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  • ESTÁGIO SUPERVISIONADO E FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES: um estudo com professores/as em formação do curso de Pedagogia do Instituto de Ensino Superior Franciscano (IESF)

  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • The present study deals with the supervised internship as an essential curricular component for
    the formation of the graduate in Pedagogy, aiming to investigate how the practice of the
    supervised internship allows the development of relationships with the theories learned
    throughout the course. The proposal defended here is the supervised internship as a field of
    research, based on the existence of an inseparable relationship between theory and practice. A
    contextualization of the internship and its relationship with teacher training is made, starting
    from the analysis of the narrative speeches of the collaborators of this research, students of the
    Pedagogy course at the Franciscan Higher Education Institute (IESF). The central problem of
    the study is: Does the proposal for the constant supervised internship in the Pedagogical Project
    of the Pedagogy Course, in the institution locus of the research, propose actions/activities that
    allow the analysis, knowledge and reflection of the teaching work? The methodology used was
    bibliographical research in order to theoretically support the study, followed by narrative
    research, with a qualitative approach, having as corpus the speeches of the research
    collaborators. For data production, the following instruments were used: conversation circle
    and narrative interview. The authors who dialogued with the study were: Pimenta (2012),
    Pimenta and Lima (2004), Buriolla (2011), Campos (2007), Ghedin, Oliveira and Almeida
    (2015), Demo (2012), Tanuri et al. (2011), Imbernón (2014), Tardif (2005), Miranda (2018)
    and Minayo (2007) among others. The narratives analyzed so far demonstrate the need for a
    full dialogue between the disciplines and the internship, as well as the interaction with the
    political pedagogical project of the course and greater theoretical appropriation by the students
    for a better understanding of the pedagogical work.


  • Data: 09/05/2024
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  • The present research work has as theme the continued formation of teachers from the
    community school Jardim de Infância Rosa de Maio, bringing to discussions the continued
    formation of teachers from community and philanthropic schools linked to the municipality of
    São Luís-MA. Had as goal to analyze the percussion of teachers formation from community
    school Jardim de Infância Rosa de Maio, and had as focus the continued formation of teachers.
    The research used quantitative methodology and bibliography and documental research; the
    collection of data was made through the intensive direct observation method, where we used
    the observation of school daily and interview with 8 teachers and one school headmaster. It was
    verified through the results that the public politics in the continued formation of teachers from
    the municipality network of São Luís don’t reach the teachers from the community schools
    linked to municipality public network, opening a new category of “professorial precariat” once
    that these professionals don’t have a plan of positions and careers, national minimum wage,
    continued formation and their workers rights aren’t assured to them. The quantity of children
    and, respectively, the number of teachers assisted by agreement it’s bigger than those assisted
    by the municipal public system, becoming bigger in each year. Also as result of the research we
    brought the Proposal Plan of Continued Formation for teachers of Community School Jardim
    de Infância Rosa de Maio, designed in the perspective Historical-Critical Pedagogical and
    constructed from the demand of school research. The considered the necessity of teachers'
    valorization in the community schools linked through public politics that attempt the teacher’s
    category but it’s indispensable that the town hall of São Luís extend its network of children’s
    service and don’t outsource the children’s education.


  • Data: 23/05/2024
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  • O presente estudo, realizado no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação (PPGE),
    Mestrado Profissional em Educação da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão (UEMA), com
    aderência à linha de pesquisa Gestão Educacional e Escolar, teve como objetivo analisar como
    se materializa a participação do Conselho Escolar em uma escola pertencente à Rede Pública
    Municipal de Ensino de São Benedito do Rio Preto/MA, buscando apreender mecanismos que
    favorecem tal participação, bem como possíveis contribuições para a qualidade do atendimento
    educativo e para a qualidade da educação. Na análise do fenômeno, que adotou uma perspectiva
    democrática de gestão escolar, buscou-se responder à seguinte questão: como se materializa a
    participação do Conselho Escolar em escolas pertencentes à Rede Pública Municipal de Ensino
    de São Benedito do Rio Preto/MA? Para dar consecução aos objetivos, o estudo trouxe à baila
    o itinerário histórico, político e econômico da gestão educacional e escolar no âmbito das
    políticas e reformas educacionais no Brasil, notadamente a partir dos anos 1990, dando início
    à criação de instâncias colegiadas, particularmente o Conselho Escolar enquanto mecanismo
    para fortalecer a gestão democrática no espaço/tempo da escola pública. A discussão e a análise
    do fenômeno teve como apoio teórico-conceitual: Aguiar (2008, 2023); Dourado (2006, 2007,
    2020); Fonseca (2004, 2009); Freitas (2018); Hora (1994, 2002); Laval (2004); Paro (2007,
    2010, 2016); Peroni (2003); Saviani (2009, 2010), entre outros. A análise levou em
    consideração os principais documentos legais constituídos a partir da Constituição de 1988,
    incluindo a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (LDBEN no 9.394, de 1996), o
    Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE 2014-2024) e o Plano Municipal de Educação (PME), entre
    outros. O estudo, que se insere na abordagem qualitativa, adotou a análise de conteúdo (Bardin,
    1997; Franco, 200), e um olhar dialético (Kosik, 1976) na análise fenomênica. Além de
    documentos oficiais, foram analisados depoimentos do gestor da SEMED, do gestor escolar, de
    professores do Ensino Fundamental e de membros do Conselho Escolar (CE) de uma escola
    pertencente à rede pública de ensino de São Benedito do Rio Preto/MA. A análise dos
    documentos e das falas dos entrevistados, coletados na escola pesquisada, trouxe como
    principal evidência a constatação de que, embora a escola possua um Conselho Escolar, não há
    registro de ação efetiva dessa instância colegiada, o que permite inferir que a participação da
    comunidade escolar por meio da sua instância representativa encontra-se fragilizada, denotando
    uma cultura hierarquizada com pouca participação social na tomada de decisões sobre questões
    fundamentais da organização do sistema de gestão escolar, principalmente em suas dimensões
    administrativas, pedagógicas e financeiras. Assim, justifica-se a importância do Conselho

    Escolar como órgão colegiado, autônomo no âmbito da escola, que possa contribuir para
    materializar a democracia na escola. Como contribuição, foi construído um Caderno de
    Orientação para subsidiar o sistema de gestão escolar, com orientações quanto ao papel do
    Conselho Escolar na organização do sistema de gestão escolar, com especificidade para a gestão
    administrativa, pedagógica e financeira, bem como nas relações que a escola mantém com
    outras instâncias sociais.

