Tele teaching; Viva Education.



  • INDIGENOUS IN DIDACTIC BOOKS: an analysis of the representations of indigenous peoples in the textbooks of History of High School adopted by the Liceu Maranhense state school (2017-2018)

  • Data: 12/04/2019
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  • This academic research aims to analyze how the textbooks of History of High School adopted by the state school Liceu Maranhense represent the indigenous peoples in texts and iconographies. We start from the hypothesis that from the advent of the law 1145/45 the indigenous peoples began to be represented with more emphasis in the didactic books, however they continued being portrayed in a folclorized, stereotyped, romanticized and homogenized form. In this sense, the methodology that underlies this study was the bibliographical, historiographic and documentary research, because through these methods we sought to analyze the discursive and imagery representations that accompany the chapters of the textbooks on the indigenous peoples. For the study of textbook content, we focus on two axes: written texts (speeches) and imagery texts (engravings, paintings, etc.). In this stage of analysis we tried to understand how the authors of the textbooks constructed through the historical narrative discourses on the history and culture of the indigenous peoples and also to verify how the images represented them. The analyzed books are part of Saraiva's "Integrated History" collection in the PNLD guidebook (2018). In summary, the methodological course for this research was the following: 1. Survey and recording of the bibliography adopted to deepen the research; 2 Identification of the textbooks of History; 3 Reading of textbooks in chapters dealing with the indigenous issue; 4 Analysis of written texts (speeches) and iconographies (engravings, paintings etc.); 5 Analysis of some official documents such as the law 11.645/08 that deals with the indigenous issue and also analysis of the last public announcement of the PNLD regarding the recommendations for the indigenous theme.

    Keywords: History Teaching. Indigenous peoples. Representations. Didactic Books of History. Law 11. 645/08.

  • POLITICAL HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY AND PRESS: a new tool for Teaching History of Contemporary Maranhão through the Political Trajectory of José Sarney (1950-1970).

  • Data: 26/04/2019
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  • This work has as main objective the construction of a didactic guide for professor of History of High School on the political trajectory of José Sarney, from 1950 to 1970. The central hypothesis is that through the study on the political biography of Sarney can also be understood the Political History of Maranhão. The materials adopted in the Maranhão schools emphasize the history of the south-southeast axis, thus, the History of Maranhão lacks didactic and paradidate materials. In the construction of the political biography and, consequently, of the didactic guide, the main newspapers will be the newspapers of O Imparcial, Jornal Pequeno and Jornal do Dia, which, besides sources, are also historical subjects of the analyzed facts, since they have a significant. The use of the newspapers is justified by the theoretical orientation adopted here, centered on the writings of the Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, who analyzes the State in an extended way, that is, between Political Society and Civil Society there is a strong interaction, in the last one are present the Private Apparatus of Hegemony, in this work the newspapers, which focus on the formulation of consensus to nationalize the political and economic project of a class (or fraction thereof). With regard to the educational field, a possibility will be presented for the construction of a more creative and critical teaching through the Unitary School model proposed by Antonio Gramsci.


    Key Words: Teaching History; José Sarney; Political Biography; Newspapers. 


  • INDIGENOUS PEOPLES AND HISTORY TEACHING: thematic files for the teaching of Indigenous History in Maranhão

  • Data: 29/04/2019
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  • This work deals with the teaching of indigenous history in the public schools of São Luís do Maranhão, notably the Liceu Maranhense Teaching Center and the Benedito Leite Teaching Center, and intends to discuss the treatment given to the Indians in the processes of elaboration, production and diffusion of indigenous history, in the academic and school world. For this, we will discuss the teaching of the history of indigenous peoples in basic education, dialoguing with recent historiography and educational regulations, in order to problematize the space given in basic education to these subjects. For the second moment of the work, we will analyze two textbooks approved by the National Program of Didactic Book - PNLD 2018, History: from the caves to the third millennium of Moderna and History 1: Saraiva publishing school, we will characterize the ways indigenous people are represented in these materials in order to evaluate the approach, language and concepts, as well as their deficiencies and omissions. We will finish with a proposal of application for a reassessment of the approach on the natives in the history of Maranhão in the high school classrooms. Our starting point will be the colonial sources, especially the individual manuscripts of the Overseas Historical Archive (AHU) and the vowing minutes of the Câmara de São Luís. We will produce thematic files to be used by the students in the classroom about the participation of the natives in the process of colonization of Maranhão. The goal is to provide a new treatment of the topic and possibilities for discussion with students in class.


    Keywords: History teaching; Indigenous history; Thematic Sheets.




  • THE FORMATION OF THE TEACHERS OF HISTORY IN THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF MARANHÃO: propositions on the role of the discipline stage for the formation of teacher-researcher

  • Data: 25/04/2019
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  • Seeking to understand how the internship in the initial formation of teachers of History offered by the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) in São Luís has been developed, this work was carried out. Through analysis of legal documents regarding the performance of the internship in this course, as well as official documents of the institution and the course that govern its operation, began the process of interpretation and reflection of the position of the graduates of that institution. For this purpose, the 19 traineeship reports carried out between the years 2011 and 2015 in High School were used as initial sources. In them, the considerations and analyzes regarding the internship of these graduates were obtained while still as trainees. Subsequently, questionnaires were applied with them to analyze their current positions on the influence of this stage for their professional performance. Afterwards, we tried to interview them in order to obtain more information and analysis about this influence. Based on the data obtained, a triangular analysis (report, questionnaire, interview) was carried out on how this stage has occurred, perceiving the possible obstacles, both for the institution and for the trainees, in the initial formation of teachers. From this, it was perceived the importance of Curricular Practices for the development of Mandatory Curricular Stage and the differences that they can provoke in the initial formation of the involved ones. In view of this, it is proposed to emphasize the student's need to develop teaching practices throughout the course to better prepare them for the internship. In addition, it is proposed to carry out the internship as a research-enabling discipline, and, for this purpose, a manual for the elaboration of the internship report in the internship-research interface was created. And this material can also be considered as a guide to the effectiveness of the internship, since it seeks to direct the trainee's look at the characteristics to be observed and analyzed in each stage developed. According to present analyzes in this work, it is believed that, thus, an initial training in the internship-research interface will be possible.

    Keywords: Teaching History. Initial formation. Internship-research. Professor-researcher.

  • AFRICA AND AFRICANS IN CINEMA: moving images as a didactic resource for Teaching History.

  • Data: 15/05/2019
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  • At a time when historians are called to reflect their practices, much tied to the renewal experienced in the historiographical field, that is, with the emergence of the new history, new techniques of approaches and new objects were incorporated into the field. In this way, cinema and other languages are presented as new methodological tools for the work that is called historiographic. Similarly, studies that deal with Africa, despite having taken a quantitative leap in recent decades in terms of their achievements, are still insipid in comparison to other strands of concern among historians. In this light, therefore, the present work aims to construct didactic sequences for the teaching of History of Africa through the cinema. The relations between cine and history are analyzed, trying to accentuate the moment in which this language happened to be incorporated like legitimate monument of the historians and it is approached how the cine is used like pedagogical tool within the classroom. This paper also aims to analyze the main discourses responsible for the process of invention of Africa.


    Keywords: Teaching History, Cine, Invention of África.

