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  • Data: 10/06/2024
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  • A vacinação de bezerras contra a brucelose é uma estratégia fundamental para reduzir a prevalência e controlar essa enfermidade que é uma zoonose causada por bactérias do gênero Brucella, causando abortos, infertilidade, abortamentos e representando um risco para a saúde pública pelo contato direto ou pela ingestão de alimentos contaminados. O estado do Maranhão não tem alcançado índices de cobertura vacinal desejado para o avanço do programa sanitário de controle da brucelose, dessa forma o serviço veterinário oficial (SVO) estadual requereu a elaboração de um plano estratégico para aumentar esse índice, gerando a demanda da tese apresentada. Nesse contexto objetivou-se com o estudo elaborar um Plano Estratégico para elevar o índice vacinal contra brucelose no estado do Maranhão. Para tanto, realizou-se uma revisão literária sobre o tema e em seguida realizou-se um diagnóstico situacional a fim de conhecer o perfil socioeconômico e o nível de conhecimento sobre a vacinação contra brucelose, por meio da aplicação de questionários a diferentes atores envolvidos na cadeia produtiva de bovídeos no estado, entre eles: i) produtores que exploram a bovideocultura (n=201); ii) médicos veterinários cadastrados no Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal no (PNCEBT/MA) (n=84); iii) servidores do SVO que trabalham na execução do PNCEBT/MA (n=75) e iv) responsáveis pelas casas de revenda de vacina (n=58). Para qualificação do nível de conhecimento sobre a vacinação contra brucelose foi considerada a proporção de acertos das questões relacionadas nos questionários de cada grupo avaliado, separando em três faixas de acerto: até 50% - conhecimento baixo, de 51 a 70% - conhecimento regular e de 71 a 100% conhecimento alto. Após o diagnóstico foi elaborado um plano estratégico para aumento do índice vacinal contra brucelose no estado, adotando o método de planejamento estratégico situacional e direcionando as ações para solução dos entraves previamente identificados. Nos resultados do diagnóstico situacional observou-se nível regular de conhecimento dos responsáveis pelas casas revendedoras de vacinas e dos produtores, sendo as lacunas de desconhecimento similares nos dois grupos. O nível de conhecimento dos médicos veterinários cadastrados e dos servidores do SVO foi considerado alto, todavia observou-se uma baixa adesão aos equipamentos de proteção individual (EPIs) por parte desses grupos, fato preocupante, visto que a brucelose é considerada uma doença de caráter zoonótico. Ainda quanto ao nível de conhecimento dos médicos veterinários cadastrados, verificou-se lacunas referentes às mudanças no Regulamento Técnico do PNCEBT. Esses e outros entraves, como a péssima qualidade das vias de acesso às pequenas propriedades, dificultam o avanço da cobertura vacinal contra brucelose no estado do Maranhão. O plano estratégico elaborado propõe sete objetivos: i) institucionalização da campanha estadual de vacinação contra brucelose; ii) promoção da adesão de novos médicos veterinários cadastrados; iii) fortalecimento das medidas de controle e prevenção da brucelose; iv) fortalecimento da capacidade do SVO; v) promoção de ações de educação em saúde e comunicação social; vi) fortalecimento das parcerias público-privadas; vii) garantia da sustentabilidade do plano. Para cada objetivo estratégico proposto foi elaborado uma matriz de ação indicando os responsáveis pela ação, recursos, atores envolvidos, nível de abrangência, produtos esperados, tempo de execução e indicador de ação. Conclui-se que o plano estratégico elaborado é um marco legal inédito que pode contribuir com o serviço veterinário oficial gerando potenciais impactos sociais, econômicos e financeiros para o estado do Maranhão.

  • CARACTERIZAÇÃO DE BACTÉRIAS DO COMPLEXO Aeromonas ISOLADAS DE Colossoma macropomum (CUVIER, 1816) E RESISTÊNCIA A ANTIMICROBIANOS: impacto em sanidade animal, saúde pública e meio ambiente?

  • Data: 16/05/2024
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  • Objetivou-se caracterizar bactérias do complexo Aeromonas isoladas de Colossoma macropomum, avaliar a resistência a antimicrobianos e promover a discussão da temática no âmbito da sanidade animal, saúde pública e do impacto ao meio ambiente. Para a realização do estudo, foram avaliados 40 exemplares de tambaquis, entre machos e fêmeas, em fase de engorda, oriundos da Região Metropolitana do Maranhão. Em ambiente laboratorial, foram removidos fragmentos de rim caudal e fígado para a pesquisa de Aeromonas spp. com a utilização de técnicas microbiológicas padronizadas e de referência (cultivo, isolamento, identificação fenotípica) e da reação em cadeia da polimerase para a caracterização genotípica dos isolados. Na sequência, os testes de sensibilidade foram realizados pelo método de difusão em disco com a utilização de 10 antimicrobianos representativos das classes das penicilinas (penicilina G – 10 µg; oxacilina – 1 µg; ampicilina com subactam sódico – 20 µg); cefalosporinas (cefepime – 30 µg; cefoxitina – 30 µg; cefadroxil – 30 µg; e, ceftriaxona – 30 µg); quinolonas (ofloxacina – 5 µg); aminoglicosídeos (neomicina – 300 µg); e, macrolídios (azitromicina – 15 µg). Os isolados foram classificados como sensível, sensível com exposição aumentada e resistente aos princípios antimicrobianos avaliados e classificados os fenótipos com resistência múltipla a três ou mais antimicrobianos testados, de classes diferentes. No total, foram obtidos 132 isolados no ágar gelatina fosfato sal, sendo confirmadas para o gênero Aeromonas sp. a totalidade desse isolados, mediante a realização da coloração de gram (cocobastonetes gram negativos) e testes de catalase (100 % positivas) e oxidase (100 % positivas). Desses isolados, 56,81% (n= 75) foram oriundos de fígado e 43,19 % (n= 57) de rim caudal. Para confirmação fenotípica dessas cepas, foram realizadas 25 provas bioquímicas com a identificação de 114 isolados a nível de espécie, o que evidencia elevada taxa de identificação (86,37 %). Foram identificadas sete espécies de Aeromonas com perfil bioquímico compatível ao citado em literaturas especializadas nas seguintes frequências: A. veronii by veronii (60,53 %), A. caviae (18,42 %), A. sobria (5,56 %), A. schubertii (5,56 %), A. veronii by sobria (5,56 %), A. media (2,63 %) e A. hydrophyla (2,63 %). Os primers desenhados para a detecção de Aeromonas spp. apresentaram resultados satisfatórios na amplificação da PCR, sendo confirmados 47,37 % (n= 54) dos isolados como pertencentes ao gênero Aeromonas. As espécies de Aeromonas spp. identificadas fenotipicamente apresentaram resistência generalizada à penicilina; elevados percentuais de resistência a oxacilina, cefepime, cefadroxil e azitromicina. Os antimicrobianos em que as bactérias apresentaram maior sensibilidade, foram a ampicilina associada ao sulbactam, neomicina e ofloxacina. Em avaliação a resistênciamúltipla a drogas, 34,21 % (n= 39) dos isolados foram considerados fenótipos com resistência múltipla. As classes antimicrobianas e antimicrobianos que os isolados apresentaram maiores percentuais de resistência, respectivamente, foram penicilinas e cefalosporinas e, penicilina, oxacilina e cefadroxil. Para colaborar com o Programa de Sanidade de Animais Aquáticos no estado do Maranhão no contexto da sanidade animal, saúde pública e meio ambiente, focando nos resultados obtidos, foram elaborados dois materiais técnicos: (i) um guia orientativo “Aeromonas em Peixes: o que é? como prevenir” - com a finalidade de levar informações ilustradas a diferentes públicos intressados na temática; e, (ii) um manual orientativo “Ações do serviço veterinário oficial na cadeia produtiva de animais aquáticos de cultivo” – com a finalidade principal de nortear as atividades de servidores vinculados à órgão executores de sanidade agropecuária no tocante a sanidade de animais aquáticos. Conclui-se que a totalidade das espécies identificadas no estudo são consideradas patógenos de animais aquáticos com potencial zoonótico para seres humanos e que a vigilância correta das instalações de água, alimentos e saneamento, com a implementação de procedimentos diagnósticos e detecção desses agentes é essencial para a prevenção de infecções e surtos. Embora não existam antimicrobianos registrados no Brasil para uso no cultivo de C. macropomum, a resistência antimicrobiana está presente em isolados de Aeromonas spp. oriundos dos tambaquis da área amostrada. A multirresistência em elevada frequência dos isolados de Aeromonas spp. suscita preocupação quanto aos cultivos dos peixes amostrados, bem como a saúde humana dada a possibilidade de infecções humanas por bactérias multirresistentes. Com, os materias técnicos elaborados espera-se que as vigilâncias ativa e passiva sejam mais efetivas e célere, o que, invariavelmente, converge para a redução de casos e surtos de doenças nas criações, contribuindo com a sanidade animal e salvaguardando a saúde de peixes, de consumidores e do meio ambiente


  • Orientador : ALANA LISLEA DE SOUSA
  • Data: 31/07/2024
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  • O presente estudo tem como base coletas de dados realizadas nos anos de 2021 e 2023, em um abatedouro de suínos com S.I.M. em São Luís, Maranhão, em uma abordagem qualitativa focada na construção de um software de gestão com sistema de armazenamento estruturado de dados relacionados a todas as fases do fluxograma de abate suíno, com aplicação na classificação e tipificação da carne suína. O objetivo também incluiu definir uma metodologia para a classificação e tipificação de carne suína, além de propor um nome comercial para carnes suínas que seguem um padrão específico de qualidade. No contexto brasileiro, não existe uma metodologia oficial para classificar e tipificar carnes suínas, tornando essa iniciativa relevante para a indústria. O software foi testado com amostras provenientes de uma granja de suínos do município de Balsas no Estado do Maranhão, coletadas no abatedouro localizado em São Luís. Durante o teste, dados de recepção, pré-abate, abate e manipulação foram monitorados conforme a rotina existente no abatedouro. O software desenvolvido foi capaz de relacionar o tipo de carne obtida no produto com o manejo aplicado, considerando tanto a forma operacional quanto o bem-estar animal em todas as etapas. O software foi desenvolvido usando uma planilha protótipo no Excel, que continha equações para classificar carnes em categorias como PSE, DFD e PREMIUM, sendo esta última adotada como padrão máximo de qualidade para cortes gourmet. As equações foram transferidas para o programa definitivo, que foi desenvolvido utilizando o framework Laravel, linguagem PHP e banco de dados MySQL. Este software representa um avanço significativo na gestão e controle de qualidade no abate suíno, contribuindo para a padronização e melhoria dos produtos suínos no mercado brasileiro.


  • Data: 31/07/2024
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  • O estado do Maranhão apresenta grande potencial para produção de leite e essa atividade agropecuária apresenta papel crucial na economia local, representando uma fonte de renda para pequenos produtores rurais e contribuindo para a geração de empregos ao longo da cadeia produtiva. O Plano de Qualificação de Fornecedores de Leite (PQFL) visa melhorar a qualidade e a segurança do leite produzido em uma região, entretanto até o momento não existem registros sobre a implementação de um PQFL no estado do Maranhão. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se elaborar um PQFL para atender pequenas propriedades produtoras de leite do município de Tuntum, Maranhão. Para isso, o estudo foi dividido em três etapas: (i) levantamento bibliográfico sobre a temática, realizado por meio de uma revisão de literatura integrativa sobre o leite, destacando sua importância econômica, os desafios relacionados à produção e a relevância do PQFL para o avanço da cadeia produtiva; (ii) diagnóstico de situação em 15 propriedades produtoras de leite situadas no Povoado São Miguel, município de Tuntum - MA, com a utilização de um checklist impresso para levantamento de conformidades (in loco), o qual contemplava as ações mínimas de boas práticas agropecuárias (BPA) e em seguida realizou-se a categorização das propriedades avaliadas de acordo com o percentual de conformidade alcançado; e, (iii) elaboração do PQFL para atender as necessidades diagnosticadas, considerando o Guia orientativo do Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA). O resultado do diagnóstico revelou que as 15 propriedades avaliadas possuem índices percentuais de conformidade abaixo de 50% em todos os itens de BPA avaliados, sendo todas categorizadas como “ruim”. Os itens com maior percentual de conformidade foram: manejo alimentar e armazenamento de alimentos (49,2%), qualidade da água (31,1%), manejo sanitário (29,6%) e adoção de práticas de manejo racional e de bem-estar animal (18,1%). Em seis itens de BPA, nenhuma das propriedades estava conforme, são eles: controle integrado de pragas; capacitação dos trabalhadores; manejo de resíduos e tratamento de dejetos e efluentes; manutenção preventiva e calibragem de equipamentos; controle de fornecedores de insumos agrícolas e pecuários; e fornecimento de material técnico. O desenvolvimento do PQFL baseouse na elaboração de medidas recomendadas para correção das inconformidades diagnosticadas, e por esse motivo os fornecedores foram agrupados em duas categorias considerando o percentual de conformidade com os requisitos mínimos de BPA: categoria C (26 a 50%) com um fornecedor e categoria D (1 a 25%) com 14 fornecedores. Assim foi elaborado um Plano de Ação Emergencial para adequação aos requisitos legais de qualidade e segurança do leite e um Plano de Ação de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias para consolidação das conformidades nas propriedades fornecedoras de leite, incluindo metodologia para implementação, indicadores de gerenciamento e sugestão de cronograma de execução. Considerando os resultados alcançados, conclui-se que o PQFL proposto quando implantado em sua totalidade poderá melhorar a qualidade e segurança do leite produzido pelos pequenos produtores do município de TuntumMA, atendendo às normas sanitárias e aumentando a competitividade dos produtores locais. Entretanto, ressalta-se que o sucesso de um plano desse tipo depende da colaboração entre órgãos públicos, produtores, empresas do setor lácteo e outras partes interessadas. Por fim, vale destacar que o PQFL, produto técnico desta dissertação, será apresentado ao Serviço de Inspeção do Estado (SIE) do Maranhão para que possa servir de referência a este órgão que é responsável pela fiscalização das agroindústrias do setor lácteo.


  • Data: 31/07/2024
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  • O estado do Maranhão apresenta grande potencial para produção de leite e essa atividade agropecuária apresenta papel crucial na economia local, representando uma fonte de renda para pequenos produtores rurais e contribuindo para a geração de empregos ao longo da cadeia produtiva. O Plano de Qualificação de Fornecedores de Leite (PQFL) visa melhorar a qualidade e a segurança do leite produzido em uma região, entretanto até o momento não existem registros sobre a implementação de um PQFL no estado do Maranhão. Nesse contexto, objetivou-se elaborar um PQFL para atender pequenas propriedades produtoras de leite do município de Tuntum, Maranhão. Para isso, o estudo foi dividido em três etapas: (i) levantamento bibliográfico sobre a temática, realizado por meio de uma revisão de literatura integrativa sobre o leite, destacando sua importância econômica, os desafios relacionados à produção e a relevância do PQFL para o avanço da cadeia produtiva; (ii) diagnóstico de situação em 15 propriedades produtoras de leite situadas no Povoado São Miguel, município de Tuntum - MA, com a utilização de um checklist impresso para levantamento de conformidades (in loco), o qual contemplava as ações mínimas de boas práticas agropecuárias (BPA) e em seguida realizou-se a categorização das propriedades avaliadas de acordo com o percentual de conformidade alcançado; e, (iii) elaboração do PQFL para atender as necessidades diagnosticadas, considerando o Guia orientativo do Ministério da Agricultura e Pecuária (MAPA). O resultado do diagnóstico revelou que as 15 propriedades avaliadas possuem índices percentuais de conformidade abaixo de 50% em todos os itens de BPA avaliados, sendo todas categorizadas como “ruim”. Os itens com maior percentual de conformidade foram: manejo alimentar e armazenamento de alimentos (49,2%), qualidade da água (31,1%), manejo sanitário (29,6%) e adoção de práticas de manejo racional e de bem-estar animal (18,1%). Em seis itens de BPA, nenhuma das propriedades estava conforme, são eles: controle integrado de pragas; capacitação dos trabalhadores; manejo de resíduos e tratamento de dejetos e efluentes; manutenção preventiva e calibragem de equipamentos; controle de fornecedores de insumos agrícolas e pecuários; e fornecimento de material técnico. O desenvolvimento do PQFL baseouse na elaboração de medidas recomendadas para correção das inconformidades diagnosticadas, e por esse motivo os fornecedores foram agrupados em duas categorias considerando o percentual de conformidade com os requisitos mínimos de BPA: categoria C (26 a 50%) com um fornecedor e categoria D (1 a 25%) com 14 fornecedores. Assim foi elaborado um Plano de Ação Emergencial para adequação aos requisitos legais de qualidade e segurança do leite e um Plano de Ação de Boas Práticas Agropecuárias para consolidação das conformidades nas propriedades fornecedoras de leite, incluindo metodologia para implementação, indicadores de gerenciamento e sugestão de cronograma de execução. Considerando os resultados alcançados, conclui-se que o PQFL proposto quando implantado em sua totalidade poderá melhorar a qualidade e segurança do leite produzido pelos pequenos produtores do município de TuntumMA, atendendo às normas sanitárias e aumentando a competitividade dos produtores locais. Entretanto, ressalta-se que o sucesso de um plano desse tipo depende da colaboração entre órgãos públicos, produtores, empresas do setor lácteo e outras partes interessadas. Por fim, vale destacar que o PQFL, produto técnico desta dissertação, será apresentado ao Serviço de Inspeção do Estado (SIE) do Maranhão para que possa servir de referência a este órgão que é responsável pela fiscalização das agroindústrias do setor lácteo.


