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  • HISTORICAL LITERACY FOR THE DEAF: teaching Maranhense legends in Brazilian Sign Language through digital technologies

  • Data: May 2, 2023
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  • This research addresses the importance of historical literacy and digital technologies in teaching Maranhense legends to deaf students in high school in São Luís (MA). Considering that these narratives are usually transmitted orally, the deaf tend to have limited access to this cultural and historical heritage. The overall objective of the research is to investigate how historical literacy, applied through Brazilian Sign Language (Libras), can methodologically enrich the teaching of Maranhense legends and promote the critical development of deaf students, using digital technologies. Specific objectives include: understanding the context of Maranhense legends as a historical and socio-cultural expression; identifying how historical literacy, applied through Libras and visual resources, influences the development of the deaf; developing a course with historical literacy strategies for deaf students; and verifying the opinion of deaf students and teachers about the strategies available in the course, offering an adapted list for deaf historical literacy. The methodology employed was an applied and explanatory case study, using a qualitative approach, including questionnaires with teachers and Libras interpreters. The research was based on academic experiences, pedagogical experiences in the field of deafness, readings on historical and visual literacy, teacher training, and digital technologies in education. The results indicate the need to improve history teaching for deaf students, promoting greater inclusion and cooperation between teachers and Libras interpreters. The adoption of technologies and visual resources can enrich teaching and stimulate the active participation of deaf students in the classroom.


  • Data: May 2, 2023
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  • The Inclusive School urges the need to welcome, in a democratic way, an increasingly heterogeneous population, where everyone must be assisted in their educational specificities, through curricular flexibility to the formal curriculum. This school, based on the curricular assumption, means that the student with a disability must be part of the regular class, learning the same contents as the others – albeit in different ways – and it is up to the teacher, with the support and assistance of the entire school team, to make the necessary flexibility. In this way, studying and creating strategies that facilitate and expand the schooling of students with disabilities becomes a sine qua non condition for achieving a truly inclusive education. Thus, this research seeks to analyze the teaching praxis with the
    use of Montessori reference materials in the schooling of students with intellectual disabilities in a public school in the municipal teaching network of São Luís - MA. It starts with the study of the following question: Does the practice of teachers who work with students with intellectual disabilities, in an inclusive perspective, when using pedagogical materials of Montessori reference, make the schooling process feasible? It is a qualitative descriptive research, which covers the application of interviews, observation and the elaboration and production of pedagogical resources inspired by the Montessori philosophy. It is hoped that this research will encourage the construction of an inclusive teaching praxis for students with intellectual disabilities in public and private schools.


  • Data: Oct 20, 2022
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  • The student with Autism Spectrum Disorder usually presents difficulties in social interaction, communication, and behavior. These limitations tend to hinder the understanding of maps in the final years of elementary school. Thus, the research problem is defined as: What are the limits and possibilities in the use of cartographic representations by Geography teachers with students with ASD? This paper aims to understand the limits and possibilities in the use of cartographic representations with students with ASD in elementary school in the city of Floriano (PI). We chose a case study with a qualitative approach, of applied nature, characterized as descriptive. Data was collected through semi-structured interviews with 4 (four) Geography teachers from municipal schools in the city of Floriano (PI), with questions about teacher training, practices for teaching cartography, knowledge of ASD and the use of digital technologies using Assistive Technology (AT). The data were analyzed and organized in charts based on the questions raised in the interviews. The results of the research revealed that geography teachers in the final years of elementary school encounter numerous difficulties in using maps for autistic students, mainly due to the difficulty of interaction and attention. This evidence allowed the theoretical basis for the preparation of the Teaching Guide Autistic Spectrum Disorder and cartographic teaching, containing methodological strategies for the use of maps, which can be adapted by the teacher. It is expected that this study provides an equitable cartographic teaching for students with ASD, serving as a basis for future research involving the use of ICTs as an AT resource.