  • FROM TERRORS TO SCHOOL, FROM SCHOOL TO TERREIROS: problematizing the relations between school institutions and Afro-Brazilian religions from Cururupu/MA

  • Data: 24/05/2019
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  • The objective of this work is to discuss the relations between school institutions and Afro-Brazilian religions, taking as an empirical unit of analysis a relational context represented by the São Benedito neighborhood, located in the outskirts of the city of Cururupu, Maranhão. The objective here is to focus on the interfaces, crossings of spaces and possible dialogues between the João Marques Miranda Teaching Center and the 14 existing terreiros that surround the school. Methodologically, the research seeks to combine different strategies, such as the application of direct administration questionnaires and thematic interviews with (ex) managers, teachers and students, as well as in-depth interviews with religious leaders from working terreiros in this same neighborhood. At a time when the treatment of the issue of difference and culture in educational environments has entered the agenda of the day, producing impacts and new challenges for professionals working in the school space, we seek not only to provoke the reflexive critique of forms of prejudice and stigmatization still in vogue, as well as experimentally explore ways of dialogue between actors so proximately geographically and symbolically but at the same time so far apart in terms of knowledge and recognition. In order to do so, we proposed to hold Workshops as a collective place to approach, debate and dialogue from the very context in question, understood as a means to stimulate new practices for the teaching of History and the acquisition of important civic competences for citizenship and respect to difference. The experiments resulting from the implementation of this pedagogical intervention proposal were condensed into the final product presented in anexus, and that constitutes a form of applied contribution of this dissertation.


    Keywords: School; Afro-Brazilian religions; Culture; Offices

  • SILHOUETTES OF HISTORY: fashion, gender and social transformations in São Luís (1920 -1950) and the paradidático "Modes e Modas in the city of São Luís"

  • Data: 26/04/2019
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  • Fashion involves gender issues, everyday representations, social behaviors, class distinctions, and is presented by various means and languages, in the discourses present in the public and private space. Analyzing the distinctions and social roles through modes and appearance allows us to understand the transformations in urban life, behaviors, values that build social relations, providing the study of daily life, customs, modeling of identity, as well as discourses and practices which help to express different distinctions and hierarchies. This dissertation seeks to relate social transformations and gender hierarchies to fashion aspects, since fashion is one of features of the relationship between the individual and society and contributes to the perception of the changes of the time in which it is inserted. The social space chosen for analysis was the city of São Luís in the temporal cut from 1920 to 1950. We present the modifications in the structure of the city, the variations of the clothes and the alteration of the behaviors. We aim to emphasize the possibilities of approaching this theme in the classroom through the customs and habits of society, rules of etiquette and behavior, which lead to the understanding of some aspects of ludovicense society in this period, proposing an educational material that addresses the representations of social life, customs and modifications in the men’s and women’s habits through the study of their manners and fashions.

    Keywords: History teaching; Fashion; São Luís; Gender;

  • THE TAMBÔ É DAS MUÉÉ: Talks and experiences of popular female actors in the classroom and audiovisual.

  • Data: 25/04/2019
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  • The proposal to rethink the didactic spaces and pedagogical materials dedicated to contents such as culture and history of African and Afro-Brazilian, history of women, etc. are above all ways to (re) read the historical silencings assigned to these geographical, political, social, cultural, etc. spaces. In the last decades, the construction of new debates about these spaces creates increasingly strong bridges between the academic scope and the academic spaces of research, increasingly filled with Afro-Brazilian representativeness. Parallel to this it is necessary to rethink the very representativeness of our historical subjects through conductive themes. Through them the possibility of placing in the hands of our students signs of female and Afro-Brazilian representativeness is built. The insertion of the feminine in the classroom space is of significant importance to represent the spaces of power occupied by them in different social and political circles, but which are constantly forgotten in the pages of our white, bourgeois male history. The use of popular female actors and popular black and white actors is part of this process of theoretical and methodological deconstruction, and can be presented in the school context as a means of audiovisual productions that allow students to experience sensorially or other, the world and us same.


    Keywords: History teaching; Woman; Popular culture.

  • SLAVERY AND AFRICAN TRADE IN HISTORY TEACHING: from a theoretical-conceptual approach to a proposal for the use of sources and new methodologies

  • Data: 10/05/2019
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  • This research focused on the issue of slavery and the transatlantic trade of Africans in basic education in History. For this, in the first chapter a historiographic balance was made on the theme, in which the main changes and transformations in methodological and content level that this theme suffered between the passage of the decades of 1950/60 to 1970/80 were identified. In the second chapter it was analyzed how the content on slavery and the transatlantic trade of Africans appears in a set of textbooks of the fundamental major referring to the last PNLD and how they were worked in a set of 14 sites destined to the basic education of History on the subject . Then, in the third chapter, a direction was directed to the teacher on how to deal with the issue of slavery and commerce in the classroom. In this way, this research was specially directed to the basic level teacher who wants to expand his knowledge on the subject of slavery and transatlantic trade, as well as to know the weaknesses that the textbook brings about the content in question, as well as have access to a set of didactic sequences that may be appropriate in their History class on the subject. The theoretical-methodological framework that made possible the construction of this work is formed by the theses of Anderson Ribeiro Oliva (2007) and Warley da Costa (2012) to understand how the teaching of History was addressing this theme. The studies by Achile Mbembe (2001) and Valentim Mudimbe (2015) were important to criticize the historiographical productions related to the subject when discussed at the classroom level had their questions reduced and stereotyped in the basic education of history. In addition to using the writings of Circe Bittencourt (2004) and Selva Guimarães (2010) to understand the current methodological uses that the teaching of History has made possible with sources and languages.


    Keywords: Teaching History, African Slavery, Transatlantic Trade, Primary Sources.



  • EL ABRAZO DE LA SERPIENTE: the cinema and the teaching of History and Indigenous Culture in the classroom

  • Data: 23/04/2019
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  • This paper aims to indicate, based on the analysis of the fictional cinematographic work The Hug of the Serpent (2016), by the Colombian director Ciro Guerra, how it can help in the discussions about the change in representations about ethnic identities in Latin America , as well as the opposition between Eurocentric epistemological assumptions and ethnic emergencies in postcolonial contexts. Against the background of the narrative, the theme of the clash of cultures and the history of contact between foreign travelers and researchers and native Amazonian peoples in the early twentieth century, and starting from a notion of Amerindian perspectivism, we seek to understand how the worldviews of indigenous peoples of the Amazonian northwest represented in the film, depart from specific ontological relations distanced from the opposition of man / culture x nature, in addition to reflecting on the broad debate about the production of knowledge among antagonistic epistemological universes, based on a decolonial theoretical framework. Based on the proposal to create a blog, built with the results of the exams carried out here, as a product and pedagogical resource of use for the improvement and continuous training of the history teacher of basic education for the work of the indigenous theme in the classroom, we intend that such reflections contribute to an education for ethnic racial relations, aiming at respect for otherness, as well as the use of cinema as a means to implement the teaching of indigenous history and culture circumscribed to the determination of law 11.645 / 2008 in a multiethnic perspective and intercultural.


    Keywords: Education, Indigenous History, Cinema, Decoloniality.