  • NARRATIVAS DE PROFESSORAS DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: a formação continuada do vivido ao legal

  • Data: 13/05/2024
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    formação continuada do vivido ao legal, and is justified given the need to discuss the policies
    of continuing education of teachers of Early Childhood Education from a perspective of
    humanizing education, considering the specificities of teachers and children as historically
    situated subjects. It aims to answer the following research problem: In what way are
    continuing education policies present in the narratives of Early Childhood Education teachers
    as a possibility for humanizing education? The general objective of this arcticle is to analyse
    the narratives of early childhood education teachers in order to understand continuing
    education policies from a humanizing perspective, as well as to identify the conceptions of
    child/infancy present in the policies for continuing teacher training; to discuss Critical
    Historical Pedagogy and Cultural Historical Theory as the foundations for understanding the
    continuing training of Early Childhood Education teachers to describe the continuing
    education policies offered by Early Childhood Education based on the teachers' narratives and
    to elaborate, based on the analyses carried out, a proposal for continuing education for Early
    Childhood Education teachers, which enable a humanizing education. We have used Saviani
    (2020, 2018, 2017, 2013, 2007, 2005); Vygotsky (2018, 2010, 2003, 2000, 1995, 1991);
    Duarte (2013, 1996); Malachen (2016), Martins (2018), among others, as well as others so as
    to ensure laws that have guided teacher training since 2014. The teachers' narratives show that
    they have advanced in their perception of children and Early Childhood Education compared
    to the beginning of their careers. However, in formal educational practice, the naturalizing
    perspective of development stands out. Therefore, continuing training for Early Childhood
    Education teachers is a necessity in order to carry out humanizing practices that consider
    children in their realities. To this end, Historical-Critical Pedagogy presents itself as a
    pedagogical concept capable of confronting the hegemonic discourse, providing a critical
    understanding of education, from its theoretical foundations to its final social practice, in a
    conscious and intentional way involving the interrelationship between theory and practice.


  • Data: 16/05/2024
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  • A pesquisa intitulada A (inter)relação da Gestão Escolar com os Resultados do IDEB em uma
    escola municipal em Paço do Lumiar – MA busca responder à questão-problema: Qual é a
    relação dos resultados do Índice de Desenvolvimento da Educação Básica (IDEB) com as ações
    realizadas pela gestão escolar no referente ao fluxo escolar e ao desempenho de alunos(as) em
    uma escola no município de Paço do Lumiar – MA? O objetivo geral consiste em analisar as
    relações que a gestão escolar estabelece com o IDEB, a partir de resultados de dois indicadores
    utilizados para medir a qualidade da educação na escola: o fluxo escolar e as médias do
    desempenho na avaliação do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica (SAEB). Para
    fundamentação teórica e compreensão do objeto de pesquisa, toma-se apoio nos(as) autores(as)
    Afonso (2000, 2007, 2009), Belo e Cardoso (2013), Bonamino e Souza (2012), Dourado,
    Oliveira e Santos (2007), Gatti (2013), Gomes (2016, 2017), Libâneo (2001, 2008, 2021),
    Oliveira (2003), Paro (2006, 2015, 2018), Saviani (2009), além de documentos e legislações
    que tratam da temática. A opção metodológica é por uma abordagem qualitativa, orientada pelo
    método dialético, na perspectiva de desvelar as contradições inerentes às possíveis relações
    entre gestão escolar e o índice de qualidade oficial, ancorada nos estudos de Kosik (2002). O
    campo empírico da investigação é uma escola da rede pública de ensino do município Paço do
    Lumiar – MA. Os resultados da pesquisa realizada revelam que o IDEB, como indicador de
    qualidade da educação brasileira, exerce um papel regulador dos trabalhos desenvolvidos na
    escola, que tem influenciado de forma direta e indireta nas ações da gestão escolar, e que define
    metas mesmo sem levar em consideração aspectos que interferem nos resultados, a exemplo a
    estrutura física da escola, a gestão escolar e a formação de professores(as), dentre outros.

  • Dayane Gomes Melo Corrêa
  • MECANISMOS DE GESTÃO PARTICIPATIVA: repercussões na qualidade da educação em uma escola da rede pública municipal de São Luís/MA

  • Data: 27/06/2024
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  • School management and pedagogical work are intrinsically interlinked within the
    educational context, where both are part of a social whole. This new understanding
    and approach to school administration, which values the inclusion of all members of
    the community and recognizes their particularities and contributions, tends to
    promote more participatory and democratic management in the school environment.
    Based on this understanding, the general objective to analyze how the mechanisms
    of participation of the school community practiced in the schools of the municipal
    network of São Luís have contributed to the realization of democratic management,
    identifying its repercussions on the improvement of the quality of education, with
    reference to the Olinda Desterro Basic Education Unit. In addition, it has the following
    specific objectives: to present the conceptions beyond the concept of educational
    and school management; to identify the mechanisms of participation of the school
    community in decision-making at the school; to analyze the participation of the
    community in the management of a school belonging to the public education network

    of São Luís, in the contribution to the quality of education and; to build a technical-
    technological product that can subsidize the school community about the

    mechanisms of participatory management and its repercussions in relation to the
    quality of education. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, the main references
    were the studies by Sander (1995), Dourado, Oliveira e Santos (2007), Fonseca
    (2006); Adrião e Camargo (2007); Luck (2009; 2013), Paro (2005; 2007) and Oliveira
    (2015). The research was based on an applicative and exploratory approach, with a
    qualitative-quantitative nature, utilizing observation and a questionnaire administered
    via Google Forms to collect data quickly and efficiently. After collecting, transcribing,
    and analyzing the data, a technical-technological product called the "Pedagogical
    Guidance Booklet" was developed. This research is expected to contribute to
    scholars and professionals in the field, especially managers and teachers in the
    public school system of São Luís/MA, enabling them to collaborate with the school
    community in a democratic and effective manner, considering the different social
    contexts in which they are situated.

  • FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES DOS ANOS INICIAIS DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: implicações das práticas pedagógicas no ensino de Matemática na Unidade Integrada Augusto Cury de Alto Alegre – Maranhão

  • Data: 09/05/2024
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  • The work seeks to analyze how the ongoing training of teachers in the early years of Elementary
    Education, in Mathematics, has contributed to improving the quality of the teaching-learning
    process in this area. The research field is the Integrated Unit Augusto Cury, in the municipality
    of Alto Alegre do Maranhão. We analyzed ongoing training for the teaching of mathematics in
    the early years of elementary education, taking as parameters for the study of the object the
    conceptions of ongoing training, official policies of ongoing training for Mathematics
    Education, and the theoretical-methodological and epistemological assumptions that guide the
    pedagogical practice of the school's teachers. We began our study by addressing human
    formation in general and how it has been configured over the years, bringing to the center of
    the discussion the capitalist production model, neoliberal society, and its implications for this
    formation. After this first discussion, we directed the writing towards the educational field,
    addressing the training of the pedagogue and the entire historical process that marks pedagogy
    as a university course, which trains teachers to work in the early years of Elementary Education.
    We also discuss the educational business reforms that ultimately result in current educational
    policies that increasingly attribute a commodity character to education. Still, in the theoretical
    part, we discuss the formation of the teacher who teaches Mathematics in the early years of
    Elementary Education, highlighting the policies of ongoing training for Mathematics
    Education. In conducting the research, we found that there are no ongoing training courses
    focused on teaching Mathematics in Alto Alegre do Maranhão, which constitutes a failure in
    the municipality's educational system, given that this lack of training ultimately results in
    difficulties in the teaching and learning process of Mathematics at this stage of Basic Education.
    Throughout the text, we will discuss Mathematics Education as a field of knowledge essential
    for the social formation of human beings, thus justifying the need to know the formative
    processes that involve teaching practice for Mathematics teaching. The research will be based
    on Historical Materialism, with a qualitative approach and an applied nature. As a technical
    technological product, we present a face-to-face training course, structured in 40 hours,
    distributed in 4 modules. The course is titled “Mathematics Education from the perspective of
    Historical-Critical Pedagogy”.