  • Data: Oct 24, 2022
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  • It was decided to implement the teaching of music with guitar to be developed with students with visual impairments, in the inclusive context, added to the profiles of Assistive Technology (AT) as musical teaching resources. In this context, this research has as general objective: discuss the teaching of music with guitar and its Assistive Technology for students with visual impairments. Its specific objectives are: to describe the ways of teaching music with guitar at the initial basic level; identify the profile of the visually impaired person and their AT in the school context; review the scientific productions related to the teaching of music with guitar and its AT for people with visual impairments; and create a Didactic Guide on teaching music with guitar and its Assistive Technology to be developed with students with visual impairments. Finally, the problem question will be answered: What are the ways of teaching music with guitar and its Assistive Technology relevant to students with visual impairments? Its methodology consists of qualitative and procedural research, represented by a Systematic Literature Review (SLR). Supporting references involve international/national documents and related authors: to general and inclusive education, to teaching music with guitar, to people with visual impairments and their Assistive Technology. As a result, 31 articles were found that deal with music teaching for people with visual impairments with their respective AT profiles, among them, only one article presented guitar teaching for people with visual impairments. The National Common Curricular Base (NCCB) was considered as a guiding document to outline the teaching of music with the guitar and the relevance and need for the music teacher to know the specifics of the student's visual impairment was verified, to be able to design and plan classes with AT relevant to educational needs, equitably. Finally, a Didactic-Instructional Guide to music with guitar was created, supported by the NCCB, the results of the RSL research and similar authors, indicating examples of five Objects of Knowledge and their Abilities referring to Elementary School and three Competencies and their Abilities, in terms of secondary education.


  • Data: Oct 19, 2022
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  • This study aimed to discuss teaching practices in the context of inclusion of children who are part of the Target Population of Special Education (TPSE) and aims to analyze the practices of teachers of Early Childhood Education in relation to the inclusion process of TPSE children. We chose to conduct an exploratory and descriptive research, with a qualitative approach. For data collection, we used as a tool a semi-structured interview with questions organized in three sections: identification data, knowledge about inclusion and inclusive teaching practices. Four teachers with experience in the inclusion of TPSE children in Early Childhood Education in a school of the Public Municipal Network of São Luís - MA participated in this research. Due to the health protocols of social distancing, derived from the pandemic of COVID-19, the interviews with the teachers were conducted using Google Meet. We used the Content Analysis method to examine the results of the semi-structured interviews conducted with the teachers who participated in the study. For the theoretical basis, we opted for Paulo Freire's Liberatory Pedagogy, as well as the work of other theorists who study school inclusion from a democratic, human, emancipatory, and plural perspective. We found that, despite the obstacles in the classroom, the participating teachers have positive conceptions of inclusion and are committed to the development of diversified teaching practices, with the purpose of including all children. We verified that even though they demonstrate a need for more knowledge in the area, the teachers create possibilities through individual and collective interventions by using adapted and flexible activities, games, and interactions with the purpose of including everyone, ensuring the same rights to learning and integral development. We also observed that teachers reveal fear and insecurity in relation to the process of inclusion of TPSE children, feelings justified by the solitary work performed in the regular classroom, as well as the lack of support from professionals of Special Education, in addition to the deficit of resources available to assist them in their work. Thus, we identified through the analysis of the research data a lack of continuous training in the area, support from the school team, as well as human and material resources so that the educational process of school inclusion could occur in a satisfactory manner. As an educational product, we developed a pedagogical proposal aiming to contribute to more inclusive pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education, using children's literature as a starting point.

  • Assistive Technology: Augmentative and Alternative Communication Resources to mediate the literacy process of students with autism