  • AN AESTHETIC OF THE HAIR CRESPOS: a black school and a daily school in Pedreiras-MA

  • Data: 11/04/2019
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  • This dissertation research aims to analyze representations about the body, aesthetics and identities of black youth in contemporary times and contribute to the discussions about ethnic-racial relations in the teaching of History. In order to do so, having as a space of analysis a school of basic education in the municipality of Pedreiras-MA, the Center for Teaching Oscar Galvão used an interdisciplinary methodological perspective with varied procedures, such as bibliographic review on the subject under study, direct observation , interview, application of questionnaires and workshops. They sought to develop an attentive listening to what they had to say about their hair and their bodily experiences inside and outside the school environment. It was observed that the identity construction of each young person is represented in their style of hair adornment, their acceptance with their curly locks, in their life histories, symbolized in the behavior they have in school, in the street and in every place of society. Such a process is understood as an act of "becoming black" exalted and perceived in the self-esteem of each one of them. Finally, in spite of the institutional advances regarding the incorporation of the theme in the school, the positivation of the black identity not only continues as a goal to be achieved, but also demands a close engagement of teachers, school management, supervision, students, specificities of the socio-historical context in question and the variable configurations of all these actors that make the history and the daily life of the school space. Thus, as a way to value curly hair, the self-esteem of these students and combat racial discrimination in school, the "Afro Catalog" is presented, teaching material to work with the theme in the classroom.


    Keywords: Teaching History. Curl hair. Ethnic-Racial Relations. Pedreiras-MA.
  • THE DICTATORSHIP IN QUADRONS AND QUADRINHOS: Paradidial school application. Piada Pronta the iconographic language of illustrated criticism about the Brazilian military-business dictatorship (1975-1985).

  • Data: 27/04/2018
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  • This work aims to analyze the peculiarities and importance of the discourses of illustrated criticism (cartoon, cartoons, and strip) present in newspapers (major press and alternative press) in the last decade of the Brazilian military-business dictatorship (1975-1985) São Luís, Maranhão. Thus, in this dictatorial period, it is maintained that the illustrated criticism of the alternative Ludovic press expressed a local critical content extended to the national context (Sheet of São Luís and Chest of Cartoons) and the graphic humor of the great Ludovicense press (The State of Maranhão and Small Newspaper) had amicable, apologetic and / or possibly questioning traits about the national political scene at the convenience of the moment, acquired from major newspapers in the Southeast (majority) and also produced by its local (minority) cartoonists. Thus, from this perspective of analysis, it is intended to contribute to the development of new teaching practices in the teaching of the military-business dictatorship of History teaching, since a paradidactic material (magazine of humor chárgico) directed to the elementary school was elaborated (9º year ) with dynamic language that enables the development of students with critical and reflexive postures through the interaction between past and present, that is, it is intended that students can gradually read, understand and have a questioning, reflective-constructive stance of this historical era antidemocratic Brazilian language through the unusual language of iconography reconciled with humor.

     Keywords: History Teaching, Illustrated Criticism, Business-Military Dictatorship.


    Keywords: History Teaching, Illustrated Criticism, Business-Military Dictatorship.

  • THE DICTATORSHIP IN QUADRONS AND QUADRINHOS: Paradidial school application. Piada Pronta the iconographic language of illustrated criticism about the Brazilian military-business dictatorship (1975-1985).

  • Data: 27/04/2018
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  • This work aims to analyze the peculiarities and importance of the discourses of illustrated criticism (cartoon, cartoons, and strip) present in newspapers (major press and alternative press) in the last decade of the Brazilian military-business dictatorship (1975-1985) São Luís, Maranhão. Thus, in this dictatorial period, it is maintained that the illustrated criticism of the alternative Ludovic press expressed a local critical content extended to the national context (Sheet of São Luís and Chest of Cartoons) and the graphic humor of the great Ludovicense press (The State of Maranhão and Small Newspaper) had amicable, apologetic and / or possibly questioning traits about the national political scene at the convenience of the moment, acquired from major newspapers in the Southeast (majority) and also produced by its local (minority) cartoonists. Thus, from this perspective of analysis, it is intended to contribute to the development of new teaching practices in the teaching of the military-business dictatorship of History teaching, since a paradidactic material (magazine of humor chárgico) directed to the elementary school was elaborated (9º year ) with dynamic language that enables the development of students with critical and reflexive postures through the interaction between past and present, that is, it is intended that students can gradually read, understand and have a questioning, reflective-constructive stance of this historical era antidemocratic Brazilian language through the unusual language of iconography reconciled with humor.

     Keywords: History Teaching, Illustrated Criticism, Business-Military Dictatorship.


    Keywords: History Teaching, Illustrated Criticism, Business-Military Dictatorship.

  • PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES IN HISTORY TEACHING: relations between cultural diversity and new languages and Blog Inovar História.

  • Data: 24/04/2018
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  • This research aims to analyze innovative pedagogical practices that incorporate themes related to cultural diversity and the use of new languages for teaching history, focusing on the Liceu Maranhense Teaching Center. It also aims to intervene in this process, with the presentation of the blog Inovar História, a tool that hosts the pedagogical experiences narrated in this text and provokes the continuity of the debate on the themes dear to this research. As a way to achieve these objectives, it explores elements of cultural diversity in the school context, in dialogue with the historiographical renewal assisted in the last decades, especially related to the teaching of History and innovative pedagogical practices. Next, it analyzes the school legislation related to cultural diversity and the possibilities inaugurated by this legislation, exemplified, following, the report of four pedagogical experiences. Finally, it presents as a product the Inovar História blog, which hosts such experiences and aims to become a permanent space for debate on issues related to cultural diversity and the use of new languages for teaching History.


    Key words: Teaching of History, Pedagogical Tools, Maranhão.

  • PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICES IN HISTORY TEACHING: relations between cultural diversity and new languages and Blog Inovar História.

  • Data: 24/04/2018
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  • This research aims to analyze innovative pedagogical practices that incorporate themes related to cultural diversity and the use of new languages for teaching history, focusing on the Liceu Maranhense Teaching Center. It also aims to intervene in this process, with the presentation of the blog Inovar História, a tool that hosts the pedagogical experiences narrated in this text and provokes the continuity of the debate on the themes dear to this research. As a way to achieve these objectives, it explores elements of cultural diversity in the school context, in dialogue with the historiographical renewal assisted in the last decades, especially related to the teaching of History and innovative pedagogical practices. Next, it analyzes the school legislation related to cultural diversity and the possibilities inaugurated by this legislation, exemplified, following, the report of four pedagogical experiences. Finally, it presents as a product the Inovar História blog, which hosts such experiences and aims to become a permanent space for debate on issues related to cultural diversity and the use of new languages for teaching History.


    Key words: Teaching of History, Pedagogical Tools, Maranhão.