  • Data: 20/05/2024
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  • A criação de bovinos é uma das atividades pecuárias mais produzidas no Brasil, a rentabilidade da atividade pecuária pode ser diminuída significativamente pelos efeitos dos parasitos que infestam os bovinos. Apesar disso, não existem estudos sobre a biologia do R. microplus no Maranhão o que dificulta o seu controle de forma efetiva para os criadores. Dessa forma, esse estudo investigou a biologia do carrapato bovino Rhipicephalus microplus em região tropical e Bioma amazônico, visando subsidiar recomendações de controle deste parasito para produtores rurais. Os resultados obtidos com essa pesquisa apresentam um novo panorama para o controle e tratamento R. microplus para a região estudada, pois possibilitou entendimento da sua biologia antes desconhecida para o Maranhão, gerando um impacto econômico para a produção de bovinos. Nessa pesquisa, confirmou-se a presença de carrapato nos bovinos durante todo o ano, este dado é importante pois as perdas econômicas tais como lesões no couro e infecções secundárias por microrganismos oportunistas geram grandes prejuízos anuais. Conhecendo o ciclo biológico do carrapato conseguimos estabelecer o intervalo de aplicação de acaricidas e os fatores ambientais da região definimos qual a melhor época a ser aplicada. Ressalta-se a importância de estudos desse nível nas demais regiões do estado do Maranhão, pois sabe-se que as condições climáticas são diferentes para as diversas localidades e biomas, variando assim também a biologia do ciclo do R. microplus, impactando direto na elaboração de protocolos de controle estratégico.


  • Data: 22/01/2024
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  • Foot-and-mouth disease is an acute, highly contagious disease with significant potential for transmissibility and morbidity, which have an impact on production and restrictions on international trade in live animals and by-products. In Brazil, the general guidelines for its prevention include, among other actions, systematic and compulsory vaccination against footand-mouth disease in cattle and buffalo in vaccination-free zones. However, the use of the FMD vaccine can cause reactions such as abscesses at the site of application, which may be related to incorrect administration, contamination at the time of vaccination, and the oily adjuvant in the vaccine itself. In this context, this study aimed to assess possible adverse reactions caused by the application of bivalent foot-and-mouth disease vaccine in beef and dairy cattle. To this end, a study was carried out with 98 cattle vaccinated against foot-and-mouth disease, 48 of which were dairy cattle aged between 3 and 11 years. And 50 beef cattle aged between 18 and 22 months, of which 23 were males and 27 females, with no previous lesions on the neck board. The presence of adverse reactions was observed on day zero before vaccination, 15, 30 and 45 days after vaccination. The evaluation was carried out through direct observation and palpation and, in cases where there was a local vaccine reaction, the nodule was measured using a caliper and/or tape measure. The data obtained from the observations before, during and after vaccination were processed, followed by analysis and interpretation using Pearson's chi-squared test. Of all the cattle evaluated, 20.41 % (20/98) developed a vaccine reaction, characterized by the presence of a nodule at the vaccine application site. In view of the changes observed, there was a significant difference (p>0.05) between the dairy (33%) and beef (8%) animals evaluated in terms of the frequency of nodule formation. It was also observed that 56.25% (9/16) of the dairy animals with abscesses were around 10 years old. And the animals that had abscesses in the first evaluation kept them in the others. No weight loss was observed in the cattle during the evaluation period as a result of possible vaccine reactions. It can therefore be concluded that even with the new bivalent vaccine against foot-and-mouth disease, a local vaccine reaction with nodule formation was observed, but less frequently in the herd.


  • Data: 11/03/2024
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  • Maranhão has strong potential for fish farming and the support from the government, universities, researchers and producers for this productive activity has converged towards consolidating the State as one of the main producers of farmed fish in the Northeast region. Large amounts of waste are generated from fishing activities and fish processing, and with a view to reducing the environmental impacts caused by their incorrect disposal, the full use of fish is encouraged, such as skin tanning. In this context, the objective of the study was to produce “ecological leather” from Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) (LINNAEUS, 1758) using sustainable material available in the biodiversity of Maranhão. To this end, the study was divided into three stages: (i) bibliographical survey on the topic under study; (ii) tanning 10 kilos of tilapia skins using shells of the tanning species Schinus terebinthifolius (mastic tree) as a source of tanning agent, pericarp of Attalea speciosa (babaçu) as the source of the acidifier and, Carica papaya (papaya) leaf as source of proteolytic enzyme (papain). Tanning was carried out in three phases: (1) riverside – washing, soaking, liming, stripping, purging and degreasing; (2) tanning – pickling and tanning; and, (3) finishing – neutralization, retanning, greasing, drying and softening; and, (iii) preparation of two guides with ISBN: volume 1 - Integumentary System in Fish; and, volume 2 - Fish Skin Tanning – Transformation of Skin into Leather. As a result, the leather produced after the tanning process was preserved from autolytic processes and microbial contamination, with a reddish-brown color typical of mastic extract, a firm texture, but some dryness and excess oil on its surfaces. It is concluded that the proposed Nile tilapia skin tanning is easy to execute, low cost and its production flowchart, with the use of homemade and accessible products, allows the replication of the process in communities, including fishing and aquaculture communities, the which converges to increase income for many families. In the state of Maranhão, it would be a technology for promising use in fish production centers such as Baixada Oeste, Baixada Oriental, Southern Region (or Gerais de Balsas) and Tocantina Region. Finally, with the proposed methodology and the guidance guides produced (illustrated and in accessible language), it is inferred that the dissertation is in line with the mission of universities to produce and disseminate intramural and extramural knowledge. And, also, with extensionist principles - dialogical interaction, interdisciplinarity, inseparability between teaching-research-extension, impact on student training and social transformation.


  • Data: 01/07/2024
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  • Gastrointestinal Infections Nematode (NGI) are endemic and usual for pasture herds, often neglected because occur as subclinical form, causing significant production losses. They are characterized by epidemiological dynamics complex, which involve herd management, climatic factors and individual aspectcs, whose the tradicional control is based on pharmaceuticals use. An animal sanitary regulamentation must not only meet health certification requirements, but also meet the real producers needs, contributing to herd health and production financial and returns. To meet this demand from Maranhão’s livestock, this study proposes the construction of a program for gastrointestinal nematodes infections control in cattle from Maranhão, based on the standardization practices of livestock’s, producers awareness raising and collaborative participation of public and private agents involved in the problem. The strategy implementation to this program begins by understanding this scenario, through the nematode control practices in livestock management; secondarily, proposing strategies from education and communication health, based on the sociopsychological aspects of farmer, taking into account their knowledge and experiences, supported by assertive information and instruction strategies for rural producers. Subsequently, in proposing guidelines for the implementation sanitary measure from Parasite Control Program in Maranhão (PECP), based on public-private partnership, co-responsibility and engagement of interested parties for building solutions to the problem. And finally, there is the draft of the ordinance implementing the PECP, whose guidelines are based on surveillance on properties, inspection of the sale of medicines and continued education of rural producers.

  • Animal welfare has become a central theme in contemporary production processes,
    not only for its direct impact on the quality of life of animals but also for its significant
    repercussion on industry profits. In the pre-slaughter and slaughter management of
    pigs, the evaluation of good management practices is conducted through critical
    control points, complemented by the verification of lesions on carcasses. The
    implementation of training programs, such as the National Humane Slaughter
    Program - Steps, has generated substantial improvements in management practices
    and worker attitudes. The objective of this study was to evaluate good animal welfare
    practices in pigs and their effects on pre-slaughter management and carcass quality
    in a slaughterhouse under official inspection in São Luís, MA. Additionally, it aimed to
    assess the impacts of training in animal welfare on good management practices at
    unloading, stunning, and bleeding points, as well as to analyze the direct financial
    implications of carcass condemnations. Field research was conducted at the
    slaughterhouse using a checklist-type verification list, considering transport and
    unloading conditions, pre-slaughter rest and fasting time, and thermal comfort in the
    resting pens. Observations of falls and slips were made during unloading and
    throughout the handling of pigs up to the stunning box. The efficiency of stunning and
    bleeding was monitored at the bleeding table. To complement the direct
    observations, semi-structured interviews were conducted with employees, drivers,
    owners, and veterinarians, addressing aspects such as age, education, experience
    with pigs, and perception of animal welfare, as well as the ability to identify signs of
    stress and pain in animals and the resources used in management. Lesions on
    carcasses were visually assessed after washing and weighing the half-carcasses.
    The theoretical training was structured in two phases: the first occurred after data
    collection and analysis, and the second, two months later, using the same diagnostic
    method as the initial evaluation. The comparison of information before and after the
    training allowed for an association analysis to investigate differences in pig handling,
    using the Chi-square test for categorical variables. The results were presented
    according to absolute and relative frequencies, with p-values indicating statistical
    significance. In the first phase of data analysis, it was found that 96% of the lots were
    unloaded immediately upon arrival at the slaughterhouse, with three cases of
    mortality recorded. Regarding density, 80% of the unloadings were within the
    recommended limits of 235 kg/m2, and all pigs with severe lesions were sent to the
    emergency slaughter line. Of the 25 lots analyzed at unloading, 100% exceeded 18
    hours without feeding, considering the fasting period at the farm, travel time, and
    unloading interval. After training, there was a significant reduction in the number of
    falls from 5.5% to 1.8% and slips from 4.0% to 0.7%, with p-values < 0.001. The use
    of electric prods decreased from 98.2% to 96.2% (p-value < 0.001). The efficiency of
    stunning reduced from 89.2% to 84.5%, but there was a significant improvement in
    the efficiency of bleeding, with pigs subjected to good bleeding increasing from
    38.4% to 61.6% and poor bleeding being eliminated (p-values < 0.001). Lesions on
    carcasses decreased from 96.8% to 69.4% after training (p < 0.001), indicating that
    training helped reduce lesions in pig handling. There was a reduction in the total
    condemned weight of pigs, from an average of 30.2 ± 38.8 kg before training to 27.0
    ± 24.1 kg after training, and in the average economic loss, from R$ 418.1 ± 537.3 to

    R$ 370.4 ± 340.6, although this reduction was not statistically significant (p = 0.76).
    Finally, data analysis highlights the importance of continuous training implementation
    in the meatpacking industry, noting that, despite the limitations and challenges for
    small-scale industries to meet international standards, the positive results indicate
    the effectiveness of routine training, resulting in improved animal welfare and
    increased efficiency and profitability of industrial operations.

  • Orientador : ALANA LISLEA DE SOUSA
  • Data: 30/07/2024
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  • Welfare in pigs; pre-slaughter handling; training; carcass quality.

  • SAÚDE ÚNICA NAS FORÇAS DE SEGURANÇA EM SÃO LUÍS – MA: promovendo conhecimento sobre zoonoses

  • Data: 27/06/2024
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  • Em 2019, a OIE afirmou que cabe ao setor de saúde, contribuir para a redução dasvulnerabilidades sociais e ambientais, utilizando os preceitos de One Health ou Saúde Única. Um conceito em ascensão há pouco mais de 1 (uma) década, que destaca as ligações entre a saúde humana, animal e ambiental. Desta forma, este trabalho foi executado a fim de atender uma demanda eminente da sociedade maranhense e mais especificamente do ambiente policial onde coabitam cães, cavalos e humanos, no Complexo do Comando Geral da Polícia Militar do Maranhão, no NOC PCMA, e no 2º BBM, em São Luís, por medidas de saúde pública para proteger tanto os animais quanto os profissionais que trabalham com eles. Realizou-se um diagnóstico situacional sobre o conhecimento das zoonoses e da Saúde Única entre os profissionais das forças de segurança, além de proposições relacionadas a melhorias no manejo ambiental, e a elaboração de um manual de educação sanitária, ministração de palestras. O estudo adotou uma abordagem observacional descritiva quali-quantitativa. Os resultados das entrevistas e das palestras realizadas ofereceram insights valiosos sobre a percepção e o conhecimento dos servidores das forças de segurança do Maranhão em relação às zoonoses e à saúde única. Os dados indicam que, embora a maioria dos entrevistados tenha um bom entendimento sobre zoonoses e medidas profiláticas aplicadas aos animais, há uma clara necessidade de maior conscientização sobre a interconexão entre saúde animal, humana e ambiental. Questões como a falta de equipamentos de proteção individual (EPI) e o manejo inadequado do ambiente onde os animais são mantidos foram destacadas como áreas que necessitam de melhorias. As palestras educativas demonstraram ser eficazes na disseminação de informações técnicas, ressaltando a importância de uma educação sanitária continuada e institucionalizada. Os dados também ressaltam a importância de práticas sustentáveis e de controle ambiental para a prevenção de doenças. A presença de vetores e animais selvagens nos arredores das instalações, juntamente com condições inadequadas de higiene, contribuem significativamente para a propagação de zoonoses. Dessa forma, a educação e sensibilização contínuas dos servidores são essenciais para garantir práticas preventivas eficazes e promover um ambiente saudável, o que se reflete diretamente na segurança e na eficiência das forças de segurança que trabalham com animais.

  • Caracterização de rebanhos e de microrganismos causadores da mastite bovina na promoção de educação sanitária na bacia leiteira na região Tocantina do Maranhão

  • Data: 30/08/2024
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  • A região Tocantina do Maranhão, principal região produtora de leite do estado, precisa melhorar seus índices de produtividade para explorar seu potencial produtivo e incrementar a renda dos produtores. E, sendo, a mastite bovina uma importante enfermidade na bovinocultura leiteira que causa prejuízos na produção e qualidade do leite. O objetivo deste estudo foi conhecer as características de produção, a prevalência da doença, o perfil etiológico, de sensibilidade antimicrobiana e de virulência dos agentes envolvidos nos casos e promover educação sanitária aos produtores leiteiros de rebanhos localizados nos municípios de Imperatriz e São Francisco do Brejão, localizados na região Tocantina do Maranhão. Foram visitados 31 rebanhos, estando 17 localizados no município de Imperatriz e 14 em São Francisco do Brejão onde se realizava o diagnóstico da mastite clínica e subclínica, levantava as características de produção por meio da aplicação de questionário e coletava leite para identificação etiológica. Ao final de cada visita eram dadas informações acerca do manejo produtivo e higiênico da ordenha e explanava sobre a ocorrência da doença no rebanho e importância de implementar algumas medidas de controle e tratamento, conforme a realidade do produtor. Foi possível observar que as condições de ordenha são, na maioria das vezes, precárias, sem infraestrutura adequada, sem manejo higiênico, sanitário e nutricional e de forma bem tradicional. O perfil etiológico identificado foram principalmente espécies do gênero Staphylococcus spp. (78,9%), seguidos por Bacillus spp. (16,3%), Streptococcus spp. (3,5%) e Enterococcus spp. (1,3%). Os isolados apresentaram boa sensibilidade à maioria dos antimicrobianos testados, em que os estafilococos tiveram sensibilidade superior a 95% à cefoxitina, ciprofloxacina, eritromicina, gentamicina, sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim e apresentaram maior resistência à penicina (46,7%) e tetraciclina (13,65%). Os Bacillus spp. foram sensíveis à eritromicina (94,44%) e apresentaram resultado intermediário para a ciprofloxacina (97,22%). Os Streptococcus spp. foram 100% sensíveis à sulfametoxazol/trimetoprim e 100% resistentes à cefoxitina e penicilia e os Enterococcus spp., foram 100% sensíveis à cirpofloxacina e penicilina e 100% resistentes à tetraciclina. Considerando, a ocorrência de genes de virulência como as toxinas esfoliativas (eta e etb), toxina-1 do choque tóxico (tst) e de resistência à meticilina (mecA), os isolados de Staphylococcus aureus exibiram os genes em 6,59% dos isolados para eta, 1,09% etb, 39,56% tst e 2,19% para mecA, mostrando a importância do monitoramento, posto que são genes que codificam fatores que podem intensificar a gravidade da infecção e diminuir a resposta antimicrobiana tanto em animais quanto em humanos. Adicionalmente, houve a participação em dois Dia de Campo, em uma propriedade rural localizado em Porto Franco e a outra em Imperatriz, e realizada uma palestra na I Feira Agropecuária de São Francisco do Brejão reunindo produtores de leite e apresentando os dados da mastite encontrados na região e os desafios que a mesma apresenta. O estudo mostrou as fragilidades da produção leiteira na região e aponta que parcerias público privadas nas áreas de assistência técnica, pesquisa e extensão devem ser firmadas e fortalecidas para contribuir com o desenvolvimento produtivo e sustentável dos produtores de leite da bacia leiteira do estado do Maranhão.