  • DISCURSOS HETERONORMATIVOS NO CONTEXTO ESCOLAR: uma análise dos livros paradidáticos nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

  • Data: 16/04/2024
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  • Esta dissertação, apresentada ao Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação da Universidade
    Estadual do Maranhão – UEMA, dentro da linha Formação de Professores e Práticas
    Educativas, traz como objetivo geral analisar os discursos heteronormativos presentes nos
    livros paradidáticos dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Tem como objetivos específicos:
    Localizar a norma heterossexual nos livros paradidáticos dos anos iniciais do Ensino
    Fundamental; Descrever os discursos heteronormativos nos livros paradidáticos dos anos
    iniciais do Ensino Fundamental; Problematizar as proposições performativas da
    heteronormatividade nos livros paradidáticos em análise; e Construir, através das análises
    realizadas nos livros paradidáticos, propostas pedagógicas para professores e professoras sobre
    a Educação Sexual, visando contribuir para um contexto escolar distante de atravessamentos
    (hetero)normativos. No que se refere à metodologia, trata-se de uma pesquisa qualitativa
    documental pautada nos Estudos Culturais em Educação, no qual utilizamos treze livros
    paradidáticos para análise, cedidos por escolas da rede municipal de Caxias – MA. A partir da
    Análise de Conteúdo (Bardin, 2011) construímos categorias e subcategorias para a discussão e
    problematização dos dados. Apesar de encontrarmos raras exceções, os resultados apontam que
    os livros paradidáticos corroboram com a generificação dos corpos, atuando como agentes
    normalizadores da heterossexualidade através da esfera dos papéis sociais, dos relacionamentos
    amorosos, das práticas esportivas, das cores e dos brinquedos. Os resultados desse estudo foram
    determinantes para a construção de um Produto Educacional em formato de e-book, com
    propostas pedagógicas para a valorização da diversidade através da Educação Sexual.


  • Data: 25/06/2024
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  • This research addresses teachers' perception of the interface between mental health
    and student learning in Iema-São Luís/Rio Anil. The general objective of the work is
    to analyze teachers' perception of the interface between mental health and student
    learning in Iema-São Luís/Rio Anil. This is an action research, with a qualitative

    approach in which the empirical methods were obtained through observation, semi-
    structured interviews and a training course with teachers who work at the Institute of

    Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IEMA) entitled A interface
    between mental health and student learning, taking into account the needs raised
    with teachers to carry out the training course. From the interviews it was found that
    teachers' perception of mental health is still incipient and that the challenge is to
    strengthen the approach between the Psychosocial Sector and teachers and
    students to carry out actions to promote mental health. The educational product is a
    Guidebook: Mental health and the interface with learning for high school students, in
    order to contribute to improving the learning process.

  • INDICADORES DE QUALIDADE DA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL: caminhos para a avaliação participativa

  • Data: 26/04/2024
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  • This research was carried out under the Postgraduate Program in Education at the
    State University of Maranhão (PPGE-UEMA), in the Educational and School
    Management line of research. The general aim of the research was to analyze the
    process and dynamics of participatory institutional evaluation based on the Quality
    Indicators for Early Childhood Education (2009) in a public institution in a municipality
    in the state of Maranhão. The investigation is based on the various debates in the
    educational field about the implementation of institutional evaluations in Brazilian
    nurseries and pre-schools to provide quality and understanding of the process of
    democratic participation as an essential factor in guaranteeing the rights of children
    enrolled in early childhood education institutions. For this purpose, we sought to
    understand how the participatory institutional evaluations can promote actions and
    policies based on the educational quality offered. In terms of methodology, the
    research was characterized as qualitative, exploratory, and based on participant
    research. For data collection, we used participant observation at the institutional
    evaluation meeting and semi-structured interviews. In this way, the results of the
    investigation point to the possibilities of participation and involvement in the various
    subjects that make up the management of early childhood education and the process
    of self-training that develops from the notes triggered in the institutional evaluation.


  • Data: 23/05/2024
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  • A pesquisa apresentada ensejou uma discussão em moldes científicos perpassando as seguintes
    abordagens: decolonialidade e Graffiti. Nesse sentido, o objetivo geral foi analisar as práticas
    docentes no ensino de Arte quanto à educação para as relações étnico raciais, a fim de propor
    uma Pedagogia do Grafitti enquanto ProvocAção decolonial no IEMA. Para que se alcançasse
    o êxito do nosso objetivo macro, foram postulados os seguintes objetivos específicos: a)
    identificar quais as estratégias didáticas desenvolvidas por docentes de Arte do IEMA para a
    educação das relações étnico-raciais; b) investigar as possibilidades do Graffitti como
    instrumento pedagógico para letramentos de reexistência no ensino de Arte; c) Propor uma
    formação docente de orientação decolonial que oportunize uma educação antirracista a partir
    da Pedagogia do Graffitti. Nossa investigação é sustentada pelo referencial teórico a partir de
    Freire (1996), Silva (2016), Walsh (2009; 2013; 2017) e Souza (2011; 2022). Em vista da
    abordagem qualitativa, fora desenvolvida uma pesquisa bibliográfica e documental, com a qual
    se investigou os enunciados docentes que plasmam as atividades curriculares do IEMA.
    Ademais, foi proposto e enviado um questionário aos professores (as) do componente curricular
    de Arte da instituição, objetivando conhecer acerca das práticas e, como elas oportunizam
    engajamento antirracista numa educação para as relações étnico-raciais. Considerando ainda a
    natureza do mestrado profissional em educação, que orienta a pesquisa, apresentou-se nossa
    proposição de produto técnico-tecnológico, no qual se caracteriza como proposta formativa da
    Pedagogia do Graffiti, a ser disponibilizada no portal inter@ge professor que tem como suporte
    a rede social do Instagram e o canal do Youtube permitindo a hospedagem do que denominamos
    de Galeria Digital Aquarela Periférica com uma coleção pública, tendo seu acervo formado por
    produções acadêmico-científicas, previamente selecionadas, sobre a arte do Graffiti. Ainda sim,
    será oferecida uma proposta formativa aos professores de Arte, materializada através do curso
    “Pedagogia do Graffiti”, o qual também estará disponível digitalmente no Portal
    Inter@Professor, por meio de oficinas/aulas gravadas. Espera-se uma reverberação concisa com
    a pesquisa e um forte engajamento antirracista para fomentar construções socioeducacionais