  • Data: 30/04/2018
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  • XXXX


  • Data: 10/04/2018
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  • Thisworkfocusesonunderstandingtheplaceofwomen in thehistoryof Cape Verde andhowtheyhavebeenrepresented in thehistorytaught in the country. Cape Verde isoneoftheAfrican countries withgreateropennesstoworkongenderissues, yetwhen it comes tobringingsuchcontenttoschoolseats, muchremainstobedone. It waspossibletoperceive, throughacademictextsandfieldresearch, theeffectiveparticipationofwomen in thestruggles for theindependenceofthe country, a reality thatunfortunatelyisnotyetworkedon in Basic Education. In thissense, throughtheanalysisofthedidacticmanualsandprogramsofthe disciplines, it issoughttounderstandthecontentsworked in basiceducation, in ordertoidentifytheplaceoccupiedbywomen in the (re) writingprocessofthecountry'shistory. As a waytofill some oftheidentified gaps, thepresentpaperpresents a thematic primer, whichaimstorescuethetrajectoryof some womenwhodetainedanimportant role in theprocessofindependenceofthe country

    Key Words: Teaching History, Gender, Cape Verde, National Identity.

  • ENSINO DE HISTÓRIA NA EDUCAÇÃO DO CAMPO: novos olhares e outras propostas pedagógica.

  • Data: 30/04/2018
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  • From the perspective that there is an irremediable relationship between History Teaching and History Theories, that is, in both research and teaching, it is a matter of constructing historical consciousness, considering that "praxis is the determining factor of science" ( RÜSEN, 2007, p.85), this study is concerned with reflecting how History and History Teaching, taken from the debates of historical consciousness, can be used in Field Education. In this way, we present the historical course of Rural Education and the advent of Field Education in Brazil, with its principles, normative frameworks, as well as its conceptions still under construction. The Brazilian education directed to the field in its historical course has changed over decades and, with the changes in the national scenario, has unfolded in two opposing strands. The first, a Rural Education, built from the capitalist paradigm, which understands rural man only as a labor force for work. In opposition, the Field Education, a more humane education guided by the emancipatory, which would consider the reality of the field. An approach is also made on how the Field Education has been used with regard to the process of knowledge production, the dimensions of History and what kind of History appears in it.
    Thus, it is important to consider the narratives of the subjects involved in the peasant context, undertaking a historical writing guided by the narratives, memories and ways of living of rural men and women. These reflections are pertinent to problematizing the historical knowledge and teaching of History, the way in which History could contribute to a formation of historical consciousness in the field. As an empirical field of observation, the Association School Family Agricultural of Grajaú - MA (AEFAGMA) was chosen, School of High School Integrated the Technical Education Agropecuária, guided by the pedagogy of the alternation and by assumptions of emancipation of the subject. Located in the Boa Vista Project, settled in the rural area of the municipality of Grajáu-MA, the school resulted from intense struggles of workers living in the area. The inhabitants of the settlement have as their main source of income the fish farming and the cultivation of vegetables. As a result of the reflections provoked by the research, a pedagogical proposal for the Teaching of History in the Field Education was elaborated, considering the dialogue with the categories memory and identity from the daily experiences of the subjects of the field.

    Keywords: Teaching History, Historical Consciousness, Field Education.




  • THE PRESSURE OF RELIGIOUS EDUCATION IN PUBLIC EDUCATION IN BRAZIL: constructing a teaching qualification material as a proposal for pedagogical training between religious practices and discourses without school space.

  • Data: 30/04/2018
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  • In this work we propose the reflection about the relationship between discourses and religious practices and public education in Brazil within a temporality that is restricted to the second half of the nineteenth century to 1997. Therefore, we follow the theoretical and methodological path in the problematization of the concepts considered fundamental to understand this imbrication when looking at an educational field circumvented by politico-religious operations. Starting from these actions engendered in the national political scenario of the country amidst disputes over state projects and models of laicities during the so-called modernity, we characterize the process of secularization of teaching in previous moments the establishment of the republic in the country, passing through constitutional constructions from 1891 until the construction of the National Curricular Parameters of Religious Education in 1997. Following the perspective, we continue to construct reflections from the schooling of religious teaching and the teaching of history as ways of perspectives to think theoretically and methodologically solutions for the silencings and gaps to what concerns the permanent presence of religious and religious education in the educational and political field of Brazil. In order to do so, we present a model of pedagogical proposal material for teacher education, recognizing the importance of teachers having access to this knowledge in such a way as to overcome the conflicting religious tones experienced in the school field through new studies.

    Key words: history teaching, religious teaching, secularization, religious, teacher training


  • HISTORY, HISTORIOGRAPHY AND PRESS: revisiting João Goulart through the Maranhão newspapers in daily school life.

  • Data: 24/04/2018
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  • The following research comes up from a concern about the fact that the content regarding João Goulart’s government on teaching books is poorly reproduced. Besides, there is also the reductionism in teaching-learning process in schools, restricted to teaching books. Before this panorama, it was possible to identify how far are discussions about Contemporaneous Brazil’s History inside Universities and what is transmitted in Elementary Education classrooms. Therefore, such work converges in a way to fill up those two open gaps, with the purpose of promoting a reconfiguration of the pedagogic practice from elaboration of a proposal that puts together History Education and the use of newspapers as tools to help teachers and students in classrooms.


    Keywords: Teaching of History, João Goulart, Press. 

  • FIGHT FOR LAND IN AULA ROOM: Teaching History in Contemporary Maranhão and production of the Free Land Paradidático.

  • Data: 30/04/2018
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  • History and History Teaching are ways that do not always cross in the classroom. The established distance between the contents present in the book of history and reflection and production of historical knowledge is part of an ancient invention that established a gap between teaching and research. The present work aims to reflect on the theme of the struggle for land present in the teaching of History of Basic Education during the Contemporary Maranhão (1970s and 1980s) and contribute to the reconfiguration of the pedagogical practices of History Teaching in Basic Education of Maranhão from of the elaboration of the paradidático Terra Livre aimed at the students of the 9th year of Elementary School.


    Key words: Teaching History, paradidatico, struggle for land, Contemporary Maranhao.


  • EDUCAÇÃO PARA UMA FORMAÇÃO CIDADÃ: uma análise do discurso político-pedagógico na Paidéia clássica ateniense (Século V – IV a.C.).

  • Data: 25/04/2018
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  • Since ancient Greece, education has been considered a legitimate source of a project of specific power and citizenship. This work reflects the contributions of Education in the constitution of a citizenship, considering that the Brazilian legislation points to 'citizen education' as one of the premises of contemporary education. To this end, we seek subsidies in the Greek ideal of Education, especially in Classical Athens of the V and IV centuries BC, because it was the first to relate the formation of citizens and a particular identity according to the principles of Paideia. Being a significant discussion in the study of ancient and modern societies, his proposal is to consider how the same educational practices that transform subjects into full citizens can reinforce a model of exclusionary citizenship, since a part of society does not have access to a teaching of quality. Archaeological documents, literary classics and Brazilian law provide answers and explain the limitations of access and quality of teaching to the present day.


    Keywords: Education, Citizenship, Paidéia, Teaching History.

  • EDUCAÇÃO PARA UMA FORMAÇÃO CIDADÃ: uma análise do discurso político-pedagógico na Paidéia clássica ateniense (Século V – IV a.C.).

  • Data: 25/04/2018
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  • Since ancient Greece, education has been considered a legitimate source of a project of specific power and citizenship. This work reflects the contributions of Education in the constitution of a citizenship, considering that the Brazilian legislation points to 'citizen education' as one of the premises of contemporary education. To this end, we seek subsidies in the Greek ideal of Education, especially in Classical Athens of the V and IV centuries BC, because it was the first to relate the formation of citizens and a particular identity according to the principles of Paideia. Being a significant discussion in the study of ancient and modern societies, his proposal is to consider how the same educational practices that transform subjects into full citizens can reinforce a model of exclusionary citizenship, since a part of society does not have access to a teaching of quality. Archaeological documents, literary classics and Brazilian law provide answers and explain the limitations of access and quality of teaching to the present day.