  • Data: 13/03/2024
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  • The World Organization for Animal Health (WOAH) cites that 75% of new human diseases originate from domestic or wild animals. The capybara, the largest rodent in the Americas, with a semiaquatic habit, is an important reservoir of zoonotic diseases, in a multidisciplinary, ‘One Health’ approach. The main objective of this thesis was to study some infectious and parasitic diseases in free-ranging capybaras. Thus, a convenience sampling of blood serum from six capybaras was carried out, during an active capture carried out in the municipality of Santa Inês-MA (Amazonian biome), for Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT), for the detection of anti-Leptospira spp., as well as the Acidified Plate Antigen (BPA) technique was used to detect anti-Brucella abortus antibodies; In another study, 20 DNA samples extracted from capybara feces originating from the municipalities of Porto Franco and Balsas (Savannah biome), were the targets of an evaluation of specific gene fragments of Orthopoxvirus, Parapoxvirus and Coxiella burnetii by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR); and in the third field collection, 37 fresh fecal samples from four municipalities in Maranhão, inserted in cerrado ecosystems and cocai forests (Balsas, Caxias, Itapecuru Mirim and Lima Campos) were used for parasitological analysis, using for this purpose, the Willis-Mollay (1921) and Faust (1939) methods. We also sought the tool from European Community (EC) funders, “DISCONTOOLS - DISease CONtrol TOOLS” to compare zoonoses, through scientific data and expert scores, regarding ecoepidemiology and the impacts on ‘One Health’ (animal health, public and environmental), in favor of Animal Welfare (AW) in prioritizing veterinary care. As a result, the sera were reactive for Whitcombi serovars; Hebdomadis, Copenhageni, Bratislava and Pomona, in the Amazon biome, being the first evidence of anti-Leptospira antibodies in capybaras from Maranhão. There were no seroreactive samples for anti-Brucella abortus antibodies. For the molecular results by PCR in the cerrado biome, no fecal samples were positive for Orthopoxvirus, Parapoxvirus and C. burnetii. In parasitological analyzes of cerrado and cocai forest ecosystems, eggs of nematodes from the superfamilies Trichostrongyloidea and Trichuroidea (eggs of Capillaria sp.), and eggs of Strongyloides sp. (Rhabditida, Stongyloididae) were detected, in addition to oocysts of protozoa of the genus Eimeria (Eimeria spp.). According to the classification criteria of the DISCONTOOLS tool, Regarding the reproductive and parasitic diseases evaluated, brucellosis presented the highest score and impact on public health, while leptospirosis presented a need for improvements in control tools, that is, in diagnosis, vaccines and more appropriate pharmaceutical products. As for endoparasites, nematodes have greater resistance to anthelmintics; greater diversity of hosts and endoparasites, low immunological defense and lack of effective vaccines for better control. In this context, it is concluded, that the capybara is a zoonotic bioindicator, which must be monitored due to its potential the maintaining and spreading infections due to cohabitation in rural areas, reflecting impacts on the environmental area with effects on animal health and public health.

  • Desenvolvimento e avaliação de um aplicativo para emissão do receituário, atestados de vacinação e gestão das informações no âmbito do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação da Brucelose e da Tuberculose Animal – PNCEBT

  • Data: 31/07/2024
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  • A brucelose é uma doença infecciosa, de distribuição mundial, de grande importância na saúde animal e na saúde pública, afetando principalmente o gado bovino e podendo ser transmitida aos seres humanos. A vacinação é uma medida essencial para o controle desta doença. No Brasil, o combate a brucelose e tuberculose foi instituído pelo Regulamento Técnico do Programa Nacional de Controle e Erradicação de Brucelose e Tuberculose Animal (PNCEBT) por meio da Instrução Normativa n° 2, de 10 de janeiro de 2001 e revisado através da Instrução Normativa n.o 10, de 03 de março de 2017 criando a figura do médico veterinário cadastrado e habilitado. Este estudo visa desenvolver e validar um aplicativo móvel para o sistema operacional Android e desenvolver um aplicativo web que gerencie o registro das informações na execução das atividades do PNCEBT. A pesquisa envolveu médicos veterinários cadastrados no PNCEBT no estado do Maranhão, totalizando 21 participantes por adesão voluntária. Destes, 9 participantes completaram efetivamente o teste do aplicativo. A System Usability Scale (SUS) e a escala Likert foram escolhidas como métodos de avaliação devido à sua eficácia e simplicidade na mensuração da usabilidade e satisfação dos participantes. Caracterizando-se por ser investigação exploratória, transversal, com amostragem não probabilística, observacional e descritiva, utilizando uma abordagem quali-quantitativa. A análise das pontuações da SUS demonstrou uma média de 75,83, situando o aplicativo na categoria "Bom" conforme a classificação de Bangor et al., (2008). A média sugere que, de maneira geral, os participantes consideraram o aplicativo fácil de usar e bem integrado. Na análise dos dados da escala Likert não houve nenhuma pergunta com resposta de discordância total, reforçando a aceitação geral e o potencial de aplicabilidade do aplicativo no contexto do PNCEBT. A pesquisa atingiu seus objetivos ao desenvolver um aplicativo para registrar as informações da vacinação da brucelose bovina pelos médicos veterinários cadastrados no PNCEBT.

  • Data: 10/07/2023
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  • To control the quality of the milk, analyzes are carried out by sampling, using laboratory methods that demand time, are sometimes costly and, in certain situations, use dangerous/toxic reagents. Official routine analytical and fraud detection methods may not be fully effective in diagnosing milk irregularities, requiring additional analysis. In this sense, the main objective of the work was to develop an artificial neural network (ANN) to detect adulteration in raw milk by adding water and as a secondary objective, to compare official methodologies and ultrasound spectroscopy for the evaluation of the physicochemical characteristics of milk . For this, 125 samples of raw milk were used. Of these, 25 were collected in borosilicate glass bottles with a capacity of one liter to carry out the official methods (OM) and compare them with ultrasound spectroscopy (US) for the determination of fat and protein contents, density, cryoscopic index, solids total (ST) and non-fat solids (SNG). The remaining 100 samples were placed in Falcon-type tubes with a capacity of 200 mL and used to prepare the RNA, with adulteration of 20% (n=20) of these samples by adding increasing percentages of distilled water (1%, 5%, 10% and 20%), which resulted in 80 adulterated samples and 80 unadulterated samples, evaluated solely by ultrasound spectroscopy. For the development of the ANN architecture, the 160 milk samples were randomly distributed into three subgroups: (i) training (60%); (ii) validation (20%); and, (iii) test (20%). The values of the variables were normalized between 0 and 1. To determine the ANN configuration, the SNN® software was used and the Radial-Basis Function (RBF) and Multilayer perceptron (MLP) ANNs were tested. As a result of the study, the average densities and average protein contents determined by US and MO did not differ from each other (P > 0.05). The mean fat contents and the mean values of the cryoscopic index, ST and SNG, obtained by US and MO were different (P = 0.026, P = 0.040, P < 0.001, P = 0.014, respectively), the correlations obtained in the analysis of these parameters were positive (R = 0.470, R = 0.118, R = 0.087 and R = 0.315, respectively) and the accuracies of the methods were 0.180, 0.058, 0.155 and 0.075, respectively. For the classification of milk samples, the best network was the one that presented the lowest number of classification errors, the lowest difference between the classification errors in the subgroups (training, validation and testing), and the lowest number of neurons in the hidden layer. The best classification network was the RBF neural network that presented 10 neurons in the input layer, 40 neurons in the hidden layer and two in the output layer, resulting in 95.37% of adulterated samples classified correctly. It is concluded that US is a fast technique and the results obtained are correlated with those of the official analyses. The ANNs have great potential to be used as a tool for evaluating adulterations of milk with the addition of water. Therefore, the development of automatic, non-invasive, low-cost and intelligent systems could play a decisive role in the diagnosis of food fraud and in decision-making regarding the judgment and destination of adulterated products. But, for the reliability of the results, it is necessary balanced and sufficient data for training the model to be tested.


  • Data: 02/08/2023
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  • The appreciation of products from the food industry takes place through the establishment of a differentiated quality standard and its certification that guarantees the safety of the products produced and, consequently, their insertion in the market. Due to the lack of certification and a specific RTIQ, some products are prevented by the inspection agencies from being commercialized and as a result of this fact, the objective of this work was to describe the process of elaboration, proposition and validation of a Technical Regulation of Identity and Quality (RTIQ) for Minas fresh cheese stuffed with guava, in the official inspection body for release of its commercialization with the purpose of adding value to the product produced by the dairy. The present work began with the monitoring of the collection of milk, verifying the good agricultural practices adopted in the dairy farm until its transport to the dairy. Upon arrival of the raw material to the dairy, the physical - chemical analysis of the platform was verified, as well as the somatic cell count test. The entire manufacturing process of the product in question was monitored, determining the necessary parameters for the elaboration of an RTIQ that regulates the referred product. The production of a new cheese with guava filling despite being a product not yet well known by Maranhão consumers, according to the results, mainly from the sensorial analysis, obtained a great acceptability. In this way, it was concluded that this innovation will add value to Minas fresh cheese and, consequently, will give good results to the producing industry


    PERCEPTION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL RISK AND PRESERVATION, AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH TO WATER IN THE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT: microbiological quality, risk factors and diarrheagenic strains in Escherichia coli isolates in a municipality of Maranhão with a low human development index

  • Data: 30/06/2023
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  • The objective was to carry out integrative approaches with a focus on health education actions as a way of subsidizing knowledge about microbiological risk and water preservation in a municipality in Maranhão with a low human development index. For this, the study was carried out with the application of semi-structured questionnaires to 136 students and seven managers, educational lectures on the importance of water quality and microbiological analysis of 47 water samples from 11 schools. To quantify the most likely number of total coliforms and Escherichia coli, the enzymatic chromogenic system was used and positive samples for E. coli were isolated and the isolates stained and phenotypic identified, followed by the characterization of diarrheagenic strains by reaction in polymerase chain (PCR). With the questionnaires applied to the managers and, through in locu observations, the risk factors for the occurrence of E. coli in the sampled schools were determined, using the non-parametric chi-square test (χ2). The results of this study show that managers and students have little or no knowledge about the microbiological quality of water and that minimal care is taken with this resource in the school environment. In the lectures held, aspects of “micro-organisms”, “the importance of water as a carrier of pathogenic agents” and “the meaning of the water potability standard” in force in Brazil were addressed, in which there was the effective participation of students and managers, socializing the importance in decision-making. Of the analyzed water samples, 97.88% (n=46) and 76.59% (n=36) were in disagreement with the Brazilian potability standard for total coliforms and E. coli, respectively. In 81.81% (n=9/11) of the schools, E. coli were quantified in at least one or all of the analyzed samples. Univariate analysis revealed that the variables “type of reservoir”, “responsible for the cleaning process” and “no method or equipment for water treatment” showed a statistically significant association (P < 0.05) with the occurrence of E. coli in the evaluated schools. Although the “supply system” and “existence of a source of cultivation and/or animal breeding” were not statistically significant in this study, they showed an odds ratio above 1.0 and, therefore, should be considered in the study of risk factors. risk. Virulence genes characteristic of enterotoxigenic E. coli and Shiga toxin producing E. coli were detected. Of the pathotypes obtained, 8.78% (n=5/57) corresponded to est + stx1 gene combinations. It is concluded that there is a potential risk of water transmission of E. coli in the evaluated municipal schools since, in addition to the water being contaminated, it harbors strains with pathogenic potential to cause diarrheal infection in its users. The risk is aggravated by involving the direct ingestion of children and adolescents, who are more vulnerable. It is necessary for school management to promote frequent monitoring of the hygiene and microbiological quality of the supply source and water reservoirs, in addition to the rapid adoption of preventive and corrective measures that permeate water treatment, periodic cleaning and conservation of reservoirs with the involvement of the entire school community. The teaching strategy used is suitable as an educational subsidy as it provides moments of interaction, concentration and socialization and, to work on the cross-cutting theme of health, in the perspective required by the current educational guidelines.


  • Data: 15/02/2023
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  • The chicken litter, a fertilizer widely employed in regions that produce poultry for meat production due to its lower cost compared to chemical fertilizers, has become a common practice in fertilizing various crops. However, when stored or used improperly, it promotes the emergence of fly outbreaks, such as Musca domestica and Stomoxys calcitrans, resulting in significant losses for neighboring livestock operations. This phenomenon was initially observed in 2017 in the municipality of São João do Paraíso, MA, where the superficial and cumulative application of chicken litter on banana plants, combined with the high humidity required for this crop, facilitated the outbreak of these fly infestations, fueled by rainfall or irrigation. Although there is no federal prohibition on the use of chicken litter as fertilizer, its use in the feeding of ruminants is prohibited in all Brazilian states. The absence of specific legislation in many areas regulating the proper handling and application of this fertilizer becomes a critical point. The fly outbreaks recorded in the municipality in question, coupled with the lack of regulation addressing the production on the farm, transportation, storage, and application of chicken litter as fertilizer, justify and underpin this study. In this context, this work sought to fill this regulatory gap based on technical-scientific foundation, collaboration, and support from various entities and industry professionals. In February 2022, Joint Ordinance SAGRIMA/AGED No. 44/2022 was promulgated, establishing guidelines for the proper management of chicken litter from the farm to its use as fertilizer. This measure aims to prevent fly outbreak episodes in the State of Maranhão, emphasizing the importance of responsible practices at all stages of the productive cycle of this fertilizer.



  • Data: 25/07/2023
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  • In recent years, due to the rapid expansion of the pork trade and its products in Brazil and in the world, there was a gap to be filled in the pork industry in the state of Maranhão. The hitherto unknown transit of pigs is considered an important factor in the spread of diseases among animal populations. Without absolute data on the properties with pigs on how they are spatialized or distributed in Maranhão and in support of surveillance actions in the state, there was a need to map them, as a way of better understanding this livestock niche and to promote the Official Veterinary Service (SVO). The geoprocessing of 32,344 properties with swine farms with a herd of 536,600 animals and the movement of pigs through 453 Animal Transit Guides (GTAs) were worked on, through mapping and descriptive tables to evaluate the stratification of the herd. The results showed that the municipality of Balsas has the highest concentration of pigs in the state with 24,354 (4.54%) animals, followed by the municipalities of Peritoró with 17,621 (3.29%), Barra do Corda with 14,733 (2.74%) and Pedreiras with 12,797 (2.38%) pigs. As for the stratification of the herd, the RUs of Balsas and Pedreiras have the largest herd of sows, with 5,489 (46.54%) and 1,303 (11.04%) respectively. As for the purpose of breeding, Maranhão has a herd of pigs, mostly subsistence (78.42%). From the data obtained, it was proposed the elaboration and execution of a Sanitary Education Plan for the pig producer who faces the challenge of the absence of sanitary guidelines in the field, to promote the economic viability of the pig farming in Maranhão, subsidizing the SVO-MA in the construction of goals for clinical surveillance actions on properties with swine farms


  • Data: 01/12/2023
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  • The modernization of Brazilian agriculture implemented in the 1970s prioritized large-scale production, neglecting the importance of family farmers. Only since the 1990s, mainly as a result of pressure and struggles from social movements and institutional changes, family farming began to integrate several public policies aimed at the category as an alternative for socially and economically inclusive and sustainable development. In this new scenario, the Food Acquisition Program (PAA) was created, aimed at the institutional commercialization of products from family agricultural production. In this context, the objective was to develop marketing strategies for fish from family aquaculture in the municipality of Itapecuru-Mirim for institutional markets with a view to guaranteeing sustainable development. To this end, the study was divided into six stages: (i) documentary bibliographic research; (ii) interviews to assess family fish farmers’ perception of the PAA and its results; (iii) assessment of the productive organization of family aquaculture farmers; (iv) technological innovation; (v) food and nutritional security; (vi) and, promotion of public policies. For the documentary bibliographic research, reports from the Municipal Department of Agriculture of Itapecuru Mirim - MA were accessed, referring to the years 2010 to 2020. The data evaluated were: [modality of PAA in the municipality, producer centers and farmers supplying the PAA (quantity, gender of farmers and activity performed), food produced, production in kilos and institutions benefited]. To understand fish farmers' perception of the PAA and its results, 84 family farmers from 10 rural production centers that participated in the PAA were interviewed using a questionnaire composed of seven dimensions (income, housing, production, food security, political organization, migration and obstacles), from which indicators were created to “measure” them. The productive organization (third stage of the study) occurred through the mobilization of family fish farmers, execution of training and consultancy in enterprise management in which the conceptual and applied bases of “associativism and rural cooperativism were worked on, as a stimulus for collective organizations in the field” in the form of an Open and Massive Online course and an E-book. In the fourth and fifth stages, the generic plan of a family agribusiness was presented to the Municipality's Agriculture Department as a way of enabling the implementation of a fish and fish products processing unit to obtain chilled whole fish, steaks and fillets. In the sixth stage of the work, meetings were held with the Municipality's Departments of Education, Health and Agriculture to raise awareness among managers about the importance of purchasing products to be prepared by family fish farmers. With the survey carried out, 21 production centers located in the rural area of the Municipality were quantified, formed by women, agrarian reform settlers, quilombolas, fishermen, aquaculturists and family farmers. Of the 538 family farmers who were members of the PAA over the 11 years of the survey, 505 were female and 33 were male. There was a predominance of products of plant origin (fresh and processed) in the Program, with a total production of 1,456,233 kilos of food, movement of the local economy with the allocation of R$ 5,130,076.25 and the direct processing of six registered social assistance entities that received and passed on food to families in situations of food vulnerability who began to have an increase in their daily diet. The interviews made it possible to demonstrate, based on the interviewees' perception, that the PAA provided benefits to family fish farmers in the seven dimensions researched. Obstacles to its operationalization, such as delays in paying for purchases, can be resolved by adapting the Program to its local context, without compromising the operationalization of this social policy in the evaluated Municipality. It is concluded that the PAA constitutes a driving public policy for the inclusion of Itapecuruense farmers in the institutional market, as the Program contributes to the insertion and guarantee of a market for family farming products through institutional purchases. Furthermore, the PAA in Itapecuru -MA acts positively on the following fronts: food security for individuals in vulnerable situations; improving quality of life; increased income, greater variety, quantity and quality of food produced; appreciation of local eating habits and short marketing circuits; and, encouraging people to stay in rural areas. In general, the PAA favors, in the Municipality, the recognition of family farmers as a social category and agricultural producer