  • Data: Oct 20, 2022
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  • Understanding written language as a continuum of oral language, it is plausible to understand that the limitations present in the communication focus on barriers that are usually seen as obstacles in the literacy process of students with autism. Because it is a disorder whose main dysfunction affects the area of social interaction and communication, it is necessary that the school responds to the height, providing accessible means that expand the communicative skills and facilitate literacy, as a basic element in the construction of knowledge. Believing, therefore, that Assistive Technology and, more specifically, the Augmentative and Alternative Communication Resources (AAC) can be important allies in this proposal, this paper intends to analyze the implications of AAC resources in the literacy process of students with autism. Therefore, the central question that guided this research was to know what are the implications of AAC resources in the literacy of students with autism. The search for answers led this work to a descriptive research, with a qualitative approach, supported by the use of case studies. For data collection, semi-structured interviews and systematic observation in the common room were conducted. Six teachers from the public municipal network of Pedro do Rosário/MA, who work with children on the autistic spectrum, participated as subjects of the research: three teachers of the common room, of the literacy cycle (1st and 2nd year of elementary school), and three from the Specialized Educational Attendance Room (AEE). Data collection only began after the project was reviewed by the Ethics and Research in Human Beings Committee, and approved by opinion 5.130.162 (attached). The discussions, presented in this dissertation, were based on the cultural-historical perspective of Vygotsky (1994), for understanding, like him, that man is constituted as such through his social interactions. And also, by the studies of Sartoretto; Bersch (2010), Nunes; Walter (2016), Serra (2018), Soares (2020) and Mendes (2010). The results showed the weakness in understanding the roles and the lack of coordination between the actors involved in ensuring learning and accessibility for students with autism. This, in turn, hinders a more satisfactory involvement of these resources in the context of literacy mediation of these students.

  • Pedagogical Practice mediated by Visual Pedagogy: proposal for the development of an inclusive educational process for Deaf students in regular education.

  • Data: Oct 17, 2022
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  • Inclusive Education is characterized as an educational paradigm that serves everyone in
    their specificities. In this way, thinking about the organization of an inclusive educational proposal
    for the Deaf student presupposes recognition and consideration of their way of understanding and
    interacting with the world, which takes place through visual experiences. It is a study that lists as a
    research problem: to understand how Portuguese Language teachers understand Visual Pedagogy in
    the organization of teaching strategies for the learning and development of Deaf students in regular
    schools. Based on this understanding, the objective is to investigate teaching strategies based on the
    visuality of deafness developed by Portuguese Language teachers, with a view to the school
    inclusion of deaf students in regular education. It is a qualitative study, with a descriptive-reflective
    approach. For allowing greater resourcefulness of the interviewee, the semi-structured interview was
    chosen as an instrument for the collection and recording of data, from the perspective of the
    narrative. The study was developed in public schools in the city of Codó-MA, which had Deaf
    students in their student body. In these institutions, the subjects participating in the research,
    professors graduated in Portuguese, were identified through pre-established criteria. This study
    presents theoretical basis authors such as Mantoan (2015; 2017; 2021); Campello (2007;2008;2018);
    Lebedeff (2017); Stumpf (2010); Strobel (2018); Buzar (2009); Gomes and Sousa (2020); Sá
    (2011); Glat (2018); Voltolini (2019); Rodrigues (2021). With this research we provide a reflection
    and analysis about the teaching strategies designed for the Deaf student and how they help in the
    appropriation of the systematized knowledge of these students, as well as the school inclusion of this subject in the regular school.

  • EDUCAÇÃO INCLUSIVA E O USO DAS TDIC NA EDUCAÇÃO BÁSICA: desafios para garantir a aprendizagem durante a pandemia do novo coronavírus (Covid-19)