    Keywords: Education, Citizenship, Paidéia, Teaching History.

  • EDUCATION OF MEDIEVAL HISTORY: The Doctrine for Children, by Ramon Llull and the production of the Paradidático Ramon Llull and the Middle Ages.

  • Data: 10/04/2018
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  • This work consists of an analysis of medieval education according to the Catalan philosopher Ramon Llull (1232-1316), and in the elaboration of a paradidático (Ramon Llull and the Middle Ages) destined for basic education. As documentary corpus, the work Doctrine for Children (1274-1276), by Ramon Llull, dedicated to his son Domingos, was used, in which he emphasized the importance of the Christian principles in the formation of the human being through the teaching of the virtues , which should be instilled in the individual as early as possible, that is, from infancy. In these terms, this research seeks to analyze how the philosopher designed the ideal formation of men as presented in this work, considering it through a moral education. Specifically, Llull wrote to the society of the thirteenth century, influenced by the intellectual and religious conception of his time. Theoretically, it is assumed that the history of the imaginary can constitute a way for the understanding of the medieval society, mainly as far as the beliefs and ideas are concerned. The works of Le Goff, Lauand, Oliveira, Nunes, Costa, Nora, Halbwachs, Agostinho, among others, discuss the Middle Ages, Education and Memory. For Llull, the aim of education is to allow the individual all the knowledge necessary to make him capable of acting and living well in society. Therefore, the constant habit of practicing the virtues was fundamental to the fulfillment of Christian principles. Llull, puts the man as responsible for his choices and actions. Based on research that points out the importance of this philosopher in the thirteenth century, it is considered that the adoption of a paradidático in the classroom, allows the students of basic education a deepening on the ideals lulianos in the medieval context, as well as stimulates reflections on the moral and ethical values at present, acquired through education.


    Key words: Teaching History, Ramon Llull, Paradidático.


  • THE NAZISM TEACHING IN BASIC EDUCATION: a dialogue between history and literature by the educational book "O holoausto judaico"

  • Data: 19/04/2018
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  • The Jewish Holocaust Teaching in Basic Education was the central object of investigation of this study. Based on the assumption that the theme is still present in the daily school life in a way that is disproportionate to its historical importance, the construction of a paradidático, aimed at the students and teachers, is being carried out, which is intended as a powerful pedagogical tool capable of reconfiguring the form as the theme has been addressed in schools. As the driving axis of the paradidático, are the literary narratives produced by historical personages who lived the Nazi persecutions and the quotidian of the concentration camps. Among the numerous works, were selected The Diary of Anne Frank, Is this a man? Schindler's List: The True Story. Thus, we intend to approach History and Literature, in light of the discussions of the relations between History and Memory. It is also present in the paradidático, in a language adapted to the students, the main discussions produced on the Holocaust in the academy, as a way to dilute the gap that still separates scholarly knowledge and academic knowledge. In this way, the chronology of the Nazi rise up to the Holocaust, excerpts from specialists in the theme, period documents, photos, maps, cartoons, excerpts from literary narratives and, finally, proposals for activities to be carried out in the classroom , marked by interdisciplinarity.

    Keywords: History Teaching; History and Literature, Holocaust, Educational Book.

  • Encantaria in class: Teaching afro-brazilian religions and building historical awareness through didactic sections on the website of the Afrodigital Museum of Maranhão.

  • Data: 23/04/2018
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  • In this work the pretension was to analyze the process through which, in the main Fundamental Education of the Center of Education Sotero dos Reis, certain forms of representing the material, symbolic and human universe of the religious manifestations of African matrix are consolidated, unifying certain types of historical consciousness in which these repertories are either absent or stereotyped. As well as thinking about how students build historical consciousness about these cosmologies. To do so, I assume the hypothesis that there is an inconsistency between the reality in which some students are inserted and the absence of discussion about this reality in classrooms. For the materialization of this research, I use as sources the collected data in daily observations, official documents, curriculum, didactic manuals, results of applied questionnaires, Political Pedagogical Project and internal school projects in dialogue with theorists of different knowledge areas, especially history, anthropology and the field of ethnic racial studies. And as the final step of the research I created an online gallery, composed of 6 sections, built from texts and photographs captured by me. This product will be linked to the AfroDigital Museum website, with the theme "How to work with Afro-Brazilian religions in a classroom", aimed at teachers of basic education and with indications on how to use this material based on the programmatic content of the school-field textbooks.

     Keywords: Teaching History, School Daily, Historical Consciousness, Afro-Brazilian Religions.

  • The History teaching has been a point of discussion in various academic instances. Several issues were debated, such as the use of sources in the classroom, the role of the teacher of history, the introduction of elements of the media in the teaching of history, among others. In addition to these discussions, the History Teaching is based, hegemonic, on Political History, leaving Cultural History and Economic History in secondary place, attributing to these few pages or explanatory boxes in textbooks. Since that was noticed the secondary place for Economic History, this work has as main objective the elaboration of the dictionary of economic concepts and themes for young people, in order to subsidize the teaching of Economic History in school education. In addition, this text presents as a secondary objective to analyze how economic topics in textbooks are structured from the hypothesis that economic subjects are treated in an uncritical way and without direct relation with the model of the contemporary capitalist stat which is presented as naturalized directives, that is, as governmental decisions that have no relation with class defense. The adopted methodology starts from the conception of historical materialism supported by Marxism, especially by the works of Marx and the Italian philosopher Antonio Gramsci, especially at the moment of analysis of economic concepts. For this work to be carried out, the two textbooks of the publishers that have the largest print run according to PNLD / 2017 are the objects of analysis, namely: the collection História, Sociedade e Cidadania (2015) authored by Alfredo Boulos Júnior , publisher FTD (730.53 books), and the collection Projeto Araribá - Historia (2014), Moderna publisher (388,596 books), so that these textbooks are related above all to the legislation in force around history teaching and can be the basis of selection of economic concepts and themes in the dictionary. As a chronological demarcation of this work is the years 1945 to 2014. This demarcation is justified by the restructuring of the International Economic System occurred in 1945 after World War II that resizes economic relations ensuring the hegemony of the financial fraction of capital and the year of 2014 is justified because it is the last content presented in Brazil level in didactic materials, period that will be named in this work, therefore, as Contemporary Economic History

  • Data: 12/03/2018
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  • History Teaching, Economic History, Dictionary of Economic Concepts and Themes for Young People.

  • CHRISTIANISMS IN ANTIQUITY AND TEACHING BOOKS: a pedagogical manual as proposed to Teaching History directed to the teacher of High School.