  • Data: 31/07/2023
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  • Annually, the State Agency for Agricultural Defense of Maranhão (AGED/MA) needs to capture accurate and updated information on Risk Points and Properties under greater epidemiological risk in the municipalities to establish the goals of visits as a surveillance activity. To meet this demand, this study aimed to develop a mobile application as an auxiliary tool for the State Veterinary Service (SVE) in Maranhão, to capture information and classify livestock properties and rural establishments based on risk analysis. The tool was designed and developed with devices and functionalities useful for EVS. Its construction process was divided into five stages, consisting of the review of the norms and regulations of the Brazilian animal health defense; followed by the elaboration and updating of risk assessment forms, mathematical equations and function syntax for automating the calculation of the risk index, its arguments and expected results, and identification of risk criteria for properties considering the different livestock explorations and programs of animal health; in the third stage, the source code and test-prototype of the software were built. Then, the prototype was evaluated in the field by AGED/MA employees, and, in the final stage, the application version was issued after adjustments identified in the previous stage. The application was developed for the Android operating system using Flutter and the Dart programming language. The results showed the use of the application during field tests in the absence of an internet network signal; in the capture of geographic location data through the native GPS on telephone devices, becoming an additional device to contribute to the completeness of the AGED/MA registration; in the waiver of forms printed on paper, offering a digital version, for systematic and standardized capture, by selection of response options, with minimal input of direct data by the user; in the waiver of mathematical operations, to obtain the Risk Index and number of visits, subject to errors in calculation or interpretation of the qualitative classification and minimum estimates of visits; in the generation and extraction of reports in different formats, informing the expected data according to the response options selected during the visit. The functionalities of the software, generated as a technological product of this study, helped in identifying and classifying the risk of establishments and livestock properties. Its development as a mobile device met the AGED/MA demand for a portable tool for use in local inspections. The potential impacts of the tool were evaluated based on its performance in the field, proving to be effective in supporting surveillance activities, easy to use, useful and innovative, providing improvements in recording and obtaining data with greater accuracy; with direct savings for the Agency in the reduction of printed material, in the improvement of the performance of the employees executing the surveillance, with the possibility of use throughout the Maranhão territory and expansion to other executing agencies of animal health defense. It is concluded that this research proposes an innovative character in the technical and technological products generated, as well as in the usefulness of the digital tool developed to support epidemiological surveillance activities, recommending its use.

  • TITLE - THE “VIA CRUCIS” FOR THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE MUNICIPAL INSPECTION SERVICE IN MARANHENSE MUNICIPALITIES: challenges, operationalization, maintenance and social insertion of family farmers through access to markets

  • Data: 30/10/2023
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  • The lack of human resources with specific training to carry out the implementation procedures of the Municipal Inspection Service – SIM contributes to the low insertion of animal protein from family farming in formal markets, showing the increasing need for support from public authorities so that public policies achieve the desired result. Therefore, the objective of the study was to evaluate the obstacles and propose alternatives for the implementation of the Municipal Inspection Service (SIM) in municipalities in Maranhão, focusing on the challenges, operationalization, maintenance and access to markets. To this end, the study construction process was divided into three stages, starting with the situational survey of the SIM in the state of Maranhão, followed by the identification of the perception of the executors and managers of policies/programs for the commercialization of family farming products on the main obstacles that impede the implementation, operationalization and maintenance of the SIM and ending with the preparation of a Technical Manual entitled “Removing bureaucracy from SIM Implementation: manual for managers and technicians”. In the first stage of the study, a retrospective documentary bibliographical research was carried out, through consultation of reports and databases, electronic and physical from the State Agency for Agricultural Defense of Maranhão, referring to the years 2012 to 2021. In the second stage, it was applied a semi-structured questionnaire for 44 managers/executors of policies to support the commercialization of family farming products, in which the variables analyzed were divided into two blocks of questions: (i) characteristics and functions of managers/executors of policies/programs; and, (ii) level of knowledge about SIM, ending with the main difficulties in inserting animal protein in institutional markets. To prepare the manual, which constituted the third stage of the work, a bibliographic survey was carried out on the topic and using simple language, the content of the e-Book was organized into six modules, aiming to clarify the main doubts of the actors involved , identified during the work. The results obtained show that: i) SIM is absent in most municipalities in Maranhão and in those that are present, its fragility can be seen, which can compromise the quality of animal protein inserted in institutional markets; ii) There is a need for public policies for its implementation, accompanied by greater attention from the state public authorities so that, together with market access policies, they can boost the economy of the municipalities of Maranhão; iii) The implementation of these policies and programs is still institutionally individualized, which, combined with the interviewees' little knowledge about food regulatory policies, can be included in the obstacles to the insertion of animal protein in the Maranhão institutional market. It is concluded that the technical product generated, due to its didactic and guiding nature, can increase the number of municipalities with the SIM implemented and, consequently, contribute significantly to public policies to strengthen family farming, food security and sustainable local development. can have a transformative effect on the quality of life of families and the environment in which they live.


  • Data: 20/12/2022
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  • In this research, an educational diagnosis was performed as a tool for the implementation of a health education program for the educational public  about the consumption of meat sold in São Luís-MA. The exposure of meat with the lack of proper conservation is a common practice used to attract the customer, since a large portion of the population rejects the consumption of meat under refrigeration, characterizing a strong point of risk in fairs. The research was based on 216 questionnaires answered by Young and Adult Education students, among them: students, which represented 82% of those surveyed (216 students), teachers with 15% (40 educators), and managers with 3% (7 directors), as consumers of meat sold in São Luís. Among this total, 83% are female. About the age range, 41% are between 19 and 30 years old and, of these 41%, the majority answered that they have not completed elementary school (93%), because the target audience is attending this stage of schooling, and 22% are between 31 and 40 years old. Regarding family income, 29% of the students are unemployed, and these responded that they have incomplete elementary school education. Another 27% declared an income of less than 1 minimum wage, mostly females, and 28% have an income between 1 and 3 minimum wages. Another 13% have an income between 4 and 6 minimum wages, and 3% (8) declared an income above 6 minimum wages. The findings regarding the place of purchase revealed that 43% (127) answered in markets and butcher shops, another 43% (125) in open markets, 13% (37 people) in supermarkets, and 1% (2) slaughter for their own consumption. We conclude that there is a lack of sanitary information regarding the quality of meat and diseases transmitted by the consumption of meat without inspection, making the risk to public health high; the lack of information is potentiated negatively by behaviors related to consumer preference for buying meat without refrigeration, reflecting cultural aspects of the reality of São Luís. It is necessary the proposition of Health Education Programs in schools, because these social actors are information agents in relation to their families and other people reached, who will become more demanding consumers, contributing to an improvement in public health.

  • RESEARCH FOR Anaplasma spp, Mycoplasma spp and Babesia spp IN SHEEP ON THE ISLAND OF SÃO LUIS – MA.


  • Data: 19/08/2022
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  • In tropical and subtropical regions among these a group of bloodstream parasites, hemoparasites, protozoa mainly transmitted by ticks, are widely distributed in the world and can affect several species of mammals, birds and reptiles. Many are presented by the growing importance as zoonosis, and / or cause economic losses to domestic production animals, especially in sheep (Ovis aries). Specifically in small ruminants, 03 (three) species have been widely detected: Babesia ovis, Babesia motasi and Babesia crassa, B. ovis being considered the most pathogenic of the group, especially for sheep, since it can lead to the death of several individuals. In the state of Maranhão, blood samples were collected from the jugular vein of 132 apparently healthy adult sheep from small properties in the municipality of São Luis, in the rural area of São José de Ribamar and Panaquatira. Thus, the present work aimed to detect and identify Babesia spp, Anaplasma spp and Mycoplasma spp, in sheep from São Luís Maranhão Island, through direct microscopy and molecular assays by Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) . The collected material was submitted to direct microscopic and molecular  diagnostic methods, through the Polymerase Chain Reaction of the conserved 18S rRNA gene. Thus, no suggestive forms of Babesia spp and Anaplasma spp were found in any of the 132 blood smear slides analyzed, in the case of serological diagnosis by the iELISA technique, the respective hemoparasites were also negative. The sequencing of the positive samples confirmed the identity of 98.97% with Mycoplasma ovis sequences from sheep. This is the first report of molecular evidence of the presence of infection by the zoonotic hemoplasma M. ovis in sheep from São Luís Island, Maranhão, also indicating the relevance of including this agent as a differential diagnosis in sheep from this island that present hemolytic disorders. results for Mycooplasma spp using with the 16S r RNA gene of the 132 sheep DNA samples, 32 (thirty-two) were positive.

  • Data: 20/06/2022
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  • For production of food in satisfactory sanitary conditions for human consumption, procedures such as Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) need to be implemented throughout the production process. Thus, it is possible to evaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions of a food producing establishment and outline corrective actions in order to reduce the physical, chemical and biological risks that can compromise the health of the consumer. Much of the meat sold in butchers has a high risk of contamination, since these meats are exposed in places with inadequate temperatures and without protection against dust, insects and other physical contaminants and may come from clandestine slaughterhouses. Health educational actions are fundamental, since with them it is possible to make people aware of accepting and participating in disease control, through preventive measures, prophylaxis and self-care, but above all by changing habits and behaviors. The use of playful teaching methodologies has become fundamental for the construction of knowledge, stimulating the learning and creativity of children and teenagers. In this way, this work aimed to collect data on the hygienic-sanitary conditions of butcher shops in the city of Icatu - MA, through observation and structured interviews and to develop educational methods based on playful teaching tools that can bring information and knowledge about food health issues, zoonoses, Foodborne Diseases (FTDs) to schools and rural communities and the change in the cultural conception of the population.

  • Data: 28/11/2022
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  • Animal transit is the main vector of diseases, especially when it occurs irregularly or without proper inspection by official bodies, which must always be on the alert to avoid the introduction, reintroduction or possible spread of diseases among herds. of cattle and buffaloes in the state. This study aimed to characterize the movement of cattle and buffaloes by analyzing the flow network of cattle movement, as a way of determining strategic points to optimize state health defense activities. To this end, it carried out a documental, descriptive, quantitative and qualitative study, covering all 16 municipalities in the state of Amapá. For this analysis, the cadastral base of the state's properties was used, as well as the Animal Transit Guides (GTA) referring to intrastate (2014 to 2020) and interstate (2018 to 2020) traffic. The respective study periods were thus defined, because they did not show inconsistencies in the database. A descriptive and quantitative analysis was carried out, considering: quantity of existing properties, effective existing herd, moved herd according to the respective years and by purpose, municipality of origin and destination. In the qualitative analysis, it was evaluated according to the risk criteria (1, 2, 3 and 4). In intrastate traffic, it was verified that a total of 19,885 GTAs were issued referring to the movement of 394,259 cattle and buffaloes. Where 81% of GTA emissions were for the buffalo species and only 19% for cattle. The three municipalities that performed the most intrastate movement were: Cutias (96,273), Macapá (94,700) and Tartarugalzinho (75,631). This movement occurred mainly by sea/river (57.4%), by road (34.2%), on foot (7.6%) and the other routes together totaled 0.8%. Having as main purposes: slaughter (68.13%), fattening (27.18%) and reproduction (2.04%), the other purposes together account for 2.65%. In interstate transit (imports) it appears that the state of Amapá received a herd of 162,818 cattle from other Federation Units, referring to the issuance of 9,945 GTA's, coming from the States of Pará (99.74%), Tocantins (0.13 %), São Paulo (0.06%), Mato Grosso do Sul (0.05%), Ceará (0.01%) and Rio Grande do Norte (0.005%). Since 58.5% (95,005) are cattle and the remaining 41.5% (67,394) are buffaloes. With the main cities importing cattle: Brasil Novo (41.7%), Altamira (12.4%), Vitoria do Xingu (11.4%) and Medicilândia (9.5%). As for the buffalo species, Chaves (73.8%) and Almeirim (11.3%) were identified. In interstate transit (exports) it was found that the state of Amapá sent a herd of 1,171 head of cattle in the years 2019/2020. Destined to the states of Pará and Rio Grande do Norte, with the purpose of fattening (95.8%), rearing (3.6%) and slaughter (0.46%). Interstate transit, in turn, uses waterways 98.5% of the time. The results show that in intrastate traffic, the main inspection points for cattle are at km 09 of BR 156, at the junction of AP 440 with Perimetral Norte and at the junction of AP 070 with AP 340. border in Oiapoque and in Laranjal do Jarí, and also as a target of inspection the cattle routes from Santana/Altamira and the route Santana/Breves/Belém that disembark at the ports of the State of Amapá. In view of the results, it can be concluded that the state of Amapá provides a low risk of introducing and spreading diseases, since only 3.47% of rural properties carry out interstate transit.


  • Data: 29/07/2022
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  • Glanders is an infectious disease caused by the bacterium Burkholderia mallei that mainly affects the equine complex. It presents respiratory, lymphatic and cutaneous signs in the affected animals, and the course can be acute, subacute or chronic. The asymptomatic carrier horse is the main reservoir of the agent. The present study aimed to determine the occurrence of glanders in equines in the state of Maranhão, from 2018 to 2021, a period that comprises the change in the diagnostic screening method to glanders. A total of 20,690 horses were tested for glanders in this period and in the first years the test used was the FC and no sample was reactive, while in the following years the diagnostic test was the ELISA and 67 animals were reactive. These cases were analyzed for epidemiological characterization of glanders in Maranhão and it was found that the municipalities with the highest numbers of positives belong to the Baixada Maranhense micro-region. It was observed that 86.56% of the positive samples were of the equine species (Equus caballus) and 13.44% of the mule species, with no cases in donkeys. There were no significant differences between genders, as 54.5% of the positives were females and 45.5% were males. The prevalent breeds of animals were quarter mile 54.5% and SRD 45.4%. Regarding age, 39.3% of the positives were between 0-5 years old, 48.4% were between 5-10 years old and 12.1% were older than 10 years old. With the data obtained in this research, it is concluded that glanders are endemic in Maranhão. Foci were recorded in all regions of the state. It was also observed that the diagnostic change contributed to the confirmation of cases due to the specificity and sensitivity characteristics of the ELISA test. It is noteworthy that glanders is an important zoonosis, which impacts the state's equideoculture and Public Health, requiring effective control and prevention measures

  • Data: 18/06/2022
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  • Brazil occupies a prominent position in the world agribusiness, supported by low production costs and the improvement in zootechnical indices. Currently, the country is the fourth largest producer and exporter of pork in the world, behind only China, the European Union and the United States, with more than 80% of its production destined for the domestic consumer market. In this context, Swine Enzootic Pneumonia (PES), whose main causative agent is the bacterium Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae, is reported as the main cause of respiratory problems in swine, and its occurrence makes the host susceptible to secondary bacterial and viral agents, such as circovirus swine type 2 (PCV-2). In the northeast region, there are few studies that performed the diagnosis of ESP or circovirus in swine. In the state of Maranhão, there are no published works of this nature, which justifies the need for a better understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of these diseases that contribute to the definition of more effective control measures, which consequently lead to the reduction of the economic impact generated in the swine production systems. Therefore, this work aims to investigate the presence of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and Swine Circovirus Type 2 in swine submitted to slaughter in slaughterhouses and fairs on São Luís Island - MA, using molecular and histopathological diagnostic methods. For this, 150 lung samples from swine were collected from slaughterhouses and street markets on the island of São Luís, Maranhão, from July 2019 to August 2021. Being random sampling, 65 from a municipal slaughterhouse (1 single slaughterhouse) and 85 from fairs (5 different fairs) whose origin was clandestine slaughter. Of the 150 DNA samples collected, 121 showed an amplified product for Cyt B in the PCR assay. Thus, 121/150 samples were analyzed for M. hyopneumoniae by qPCR, of which 44 were positive for this bacterium, thus representing a percentage of 36.36%. The average amount of bacterial load ranged from 1.20 x 101 to 7.20 x 104 between samples, with an average of 1.73 x 104 copies. Of the reagent samples, 81.81% (36 samples) come from clandestine slaughter, sold at open markets, while 18.18% (8 samples) come from the slaughterhouse. In the histopathological analysis, 29 qPCR positive samples were evaluated, of which 22 (75.86%) presented findings consistent with the main inflammatory process associated with the presence of M. hyopneumoniae, BALT hyperplasia. The microscopic findings associated with the quantifications found in the current study, evidence that there is a positive parallelism between the quantification of the pathological agent and the presence of microscopic lesion, demonstrating that the greater bacterial load in the lung tissue is associated with the greater histopathological staining for BALT hyperplasia, since the 3 samples with the highest bacterial load (qPCR: 5.63 x 10³, 2.19 x 104 and 7.23 x 104) were the ones that most evidenced this finding.