  • Data: Oct 25, 2022
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  • Com a pandemia do Novo Coronavírus da Covid-19 foram estabelecidas várias medidas pela Organização Mundial da Saúde (OMS), para conter a proliferação do vírus. Entre essas medidas estava o fechamento das escolas, fazendo com essas instituições de ensino buscassem, por meio do uso das tecnologias, adequar-se ao novo formato de aulas remotas. Nesse sentido, o objetivo é analisar como as escolas públicas da Educação Básica do município de Grajaú/MA inseriram as Tecnologias Digitais da Informação e Comunicação (TDIC), no processo de ensino-aprendizagem, de modo a fomentar a inclusão dos estudantes com deficiência, durante a pandemia da Covid-19. Nessa direção, contou-se com as concepções teóricas de Bacich e Moran (2015; 2018), Sancho et al. (2006), Matoan (2000) , Quintella (2018), entre outros, buscando acentuar reflexões sobre as implicações pedagógicas e sociais que ocorreram durante a pandemia para garantir o ensino através do uso das TDIC. A pesquisa qualitativa, de natureza exploratória, desenvolveu-se como pesquisa de campo e teve como sujeitos profissionais da Secretaria Municipal de Educação e professores que atuam na sala comum e no Atendimento Educacional Especializado (AEE). A coleta dos dados contou com aplicação de questionário e entrevistas semiestruturadas na perspectiva de análise de conteúdo de Bardin (2011). Os resultados obtidos demonstram as barreiras enfrentadas pelas escolas da Rede Municipal de Ensino de Grajaú/MA para garantir os processos pedagógicos durante a pandemia, entre elas destacam-se: a falta de conectividade nas escolas, de recursos tecnológicos acessíveis, de formação para o uso das TDIC na prática docente, de tecnologias assistivas que atendam todas as especificidades dos alunos com deficiência e de condições de acessibilidade em plataformas digitais. Por outro lado, as instituições de ensino buscaram por meio da entrega de material pedagógico impresso, dar continuidade as aulas aos alunos com deficiência durante o ensino remoto emergencial. No boço desse cenário, que afeta toda a educação brasileira, é importante destacar a necessidade  de formação continuada e de material pedagógico que auxiliem os professores a desenvolverem novas práticas pedagógicas voltadas para uma educação inclusiva, utilizando-se das TDIC e das Tecnologias Assistivas no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência. Um produto educacional, fruto dessa pesquisa foi elaborado na forma de e-book, cujo título As Tecnologias Assistivas no Ensino da Educação Física: brincadeiras e jogos inclusivos, com propostas pedagógicas que venham a contribuírem no processo de ensino e de aprendizagem de alunos com deficiência.

  • CONTINUING FORMATION OF TEACHERS FOR INCLUSIVE EDUCATION: an analysis of pedagogical routines regarding the attendance of children who are part of the Target Population of Special Education. 

  • Data: Oct 19, 2022
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  • This dissertation, presented to the Networked Professional Master's Program in Inclusive Education, from Maranhão State University – UEMA, within the Research Line Teacher Education, brings as general objective to analyze the pedagogical routines of teachers of UEB Carlos Salomão Chaib, in the face of serving the children who are part of the Target Population of Special Education (TPSE), for the development of an inclusive pedagogical proposal. It has as specific objectives: To identify the perceptions of teachers about inclusive education; To problematize the inclusion in the pedagogical routine of teachers, in order to establish a space for continued education; To analyze, with the teachers, the documents that govern Early Childhood Education and the proposal for full-time daycare centers and preschools in the Municipal Network of São Luís; and To develop a pedagogical proposal, collaboratively, with didactic and methodological guidelines for improvements in the pedagogical routine of teachers, regarding the inclusion of TPSE students in the school under investigation. The discussions held in this study go through three central categories of analysis: Inclusive Education, Pedagogical Routines and Continuing Formation of Teachers. Regarding methodology, this is an action research, of qualitative approach, based on Cultural Studies. The locus of this study is the UEB Carlos Salomão Chaib, Full-Time Nursery and Preschool, an institution linked to the Municipal Public Network of the city of São Luís, in the state of Maranhão. The universe of the research is composed of 5 teachers of early childhood education, who work in the researched institution. For the collection of information in this research, focus group interviews were used, in the format of conversation circles, as well as field diary records and official documents. For the organization and analysis of data, we used the content analysis method of Bardin (2011). The results indicate that teachers' perceptions of Inclusive Education reveal similarities with the proposal of integration, that needs to be overcome. It was also possible to verify that there is a lack of knowledge about theoretical and methodological contributions to Inclusive Education and about the current legislation that supports it. We also examined that the challenges faced by teachers in their daily school routine are aggravated by the lack of necessary support and that, among the aspects that involve the routine of teachers, there is a need to reflect on how the excess of demands of the school dynamic reverberates in their practices in attending children with special needs. We also observed the valorization of continuing formation moments as opportunities to seek new strategies for action. Thus, the results of this study were determinant for the development of a proposal for the continuing formation of teachers for Inclusive Education in full-time daycare centers and preschools, which is presented as the Educational Product of this dissertation.