  • Data: 25/04/2018
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  • This work aims to problematize the didactic productions about the antiquity Christianity distributed by the federal government. In it, we emphasize writing about this religious experience in the teaching of History. We have observed that these materials have maintained gaps related to knowledge on this subject, besides, to present it in a very close language, or similar to the orthodox theological knowledge that built in a hegemonic way the knowledge about this religion. Therefore, in order to identify this problem, we propose the elaboration of a pedagogical manual aimed at professionals in the teaching of History, aiming that, through the subsidies of the academic research developed in recent years on the Historical Jesus and Christianity, present in the schoolbooks, approaching this religious experience in its plurality. The purpose is to highlight the social, cultural, political and economic context that allowed the birth and development of this religious manifestation, not plastering a reading, often anchored in aspects of faith.


    Key words: Teaching of History, Didactic Books, Christianity, Roman Empire.




  • Data: 20/03/2018
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  • This research on the teaching of history of Maranhão aims at the analysis of its didactic production, with emphasis on the process of construction of the imperial order and, consequently, the production of a paradidático material on the Balaiada (1838-1841) destined to the studies of Regional History of Maranhão. The problematic of this study is to bring historical memory and political identities, highlighting the political awareness of the popular layers involved in this movement, establishing a critique of the traditional approach present in the didactic materials, which disregard the protagonisms of the popular strata in this context of construction of the imperial order. In this way, a theoretical discussion was developed with the concepts about the teaching of History, followed by a panorama of the local / regional history, the analysis of the historiography about Balaiada and the didactic production used in the classroom on the process of order construction in the “Maranhão Oitocentista”. Finally, we elaborate a paradidático about the Balaiada that discusses the political history of imperial Maranhão in the context of the Independence process (1823-1841), based on the relation between the liberal elites and the popular layers. The purpose is to highlight the protagonism of the popular layers in the political and social movements that marked the process of construction of the new imperial order, whose main example was the Balaiada revolt, which involved different social segments, and counted from the beginning with popular leaderships.

  • History Teaching; Zulu History and Culture; Apartheid; Post-Apartheid. 

  • Data: 24/03/2017
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  • In the presente work I analyze the social places destined for Zulu history and culture in South Africa, from apartheid to post-apartheid. For this research I use aas sources the textual and imaginary narratives abaut the Zulus presente in the History didatic books collections entitled History for Today, History in Action, Making History, Shuters History and Viewpoint History used in the South African Province of KwaZulu-Natal. Dialoging with theorists of different áreas of knowledgle, especially the of history, of anthopology and fiel of african studies, I realized bibliographical survey and fielwork in the centers of public memories and archives in South Africa. This study is dividded into two central axes: the social place of the Zulus during apartheid and the reinvention of the Zulus in the “Rainbow Nation”. Besides, it integates as a complementary material of this work a didatic primer aimed at brazilian students of basic education (6 to 9 year) abaut cultural expressions of Southern Africa, especially thinking the case of Zulu culture in South Africa.

     Keywords: History Teaching; Zulu History and Culture; Apartheid; Post-Apartheid. 

  • ECOLOGICAL CAMPAIGN OF THE “COMITÊ DE DEFESA DA ILHA DE SÃO LUÍS” (1980-1984): a pedagogical proposal for integration between Environmental Education and Teaching of History.

  • Data: 22/05/2017
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  • This research aims to debate the insertion of the Environment Education in the Teaching of History based in the trajetory of the first environmental movement of the Maranhão, the “Comitê de Defesa da Ilha de São Luís”. This movement started in 1980 and executed a campaign against the installation of na ALCOA’s factory (Aluminium Company of American), considered the most powerful transnational Corporation which produces alumina and aluminum. For beginning, it was discussed the elements of the environmental question and its consequences with the proposal of the environmental education. The bibliografy research was the metodology to analyze the emergence the new social movements in Brazil during the redemocratization, including the environmental movement. Followed the analysis of sources of the written press, specifically news from the “Jornal Pequeno”, for the production of the trajetory of the Comitê between 1980 and 1984. The results of the researchs enabled the suggestions for classroom use allowing the introduction of the environmental education in History.


    Keywords: Teaching of History, Environmental Education, Environmental Movement, Comitê de Defesa da Ilha de São Luís, Redemocratization.

  • XXX

  • Data: 09/03/2017
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  • The African and Afro-Brazilian themes refer to a long trajectory of debates and controversies, constituting itself as a theme of strong political and social significance within Brazilian society. Its transformation into compulsory curricular content of Basic Education, based on Law 10.639 / 03 and its National Curricular Guidelines for Education of EthnicRacial Relations and for African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture teaching, has generated new tensions and Political, pedagogical and historiographic dilemmas, among others. This research aims to analyze the relations between the literary text and concepts such as: culture, identity and memory; Recognize the literature as a support for working on content such as history and national identities; Understand literature as a historical source; To provide subsidies for the use of Maranhão Literature in the classroom, and also to make it possible to rescue the history of the black and Afro-Brazilian population; And to collect data on the identity of the Negro in cultural, social and historical construction in the literary work "Os Tambores de São Luís" by Josué Montello. From the above, literature was thought as a "new" possibility for research into history, and could provide elements for the construction of historiography at a given time, place and society. Thus, the present work makes an analysis of the possibilities about the study of Afro-Brazilian cultural manifestations in the teaching of History from Brazilian literature, focusing especially on Maranhão literature. The guidelines for the elaboration of a didactic material (manual) that deal with the relation between History and Literature, and more specifically how to work Literature in the classroom as a possibility of this, constituting an important tool to include contents such as History and national Identity. The proposal also emphasized the AfroBrazilian literature seeking to institute ways of thinking and problematizing the realities of the black population in Brazil, in this specific case, included a debate about the black in Maranhão.

  •  Teaching. Ramon Llull. Ideal Christian. Memory.

  • Data: 28/03/2017
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  • This work aims to analyze mainly works Felix, The Book of Wonders (1276) and The Book of a Thousand Proverbs (1311) by the Catalan philosopher Ramon Llull (12321316). Through these works we seek to understand the conception of the author of the human model intended in the period, the Christian. The ideal model par excellence described in the work is that of the cleric, especially the hermit, who, dedicated to the life of contemplation, would be closer to the knowledge of God and consequently could more strongly love and follow Him. The conduct of the highest strata of society, like the clerics and nobles, including the king, should serve as an example of conduct and thus guide the other members of medieval society. In order to do so, we use the concepts of memory and identity that are essential in research, since the author's educational conception was based on the capacity of men to retain knowledge through memorization and thus to forge the desired identity in the period. Of the Christian. We therefore understand Llull's work as the designer of a pedagogical project in which the purpose was to give men the knowledge necessary for the proper organization of medieval society of the thirteenth century and especially the conduction of their souls to salvation in the aftermath. In order to do so, it was necessary to practice the virtues, the removal of vices and the exercise of Christian dogmas instituted by the Church.

    Palavras-chave: Teaching. Ramon Llull. Ideal Christian. Memory.