  • Data: 18/03/2022
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  • The recovery and enhancement of traditional knowledge has contributed to the development of science, both with regard to the use of medicinal plants and the identification of toxic plants of interest in Veterinary Medicine. The objective of this work was to identify and map toxic plants of livestock interest in the Municipalities of Fortuna and São Domingos do Maranhão based on reports from the local population. This is an exploratory study and an active search in the community and rural properties. Questionnaires were applied in rural properties with open and closed questions to obtain information regarding plant species found in the areas of operation, data related to intoxication. Residents, foresters, ranchers, breeders and rural producers indicated 19 species of plants as toxic. Of the 19 plant species identified in the active searches, only 14 species were reported in the literature as toxic. These results show the importance of surveying, tracking and mapping in the identification of toxic plants of medical and veterinary interest and encourage research and experiments on these plants

  • Data: 21/10/2022
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  • Fish are susceptible to the action of environmental stressors (chemical, physical and biological) that can have negative effects on this class of vertebrates. In these animals, some organs can be affected, such as the gills and the liver, and histology is an important tool for the evaluation of the impacts caused in these organs. Therefore, the aim of the study was to monitor the health of two species of neotropical fish in a lake area in Maranhão with the use of histological biomarkers. For this, 42 specimens of adult fish were captured, 21 of Hoplerythrinus unitaeniatus and 21 of Cichlasoma bimaculatum, which were transported alive in source water to the laboratory for euthanasia, removal of gill and liver fragments and subsequent histological analysis in the Multiuser Laboratory. Graduate Program (LAMP) at UEMA. Right after, the organ fragments were submitted to histological processing steps and, finally, stained with hematoxylin - eosin (HE). Branchial and hepatic histological alterations were evaluated in a semi-quantitative mode, by calculating the histological alteration index (AHI), based on the severity of each lesion, as follows: (i) stage I alterations - they do not compromise organ function; (ii) stage II - more severe injuries that impair the normal functioning of the organs; and, (iii) stage III - very severe and irreversible injuries. The results were presented together for the two species in which it was found that the most frequent gill alterations were complete (85.71 %) and incomplete (85.71 %) fusion of several lamellae, lifting of the epithelium (80.95% ), blood vessel congestion (76.19 %), lamellar disorganization (76.19 %) and lamellar epithelium hyperplasia (76.19 %), all stage I. Stage II alterations (hemorrhage and rupture of the lamellar epithelium , mucus cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy, chlorine cell hyperplasia and hypertrophy, complete fusion of all lamellae, uncontrolled proliferative tissue thickening, pillar cell disruption) and III (cell necrosis and degeneration and, lamellar aneurysm) were also observed, but less frequently. The most frequent hepatic alterations were vacuolization (90.47 %), melanomacrophage center (78.57 %), cell contour deformation (66.67 %) and nucleus in the cell periphery (52.38 %), stage alterations I and hyperemia (45.24 %) and cytoplasmic degeneration (40.48 %), stage II alterations. In a lower percentage, necrosis (9.52 %), stage III alteration was also observed. It is concluded that the two species of neotropical fish evaluated had their sanity compromised, which may be the result of interactions with stressors of different natures, including irreversible injuries that were possibly compromising the functioning of the evaluated organs.

  • Data: 07/12/2021
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  • The control of infestations by Rhipicephalus microplus ticks in cattle is based on the use of synthetic tick compounds and has been selecting tick populations resistant to these compounds. This fact raises the need for a greater number of pesticide applications and consequently a greater possibility of residues in meat and milk. The present study aimed to identify the behaviorof infestation by R. microplus ticks in a small cattle herd using as an alternative control the collection of engorged females and selective treatment of the animals. To carry out the study, a herd of 17 animals was inspected for one year and all engorged females of R. microplus found were collected weekly by hand. The animals that presented teleogina count equal to or greater than 40 received treatment with synthetic insecticide. From the data obtained from tick counts over the weeks, it was possible to identify that only 4.1% of the observations exceeded the established critical infestation limit by engorged females, requiring intervention with a tick. After the first application of Fipronil 1%, in September 2020, the number of engorged females was reduced by 100%, keeping the count of teleoginas of treated animals below the critical limit established for intervention with a pesticide until January 2021, when a new application of the pesticide was necessary. From this period onwards, there were fluctuations in the number of engorged females over the weeks, with peaks observed in February, April, May and June. Epidemiological factors are responsible for differences in the behavior of tick populations and in this context the morphoclimatic characteristics are related to the tick life cycle. During the experimental period, it was found that the control of tick infestation in a small cattle herd through manual collection, associated with other sanitary measures, can be a promising strategy for the control of R. microplus.






  • Data: 29/01/2021
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    The poultry hatchery is the place of transformation of fertile eggs to obtain day-old chicks production. The purpose of these hatcheries is to provide farmers with a quality product, meeting the zootechnical and productivity standards required by the industry. The objective of the present study is to avaluate the hygienic-sanitary conditions after washing and disinfecting a day-old chicks hatchery in the Metropolitan São Luís, Maranhão, confirming the hygienic-sanitary conditions which, support a quality production. To evaluate these conditions, four sampling collections were performed, using two independent evaluation systems. The first being from the environment, made by the sedimentation technique method, in places such as: egg room, incubations rooms, hatcher rooms, central corridor, vaccine room, laboratory, utensils cleaning room and then compared do Sadler’s standards. The second evaluation involved swabs from the surfaces of utensils and equipament in the hatchery such as: interior, air inlet and outlet of incubation and hatching machines, vaccine machines, fertile eggs, incubation trays, truck interior of chicks and hands of a worker for isolation and identification of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family and fungi, all of importance for poltry farming. The results obtained were: presence of fungi of the genus Aspergillus sp. in 42.5% of the environment samples, with the species A. niger, A. flavus and A. terreus being the most found, followed by the genera Alternaria sp. (10%) and Penicillium sp. (7.5%). No bacteria of the genus Salmonella sp. were present on the analysed samples. The growth of other bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family were also found: Klebisiella aerogenes, Klebisiella pneumoniae and Morganella morganii. The results indicate that the hatchery obteined excellent and good levels in the quality of the environment in relation to the fungus count and only the first collection indicated elevated indexes on bacterial count, thus allowing, in the global, to reach the conditions for quality and productivity as required by the poultry industry

  • Data: 18/01/2021
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  • The Mearim River Basin stands out for its social, economic, environmental, energetic and cultural importance, especially for small rural producers who use this water source in agro-productive activities and for artisanal fishermen who withdraw their food and sustenance from this water resource. In this sense, the objective was to research diarrheagenic Escherichia coli in water of multiple uses as a model of single health surveillance. To carry out the study, water samples were collected at five points previously selected for the municipalities of Arari and Vitória do Mearim, which corresponds to an area of the lower course of the Mearim River. Samples were collected in triplicate from each point, totaling 30 samples analyzed, 15 samples per municipality. The samples were collected in borosilicate glass bottles, with a capacity of 500 mL, aseptically and stored under sunlight in isothermal boxes with recyclable ice. For the quantification of E. coli, the enzymatic chromogenic system was used and the positive samples in this test proceeded to the isolation and confirmation of the bacteria under study through conventional methodology (enrichment of the samples and biochemical identification of the isolated colonies). DNA extraction from pure E. coli cultures was performed by heating followed by characterization using polymerase chain reaction (PCR) using the GoTaq® Colorless Master Mix Kit (Promega®) according to the manufacturer's recommendations. Of the analyzed samples, 100% (n = 30) had total coliforms with bacterial populations that varied from 7.701 to 24.196 NMP/100 mL for the municipality of Arari and 3.524 to 24.196 NMP/100 mL for Vitória do Mearim. In six sampled points, one point in the municipality of Arari (P3) and all points in Vitória do Mearim (P1 to P5), it is possible to verify average values of E. coli above the maximum limit established in Brazilian environmental legislation. Of the 10 sampled points, two different bacterial morphotypes were isolated from each sample, characterized by pink and colorless/transparent colonies. The different bacterial morphotypes were transferred to biochemical tests in which it was possible to verify the biochemical characteristics of 20 isolates compatible with the E. coli bacterium. Of these, virulence genes characteristic of E. coli enterotoxigenic (ETEC) and typical E. coli enteropathogenic (EPEC-t) and atypical (EPEC-a) were detected. The Stx1 and Stx2 genes were not identified at the time of the study. It is concluded that the microbiological quality of the water in the stretch of the low course of the Mearim River belonging to the Rio Mearim Hydrographic Basin suffers deterioration characterized by high concentrations of E. coli and diversified diarrhogenic pathotypes (ETEC, EPEC-t and EPEC-a). The confirmation of this group of pathogenic microorganisms represents an epidemiological risk, compromising several uses of this water resource, such as irrigation of raw ingested fruits and vegetables, fishing, animal drinking and recreation. Structural investments in basic sanitation are fundamental to minimize the environmental degradation resulting from human activities and to act preventively in unique health. Additionally, the recovery of riparian forests along the hydrographic basin and the maintenance of vegetation in these areas are effective measures in reducing the transport of soil particles to water courses, and consequently, lead to the improvement of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the water.

  • mastitis, mamitis, health education, milking, dairy production, milk quality
  • Data: 30/06/2021
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  • Mastitis is inflammation of the mammary gland, usually caused by bacteria. This disease promotes the reduction of milk production and obtaining poor quality milk, generating great economic losses for the producer, in addition to representing a danger to the health of consumers who may be able to consume contaminated milk. In order for mastitis losses to be reduced for producers and for an improvement in the quality of the milk produced, it is necessary to implement good agricultural and milking practices, as well as diagnosis, control and treatment of mastitis. The objective of this work was toto propose a program for quality control and enhancement in milk production processes in small dairy farms in the municipality of Pedro do Rosário - MA, to contribute to improving milk production and quality, increasing the municipality's MHDI and incorporating small producers into the milk production chain in the state of Maranhão through the adoption of good practices. Visits were made to three rural properties and questionnaires were applied on management, structure, production and health.Small milk producers were found, without technical assistance, with a lack of knowledge about mastitis as well as poor milking and handling practices. With this, educational materials were produced to be taken to the producers on good agricultural practices and good milking practices and on mastitis, with information that helps the producer to implement the good practices and mastitis control in his milking routine.


  • Data: 22/01/2021
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    Equinoculture in Brazil has a prominent place in the agro-productive chain, mainly with regard to technological advances and improvements in the genetic contribution of equine production. The importance of this sector has a significant impact on the restructuring and consolidation of the legal bases of the National Equestrian Health Program (PNSE), whether in the implementation of epidemiological studies, health education, traffic control, registration, inspection or health certification. In the state of Pará, despite the increase in PNSE activities by the Official Veterinary Service (SVO), epidemiological data are not sufficient to have a situational diagnosis of Equine Infectious Anemia and Mormo. The lack of knowledge about the occurrence of these diseases, especially about Mormo, is worrying, taking into account the evils to human health and the health of equines, as it is a zoonosis and its almost fatal character. In this sense, the present work presents a situational diagnosis carried out with the breeders and / or owners of equidae in the Municipality of Soure - PA, which constituted the basis for the elaboration of an educational project aimed at this municipality. As methodological instruments for data collection, a questionnaire was applied containing twenty-two (22) questions, in order to ensure structured and unstructured interviews, as well as direct observations made during visits to the properties. The objective of the questionnaire was to know the socioeconomic and cultural profile, as well as the level of knowledge related to the disease in his equine herd. In view of the knowledge of the profile, a technical educational video was prepared in order to contribute to increase the degree of knowledge and modify the attitudes and behaviors of equine breeders and / or owners, thus aiming at structuring partnerships with other bodies. and institutions. Based on the data analyzed, referring to the period of study of the occurrences of glanders in the State of Pará, between the years 2007 to 2019, it can be concluded that glanders are endemic in this state and that educational measures, such as lectures, distribution informative material, dissemination of the educational technical video, together with intensified actions of epidemiological surveillance in rural properties, in agricultural events and agricultural traffic inspections, can mitigate the spread of Mormo to other regions of the State.



  • Data: 18/01/2021
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    Brucellosis is an important zoonosis, caused by the bacterium brucella abortus, widespread in the world that affects cattle and buffaloes, causing serious economic losses due to reproductive disorders and reduced meat and milk production. Risk factors for the disease vary with the region and are related to the movement of animals and inadequate handling. A cross-sectional state was performed to analyze factors associated with brucellosis in three municipalities in the state of Maranhão, Brazil, using a logistic regression model followed and ROC curve analysis. Blood was collected from farms and slaughterhouses in the region. For serological diagnosis, a buffered acidified Antigen test was used. The results show that 5.1% of the animals and 31.25% of the herds were infected with Brucella Abortus. The risk factors associated with brucellosis were: acquisition of animals (RC = 3.3); history of abortion (RC = 3.1) and herd size greater than 60 heads (RC = 3.0). The final model showed a good fit (area under curve = 0.731, CI 0.627 -0.834) in the forecast of cases of bovine brucellosis in the population





  • Data: 19/02/2021
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    The objective of this research was to carry out an Educational Diagnosis as a tool for Leptospirosis
    Control with rural producers in the municipality of Imperatriz, in the State of Maranhão, in order to
    identify the socioeconomic, cultural profile, attitudes, behaviors and detect the degree of
    knowledge of producers about Leptospirosis, such as: symptoms, health management,
    transmission, vaccines, control, prevention, among other issues. The research comprised a crosssectional study, using qualitative and quantitative methodology, based on structured, unstructured
    interviews and direct observations. To carry out the study, 89 producers were interviewed.
    Subsequently, data analysis was carried out, from which it was concluded that (61%) is over 51
    years old, with a low level of education, (80%) of the interviewees do not participate in associative
    entities, with a preference for listening to radio Native FM by morning, I watched TV in the
    evening, prefer to receive information through lectures, are generally unaware of the disease
    Leptospirosis in animals, as well as zoonosis, form of transmission, prevention, vaccination and
    damage caused by it. After the completion of this study, it was noted that the educational diagnosis
    is a good tool to help in the construction of educational projects that can be worked with rural
    producers, and should be used constantly by the Animal Health Defense professionals

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  • Data: 10/06/2021
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  • The use of technology to monitor diseases is a tool that favors greater multiprofessional interaction between users. It is a technology marked by a continuous flow permeated by the constant exchange of information between the agents involved in the process. This capacity was made possible by the advent of smartphone applications (Apps), which, among several characteristics, stand out for their easy use and greater access to information by users, as they can strengthen the epidemiological surveillance of diseases in the bee sector. The work sought to develop a mobile application, aimed at smartphones that allow beekeepers and professionals to participate in surveillance applied to bees, treated as a result of encouraging disease notification, as well as strengthening surveillance and learning. As a result, VIBEE was created, with an uncomplicated proposal regarding the functionalities made available to the user. It consists of a register and apiary map, disease diagnosis, epidemiological information, link notification and a gallery for the recognition of bee diseases. Thus, the application proves to be an effective technological tool to encourage the habit of passive surveillance and notification, in addition to contributing to the more dynamic composition of the epidemiological scenario of bee disease cases in the state.

  • Data: 30/06/2021
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  • Agriculture is the branch of Brazilian industry that is constantly growing. The domestic and foreign market is increasingly demanding and, consequently, the breeding and exploitation of goats and sheep needs to adjust and remain in constant improvement, which aimed to carry out this socio-economic survey of rural producers and characterize the breeding of goats and sheep, concerning health, animal management and alternative methods in the control of parasites in the municipalities of the island of São Luís - MA. The study was a cross-sectional analytical study and the sample was made up of 103 rural producers interviewed via telephone call, from February to March 2021, where the data were filled out in an online form. The form consists of 54 questions, divided into three sessions: data from the rural producer, the property and data from the animals. The results achieved were: a) rural producer with 93.8% is male; 36% aged between 36 and 50 years; 63% of them are married; 85% of respondents were considered to be a small breeder; 12.5% as medium and 2.5% as large breeders, according to the number of animals. b) rural properties: 85% of the properties have less than 10 hectares; 67.5% use water from artesian wells and 96.3% of producers consider this water to be suitable for consumption; 76.3% of the properties have exclusive folds for goats and of these 61.25% are made of slatted floors; 55% of the properties are aimed at production (fattening and sale) and 51.2% create as a hobby. c) animals: 40% of the animals are reared in association with goats and sheep, 32.5% rear only sheep and 27.5% rear only goats; the most frequent breeds of goats were: SRD (42.5%), Boer (33.8%), Anglo-Nubian (26.3%) and Saanen (25%); the sheep breeds were: Santa Inês (60%), Dorper (42.5%) and SRD (40%). Of the interviewees, 60% sell live animals; animal mortality in 58.75% is due to worms and 30% did not know how to inform. After all these data, an educational booklet was created that will be made available directly to rural producers and government agencies, in order to bring an adequate health education about the main problem faced, which are worms; in addition, demonstrate alternative parasite control methods.


  • Data: 05/11/2021
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  • The objective of this work is to produce a manual with general recommendations on the creation of horses, respecting the five freedoms of animal welfare and applying them to the particularities required of a military police horse. The recommendations set out in this manual are based on scientific work, research and literature reviews directed to these animals. Regardless of the function that the animal performs, be it reproduction, sport or leisure, the basic needs of food and health management are the same and must be treated with great responsibility by the caregivers. Although there is some literature available on the use and management of horses in the Brazilian Army, there is no single and referenced legislation for the military police, and each institution is responsible for regulating its standards, most of the times based solely on the Standards for the Control of Horses of the Army (NORCE), which do not consider the needs and particularities inherent to the routines of the state police. Currently there is no standardization or recommendations on how these animals should be raised. It is important to study and understand the particularities of breeding and work carried out by military horses, as they result in a great impact on the quality of life and performance of the troop during daily missions. From this product, the importance of understanding the species and how to offer good conditions through correct handling and daily care is highlighted, guaranteeing horses the possibility of expressing their natural behavior, thus increasing their yield during service and their useful life in the unit it serves.