  • Data: Sep 29, 2022
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  • The school inclusion of deaf people and the conditions of access to curricular components in sign language, through the performance of professional interpreter, are legally guaranteed. In addition to accessibility, inclusive schools need professionals to develop strategies that bring together deaf and hearing cultures, in dialogue with different contexts, including digital. The pedagogical experiences and the academic path, associated with readings on inclusive education of deaf people, teacher training and digital technologies fostered this study that investigates the following problem: How can Gamification contribute to the inclusion and multidisciplinary learning of deaf students? In this sense, the overall objective is to analyze the Gamification as an inclusive pedagogical strategy for deaf students. To achieve it, specific objectives were outlined, which are: Identify the knowledge about Gamification of teachers and interpreters of Brazilian Sign Language (LSB), in the field school of the study; promote dialogues and interventions, from the empirical observation and interviews with teachers and interpreters of LSB; investigate the Gamification strategies used by teachers, under the inclusive perspective; produce a free online course about Gamification in the process of teaching and learning of deaf people, aimed at teachers and interpreters of LSB. This research, qualitative in nature, is a case study (YIN, 2001) that used as instruments the observation and records in a logbook, according to the movements of attention in the cartographic method; bibliographic analysis and interviews with the faculty. The data obtained were analyzed from the theoretical framework that guides this study, based on authors who deal with Gamification in educational context; school education of the deaf and digital inclusion. As results, it was possible to observe that teachers had a conceptual appropriation about Gamification and the expansion of knowledge about educational inclusion of deaf people, after the training moments. Moreover, it was understood that the gamified pedagogical practices carried out at school instigated collaborative learning and, therefore, expanded the possibilities of inclusion and learning. However, it was found that aspects such as linguistic fluency in Libras and Portuguese, knowledge of deaf cultural artifacts and little technological and digital structure hindered the process of gamification, with inclusive perspective, in some moments, but will stimulate future research on this theme. From the observations, interviews and suggestions from teachers and interpreters, the educational product of this research was built, which is a free online course on Gamification and deaf school education, entitled "Gamification in the Inclusive Teaching of the Deaf", set on the platform of open courses of the State University of Maranhão, in order to offer teachers and interpreters of LSB a theoretical and practical training on Gamification and in the process of teaching and learning of deaf people, in the inclusive perspective.

  • Soroban: Assistive Technology for the inclusion of the Visually Impaired in the Teaching-Learning Process of Mathematics

  • Data: Oct 25, 2022
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  • Inclusive Education refers to the construction of an education that enable everyone (with or without disabilities) the right to access and the conditions of stay in school. In order to evaluate the process of school inclusion beyond insertion, using Soroban as an aid tool in the process teaching-learning. The qualitative research, of the descriptive type, had as field study, three municipal public schools in the southeastern area of Teresina-PI. As research participants, sixteen teachers were heard, who are crowded in schools in whose classes there are students with visual impairments. As a result, it was possible to infer that Soroban can be a tool of aid in the construction of an inclusive Mathematics teaching, since it became evident that it is possible to work on Mathematics interactively with students visually impaired and sighted students.

  • Pedagogical practices in the education of the deaf in the final grades of Basic Education.

  • Data: Oct 19, 2022
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  • In this qualitative study, we focus on the problem of pedagogical practices developed in the education of the deaf, based on the valorization of linguistic diversity. We focused the study at the Centro de Ensino Doutor Getúlio Vargas, in the city of Monção, MA, where deaf students were enrolled in high school, in the years 2020 and 2021. The objective was to analyze the pedagogical practices carried out in the education of the deaf in the final grades. of basic education for the elaboration of an inclusive pedagogical proposal. In this way, we were interested in investigating: 1) how the pedagogical practices developed by teachers are being carried out in order to address the needs of all students; 2) if the proposed curriculum has undergone the necessary adaptations so that it can be accessed by deaf students; 3) the difficulties that teachers have faced in the education of the deaf. Understanding that the school must promote the socialization and learning of this public, the present research aimed to answer the following question: how has the schooling of deaf students in the final grades of Basic Education been carried out? We reflect on issues related to policy for the education of the deaf and the inclusion of this audience in the educational process, having as references the research of Mazzota (2005), Dorziat (2009), Sardagna (2007), Lopes (2014), Quadros (2000) and others. With regard to the methodology used, this work is characterized as an action research, as it intends to develop a research that goes beyond the quantification of data, but seeks to understand the aspects and subjects involved, intervening in the process in order to contribute to its improvement. As a tool for data collection, we used semi-structured interviews, recorded, with teachers working in the regular classroom and the instructor and interpreter teacher of the Brazilian Sign Language - Libras. The analysis of the research data is based on the dialogic and discursive
    perspective of teaching and language, in Freire (1987), as he defends dialogue as an essential factor in the relationship between educator and student, which leads to an education based on respect for differences. and the physical and/or human characteristics of all those involved. Among the results obtained, we highlight that the pedagogical practices developed by the teachers were based on the listening perspective of teaching, as methodologies that do not address the needs of deaf students were prioritized; teachers' lack of knowledge of Libras makes it difficult for students to learn; the lack of elaboration of a collaborative teaching plan makes cooperation in educational work unfeasible and prevents the sharing of strategies that enhance learning. Thus, these results point to the need to build a pedagogical praxis based on diversity and human appreciation, which requires continuous training of educators with a view to including all those who make up the educational process.