  • Data: 01/08/2024
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  • A dissertação intitulada Gestão do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola em uma Unidade de
    Ensino do Instituto de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IEMA-Pleno):
    Evidências sobre a participação da comunidade escolar, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em
    Educação (PPGE-UEMA), está inserido na linha de pesquisa Gestão Educacional e Escolar. O
    seu objetivo principal foi analisar, sob a perspectiva da gestão democrática, o papel da gestão
    escolar na administração dos recursos do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE), com
    foco na apreensão das formas de participação da comunidade quanto à utilização e à prestação
    de contas desses recursos, no período de 2017 a 2023. O campo analítico levou em conta o
    financiamento e a gestão da educação no Brasil a partir da década de 1990, com particular
    atenção para a gestão escolar, numa perspectiva democrática, tendo em conta os princípios
    definidos na Constituição de 1998 e na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional
    (LDBEN) n.o 9.394 de 1996. Em sua especificidade, a análise buscou evidências sobre a
    participação da comunidade escolar na gestão de recursos do PDDE em um Instituto de
    Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IEMA Pleno). Diante da problemática em
    questão, o estudo buscou responder à seguinte questão: Como se materializa a gestão dos
    recursos do PDDE em uma unidade IEMA Pleno pertencente à rede de ensino do IEMA? Para
    a compreensão e análise do fenômeno em tela, contou-se com o apoio teórico-conceitual de
    Abrúcio (2005, 2010), Araújo (2010, 2013, 2018), Dourado (2007, 2010, 2014, 2016), Laval
    (2019), Lück (2009), Paro (2002, 2007, 2009, 2016), Peroni (2006, 2009, 2012, 2020), entre
    outros. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa, utilizou como procedimentos a observação, a
    análise documental e as entrevistas semiestruturadas. Além da observação e da coleta de
    documentos do/no campo empírico, a pesquisa contou com a participação de gestores escolares,
    membros do Colegiado Escolar e do Conselho Fiscal. Na análise e interpretação dos dados, o
    estudo apoiou-se na Análise de Conteúdo, fundamentada em Bardin (2016) e Franco (2008).
    Igualmente, para a apreensão da totalidade fenomênica, em suas múltiplas dimensões, foi
    adotado um olhar dialético com base em Kosik (2007). Os resultados alcançados pela análise
    acurada do campo empírico mostraram como principais evidências: primeiro, a necessidade de
    adotar-se os princípios da gestão democrática para favorecer espaços/tempos de participação
    efetiva da comunidade na organização do sistema de gestão; e, segundo, propiciar, estimular e
    incentivar a participação de membros das instâncias colegiadas na gestão administrativa,
    pedagógica e financeira na unidade de ensino investigada, particularmente na tomadas de
    decisões no que tange à utilização adequada e na prestação de contas dos recursos do PDDE.

    Nesses dois casos, os resultados do estudo não autorizam afirmar que a instituição pesquisada
    se organiza com base nos princípios da gestão democrática, o que representa um desafio a ser


  • Data: 13/05/2024
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  • The continued training of teachers in all areas of education is of fundamental
    importance, in view of the accelerated transformations of a complex society,
    specifically in the area of Special Education from an Inclusive Perspective. Given this
    current scenario, continued teacher training from an inclusive perspective becomes
    necessary for their pedagogical practice, with the main focus on teaching for all, which
    must be directed with equitable conditions. Thus, this dissertation work, presented to
    the Postgraduate Program in Education, at the State University of Maranhão – UEMA,
    (research line: Teacher Training and Educational Practices) follows post-structuralist
    studies, as it aims to explain the social reality in which we live, with the guiding question
    being: How can the continued training of teachers, specific to Special Education from
    an inclusive perspective, contribute to changes in relation to their pedagogical
    practices in teaching for all?; the general objective of the research: to understand the
    contributions of continuing education for teachers from an inclusive perspective, in the
    construction of a school for all. Regarding specific objectives, we list: understanding
    teacher training from the perspective of an inclusive school; score in the continuing
    teacher training assessment for Special Education students; understand the need to
    overcome limitations and barriers through continuing teacher training, based on the
    foundations of including students considered to have disabilities; structure a proposal
    for a pedagogical course for teachers with Special Education students from an
    inclusive perspective, with the aim of providing teaching guidance for an inclusive
    practice, in which, in this context, exclusion due to the lack of knowledge of the
    students' reality is, at least, minimized. The development of the research made it
    possible to identify the need for constant study in continuing education by teachers,
    not in relation to deficiencies, characteristics or differences, but to really get to know
    the student. To this end, we recommend reading the book The school we want for
    everyone. The research object of study was the analysis of teacher perceptions as a
    result of their practice, in continuing education, specific to teaching Special Education
    students from the perspective of Inclusive Education, which was analyzed through
    categories that highlighted the relevance of this training, aimed at high school teachers,
    through observations and records that highlighted the need for constant teacher
    preparation when teaching all students with or without disabilities and special
    educational needs. The study is therefore consolidated into narrative research, with a

    qualitative approach, by obtaining data through the use of instruments such as semi-
    structured interviews and participatory observation. following the theoretical foundation

    of authors such as: Hoffmann (2001), Freire (2009), Lanuti (2022), Mantoan (2003,
    2006, 2013), among others.


  • Data: 07/08/2024
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  • Este estudo teve como ponto central de investigação, a criação e aplicação do projeto de
    extensão Moviema no colégio IEMA Pleno São Luís - Centro, uma unidade do Instituto
    Estadual de Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IEMA), direcionado a alunos do Ensino
    Médio e à comunidade do bairro do Centro de São Luís. No processo, destacamos o papel da
    gestão escolar e a relevância de uma administração democrática e atuante nas escolas,
    fomentando o envolvimento da comunidade em atividades conjuntas, promovendo uma
    formação cidadã. Como produto de trabalho, apresentamos a construção e desenvolvimento
    de uma plataforma digital, onde disponibilizamos meios para que seja possibilitada a sua
    replicabilidade ou sirva de inspiração para que gestores de outras escolas tenham um
    direcionamento para o desenvolvimento deste tipo de atividade em seus ambientes de atuação.
    A escola em questão, foi escolhida como foco desta pesquisa, por já ter a expertise de aliar a
    educação de regime integral, ao desenvolvimento de projetos e atividades que se destacaram
    como exitosas, representando características que preconizam um tipo de gestão onde o papel
    de educar não se restringe apenas ao ensino do conhecimento formal, mas também deve
    contribuir para o desenvolvimento de valores que conscientizem os estudantes de seu papel
    social. A problemática deste estudo girou em torno do questionamento: Qual o papel a ser
    desempenhado pelo gestor escolar na implantação de projetos de extensão no Ensino Médio?
    Esta pesquisa envolveu a análise das práticas de gestão escolar, da participação da
    comunidade escolar e a apresentação dos resultados do projeto de extensão na escola e na
    comunidade em que ela está inserida. Teve por objetivo geral: Criação de um projeto de
    extensão e seus impactos no ambiente escolar e na comunidade do entorno da escola IEMA
    Pleno São Luís. A análise dos dados colhidos foi construída a partir de uma abordagem
    qualitativa, usando como procedimento de investigação o levantamento bibliográfico e a
    pesquisa de estudo de caso. Este produto, apresentado como repositório de todo o material
    coletado e das análises obtidas nas coletas de dados, servindo como um guia e espaço para
    demonstração e trocas de experiências, para a implementação e gerenciamento de novas
    abordagens, a partir deste modelo, propostos futuramente por professores e gestores da rede
    básica de ensino.