    CLEANING IN THE TOCANTINA MARANHESE REGION: characterization epidemiology and health control
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  • Data: 29/01/2021
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    Vaquejada is an ascending sport on the national scene, mainly in the northeastern region of Brazil. The national and state equine health program governs the rules and regulations that protect the country's equine herd. With the increase in investments in this segment, the work with sanitary management in this sector also increases. In this context, aimed was to characterize the sanitary and epidemiological profile of the vaquejadas carried out in the Tocantina from Maranhão region, in the years 2018 and 2019, using data from the monitoring maps of the events by the official state veterinary service and field observations. In the analyzed period, 14 vaquejadas took place, in 8 different enclosures, with a total of 4,502 animals participating, being 3,174 cattle and 1,328 horses, with a proportion of 3.5 cattle for each horse. Most horses and cattle originated from properties in the state of Maranhão, 60% and 99%, respectively. The other horses originated in the states of Tocantins, Pará and Piauí. After the event, most animals returned to their original properties or other events, 79% of cattle and 83 of horses. When evaluating the structures of the enclosures where the vaquejadas were carried out, it was found that 100% of the establishments met the minimum structural requirements for the event to be released by the official veterinary service (reception location, isolation location, corrals and trunk), however no establishment had rodolúvio and only two (25%) had foot bath. It was also observed that the technician responsible for the event does not corroborate the health defense actions during the event, being only available to the animals in clinical cases. The results show that the large movement of animals, the deficit in sanitary structures, as well as the poor health monitoring during the event can promote the spread of diseases, both due to the high density of animals, and the movement of individuals in short periods of time.
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  • Data: 16/12/2021
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  • A pesquisa teve por objetivo analisar a ocorrência de doenças vesiculares no Brasil e notificadas no estado do Piauí no período de 2006 a 2020, com a finalidade de melhorar o planejamento e monitoramento que auxiliem no fortalecimento de medidas preventivas e tomada de decisões adequadas que minimize os riscos de reintrodução e identificação precoce das doenças vesiculares, principalmente, o vírus da febre aftosa no estado do Piauí. A amostra da pesquisa foi composta por dados de notificações de doenças vesiculares e outras síndromes de todo o Brasil fornecido pelo Departamento de Saúde Animal do Ministério da Agricultura em Brasília. Foram encontrados 7.327 casos de notificações de enfermidades vesiculares no Brasil, sendo 1.598 casos de doenças confundíveis com a febre aftosa e 319 casos de enfermidades vesiculares clássicas. O maior número de notificações é da Região sul do Brasil. No país há uma predominância da estomatite vesicular com 69,28% dos casos confirmados que ocorrem na maioria das vezes na Região Nordeste e em segundo lugar o Senecavírus com 17,24% das notificações com a maioria das ocorrências na Região Sul. Em terceira colocação a febre aftosa com 13,48% com o último registro em 2007. No estado do Piauí a síndrome vesicular aparece em terceiro lugar com 14,85% das notificações no estado. De 2006 a 2020 a Agência de Defesa Agropecuária do Estado do Piauí – ADAPI recebeu 45 notificações de suspeitas de doenças vesiculares e 21 foram confirmadas como doenças confundíveis com febre aftosa e apenas 06 foram confirmadas laboratorialmente como doenças vesiculares clássicas, Estomatite Vesicular – EV com o vírus Indiana. Das 41 Unidades de Sanidade Animal e Vegetal – USAV da ADAPI, somente 21 apresentaram notificações. Dos 224 municípios do Piauí, 34 notificaram. Das notificações apresentadas 75,56% envolvem a espécie bovina, 57,78% das notificações são realizadas pelo proprietário dos animais. O tempo de ação para realizar a notificação é de 13,79 dias, o tempo de reação é estimado em 12 horas e o intervalo entre a primeira visita e a coleta do material é de 2,67 dias. Há necessidade investimento na infraestrutura do serviço veterinário oficial do Piauí, nas ações de educação e comunicação em saúde animal e, principalmente, correções das deficiências quanto à vigilância das doenças vesiculares, considerando o tempo para atendimento das notificações e coleta de material para exame laboratorial, já que a demora no atendimento poderá comprometer o serviço e acarretar em uma disseminação de difícil controle da febre aftosa e outras doenças vesiculares


  • Data: 29/01/2021
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  • The present study aimed to characterize the active surveillance of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy in the State of Maranhão, to report a sanitary episode of ingestion of poultry litter by cattle and to make a situational and parasitological diagnosis of poultry litter from poultry farms located in the hinterland of Maranhão. To obtain the information, a survey of data extracted from the “Term of investigation of food provided to ruminants in a breeding establishment” was applied by the Official Veterinary Service, in the period from 2016 to 2019. It was found that in the evaluated period, 526 inspections were carried out on rural properties to investigate food supplied to ruminants in a breeding establishment, 98.9% of which came from active surveillance. The characterization made it possible to identify the profile of the inspected breeding establishments, with a predominance of: (i) beef cattle farming (54.8%); (ii) extensive breeding system (56.7%); (iii) cattle as the most exploited ruminant species (88.4%); and, (iv) feeding of ruminants with pasture associated with concentrates and / or supplements of different types (60.3%). The presence of poultry litter on the property was registered in 18.3% of inspections and in 1% the use of this bed in the feeding of ruminants was verified. As for the sanitary episode, this was the result of active surveillance by the official veterinary service in the municipality of São João dos Patos, which, upon suspicion, collected a sample of the bovine feed for analysis, where the presence of non-calcined bones, non-hydrolyzed feathers was confirmed and blood. Procedures for sanitation of the property were adopted as described in the current legislation: interdiction of the property, identification of the animals that consumed the poultry litter, complementary visits to the property until laboratory confirmation and slaughter of the animals involved with the removal and disposal of specific risk materials. Regarding the situational and parasitological diagnosis of poultry litter from poultry farms located in the hinterland of Maranhão, it was possible to identify the profile of the owners, the characteristics of poultry farms, the adopted sanitary management, as well as the production and use of the poultry litter. Parasitological examinations showed the presence of eggs and larvae of nematodes, and coccids in 47.05% and 29.41% of the samples, respectively. In the morphological analysis of the oocysts, the species Eimeria sp were found, all of importance for poultry health, not representing problems for ruminants. Despite the prohibition, the use of poultry litter to feed cattle in the State of Maranhão is still practiced, thus emphasizing the importance of surveillance actions on properties with the creation of ruminants associated with health education activities, as well as the importance of control of poultry litter to ensure its proper destination and mitigate the risk of introducing Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy

  • AGROINDUSTRIALIZATION OF CAIPIRA CHICKEN, HONEY AND FISH IN THE STATE DO MARANHÃO: socioeconomic characterization of family farmers and elaboration of simplified floor plan profile
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  • Data: 04/08/2020
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  • Family farming is an important food supplier for the domestic market and guarantees a good
    part of the food security of Brazilians. Data from official bodies in Brazil prove the significant
    participation of family farming in the supply of raw materials such as fruits, vegetables,
    grains, manioc, eggs, meat, milk and honey. However, despite the unquestionable importance
    of this activity, family farmers face many difficulties, including access to markets and
    obtaining fair prices for production, which allows their capitalization, expansion of
    production, improvement of productivity and the possibility of fixing new generations in the
    field. Thus, due to the relevance of the theme, the study was carried out with the objective of
    elaborating a strategy to strengthen the agro-industrialization of free-range chicken, honey
    and fish in the state of Maranhão through the socioeconomic characterization of family
    farmers and the elaboration of simplified profiles of standard low plants. In order to advance
    the proposed objective, the study was carried out in two stages: (i) documentary research for
    the socioeconomic characterization of family farmers through information gathering at the
    state's agricultural defense agency; and, (ii) elaboration of a simplified profile of three
    individual floor plans for the agro-industrialization of free-range chicken, honey and fish
    following the rules of engineering and the safe production of food, through a multidisciplinary
    team. The socioeconomic characterization of the target audience made it possible to obtain
    unprecedented information, such as: (i) predominance of the male gender in productive
    activities; (ii) most family farmers have low schooling; (iii) family income does not, in most
    cases, exceed two salaries; and, (iv) free-range poultry and fish farming are the main source
    of income for most of the families under analysis. With the plants of the free-range chicken
    slaughterhouse, the extraction and processing unit for bee products and the processing unit for
    fish and fish products, it is possible to generate a picture of the local development of families
    with the agro-industrialization of free-range chicken, honey and fish, respectively, which will
    revert into income, in addition to contributing to the regional and economic development of
    the state, pillars of family farming. With the proposed strategy, it is expected that this will
    result in positive changes in the socioeconomic profile of family farmers.

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  • Data: 17/02/2020
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  • Data: 10/12/2019
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  • The objective of this work was to know the spatial distribution of Equine Infectious
    Anemia in Maranhão State. Data from Process Control of the State Agency of
    Agricultural Defense of the State of Maranhão were used with the results of Equine
    Infectious Anemia examinations for animal traffic purposes from 2008 to 2018. The
    data of 6,916 requisition forms were analyzed. Positive for equine infectious anemia.
    Univariate analysis for EIA was applied using the chi-square test for age, sex and
    species. 5913 (2.97%) horses, 92 (0.28%) donkeys and 911 (0.9%) mules were
    considered positive. significant association was found between positive for EIA (p
    <0.0001) and equine species. Regarding age, the positive equidae are distributed as
    follows: 26.4% (1832) animals up to four years old, 59.2% (4095) between five and
    10 years old and 14.3% (989) over 10 years old years, with no significant association
    between age and EIA cases (p = 0.9583). Regarding sex female showed (52.31%)
    and males (47.69%), not having a significant association (p = 0.9972), it can be said
    that the disease affects males and females in the same proportions. The overall
    spatial distribution of animals positive for equine infectious anemia state of the city
    was held by the QGIS version 2.18. In all state meso positive animals were identified,
    however North Maranhense showed higher frequency (3.01%). It was concluded that
    the disease is endemic in Maranhão.

  • Data: 20/11/2019
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  • Subsistence rearing is common in the state of Maranhão. Most of the time, this breeding is mixed with cattle, canines and birds, and is represented by loose animals, fed on human food remains, poorly slaughtered without sanitary inspection, exposed to the risk of contamination with pathogens. Among the diseases that can affect the pig herd is brucellosis, an infectious disease caused by bacteria of the genus Brucella, which produces chronic infection in animals and can also infect humans. One of the most important and widespread zoonoses in the world. Given this scenario, this study aimed to know the seroprevalence of swine brucellosis in uninspected slaughter points in 12 municipalities of Maranhão, since there is little information on the actual distribution of this disease among pigs.224 samples were subjected to the Buffered Acidified Antigen (AAT) screening test and confirmed by 2-Mercaptoethanol (2-ME). In the AAT test, 30 / 13.39% samples presented agglutination reaction in a total of 9/75% municipalities. In the 2-ME test, 3 / 1.34% samples were considered inconclusive and 12 / 5.36% positive samples in a total of 6/50% municipalities. These results show the presence of Brucella spp. in the swine species in the state of Maranhão, which, in addition to the imminent risk to public health, may undermine the greater objective of the National Brucellosis and Tuberculosis Program in cattle and buffaloes: the eradication of the disease. The damage is caused by living in a promiscuous way with these species, as this study demonstrates



  • Data: 22/04/2019
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  • Brazil has the largest herd of horses in Latin America. The estimate is 5,501,872 head, of which 220,220 equidae are in the State of Maranhão. The market for the national equine, and mainly the Maranhão, is in visible expansion, constituting an important agribusiness chain, closely related to the sectors linked to leisure, culture and tourism. To strengthen this agricultural complex of equidae and protect the health of the population, the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply created the National Equine Health Program that regulates and provides the guidelines for control of Equine Infectious Anemia and Glanders, diseases that affect the horses, mules and donkey, being Glanders also a zoonosis. Thus, conducting of examinations for diagnosis of these diseases follow procedures that must be developed in accordance with the established legislation. Blood samples must be collected by veterinarian and only should only be received by the laboratory together with the specific request form. The aim of this study was to develop a requisition management and automation system applied to the National Equine Health Program. Software was created set on the Microsoft Windows platform. The system proved to be a useful tool, facilitating the task of completing the requisition of exams, providing greater agility and quality of the information, besides creating a database for the requester, which allows to generate reports of crops conducted in a certain period.

  • Data: 20/12/2019
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  • The poultry sector is of great importance in the national and international scenario and, with the growing development of poultry in the state of Maranhão, coupled with the consolidation of the National Poultry Health Program (PNSA) at the state level, there is a need for improvements in the sanitary standards of the establishments. subsistence creation. In this sense, the objective was to monitor the avian influenza of the Panaquatira - MA migratory bird site, by means of seromolecular characterization and the epidemiological profile of subsistence poultry breeders living around the site. To obtain the information, data were collected using data from forms of biological material collection in poultry establishments and registration of poultry establishment, provided by the State Agency of Agricultural Defense of Maranhão (AGED / MA). Thirty-five properties were visited in an area of 10 km around the site, where interviews were conducted with the owners and collected blood and swabs of cloaca and trachea of the animals. The findings were based on structured, unstructured interviews and direct observations at the time of the property visits. With the results we observed producers with low education, raising their birds in areas of up to five hectares, where 45.9% of the owners have a maximum of 30 birds in their flock and use family labor. Most are male (54.3%), aged over forty years (68.6%). There is a preference for listening to radio in the morning and TV at night, preferring to receive information through meetings and technical visits. Breeders have low to medium knowledge of bird diseases and low to complete ignorance about migratory bird characteristics. Samples were taken from 350 birds, in which all samples were taken from chickens. All samples (n = 350; 100%) were negative for avian influenza A virus, both in the immunodiffusion agar gel test (AGID) and the Real Time PCR test (qPCR). Concluding absence of viral circulation of Avian Influenza A in subsistence poultry in the collected samples. Measures are needed to stimulate small farms in the study area through public policies and health education actions that promote improvements to the farms and add knowledge; in order to become a more profitable activity for families involved in the family poultry sector in the region



  • Data: 16/08/2019
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  • Protozoa of the Applied Phylum as Cryptosporidium spp. and Toxoplasma gondii are of great zoonotic importance. Scientific research shows that the oocysts of these two protozoa are eliminated in the faeces of wild and domestic animals and contaminate aquatic environments as a result of sewage and rainwater runoff. The most common form of infection for both protozoonoses is the oral route by ingestion of water or food contaminated with parasites oocysts present in the environment. In this context, the objective of the study was to research protozoa of the Apicomplexa Phylum in oysters (Crassostrea sp.) in cultivation and natural stock in the state of Maranhão. For the study, 200 oysters from Raposa and 100 from Paço do Lumiar were acquired. besides 100 oysters extracted from natural stock of the municipality of Primeira Cruz. From the total of 400 sampled oysters, 80 pools were formed in which each pool consisted of five animals. From each oyster was removed the gills and visceral mass, with the formation of sample groups of gills and visceral mass, each consisting of 80 pools. Afterwards, DNA was extracted from each oyster pool using a commercial kit. Subsequently, DNA detection of Cryptosporidium spp. nested-PCR (SHP1, SHP2, SHP3 and SSU-R3 primers) and T. gondii using the semi-nested-PCR (SAG-1 primer) technique. With the technique used, the DNA of Cryptosporidium spp. in 2.5% (n = 2/80) oyster pools, with 1.25% pools (n = 1/80) from cultivation and the other 1.25% (n = 1/80) from natural stock. For T. gondii 2.5% (n = 2/80) of positive pools from culture only samples were detected. With the results obtained in this study, it can be concluded that oysters of the genus Crassostrea sp. cutivadas and extracted from natural bank in Maranhão state are able to filter and maintain in their tissues the protozoan oocysts of the Apicomplexa Phylum, such as Cryptosporidium spp. and T. gondii reverting to potential sources of contamination for humans and other animals.