  • The use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication in the vocabulary development of preschool children with autism: a study in a school of the Municipal Network of São Luíz - MA.

  • Data: Oct 17, 2022
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  • Autism is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects communication skills, comprehension and expression, with language deficits, stereotyped and repetitive behaviors, as well as restricted and specific interests. The context of this master's research is related to the vocabulary development of preschool students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD). To this end, the Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC), a category of Assistive Technology (AT), is presented as a didactic-pedagogical tool to help the educational and vocabulary development of these students. Therefore, we aimed to investigate how the use of AAC influences the formation and development of vocabulary of preschool children with autism. In this perspective, regarding the methodology, this is a descriptive and exploratory applied research, from a qualitative approach, carried out through semi-structured interviews with a teacher of Specialized Educational Assistance (AEE) who attends in a Multifunctional Resource Room (SRM) of a school of the municipal network of São Luís - MA, about the resources, strategies and pedagogical practices used for the development of the vocabulary of preschool children with autism. For the analysis of data and information collected, the content analysis method was used, by means of categorical analysis. The study revealed that, although the pedagogical practice of the AEE already uses low-tech visual aids, there is a need for implementation, since the SRM professional often needs to be polyvalent in his/her performance, which also demands a training directed to the autism area. From the study, it was built during the research an E-book containing a didactic sequence proposal, using AAC resources and strategies that will enable the SRM teachers to expand their knowledge about alternative communication systems, understanding that the AAC being a practice with scientific evidence, may promote greater inclusion and vocabulary development of students with ASD, through the implementation of pedagogical practice.


  • Data: Oct 20, 2022
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  • This study aimed to analyze the formative path of the continuing education of teachers at the Municipal School of Early Childhood Education in Picos-Piauí, within the scope of Inclusive Education, as a trend in current works. This research is characterized by an exploratory and descriptive qualitative approach. The research was developed in person, with the collaboration of six teachers from the municipal public network of Picos-PI, who agreed to participate in the research. The data were elaborated through a questionnaire and interviews with objective and subjective questions, seeking to know the conception about the continuing education of teachers from the perspective of Inclusive Education. Based on the information available and the investigation on continuing teacher education as an inclusion practice, they motivated the planning of a product of this research, in order to develop an audiovisual resource in this research, based on the workshop made available to the collaborators, in order to contribute to teacher training and having the concept that continuing education is an instrument that helps in the inclusion process.

  • Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) and deaf culture in the teacher’s continuing formation: communicative interaction for deaf students