  • Data: 28/05/2024
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  • This study focuses on the theme of school inclusion, understanding the need to reflect on
    educational policies, available resources, pedagogical practices and other conditions that may
    be related to staying in school. For this, it traces as a central problem, the question: "How has
    the process of inclusion of students with Autistic Spectrum Disorder at the Institute of
    Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão - IEMA Full São Luís Center (2020-2021)?",
    based on this question, the objectives, actions that allow viewing this scenario were elaborated,
    the general objective being: “to analyze the process of inclusion of students with Autistic
    Spectrum Disorder at the Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão –
    IEMAS Full of São Luís-MA”. To meet this objective, four specific objectives were raised: a)
    to characterize inclusive education processes in the context of the history of Brazilian
    education; b) identify the concept of autism spectrum disorder according to DSM 5; c) discuss
    the access and permanence of students with autism spectrum disorder in IEMAS; d) develop an
    application as an auxiliary tool in teaching people with autism. It uses bibliographic and
    documentary analysis, accessing legislation (BRASIL, 1988, 1996, 2001a, 2001b, 2009a,
    2009b, 2012, 2015, 2020, 2023) and authors who address the topic Sassaki (2002), Aranha
    (2005), Chahini (2006), Rodrigues and Maranhe (2008), Mazzotta (2014), Costa (2013),
    Mantoan (2015), Assumpção Junior; Kuczynski (2015), Liberalesso; Lacerda (2020),
    Bottentuit Junior and Mondaini (2011), among others. It is an exploratory research with a
    qualitative approach. Its data collection instruments are: semi-structured interview and
    observation. It hopes to contribute to studies in the area of teacher training and educational
    practices, with the expansion of information about the Maranhão school environment and with
    the offer of technological alternatives for teaching.

  • ENSINO-APRENDIZAGEM DE GEOGRAFIA:o potencial dos jogos e da gamificação na busca por novos horizontes educacionais

  • Data: 22/05/2024
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  • The general objective of this master's degree dissertation is to analyze how the use of active
    methodologies based on games and gamification can contribute to the teaching-learning process
    in the geography discipline. As it is a professional master's degree, our technical and
    technological product is the board game entitled Cidade em jogo: Rolê in Upaon-Açú. The
    research is based on the historical-dialectic method and the type of research is descriptive, in
    related to the proposed objective. For the data collection method, we used the survey method,
    starting from a qualitative approach. The research was developed with 26 high school students
    and 1 geography teacher from the state public school system. For the theoretical bases of this
    dissertation, we consider studies on the teaching of geography presented in Cavalcanti (2019),
    Castellar (2009), Callai (2011) and Kaercher (2005), that provide a vast contribution to the
    methodological paths of this discipline, reinforcing a theoretical and epistemological discussion
    of geographic knowledge. In the sense of active learning for students, it is worth studying
    authors such as Dewey (1978) and Freire (2011). When we discuss game-based learning and
    gamification, we base the theoretical and methodological bases on Diesel, Baldez and Martins
    (2017), Bacich and Moran (2018) and Filatro and Cavalcanti (2023). These authors believe that
    deeper learning is based on the principle of learning by doing, with the opportunities that are
    offered. The results show that it is necessary to understand the teaching and learning of
    geography from a critical perspective and focused on the students' reality, based on a real need
    to implement new teaching methodologies. We conclude that the use of an active methodology
    based on games and gamification offers a possible way to provide new teaching methodologies
    in the educational field, providing an innovative approach that stimulates student engagement,
    developing cognitive skills that promote a deeper understanding of geographic reasoning.

  • A FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA NA REDE PÚBLICA MUNICIPAL EM PAÇO DO LUMIAR-MA: análise da política implementada com professoras(es) dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

  • Data: 07/05/2024
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  • This work, linked to the Educational and School Management Research Line of the
    Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão
    (PPGE/UEMA), presents an analysis of the Continuing Training Policy for Teachers
    implemented in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar (MA). The study takes place based
    on the following problem: how has the Continuing Training policy been managed with
    teachers in the Initial Years of Elementary School, in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar
    (MA)? The study's general objective is to analyze the Management of Continuing
    Training Policy with teachers in the Initial Years of Elementary School, in the Public
    Network of the municipality of Paço do Lumiar (MA), due to the need to examine
    foundations, resources and guidelines for the planning, practice and monitoring of
    training in the aforementioned Municipal Network. It unfolds into the following specific
    objectives: describe material, pedagogical, financial, infrastructural and human
    resources, as well as implementation strategies such as location, duration and

    frequency used in the practice of Continuing Training; understand the theoretical-
    methodological approaches and respective political and pedagogical intentions, used

    to support training content developed with teachers from the Municipal Network; verify
    ways of monitoring Continuing Training, developed in the Municipal Public Network, as
    well as possible implications for the professional development of teachers in this
    network; prepare a Guidebook that equips SEMED's Educational Management, in
    order to understand and enable the participation of teachers in the process that
    involves the continued training of the network. We used collaborative observation and
    recorded interviews, in addition to profiling research participants. In methodological
    processes, it is anchored in the dialectical method, considering social and historical
    aspects, having a descriptive character and using bibliographic, documentary and field
    studies. It is based on theoretical references, such as: Floriani (2008); Maués;
    Camargo (2022); Gatti (2008); Passion (2015); Prada (1997); Militão and Leite (2013);
    Paro (2016); Freire (2001); Albuquerque (2021), among others. Therefore, we consider
    the topic in question relevant, as we believe that the Continuing Training of Teachers
    has an essential social and educational function, the construction of quality education,
    and the professional development of teachers, making it necessary to reflect on its
    bases, in addition to political and pedagogical influences.

  • FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES NO IEMA/AXIXÁ-MA: conhecimentos e saberes em discussão

  • Data: 29/05/2024
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  • Este estudo se vincula à Linha de Pesquisa “Formação de Professores e Práticas Educativas”
    do PPGE-UEMA e parte da seguinte questão norteadora: Como se dá a formação dos
    professores que atuam no IEMA/Axixá-MA e quais conhecimentos e saberes são construídos?
    O objetivo é analisar a formação continuada dos professores do IEMA/Axixá-MA, para
    sugerir uma proposta de Plano de Formação de professores na perspectiva da formação
    humana crítica e emancipatória. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem qualitativa, com
    levantamento bibliográfico, análise documental e legal. Para coleta e geração dos dados foram
    utilizados os seguintes instrumentos: entrevista semiestruturada, questionários, diários de
    campo, observação participante e análise de documentos oficiais. Para a organização e análise
    dos dados coletados utilizamos o método “análise de conteúdo”, baseado em Bardin (2011). O
    marco conceitual apoia-se nos estudos e pesquisas de Antônio Sampaio Nóvoa (1999), Paulo
    Freire (2001), Edgar Morin (2000), Duarte (2017 e 1981), Francisco Imbernón (2010), dentre
    outros autores. O locus da pesquisa foi o Instituto de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do
    Maranhão - IEMA PLENO Axixá-MA, tendo como participantes 08 professores(as) e 01
    gestor pedagógico. Os aspectos éticos se fundamentam no parecer 6.547.080 CEP. Os
    resultados demonstram que o IEMA realiza a formação continuada de professores voltada
    mais para atender aos pressupostos e interesses econômicos, do que a perspectiva crítica e
    transformadora. Consideramos que o IEMA tem como desafio o debate ampliado com seus
    professores para a implantação de uma política de formação continuada de professores que
    provoque a reflexão crítica da práxis, na perspectiva da formação humana e emancipatória dos
    estudantes, compreendendo que a educação é uma forma de intervenção no mundo, que
    solicita sujeito(s) aprendente(s) no contexto político, econômico, sócio-histórico e cultural.


  • Data: 15/04/2024
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  • A pesquisa intitulada “Discursos sobre o corpo humano nos livros didáticos de Educação Física

    dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental” teve como objetivo analisar, a partir da perspectiva

    teórico-metodológica dos Estudos Culturais em Educação, os discursos sobre o corpo humano

    presentes em livros didáticos de Educação Física dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

    adotados na rede municipal de ensino de São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil. Portanto, problematizou

    que os conhecimentos sobre o corpo humano apresentado para os professores e as professoras desenvolverem aulas com os alunos nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental devem ir além de saberes biológicos, contemplando saberes sociais, culturais e psicológicos. Levando desta maneira estes estudantes conhecerem seu próprio corpo melhorando o cuidado e posicionando- o na sociedade em que vivemos, respeitando suas diferenças e as das pessoas em sua volta. Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental, de cunho qualitativo, que trabalhou com discursos e representações que precisam ser compreendidos, analisados e problematizados, preocupando- se em compreender relações, valores, atitudes, crenças, hábitos e representações e a partir desse conjunto de fenômenos humanos gerados socialmente. Como procedimentos metodológicos da referida pesquisa documental, foram analisados dois manuais do componente curricular de Educação Física da coleção Mais Buriti da autora Marisa Martins Sanchez, editora Moderna, do ano de 2021, dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental do município de São Luís, Maranhão, Brasil. O estudo foi pautado no currículo cultural da Educação Física, entendida como uma manufatura coletiva, pois a coletividade, a cooperação e a participação conferem atualidade e relevância para os debates do campo da Educação Física. Concluímos que um ensino que se propõe ser construído com o outro, nas relações cotidianas da Educação Física escolar, em que pesem significados diversos, plurais e de reconhecimento de diferença. Sendo assim, seráimportante ampliar a discussão do  tema corpo humano na escola, trazendo a busca pela compreensão desse corpo enquanto histórico, sociocultural, político e econômico que perpassa as dimensões biológicas.


  • Data: 28/05/2024
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  • A presente Dissertação realizada no âmbito do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação
    (PPGE) – Mestrado Profissional em Educação, insere-se na linha de pesquisa Gestão
    Educacional e Escolar, teve como objetivo analisar, na perspetiva da gestão democrática, como
    se realiza a gestão dos recursos públicos do PDDE em uma escola pertencente à rede pública
    municipal de Caxias-MA. O estudo, que teve como recorte temporal o período de 2015 a 2021,
    buscou responder à seguinte questão: Como se materializa a gestão dos recursos do PDDE em
    escolas pertencentes à rede pública municipal de Caxias-MA? Tendo em conta a problemática
    levantada, a investigação buscou apreender as percepções da comunidade escolar sobre gestão
    escolar democrática e quanto à utilização desses recursos, bem como a participação desta na
    tomada de decisão no que tange à utilização e à prestação de contas de tais recursos. Deram
    suporte teórico-conceitual à compreensão e à análise do fenômeno Adrião e Peroni (2007; 2012;
    2015); Azevedo (2003); Saviani (1999; 2004; 2009); Fonseca (2009); Pinto (2002; 2018);
    Dourado (2002; 2013); Araújo e Adrião (2021); Paro (2000; 2010; 2016; 2018); Libâneo
    (2004); entre outros. A pesquisa, de abordagem qualitativa (Bogdan e Biklen, 1994; Minayo,
    2016), imprimiu um olhar dialético (Kosik, 1976) na análise do fenômeno. Foram adotados
    como procedimentos de investigação, observação do campo empírico, análise documental e
    entrevistas semiestruturadas, utilizando, para análise e interpretação dos dados, a análise de
    conteúdo, fundamentada em Gil (2011) e Franco (2008). Participaram da pesquisa a gestora
    escolar, professores do Ensino Fundamental, membros do Conselho Escolar e a secretária
    municipal de educação. O estudo tornou evidente a importância da gestão democrática, da
    escola pública, como base que sustenta a democracia participativa, assim como a necessidade
    de atuação das instâncias colegiadas, particularmente do Conselho Escolar, na organização do
    sistema de gestão escolar, especialmente na gestão de recursos financeiros do PDDE. De igual
    modo, os resultados alcançados por este estudo revelam desafios ainda a serem superados,
    considerando a baixa efetividade do nível de participação da comunidade escolar por meio das
    suas representatividades nas instâncias colegiadas. No que tange à gestão de recursos do PDDE
    na escola investigada, a pesquisa ainda revela dificuldades quanto à participação da comunidade
    pelas mesmas razões da pouca compreensão acerca dos princípios da gestão democrática, por
    um lado, e pela pouca abertura de espaços participativos, por outro lado. Ademais, a
    centralidade das ações da gestão e, particularmente, da gestão de recursos financeiros do PDDE,
    ainda parece estar concentrada nos domínios da figura da gestora da escola, vista por uma boa
    parte da comunidade como autoridade que deve conduzir as ações e as práticas da gestão. Como

    contribuição, tendo em conta as evidências deste estudo, foi elaborado um Produto Técnico
    Tecnológico (PTT), no formato de uma Cartilha Pedagógica digital, com orientações
    teórico/práticas sobre gestão escolar democrática e participativa, além da fundamentação legal
    sobre os mecanismos de participação/controle social na gestão de recursos do PDDE nos
    espaços/tempos da escola pública.