  • ENEM AND THE TEACHING OF HISTORY: the place of local History in High School


  • Data: 13/03/2017
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  • ENEM AND THE TEACHING OF HISTORY: the place of local History in High School

     The ENEM and the teaching of History: the place of local History in High School is a work linked to the field of research Historiography and Languages of the Graduation Program History, Teaching and Narratives of the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), aiming to analyze The implications of the National High School Examination (ENEM) for the teaching of local history in History classes. Initially, the ENEM is analyzed, considering that it is an evaluation policy whose organization defines guidelines for secondary education in Brazil, standardizing the school curriculum. To get an overview of High School we point out some changes made over time in this level of education. We have conducted an analysis of the conceptions of historical narratives in order to recognize that the teaching of History today enables more comprehensive perspectives. We rely on documentary sources such as the Law of Guidelines and Bases of Education to understand the determinations that organize the high school curriculum in Brazil; The ordinance 438/98 that created the ENEM providing the understanding about the exam, its assumptions and guidelines; The National Curricular Guidelines for High School (DCNEM) for the understanding of the theoreticalmethodological dimensions inserted in the school context. Among the bibliographic contributions we mention Maria Auxiliadora Schimidt, Circe Bittencourt and Vilma de Lourdes Barbosa for agreeing to the local history perspective as a teaching strategy. The research is qualitative explanatory in nature and had in the open questionnaires our main strategy for data construction that confirmed our hypothesis that the ENEM reinforced the minimization of local history content in high school. The analysis indicates that the approach of local history in the classroom when it occurs is justified by the possibility of correlation with some content of the national history. Therefore, the need for a pedagogical intervention of the teacher to transform the teaching of local history, a relevant component for the citizenship formation of the young people of Maranhão is emphasized.

    Keywords: History teaching. ENEM. Local History. High school. 

  • Keywords: History teaching. Women's Teaching. Professionalism. Maranhão.

  • Data: 20/04/2017
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  • This analysis intends to discuss the possibilities of professionalization of the public teachers of Maranhão in the First Republic before a table of representations about what configured the female magisterium from the point of view of educational, medical and religious authorities that forged a model and teacher pattern for teaching Using the educational legislation of the period, discourses and speeches of these authorities and of the teachers themselves, newspapers, memoirs and bibliographic production on the subject. In this exercise we propose three moments in the construction of the study. First, we will discuss the process of construction and technical training of primary teachers, addressing the expansion of female schooling in this context and the role of the Normal School as an institution for vocational training. The proposal is to think of the paradox of the pretended feminine nature, of the "born woman", which according to the imaginary of the time, the said feminine maternal characteristics, although fundamental and necessary for the exercise of the magisterium, were not in themselves sufficient, technician. Then, the perspective of work is to problematize the possibilities of these teachers acting in the work market, in their daily life, in their public and private life, which allowed both the construction of new images about the teacher and also reinforced some stereotypes that Limited their action and performance. In a third moment we seek to analyze the possibilities of professionalization for the teachers and the process of feminization of the teaching profession, in the perspective of the relationship between these processes and the State's protection over public education. As they have used symbolic ties with the public power, as they have become representatives of education and, as the State has appropriated the image of the same, they benefit from this relationship, which can be seen as protectionist and / or interventionist in their Bodies and minds. We also propose an analysis about associativism, presenting the first associations of teachers and their role in the professionalization of this segment of education.

    Keywords: History teaching. Women's Teaching. Professionalism. Maranhão.

  • Key words: History teaching. Field Education. PRONERA

  • Data: 06/06/2017
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  • The Project for the Education of Young and Adults and the Literacy School of PRONERA/ UEMA / FETAEMA / FACT, with activities carried out between 2007 and 2009 in four municipalities of Maranhão, is taken as an element of reflection in this study. The research defined guiding axes for better understanding of the theme from the following questions: how does the Federal Government present and implement public policies for the literacy of youth and adults in the National Program for Education in Agrarian Reform (PRONERA) in Brazil and Maranhão? To what extent has PRONERA contributed to the social ascent of educators who graduated from the Cajazeira settlement in Barra do Corda-MA? Thus, the objectives of the research focus on the analysis of the impacts of PRONERA on the Cajazeira settlement in the municipality of Barra do Corda- MA, based on the schooling process of women educators in Youth and Adult Education. As a methodological procedure, the survey and analysis of documents, the field research and interviews with PRONERA graduates, using oral history and the analysis of memories that allow the reconstruction women’s histories in the countryside were carried out. This study concludes that in spite of social inequalities, PRONERA educators seek their autonomy and social ascension through education, and the schooling received in PRONERA was a preponderant factor for them to continue their studies. Key words: History teaching. Field Education. PRONER

  • Key Words: History Teaching. History and Cinema. Movies Maranhenses.

  • Data: 20/04/2017
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  • The present research analyzes the use of films in History classrooms, in the public schools of São Luís do Maranhão, between the years of 2015 and 2016. In this sense, to understand the teacher training and with what perspectives these use the film, Is essential to this work, as well as to find chronologically how the film began to be used as historical source and as a tool in the classroom. We will then focus on the data collection, using two methods: questionnaires and interviews, with a view to a qualitative research to show the practices and challenges of the teacher working with films. In this way, we will dialogue with Law 13.006 / 14, which establishes the mandatory exhibition for at least 2 (two) hours per month of national films in public schools; The National Curricular Parameters of History (1998), and  the Curricular Guidelines of the State of  Maranhão (2014). Lastly, we will present a guide to Maranhão movies in order to meet the structured content that can be used in the classroom with the students.


  • Data: 31/03/2017
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  • This study analyzes the deviation of the function of teaching in the teaching of History in the Education of Youth learners  and Adults in São Luís, identifies the deviation of the teaching function based on data from EDUCACENSO 2014, is characterized as the deviation of the function of teaching in public teaching networks of Basic Education in EJA(Education of youth and adults) modality mid-level and fundamental (the final years), discusses the phenomenon of educational deviation from the teaching function from the regulations and official documents of brazilian education, and establishes connections between the variance function and the quality of the teaching of History offered in public networks, state and city of São Luís. The study counted with the participation of teachers, school managers and technical/superintendent responsible for EJA modality in the two educational systems. The methodology used for this study included the following procedures: use of data from teachers and students of the EDUCACENSO 2014; literature review and documentary on the subject; research focal group of teachers who have already acted in deviation from the teaching function to the organization of the questionnaires; application of the questionnaire to the teachers, knowing how the phenomenon in the education networks, the public, and that way the teacher interprets it; and the application of the questionnaire to the school managers, to get know as characterized in the schools, and what are the interpretations about the phenomenon; and interview with the engineers/superintendent of  EJA in  two networks of public education; to understand that way if gives the deviation of the teaching function, and the extent to which the systems of education feel responsible for results in terms of the quality of education offered in these conditions. In the analysis of the material collected, I identified: the indexes of the deviation function in the public teaching networks state and municipal levels in the form EJA, and what training comes from professionals that meet the teaching of History; I got up quantitative data about the training the teaching of History in educational institutions public in São Luís, since the creation of the LDB nº 9.394/96 until 2014; I identified the percentage of History Teachers out of their graduation area, his relationship with the deviation of the teaching function at some point of the professional career, and yet, the narratives teachers on variance function and quality in teaching; in research with school managers, I explored the mechanisms that help to understand the deviation of the teaching function in schools, what are the main challenges of the teaching staff for the planning of the disciplines outside of teacher training, and its relationship with the quality of education; in the interview with educational managers (technical/superintendent), I analyzed the deviation of the function from the systems of education, the factors prevalent in the explanations about the current percentage of deviation of the function, and the organisation of education systems for the insertion of the teachers in the schools.

     Keywords: Teaching of History. Youth and Adult education. Deviation of the teaching function. Teaching. Quality in education.