  • Data: 22/04/2019
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  • The register of slaughtering establishments for butchers is a key element in guaranteeing the quality of
    meat, viscera and organs intended for human consumption. The State of Maranhão, through the State
    Agency of Agricultural and Livestock Defense of Maranhão, for its Inspection of Products of Animal
    Origin (CIPA) is responsible for registering establishments that produce, process, slaughter or
    distribute animal products in the State Inspection (SIE), currently the state has four registered
    slaughterhouses, in the municipalities of Açailândia, Axixá, São Bernardo and Tutóia. It analyzed the
    record of convictions of 9,912 animals slaughtered in a period of eight months based on records of
    convictions reports, photographic records and literature with follow-up of the lesions detected in the
    inspection lines during the ante-mortem examination of organs, viscera and carcasses , where it was
    possible the macroscopic identification and determination of the criteria of judgment based on current
    legislation. The lungs were the organs that most presented condemnation records with 48.76% due to
    ruminal aspiration and 44.89% due to edema. However, other injuries related to operational failures
    were also responsible for a considerable percentage of convictions. In livers, spleen and heart the
    main cause of rejection was congestion. In the kidneys the main lesions were adherence and
    nephritis, with 66.67% and 50.78% respectively of affected organs. A comparison was made with
    international standards dealing with the inspection of slaughter animals. With the development of the
    work and the identification of lesions and the criteria of judgment appropriate to each case, an
    illustrative atlas was elaborated with a description of the lesion and the probable destination of each
    organ, viscera and carcasses, according to the legislation in this way, in particular to the Veterinary
    and Auxiliary Inspection Doctors, adequate subsidies at the time of the injury trial, and also providing
    study materials for the academic community of Veterinary Medicine, considering material coming from
    the state itself

  • Data: 06/06/2019
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  • The partial condemnation of carcasses by abscesses formed by vaccines and / or medicines is
    one of the main economic losses of the refrigeration industry. The aim of the present study was
    to identify post-vaccine and / or drug lesions in bovine carcasses, regardless of age, race and
    gender, as well as quantify the losses resulting from the muscular removal of the affected areas
    from animals slaughtered in a slaughterhouse with service (SIE) of the Lençóis Maranhenses
    microregion. Data were collected over a period of nine months (May / 2018 to January / 2019)
    in a sample number of 3045 animals. After slaughter, the carcasses were evaluated and later
    excised and weighed. The results evidenced diversification of the size and shape of the
    abscesses, with distribution mainly in the front carcass in areas of the chest, neck, acem and
    termite. The total percentage of carcasses with lesions was 71.6%, with muscular discard of
    approximately 0.960kg. The financial loss was in the order of R $ 19,831.08 during the period
    studied, with a monthly average of R $ 2,203.45 (according to the @ of the bull in the period).
    It is concluded that the lesions of bovine carcasses caused by inadequate conducts in the vaccine
    and / or drug applications cause economic losses to the producers and that preventive actions of
    technical orientation are necessary to minimize the effect of this injury

  • Data: 05/02/2019
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  • A Cochliomyia hominivorax é classificada como agente causador de miíase primária obrigatória em animais de sangue quente, e por essa razão, esta mosca é a principal espécie causadora de miíase das Américas. Foi erradicada em boa parte do continente americano e sua atual distribuição compreende a região do Caribe e os países da América do Sul, exceto Chile. A miíase causada pela C. hominivorax está inclusa na lista de doenças de notificação compulsória da OIE, na categoria de doenças de várias espécies animais, porém atualmente se desconhece a epidemiologia e os reais prejuízos da miíase ocasionada por essa espécia no Brasil o que torna difícil a tomada de decisões por agentes públicos em relação a adoção ou não de medidas para a sua erradicação. O Maranhão, por ser um estado de transição de biomas é um bom local para a realização de estudos epidemiológicos que possam ser extrapolados para outras unidades da federação, entretanto pouco se conhece sobre os casos de miíases no Estado. Portanto, este trabalho propõe um estudo epidemiológico dos casos de miíases em duas propriedades no bioma cerrado, uma de corte e uma de leite, bem como um levantamento dos prejuízos decorrentes deste parasitismo. Estas propriedades foram acompanhadas mensalmente e colhidos dados sobre a ocorrência de miíases no rebanho, bem como informações sobre gastos com medicamentos, perda de peso e diminuição na produção leiteira. Foram colhidas as larvas para identificação e confirmação da espécie. Observou-se que no mês de maior precipitação pluviométrica ocorreu menor índice de casos de míases; em ambas as propriedades ocorreu uma incidência maior de miíase umbilical, 50% na propriedade de leite e 35% na de corte; todas as larvas encontradas entre os meses de janeiro e julho de 2018 foram da espécie Cochliomyia hominivorax; a ocorrência de miíases causa prejuízo econômico elevado na propriedade de leite

  • Milk, milk supply chain, bovine health, good milking practices, milk quality 

  • Data: 31/10/2019
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  • In Codó, as in most of the state and in the country, milk, especially in small farms, is obtained
    under poor hygienic conditions, with little technology and poor sanitary control of the animals.
    This causes significant economic losses for the region's dairy farming. This study aimed to
    characterize the milk production chain and to study the health of the dairy herd in Codó, Maranhão.
    To this end, checklists were applied during farm visits, and 295 dairy cows from 20 farms
    supplying milk to the Codó Milk Producers Association were examined. Dark bottom mug and
    California Mastitis Test (CMT) tests were performed on dairy cows at different stages of lactation
    to detect cases of clinical and subclinical mastitis. The raw milk was submitted to microbiological
    analysis and to determine the most probable number of total coliforms, thermotolerant coliforms
    and Escherichia coli, as well as to investigate the presence of positive coagulase Salmonella sp
    and Staphylococcus. Samples of the water used for milking were also analyzed by the Colilert®
    rapid method to search for total coliforms and Escherichia coli, and by the SimPlate® method the
    mesophilic aerobic heterotrophic bacteria count was performed. In order to detect Brucella sp
    antibodies in the dairy herd, blood samples were collected from lactating cows from each farm for
    a total of 102 milking cows. Serum samples were sent to accredited laboratory and subjected to
    the (Buffered Acid Antigen) screening test. During the visits, the animal keepers were advised on
    good hygiene practices in obtaining milk. The study showed that the milkers did not have adequate
    knowledge about the correct operation and maintenance of the milking and refrigeration
    equipment, thus hindering the process of use and cleaning of these equipments and the milkers
    themselves. Most producers (60%) are milking animals in covered pens and the rest are exposed
    to rain that can lead to contamination of the mammary gland. 60% of the properties under study
    are pre-milking, milking and post-milking on dirt floors. Water supplied in 35% of the properties
    is from wells and 65% from dams. It was observed that in these properties the dark bottom mug,
    CMT, pre-diping and post-diping tests were not performed. No case of clinical mastitis was
    diagnosed, only two cows were diagnosed, one in each property with subclinical mastitis. In the
    analysis of total and thermotolerant coliforms, all the samples analyzed presented values above 4
    MPN / ml, not in accordance with the standards recommended by current legislation. The results
    obtained for positive coagulase Staphylococcus were not satisfactory, since in some samples the
    presence of this microorganism was detected. For the Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp research
    the results were satisfactory due to the absence of both pathogens in the raw milk samples analyzed
    in Codó - MA. Only one brucellosis positive cow was diagnosed in only one property. The results
    obtained in this research allowed us to conclude that the high degree of nonconformities related to
    good milk production practices reinforces the need to implement Good Agricultural Practices in
    rural properties of Codó municipality for the purpose of obtaining milk according to the standards
    of quality, loss prevention and sustainability of the region's dairy activity.

  • Data: 18/11/2019
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  • Bovine tuberculosis is a disease that has Mycobacterium bovis as its etiological agent, causing serious risks to animal and human health, especially in convalescent or immunodeficient individuals, due to the susceptibility of man to the bacillus, besides causing impacts on the productivity of herds and significant economic losses. to the sector. The objective of this work was to conduct a study on the epidemiological situation based on database analysis of the official animal defense agencies of the state of Maranhão. With survey of carcass convictions in three slaughterhouses with federal inspection system (SIF) located in the municipalities of Igarapé do Meio, Imperatriz and Timon, the slaughter and conviction data refer to the period from January 1, 2012 to December 31 2018 and were obtained through access to the management information system of the federal inspection services (SIGSIF). Cattle slaughtered in these establishments had a low prevalence with detection of 82 carcass convictions for tuberculosis-suggestive lesions of 2,378,559 slaughtered cattle resulting in a prevalence of 0.003%. Data from case records of bovine tuberculosis were also consolidated at the state agricultural defense agency of the state of Maranhão (AGED / MA). From January 2011 to December 2018, 277.792 tests were performed with 82 positive case records. or suspected tuberculosis with a prevalence of 0.04%. Although prevalence data are low, we cannot accurately state the actual disease situation in Maranhão due to the absence of a state serological survey on the disease

  • Data: 26/04/2019
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  • Bovine Tuberculosis - TB is a chronic and infectious zoonosis of great economic and public health impact caused by Mycobacterium bovis. Defining their epidemiological characteristics are fundamental for control and eradication measures. Thus, this research aimed to investigate Mycobacterium bovis in lesions suggestive of animals destined to slaughter in six slaughterhouses, under different types of inspection in different regions of Maranhão, besides observing the procedures adopted by the Animal Inspection against TB occurrences. 158,290 bovines were slaughtered, of which 363 presented suggestive lesions after detailed postmortem inspection, only one adult female presented clinical alterations in ante-mortem evaluation. Lymph node, lung and liver fragments were collected and submitted to histopathological (HE) and bacteriological tests with Ziehl-Neelsen staining. Histopathological diagnosis revealed granulomatous inflammatory processes, necrotizing lesions, presence of multinucleated giant cells (Langhans type) in all samples. Bacilloscopic allowed the observation of Bacillus Acid Resistant Bacillus (BAAR) in 68 (19,280%) of the samples, which were found to be free, isolated and in necrosis area. It was observed that multiple factors such as internal trade in slaughterhouses, excessive slaughtering hours and lack of physical structure compromise the work of identifying the suggestive lesions by the inspectors and their auxiliaries, causing underreporting of the disease. We can conclude from this research that Bovine Tuberculosis is widespread in Maranhão herds, that animal inspection within slaughterhouses is insufficient, requiring regimented emergency measures, such as the implementation of laboratory tests complementary to sanitary decisions. These examinations will complement the field diagnoses carried out by Animal Defense as well as make the establishments true units of epidemiological information preserving public health.



  • Data: 30/01/2019
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  • A carne de frango é a única que, no decorrer da história, tem ampla aceitação. Diversos fatores favorecem o aumento do consumo da carne de frango. Quando comparada com as carnes bovinas, possui valor nutritivo maior, melhor digestibilidade, menor valor calórico e níveis de colesterol reduzidos, além de ser economicamente mais acessível. Muitos estudos têm demonstrado e enfatizado o papel dos alimentos produzidos, processados e conservados em condições inadequadas na transmissão de agentes patogênicos ao ser humano, podendo seu consumo acarretar risco à saúde. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar as condições físicas e higiênico-sanitárias, através de check-list, dos pontos de abate de frango no município de Parnaíba – PI. O presente trabalho compreendeu uma avaliação das condições físicas e higiênico-sanitárias de 10 pontos de abate de frango situados no município de Parnaíba localizado na região norte do estado do Piauí, tratando-se de um estudo de análise quali-quantitativa dos dados. Os estabelecimentos foram escolhidos aleatoriamente. Os resultados encontrados neste trabalho demonstram a situação caótica que esses estabelecimentos se encontram, indo contra a legislação em todos os itens observados. Nenhum estabelecimento possui condições físicas, higiênico-sanitárias para efetuar a atividade de abate de frangos no município de Parnaíba-PI.


  • Data: 10/12/2019
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  • In the face of the need for increasingly focused public policies to strengthen family farming,
    and the need to produce and provide safe food is offered to the population, the tendency
    towards verticalization of production through family agroindustrialization is increasing. The
    main objective of this work is to outline the profile of family agribusinesses, located in
    Municipalities of the Regional Unit of the State Agency of Agricultural Defense of Maranhão
    from Caxias. To identify the profile of existing agro-industries in the region, structured
    interviews were conducted based on a questionnaire with 07 questions directed to
    socioeconomic characteristics, and 30 questions related to the characterization of the activity,
    involving quantitative and qualitative data, applied to the owners and / or responsible for the
    agro-industries. , and suppliers of raw materials for agro-industries, which will allow a
    general characterization of their production units. As a result, the present work enables: the
    construction of a database that provides the basis for subsidizing the implementation of public
    policies directed to the registration of these agribusinesses; the viability of formal market
    access for products; and the contribution to: regulation of jobs in rural areas; increased
    income of family farmers; improving the quality of life of the people involved; encouraging
    young people to stay in the countryside; and the optimization of public health by offering
    inspected foods to the formal market, aiming to reduce the occurrence of zoonoses and

  • Human Brucellosis; Zoonoses; Occupational Diseases. Maranhão.

  • Data: 19/03/2018
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  • The objective of the study was to determine the occurrence of Brucella abortus in slaughterhouse workers in the state of Maranhão. For this purpose, 108 employees from five slaughterhouses directly involved in the slaughtering of cattle were invited to participate voluntarily. The collection of blood samples was performed by the cephalic vein puncture, conducted by a laboratory technique. Prior to the collection, each worker answered an epidemiological questionnaire to study possible risk factors associated with brucellosis in these professionals. The serological diagnosis of screening for anti-Brucella abortus antibodies used was Acidified Buffered Antigen (AAT), presenting four reagent samples (3.70% / 108), which were submitted simultaneously to the confirmatory tests. Slow Soro-agglutination in Tubes and 2 -Mercaptoethanol, the four samples being non-reactive. Among the risk factors evaluated, the "consumption of raw vegetables" presented statistical significance (P <0.05) associated with brucellosis. No positive results were identified for B. abortus in the 108 samples from slaughterhouse employees evaluated. However, since brucellosis is endemic in cattle herds in the state of Maranhão and considering the entire work process performed in slaughterhouses, there are great possibilities for this category of professionals to become infected.



  • Data: 19/11/2018
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  • The objective of the present research was to characterize the socioeconomic and productive profile
    of commercial poultry on the island of. And to report the sanitary episode of avian litter intake by
    cattle, epidemiologically characterizing the sanitary situation and the sanitation measures
    implemented in property. To reach the first objective, 10 broiler breeders registered at the Maranhão
    state defense agency were interviewed through semi-structured questionnaires. And, to reach the
    second objective, 119 cattle from a rural property located in the municipality of São José de
    Ribamar, Maranhão state, were used in the study. With the basic research tool (questionnaires) it
    was possible to determine some characteristics of poultry farming, such as: profile of poultry
    producers; characteristics of properties; performance of the activity; and, production, use and
    marketing of aviary bed. With the new organization of the production chain of broilers in the state
    of Maranhão, a producer with a differentiated profile in the island of São Luiz - MA, characterized
    by production in partnership with integrating companies and employment of hired labor
    characterizing a poultry industrial type; incorporation of producers with larger land areas and
    greater bird housing capacity; and, the presence of technical assistance that is reverted in
    improvement of the sanitary state and, consequently, in the indicators of productive performance.
    As for the sanitary episode, this was the result of an anonymous complaint about the supply of
    poultry litter as feed for cattle. After 72 hours of the complaint, property inspection and collection
    of feed samples were carried out. The collected material was sent to LANAGRO of Rio Grande do
    Sul for the detection or not of by-products of animal origin. In the initial inspection to the rural
    property was verified the presence of avian bed served to the cattle as food. And, in the laboratory
    result was detected the presence of bones that are not calcined, which proves the feeding of the
    animals with by-products of animal origin. In order to improve poultry farming in the studied area,
    it is necessary to establish incentive measures for poultry farms focused on health education, taking
    into account the production, use and commercialization of poultry litter and the risks arising from
    them in ruminant feeding. It is suggested the intensification in the active inspections in ruminant
    rearing properties and the control in the transit of the poultry bed that appears in the documentation
    the purpose of use of this byproduct


  • Data: 15/02/2018
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  • The responsible agent of Caseous lymphadenitis in ovine and caprine animals is Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis, being responsible for great economical loss in sheep and goat farming over the world.The research was aimed at finding out and determining, through clinical study, the topographic occurrence and distribution of superficial lymph nodes with changes (abscesses and / or scars and / or wounds in the healing process) suggestive of Caseous Lymphadenitis (LC) in small ruminants animals. 5,105 clinical tests were carried out in ovine and caprine animals in  82 properties distributed in 12 towns in this region, the comparison of the disease occurrence among assessed species, as well as the association, the location of most affected superficial lymph node, age range, gender, geographic reference, have provided us significant statistics results, to evaluate economic losses caused by the disease. The occurrence of animals with macroscopic changes in superficial lymph nodes clinically assessed in caprine and ovine animals were 4.5% (174/3890) and 1.5% (19/1240), respectively. In caprine animals , the main lesions were located in the pre-scapular lymph nodes in 25% (51/205), followed by the retro pharyngeal  lymph nodes with 20% (41/205), pre-crural with 19% (39/205), cervical 10.5% (21/205), submandibular node 9% (19/205), parotid 7% (15/205), axillary 4.5% (9/205), mammary 4% (8/205), fand the popliteal with 1% (2/205). Among ovine animals, only 23 lesions / scars were found, and their main frequency was in the pre-scapular lympho node too with 52% (12/23), followed by the  cervical with 21.5% (5/23), pre-crural with 17.5% (4/23), parotid with 4.5% (1/23) and submandibular 4.5% (1/23), the lympho retropharyngeal, axillary, mammary and popliteal did not present any lesion 0%. It is evident the necessity of future studies to evaluate the economic loss caused by the disese.