  • Data: Oct 20, 2022
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  • The discussion proposed in this study is part of the continuing education of teachers,involving Libras and deaf culture as a form of communicative interaction for teaching deaf students in the context of High School. Therefore, it had as general objective: to analyze, from continuing education in Libras, possibilities for the development of inclusive pedagogical practices for deaf students. Specifically, the following objectives were outlined: To understand how teachers develop their pedagogical practice for teaching and learning deaf students in regular schools; Check actions aimed at continuing education in Libras and on the deaf culture proposed to teachers who work with deaf students; Develop continuing education in Libras and deaf culture, with an emphasis on methodological strategies, for teachers who work with deaf students in high school; Develop a pedagogical notebook with information about Libras and deaf culture. For the consolidation of the proposed objectives, the study was based on a qualitative approach, being designed as a case study, carried out in a school of the state education network located in the city of Caxias - MA that offers High School and Youth Education. Adults (EJA). In this scenario, seven teachers who work or have worked with deaf students participated. The data were produced from the application of questionnaires, interviews and training workshops. The analysis of these data, based on the technique of content analysis, from the perspective of Bardin (2016), it was found that, among other aspects, the needs of an inclusive pedagogical practice for deaf students permeate teacher train ing, as a condition for these teachers recognize the challenges and possibilities for the development of this pedagogical practice. The elaboration of the pedagogical notebook, whose theme is “Libras and deaf culture at school: learning with the hands”, constituted the final product of the study carried out. Thus, it is expected to contribute with information to improve interaction and pedagogical practices for teachers, respecting the particularities of deaf students in order to promote inclusive education. 


  • Data: Oct 19, 2022
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  • The objective of this research is to analyze how teachers from public high schools, in the city of São Luís - MA, have worked in their literacy practices, the discipline of Portuguese with their Deaf students. Thus, in order to understand how these practices are developed, in the context of Inclusive Education for the Deaf, research with a Qualitative approach, of the Descriptive and Exploratory type, is used. The locus of the research is a school in the state education network of São Luís - MA, in a class of the 2nd Year of High School, which has Deaf students enrolled and, as participants in the research, a teacher of the Portuguese Language subject, from the Sala de Multifunctional Resources and the Sign Language Translator / Interpreter. Data production was done through Semi-structured Interviews via Google Meet, later analyzed based on Content Analysis. The educational product is a Pedagogical Notebook in ebook format, which can help teacher training by proposing possibilities for innovative practices aimed at the literacy of Deaf students in Portuguese in regular schools, in accordance with Collaborative Teaching (EC) and the Universal Design of Learning (DUA). When analyzing these categories constituted through the interviews, it was considered that: the use of the Brazilian Sign Language (Libras) at school is limited to the Resource Room teacher and the Libras Interpreter; there is an explanation of different types and textual genres, while the Portuguese Language teacher focuses on those specific to the 2nd Year of High School, the Resource Room teacher emphasizes those of daily use and need of Deaf students; students, in general, are not motivated to participate in reading and writing practices provided in the Portuguese language course; and there is no development of an EC and a DUA. In this perspective, we propose the need for new literacy practices aimed at the development of the Deaf student, for this purpose, the use of Libras, diversity of textual genres, accessible and active methodologies, for the development of heterogeneous practices stimulating engagement, diverse presentations of the content and actions and expression of knowledge by students, in accordance with the DUA approach. Thus, it is essential to promote an EC among the teachers involved in the literacy process in Portuguese.


  • Data: Oct 11, 2022
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  • We understand the act of assessment as a part of the teacher's performance, and its understanding should be deeper examined, in order to verify whether this assessment tool is contributing to the student's teachinglearning process or not, specifically focusing on deaf students. Our theoretical framework is based on authors such as: Alvez (2010); Boiler (2000); Fernandes (2007); Luckesi (2011); Santos and Paulino (2008); Strobel (2008). This research has been developed within the Master's Degree Program in Inclusive Education – PROFEI; the campus is located in the State University of Maranhão and its main aim was to analyze the learning assessment process of deaf students, carried out by teachers in the final years of a State Elementary School in the city of Teresina-PI. The forementioned research, involves a qualitative approach, exploratory and descriptive, developed over face-to-face interviews and online meetings at the school where the teachers work. The sample universe consists of five teachers from the final two years of a State Elementary School in the city of Teresina-PI. Data were generated through semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire based on Bardin's Content Analysis theory (2011). After analyzing the data, as an educational product of this research, we elaborated an educational notebook, in E-book format, with some proposals for inclusive assessment of deaf students. It is noticeable that the lack of knowledge of Special Education area, within the inclusive perspective, leads the teachers not to consider the idea that the learning assessment is a tool or a practice capable of including deaf students; therefore, due to the lack of recurring training, they also seem unaware of inclusive assessments. We believe that this research will foster reflective practices in order to produce inclusive assessments coherent with deaf student requirements.

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