  •  Key - words: History teaching. Curriculum. History of Maranhão.


  • Data: 08/03/2017
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  • The present research aims to analyze the place of the History of Maranhão in the curriculum of the state education network of Maranhão. The schools in the CEJOL, Liceu and CEM schools. Working City I became the locus of the research. Taking into account the purposes of this study, we used a set of techniques that, combined, adjusted to achieve the objectives proposed here. Thus, we defined, as sources to collect information, the official primary documents that gave support to this study were, among which we highlight: the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, Law 9394/96; The National Curriculum Parameters - History, 1997; The General National Curricular Guidelines for Basic Education, 2013; The Curriculum Guidelines of the State Education Network of Maranhão, 2013; The Norman Guidelines for the School Operation of the State Education Network of Maranhão, 2015. For the study of curriculum, History curriculum and History teaching, the works of Goodson (1995 and 1997), Valle (2014), Moreira e Silva (2006), Karnal (2010), Pinsky (2010), Guimarães (1988), Schmidt and Cainelli (2004) and Abud (2011) importance. As for the discussion about the curricular models constructed regarding the teaching of History in Brazil, and the place occupied by the History of Maranhão, from the period in which it was a discipline to the present, the studies of Certeau (1982; 1989), Rüsen (2010; 2012), Guimarães (1988), Cerri (2011) de Martins (2014), Abud (2005), Bittencourt (2009), Hall (2015), Piletti and Piletti (2013) and Nagle (1997), Meinerz Of great value. For the purposes of this research, the historiographic assumption of the New History was adopted, which allows a greater openness for the analysis of the diverse sources and discursive practices, and the approximation of history with the other areas of the human sciences, bringing a multiplicity of approaches, and Which investigates the historical fact inserted in the social and cultural conjuncture (MACHADO, 1999, p.189). In order to clarify the adopted research procedures, it is necessary to describe them. The temporal cut of the research, goes from the implementation of the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education, Law 9394/96 until the year 2016. It is exactly 20 years of great transformations in the educational field, where it is believed that the impacts of LDB Have already been felt in daily life in the school practices of the state public schools of the State of Maranhão. In the initial phase of data collection, we use the application "Form", available on the Google portal. The same was organized with 10 closed questions of multiple choice, and directed to 42 professionals of the education of the public network of the State that work in High School. The purpose of the questionnaire application was to collect data about the scientific and historiographic production of Maranhão in the daily work of the respondent public, in this case, the schools in which they work. As for the research technique used, we opted initially for the research and documentary analysis (MICHALISZYN; TOMASINI, 2009), where use was made of primary and secondary sources. This theoretical-practical approach allowed us to glimpse one of the fundamental problems of this research: is the history of Maranhão being taught in the state public school system? Underlying the fundamental problem, other questions arise: How are certain school contents / disciplines selected, reformulated, maintained, or silenced? Did the National High School Exam interfere with the teaching of History of Maranhão? Thus, as a fundamental objective of the research, we intend to investigate whether the teaching of History of Maranhão is in the official curriculum of the State of Maranhão. 

    Key - words: History teaching. Curriculum. History of Maranhão.

  • Teaching of history. Education technologies. Teachers conceptions. Pedagogical Proposition.

  • Data: 30/03/2017
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  • His present paper aims at industanding the ideas and conceptions of high school teachers of history at the state public secondary education in São Luís/Ma (Brazil) as to the use of new technologies in the history teading, so looking for the pratices performed by house actors from heir representation om he educacional technologies. So considering the pontecial of iten for thet teaching of history and  significant of the students based on the society changes abd, consequentementy, in the ways of learning and trading. It deals with a qualitative inquiry which used the interview technic as an instrument of collecting information among 20 teachers of history in eight schools in São Luis the ideas about the new technologies in the teaching of history passed through the process of categorization of a proposition pedagogical. The teaching conceptions demonstrated the need of discussing the use of education technologies proposition above of history. The pedagogical proposition above will offer the opportunity of retching the teaching of history as well as the improvements in the methodologies and didactics of the subject of history in the high school.

     Key-words: Teaching of history. Education technologies. Teachers conceptions. Pedagogical Proposition.

  • Keywords: History teaching.  Carnival. Marines of the Fuzarca. Memory. Orality.

  • Data: 30/05/2017
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  • The central theme of this research is the attempt to understand the changes that the Fuzileiros da Fuzarca block suffered during these eighty - one years in the Ludovic carnival. In order to understand the changes that occurred in this remnant of the samba classes of the 1930s, considered the oldest block in activity in the Ludovic carnival, it is proposed to emphasize the instruments of analysis about its trajectory, its preservation and transmission of its identity and Traditions, which privileged their networks of social relations, the internal and external transformations represented by the social actors, enabling guiding axes that would cause the multiplicity of human experiences in society. Seeking to understand how, despite the transformations, not only in its composition, but of the very society that is around it, they survive and transmit their peculiar histories, symbols and identities. Thus, in the perspective of expanding this theme, this research intends to collaborate with the discussion about the Maranhão carnival, carrying out a historical study on the Fuzileiros Fuzarca block fomenting the discussion about the valorization of the Brazilian sociocultural patrimony, going through the narrative and memory of its Protagonists, extolling their orality as an instrument of preservation and transmission of historical knowledge.

    Keywords: History teaching.  Carnival. Marines of the Fuzarca. Memory. Orality. 

  • ENSINO DE HISTÓRIA E LEI N° 10.639/2003: uma análise do ensino fundamental II da rede pública municipal de Caxias-MA.

  • Data: 08/05/2017
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  • In discussing African and Afro-Brazilian History as the thematic axis in Basic Education, knowledge about African and Afro-Brazilian subjects is presented as a subject that is active in historical and cultural processes, offering its appreciation in the world formation. The present research aims to analyze educational practices on African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture, highlighting how the teaching focused on this subject is being developed in the final series of Elementary Education (9th year) of the Municipal Integrated Unit “Hélio de Sousa Queiroz”, in Caxias - MA, after the implementation of Law 10.639/2003. The research was initially carried out through the bibliographical review of authors who discuss the theme, covering African historiography, Brazilian black culture and the study of the school curriculum of basic education. Field research was also carried out through interviews with teachers of the public school. In evaluating the interviews, it was found that, despite the fact that teachers only have the superficial knowledge of Law 10.639/2003, they try to develop the theme through educational and cultural activities, aiming to contribute to the spreading of ethnic-racial relations, even in the face of Such as the lack of availability of efficient pedagogical materials, the lack of school books on the subject and the lack of didactic resources that contemplate the multicultural dimensions. The aim of this work is to present new procedures, learning conditions and objectives that lead to a rethinking of ethnic-racial relations, in order to give visibility to teaching practices and to inspire educators to develop activities aimed at the implementation of everyday school culture of recognition of African civilizational values, as a pedagogical possibility in the construction of knowledge. In this perspective, it is believed that this will be a collaboration for the construction of an education that generates citizenship, that meets, respects and observes with a new look African and Afro-Brazilian History and Culture and to relate it with existing educational and inclusive practices, thus seeking to promote racial equality. Debating on this theme will result in the acquisition of a constructive and innovative vision of History for the recognition of the identity of Afro-descendants in Brazil.

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