  • DECOLONIALIDADES E (TRANS)FORMAÇÕES: proposições a práticas educativas interculturais

  • Data: 23/05/2024
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  • Este estudo trata sobre o imperativo histórico da colonialidade do saber, que influencia e
    intervém no espaço acadêmico, no âmbito dos cursos de formação inicial de professores/as.
    Pretende investigar as concepções de formação inicial docente que orientam as práticas
    educativas de professores/as que atuam nos cursos de licenciatura no Instituto Federal de
    Ciência e tecnologia do Maranhão (IFMA), campus Buriticupu. Partimos das enunciações que
    constroem sobre formação inicial de futuros professores/as e das representações e
    significações que acompanham suas práticas educativas. Destacamos as intersecções entre
    questões étnico-raciais e racismo epistêmico, e outros fatores determinantes na disputa
    epistêmica no campo educacional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo, do tipo estudo de
    caso, inserida numa abordagem de caráter qualitativa, em interface com o referencial
    fundamentado no pensamento decolonial. A investigação baseia-se na geração de dados
    através do uso de entrevistas semiestruturadas e abertas, e utilização de pesquisa bibliográfica
    e documental. Para a análise e interpretação dos dados gerados, utilizamos a análise de
    conteúdo a partir da proposição de Birdin (1977). Com base nas entrevistas realizadas,
    podemos considerar que as percepções de grande parte dos/as entrevistados/as se aproximam
    de perspectivas humanizadoras, de horizonte decolonial. Isso por reconhecerem a pluralidade
    e diversidade de nossa sociedade, e agregarem às suas práticas educativas outras
    racionalidades, evidenciados através dos projetos que realizam juntos aos estudantes da
    instituição, indo além do currículo instituído. Existe em curso, também, concepção de
    formação inicial de professores/as que se assemelham à mera transmissão do conhecimento
    científico, visivelmente apegados/as às tradições seculares eurocêntricas. Além disso, os
    resultados da pesquisa, apontam que o pensamento decolonial começa a ganhar corpo na
    academia. No entanto, indicam, a necessidade de fortalecimento e criação de mais espaços e
    ferramentas para a difusão dos estudos decoloniais nos cursos de licenciaturas. Diante desses
    resultados, o que colocamos é a necessidade de maior diálogo e formação continuada com
    abordagens interculturais e decoloniais na academia. Por estas razões, como Produto Técnico
    e Tecnológico (PTT) elaboramos uma proposta de curso de formação continuada multimodal
    na perspectiva decolonial, voltado aos interlocutores/as da pesquisa, que sirva, também, de
    incentivo à elaboração de políticas de fomento para renovação do projeto político-pedagógico
    dos cursos de Licenciatura em Biologia e Licenciatura em Matemática no lócus da

    Reflexos na prática pedagógica do professor em Timon-MA no período de 2014-2022

  • Data: 01/03/2024
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  • This study delves into the "Valuation of teacher work in Early Childhood Education in the
    municipality of Timon/MA", between 2014 and 2022, emphasizing the goals related to the
    valuation of teachers, accordingly to the new National Education Plan (PNE), Act
    13.005/2014. This research aimed to address the following question: How does the
    valorization of teacher work manifest itself in pedagogical practice in Early Childhood
    Education in Timon, MA? The study then sought to investigate the valorization of teacher
    work and its impacts on pedagogical practice in Early Childhood Education in Timon, MA,
    during the period of 2014-2022. As specific objectives, there were: Identify the effects of
    teacher valorization on pedagogical practice in Early Childhood Education; Describe actions
    related to the professional valorization of Early Childhood Education teachers in Timon, MA,
    as outlined in the Career, Positions, and Salary Plan (PCCS); Analyze public policies related
    to the professional valorization of teachers, taking into consideration the proposals put forth in
    official documents at the national, state, and municipal levels from 2014 to 2022; Develop
    and implement a teacher training program for Early Childhood Education, focusing on the
    policy of teacher work valorization. Based on a qualitative research with an exploratory
    approach conducted in five Early Childhood Education preschools in Timon, MA. In addition
    to that, semi-structured interviews were conducted with seven Early Childhood Education
    teachers, the Secretary of Education, and the President of the Teachers' Union in Timon. The
    interview data were processed through content analysis, a technique used to code and
    categorize the statements of the interviewees, enabling an analysis of the valorization of
    teacher work in Early Childhood Education, as well as the analysis and processing of
    empirical and documentary material. Based on the analysis provided by the research
    participants and authors who address the valorization of Early Childhood Education teachers,
    as well as official documents such as the 1988 Constitution, the LDBEN No. 9.394/1996, and
    the PNE (2014-2024), PME of Timon Maranhão (2015-2025), among others, it was found
    that teacher valorization in the municipality of Timon advanced in some aspects: (i) salary
    remuneration, which includes compliance with the teacher Minimum Wage policy and the
    creation of a Career, Positions, and Salary Plan; (ii) investment in ongoing professional
    development for Early Childhood Education teachers. However, it was noted, based on the
    teachers' statements, that there is precarity regarding (i) physical infrastructure conditions and
    (ii) pedagogical resources, which hinder the quality of pedagogical practice and affect the
    children's development and learning rights. (iii) It was also observed that excessive demands
    and the lack of physical working conditions for Early Childhood Education teachers lead to
    health problems. Regarding to the description of actions in the (PCCS), it was noted that there
    was a restructuring of the document, which expanded improvements for the teaching career,
    such as creating classes, leave for ongoing professional development, gratifications based on
    qualifications, and compliance with the minimum wage, among others. As for documents
    related to national, state, and municipal teacher valorization goals, some progress was
    observed regarding remuneration and ongoing professional development, while others
    remained stagnant. Thus, it can be concluded that teacher valorization policies in the
    municipality of Timon, MA, have made partial progress in terms of remuneration compliance
    and the provision of ongoing training for Early Childhood Education teachers. However,
    without the necessary working conditions, pedagogical teaching practices are limited, leading
    to repercussions on children's learning. In this regard, full infrastructure, pedagogical, and
    material conditions, as well as special attention to the mental and physical health of teachers,
    are necessary to provide quality education to children.