  • Characterization of the Flow of Inedible Subproducts of Animal Origin in the State of Maranhão in the Period from 2013 to 2016
  • Data: 15/02/2018
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  • By-products of animal origin are parts or derivatives derived from animals not intended for human consumption which are of fundamental importance to public health. The objective of the present work was to collect information on the transit of non-edible by-products of animal origin in the state of Maranhão, from 2013 to 2016. This information was obtained through the analysis of the official documents, Transit Guide for Animal By-products (TGBAO ), issued for intra-state transit, and Certificate of Sanitary Inspection model "E" - CSI-E, issued for intra- and interstate transit, by veterinarians of the State Agency of Agricultural and Livestock Defense of the State of Maranhão and by veterinarians accredited by the Ministry of Agriculture Livestock and Supply The most important by-products for transit in the State of Maranhão are beef shavings and shavings, followed by bovine leather, both in quantity of kilograms of transported by-products and in the quantity of documents issued. Maranhão sends a larger amount (1062105.46 tons) of by-products to states in the border regions, such as the states of Pará and Tocantins, but transit occurs for most of the states of the country, such as the states of Alagoas, Bahia, Ceará , Pernambuco, Paraná, São Paulo and Minas Gerais. The municipalities of Governador Edison Lobão, Porto Franco and Miranda do Norte are the municipalities that move the most by-products in the state. It is suggested the formation of a database and computerization and automation through a system that allows the validation of data, to avoid nonconformities and unscrambled data. A broad control of the by-products flow in the State will only be possible if there is traceability from production to slaughter, which is where the cycle ends, with the transformation of the animal into edible or inedible products, more of wide economic applicability. It is recommended the interconnection of the agricultural integration system in its slaughter control module with the issuance of official documents (CSI-E and TGBAO) for the exit of the slaughterhouse and the existence of issuers of such documentation in all municipalities of the State, as is the case with the Animal Transit Guides

  • Fish and By-products Apprehended in Agricultural Traffic Inspection in the State of Maranhão
  • Data: 15/02/2018
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  • The introduction of disease-causing aetiological agents through the irregular transport of animals and products of animal origin represents a health relevance for animal and public health. The affected countries suffer severe losses due to the decrease and devaluation of these products and the limitations imposed by the international markets. Transit inspections have the important role of reducing the risk of dissemination of infectious agents, as well as contributing to the fulfillment of the zoophytosanitary requirements of importing countries, as part of a process of inspection and traceability. In this context, the objective of the study was to evaluate the terms of fish apprehension and derivatives drawn up in agricultural transit inspection in the State of Maranhão. For that, the terms of apprehension of the State Agency of Agricultural and Livestock Defense of Maranhão, drawn up in the period from 2013 to 2017 were used, not including the activities carried out in fixed agricultural inspection posts and blitzes by the official veterinary service. During the information collection period, 90 agricultural flyers were inspected and 7,221 vehicles inspected. Of the total number of vehicles inspected, 153 (n = 2.12%) carried exclusively fish and derivatives, of which 65 (n = 42.48%) were in disagreement with the current traffic laws. The most seized type of fish was the fish totaling 11.356 kg and in different forms (live, whole, gutted, dry salted and filleted). The most frequent traffic violation in the State of Maranhão was the absence of documentation of origin of the product during transportation, be it the invoice, animal transit guide, production bulletin and sanitary inspection certificates. All notices of infringement drawn up by the official veterinary service resulted in the seizure of the products transported, in fine and in some cases destruction of the products transported. Regarding the fines, R$ 19.141.00 were recorded in the five years of the survey. It is concluded that the transit of fish and derivatives in Maranhão still occurs in disagreement with traffic laws, which may compromise public health in the State. And, also, that the agricultural transit inspections, through agricultural flyers, are a tool of the animal health defense fundamental to restrain and to discipline the transit of animals and their byproducts. In addition, to guide the carriers on the importance of compliance with the laws of transit of products of animal origin.



  • Data: 26/11/2018
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  • O Diagnóstico Educativo (DE) é parte de um processo de Educação Sanitária (ES) cuja função é identificar o problema sanitário, sua dimensão e natureza, assim como os fatores determinan-tes e condicionantes do problema em função da conduta dos indivíduos envolvidos, servindo para avaliar as mudanças decorrentes do processo mediado pela ES. A carne bovina fresca é um alimento de alta perecibilidade, o que demanda procedimentos de conservação e armazena-mento após o abate. A pesquisa tem por objetivo realizar um DE com manipuladores de carne bovina e seus clientes em dois Mercados Municipais de São Luís-MA, utilizando-o como fer-ramenta de conscientização dos mesmos sobre a da importância da refrigeração na manutenção da qualidade da carne bovina. Objetiva-se identificar as oportunidades e públicos de interesse para o projeto, bem como identificar os graus de conhecimento, atitudes e comportamentos dos manipuladores e clientes dos Mercados Municipais supracitados sobre a importância da refri-geração na conservação da qualidade da carne bovina e os aspectos negativos da prática de comprar carnes frescas. A pesquisa é do tipo qualiquantitativa, sendo estabelecido o contato com as administrações dos Mercados Municipais envolvidos, explicando-se os objetivos do projeto, a fim de facilitar a comunicação com os manipuladores de carne bovina e seus clientes, além da disponibilização de espaço físico para a realização das atividades educativas; o DE será realizado a partir de questionários, específicos para cada grupo de atores: manipuladores, cli-entes, gestores e escolares; serão utilizadas entrevistas estruturadas e semiestruturadas e obser-vações diretas para detectar os comportamentos de manipuladores e clientes. Os entrevistados assinaram um Termo de Consentimento Livre e Esclarecido (TCLE). Os questionários e o TCLE foram submetidos ao Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP). Espera-se, com a implantação do projeto educativo baseado neste diagnóstico, realizar a conscientização de manipuladores e clientes dos Mercados Municipais em relação à mudança de hábitos que colocam em risco a qualidade nutricional e higienicossanitária, bem como as características organolépticas da carne bovina comercializada.

  • Data: 04/09/2018
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  • Humanitarian slaughter is the set of technical and scientific procedures that guarantee the
    well-being of the animals from the embarkation in the rural property until the operation of
    sangria in the slaughterhouse. t is a practice that implies maintaining the physiological,
    environmental, sanitary, behavioral and psychological freedoms of the animals, so that their
    organisms remain healthy until the slaughter, providing a carcass with quality and avoiding
    unnecessary suffering to them. he objective of this study was to evaluate the animal welfare
    conditions by investigating the management practices of buffalo from pre-slaughter to
    slaughter in three municipal slaughterhouses of São Luís - MA. A total of 108 research
    questionnaires were used to obtain information from animal transporters, caretakers
    responsible for landing the animals in the corral, owners of slaughterhouses evaluated,
    technical managers in the establishments, inspectors responsible for the Municipal Inspection
    Service (SIM), employees in slaughterhouses, with application of observation checklist in
    slaughterhouses, collection and weighing of carcass lesions with bruises. Of the total of
    evaluated animals, 18.02% (405/73) presented a contusion. The degree I contusions in the
    hind and lumbar regions of the carcasses had a higher incidence with a loss of 34.961 kg in
    bruises, representing an average value of 0.48 kg per bruised carcass, demonstrating great
    economic losses to the product due to failures in transportation management, pre-slaughter to
    inadequate slaughter compromises the animal welfare and the quality of the carcasses,
    discrediting the product in the buffalo meat trade consisting of economic losses

  • Data: 26/10/2018
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  • meliponicultura honey. bees without sting. quality control.
  • Data: 28/11/2018
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  • Given the importance of the National poultry sector, and specifically in the State of Maranhão, together with the implementation of the National Poultry Health Program (PNSA) at the state level, there is a need for improvements in the sanitary standards of subsistence farming establishments. The research was carried out with the objective of establishing an educational diagnosis with the subsistence poultry breeders in the vicinity of a matrix farm in the poultry pole of Balsas-MA. Forty producers were interviewed in an area of 10 km around the farm. The findings were based on structured interviews, through the application of questionnaires, unstructured interviews and direct observations, during the visits to the properties. The results showed producers with low schooling, raising their birds in areas up to five hectares and without participation in associative entities. There is a preference for listening to radio in the morning and TV in the evening, preferring to receive information through lectures. The best way to get in touch with producers was via cell phone. AGED-MA is associated by the producers with a government agency related to animal health, but they do not use it to report suspected animal diseases, but to farm houses. Most breeding facilities have rustic facilities, breeding over forty birds and usually in conjunction with several other animal species. Most of the birds originated in the property itself, being fed entirely with maize. The water comes from wells in most of the properties visited. Drinking troughs built with tires and other plastic reservoirs were unhygienic. The birds had no disease in the two months prior to the survey. Growers are in the habit of using antibiotics and native tree barks for treatment and prophylaxis of diseases. Most birds are raised loose all day on properties, even having a chicken coop in most of them. The birds are raised for consumption of meat and eggs of the family itself. Producers are not in the habit of cleaning up where the birds are. Through an educational program with a primary focus on these breeding places near matrizeiro, it is possible to identify possible health problems and to prioritize them, as well as the methods and means to be used to cure them, together with epidemiology and health protection actions consonant with the local reality.


  • Data: 30/07/2018
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  • Manufacturing processes has came a long way over the years and industrialization of food products, innovation and investments in research, development of new processes and technologies, with aim to improving the quality of products are highlighted,. These include Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), which are sets of hygienic and sanitary procedures instituted by Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária (ANVISA) of the Ministério da Saúde (MS), Ministério da Agricultura, Pecuária e Abastecimento (MAPA)  and regulatory and oversight institutes of the activities carried out in food producing and / or food handling establishments. The objective of this study was to evaluate  the quality diagnosis through the  
    Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) and , Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) tools in slaughterhouses of bovines of the metropolitan region of São Luís. The study was carried out in slaughterhouses with Serviço de Inspeção Municipal (SIM), Serviço de Inspeção Estadual  (SIE) in the metropolitan area of São Luís, at State Maranhão. The data were collected through questionnaires in months of January from 2018 to February 2018 and contains closed questions. It was verified that in most companies there are not quality control programs implemented, which contributes to the reduction of product quality and can cause problems to the health of the consumer.

  • Construction of Infectious Equine and Mortal Anemia Informational Video
  • Data: 19/02/2018
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  • Equine infectious anemia (EIA) and Glanders are infectious diseases that can affect equidae. Animals of any age are susceptible and the main sources of infection are infected animals and asymptomatic carriers. Prevention is the main way to combat disease, since if the animal is diagnosed with one of the two diseases the indication will be euthanasia, because there is no treatment for EIA and, in the case of Glanders, is forbidden, due to the possibility of treated animals become chronic carriers of the bacterium. The Defense Animal Health works with the prevention and control of two diseases within the PNSE - National Program of Equine Health, including ban, quarantineand sanitation of animal positive properties. Health education is an important tool of defense work inanimal health prevention work of these illnesses and need to use various media so that the information reach rural producer. The educational video shows how valuable resource on health education, providing a greater understanding of the public about the economic importance and the risks to public health that such illnesses may cause. This work aimed to build an informative video about EIA and Glanders, warning of the risks inherent to the disease, the main symptoms, prevention and control. The informative video produced shows as a tool for health education of agricultural defense, assisting in the dissemination of information through an easy format and language understanding.


  • Data: 23/07/2018
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  • This work aims to analyze the profile of milk producers in the municipality of Sitio Novo-Maranhão and the risk factors associated with the occurrence of bovine mastitis, an inflammatory process that affects the mammary gland of the cows, which is contagious and easy to transmit. occurrence is related to environmental factors and their management. Thus, the socioeconomic relevance of the dairy activity is analyzed, since milk and its derivatives are important components in the Brazilian diet, besides being a production responsible for the generation of jobs and income. Therefore, the disease of these animals can cause countless damages to the production of this food, causing the decay of its quality and its productive scale. Faced with the observation of the triggering factors of inflammation, they are indicative aggravating factors: inadequate feeding, carelessness in milking, traumas in the udder and failure of the hygiene process. The research carried out in Sítio Novo aimed to analyze the profile of milk producers and risk factors associated with the occurrence of bovine mastitis. As a methodology, the bibliographic research was used in secondary sources of information (books, articles of authors and specialists in pathology) and field research. For data collection, 50 forms of milk were applied to rural producers in the municipality of Sítio Novo-MA, which included questions such as age, schooling, frequency and type of handling used in milking cows, hygiene of the udder, hygienization of the milker, knowledge of the inflammation and method of identification of the same. The analysis made it possible to trace the profile of these producers, generally of young age group, with low schooling. In addition, it was found that the level of knowledge about mastitis is high, but even though most of them do not perform the procedures for their prevention. It is understood that in view of the relevance and impacts that can be felt as a result of mastitis in the agroindustrial system of milk, it is necessary to be attentive to the attenuating aspects of these consequences. The lack of hygiene practices in milking and milking can be identified as one of the main factors that contribute to the existence of mastitis in the nurseries and cause of production losses, which indicates the need for an educational project that satisfies these needs.

  • ESTABLISHMENTS OF ABOUT AND SALE OF FRUITS IN THE NETO-MARANHÃO RABBIT MICROREGION: hygienic-sanitary characteristics and profile of the actors involved
  • Data: 15/06/2018
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  • The impact of clandestinity on the meat industry causes damages not only to the productive
    sector but also to animal welfare, the environment and, above all, public health. The aim of this
    study was to characterize the hygienic-sanitary conditions of chicken slaughter and sale
    establishments and to outline the profile of the actors involved in this segment, in the Coelho
    Neto-MA micro-region as a subsidy for actions to combat clandestine slaughter. The research
    referred to a descriptive and explanatory field study developed in the municipalities of Afonso
    Cunha, Coelho Neto and Duque Bacelar, which belong to Coelho Neto-Maranhão microregion.
    An educational diagnosis was carried out involving the techniques of direct observation of
    poultry slaughtering sites and sale of poultry, application of multiple choice questionnaires to
    municipal managers, owners and manipulators of broiler slaughterhouses and meetings with
    municipal managers. The data were analyzed from descriptive statistics, and the absolute and
    relative frequencies of the data were presented in tables and graphs. It was verified that there is
    no slaughterhouse in the Coelho Neto microregion, that the points of slaughter and sale of
    chicken do not comply with Good Food Handling Practices, exposing merchants and the
    consumer population to dangers of different natures, nor do they adopt hygienic- based on
    knowledge of the hazards and critical control points of pathogens. It was found that the evaluated
    chicken slaughter points meet the legal requirements that qualify them as beneficiaries of the
    small-scale and small-scale family agro-industry law and that, in general, the actors involved in
    the slaughter and commercialization of the chicken, are unaware of the importance and the
    operation of the inspection service. In view of the situational diagnosis, a health education
    program was developed to address the need for sanitary inspection of animal products in the
    Coelho Neto microregion to be proposed by the State Agency for Agricultural and Livestock

  • CONSÓRCIO PÚBLICO REGIONALIZADO PARA ABATE DE BOVÍDEOS NA BAIXADA MARANHENSE: uma alternativa para minimizar o abate clandestino na região

  • Data: 20/12/2016
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  • The illegal slaughter of cattle is a frequent activity in almost all regions of Brazil. Besides the problem related to tax evasion, the clandestinely on the slaughter industry brings serious risks to the consumer’s health. Objectifying the minimization of illegal slaughter, and the raise of the offer of inspected meat to the Baixada Maranhense area, including the coutines of Sao Bento, Bacurituba, Cajapió, Palmeirândia, São João Batista and São Vicente Ferrer, it is proposed the creation of a regional public syndicate for the slaughter of cattle in the Baixada Maranhense. To subsidize this proposal, it was made a literature review about that subject, and a visit to a northeast state which has the system of regionalized slaughter, and data survey with the organizations AGED/MA, IBGE, IMESC, to know the quantity of bovine, more commercialized beef cuts, prices, and the socioeconomic situation of the population from that area, and  it was applied a questionnaire in those counties which were involved. Furthermore, it was made speeches and public hearings, with the entire support of the government. Likewise, it was made a costing survey of the construction of slaughters according to the Regulamento de Inspecao Industrial e Sanitaria dos Produtos de Origem Animal (RISPOA), and a meat warehouse, through internet research, by phone with some providers, and analysis of approved projects on AGED/MA. Overall, the system of regional public syndicate for the slaughter of cattle is a viable alternative to finish the illegal slaughter issue and offer a safer food for the population

    I study immunological and of molecular biology

  • Data: 27/12/2016
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  • This study aimed to evaluate the health status of the herd swine in the state of Maranhão related with the Classical Swine Fever (CSF) and Leptospirosis. It was collected three hundred (300) blood samples and one hundred (100) tonsil fragments for research Classical Swine Fever and 190 (one hundred and ninety) blood samples selected in random order for leptospirosis research, distributed in 15 (fifteen) municipalities: Açailandia, Bom Jesus das Selvas, Formosa da Serra Negra , Fortaleza dos Nogueiras, Barra do Corda, Caixas, Peritoró, Coroatá, Imperatriz, São Luís, Sâo José de Ribamar, Paço do Lumiar, Bequimão and São Bento. The Blood samples relative Classical Swine Fever research were submitted to the test of Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) and samples of tonsil fragments for RT-PCR. For the research of leptospirosis was made proof Micróspica agglutination test (MAT), and was used 24 serovars of Leptospira spp anti-complex. Of the 300 (100%) blood samples and 100 (100%) tonsil samples, all (100%) were negative. Of the 190 (100%) specimens tested by SAM, 79 (41.58%) were positive for one or more serovars used in 1:100 dilution. The most frequent was serovars Canicola 29\190 (15.3%), followed by Sentot 26\190 (13.9%), Butembo 22\190 (11.6%), Tarassovi 19\190 (10%), Whitcombi 16\190 (8.4%), and Batavae 13\190 (6,8%) . The absence of viral circulation in these environments provides subsidies that help to support the state for the eradication of Classical Swine Fever. Regarding Leptospirosis, positivity reflects the need for measures to be taken to control this disease.

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