  • AVALIAÇÃO EM LARGA ESCALA: implicações da prova Brasil na organização das práticas pedagógicas dos professores da rede pública de ensino fundamental

  • Data: 16/05/2024
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  • O presente trabalho, vinculado à Linha de Pesquisa – Gestão Educacional e Escolar, no
    Programa de Pós-Graduação Stricto Sensu em Educação da Universidade Estadual do Maranhão
    (PPGE/UEMA), busca reflexões acerca das implicações da Prova Brasil na organização das
    práticas pedagógicas de professoras. Tem como objetivo geral analisar as implicações da Prova
    Brasil nas práticas pedagógicas das professoras do 5o ano do ensino fundamental da rede
    pública municipal de Caxias-Ma. E como objetivos específicos: identificar a concepção de
    avaliação em larga escala das professoras do 5o ano do ensino fundamental ;caracterizar as
    práticas pedagógicas desenvolvidas pelas professoras do 5 ano do ensino fundamental , em
    função da Prova Brasil; elaborar estratégias formativas sobre avaliação externa para a
    reorganização das práticas pedagógicas no 5o ano do ensino fundamental. Assim, busca-se
    auxiliar no desenvolvimento de estratégias favoráveis ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem na
    rede pública municipal. Este estudo caracteriza-se como uma pesquisa de campo de abordagem
    qualitativa. Os aportes teóricos que fundamentam esta pesquisa, no que concerne a avaliação em
    larga escala e as práticas pedagógicas, estão embasados a partir das contribuições de autores
    como Rocha (2017), Correia (2017), Santos (2018), Silva (2021), Melo (2022), Afonso (2009).
    Ball (1992; 1994; 2002), Bresser Pereira (1998), Dias Sobrinho (2003; 2010), Castro (2005),
    Gatti (2009), Freitas (2007; 2018), Hoffmann (2002), Esteban (2013), Bonamino (2002),
    Marcolla; Serafini (2021), Fonseca (2009), Libâneo (2008) entre outros.O estudo justifica-se por
    apresentar uma proposta de análise de novas abordagens críticas e teóricas a respeito da
    avaliação em larga escala. A pesquisa foi realizada em cinco escolas da rede pública municipal
    de ensino, situada na zona urbana de Caxias/MA. Os participantes da pesquisa são professoras
    que lecionam no 5° ano do ensino fundamental da rede pública, o instrumento utilizado para a
    produção dos dados foi a entrevista. Através do conhecimento de tais implicações é possível
    criar ações que contribuam para a obtenção de melhores resultados na educação. Como produto,
    esta pesquisa traz um planejamento que contém informações sobre a formação no que diz
    respeito ao processo avaliativo nas práticas pedagógicas. O objetivo é que esse material sirva
    como fonte de consulta e inspiração para o compartilhamento de informações junto aos demais
    docentes da rede municipal de Caxias – MA, contribuindo para melhoria de sua prática
    pedagógica, no sentido de implementar o processo avaliativo nas práticas pedagógicas. Após
    levantar algumas das implicações da avaliação em larga escala, os resultados da pesquisa de
    acordo com os relatos das colaboradoras buscam resultados positivos a partir da Prova Brasil,
    por exemplo, embora não signifique aprendizagem para os alunos, uma vez que se direciona o
    olhar para os aspectos quantitativos, além de legitimar o discurso de poder e controle por meio
    da lógica de mercado. Portanto, frente a essa realidade, percebe-se que no processo avaliativo
    com o caráter em larga escala, influencia na organização da escola, onde o currículo é
    centralizado na direção dos rendimento dos alunos a partir da Prova Brasil, por isso na fala das
    professoras a utilização do simulado é marcante, pois é disseminado enquanto metodologia do
    treino como uma preparação para a prova.


  • Data: 16/05/2024
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  • This research linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education at UEMA, in the
    master’s course in professional education, analyzes the strategic actions of school
    management at two basic education institutions in the municipality of Breu Branco-
    PA in coping with students’ learning gaps, during Covid-19 containment measures.
    We synthesized as specific objectives: a) identify the types of strategic actions used
    in facing the decrease in student learning; b) characterize the purposes and
    occurrences of these actions in relation to overcoming the decrease in student
    learning; c) analyze how the strategic actions of school management prove to be
    effective in the process of overcoming the decrease in student learning, and, based
    on this analysis, prepare a proposal for training in management of collective teaching
    planning in view of coping with the gap in student learning. For the study in question,
    we sought the theoretical-methodological foundation in authors such as: Giroux
    (1988), Laval (2003), Freire (1970, 1992, 1999), Oliveira (2010), Paro (2017) and
    Libâneo (2017), among others. The research, of a critical-reflective nature, is part of
    the parameters of the qualitative approach, and is in the phase of applying the data
    collection instruments for the analysis of the results. As partial results, we present the
    following text for this qualification, which consists of five sections, the first of which
    refers to the Introduction, which discusses the theme, bringing the following
    elements: a brief presentation of the problematization revealing the issue center of
    the research, general and specific objectives, detailing of the methodology,
    justification and indication of the theoretical framework. The second section presents:
    School management in Brazilian educational policies and the democratization of
    school knowledge. In this section we present: the concepts and fundamentals of
    school management, the concepts of democratic management for public schools, the
    democratization of knowledge as a practice of school management and the political-
    pedagogical role of school agents in school management. The third section, in
    progress, will deal with school management practices in and after the covid-19
    pandemic, based on data collected in the field research. The fourth section concerns
    the design of the Educational Technological Product (PTT), the first outlines. At the
    end of this study, in the section called “Final considerations, the paths taken with the
    perspective of reaching the references for the consolidation of the PTT will be


  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • The present study is linked to the Educational and School Management research line of the
    Postgraduate Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão (PPGE/UEMA) and
    its general objective is to analyze the consolidation of the principles and concepts of
    Educational Management Technology (TGE), identifying the impacts experienced within the
    educational management process of IEMA – State Institute of Education, Science and
    Technology of Maranhão. IEMA, created in 2015, is a Comprehensive High School linked to
    Professional Education. The work initially provides an approach to the various management
    concepts, changes and evolutions that have gone through over the years and that the school
    institution ends up absorbing the consequences of these social changes. Highlighting the
    school management model sought by everyone, which is democratic management. Regulated
    by the Federal Constitution of 1988, the Law of Basic Guidelines for National Education
    (LDBEN) and the National Education Plan (PNE) 2014-2024. The research, with a qualitative
    approach, was carried out through documentary analysis, observation and online interviews,
    aimed at managers and teachers at IEMA Pleno. The research showed positively that the
    management model – TGE – contributes favorably to teaching work, to the teaching and
    learning process; and consequently for the quality of the educational process offered at the
    Unit. It also clarifies that IEMA Pleno follows the principles of the TGE and that the
    management model strengthens democratic management in the institution. As a requirement
    of the Professional Master's Degree, a Teaching Material is proposed as a Technological
    Technical Product (PTT), which consists of a booklet prepared in a concise manner, which
    can be used as support, containing essential information for didactic purposes, in an
    enlightening manner and that comes to contribute to the management process experienced at
    IEMA Pleno, focusing on the integral education of students.


  • Data: 30/04/2024
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  • This dissertation is a result of a research in Master’s Degree in Education of Post-
    graduation program in Education (PPGE) of Universidade Estadual do Maranhão

    (UEMA), entitled “Possibilities in Continued Formation of School’s Supervision for the
    use of technologies on the scenario Post-March 2020”. It was searched to analyze
    how the professional specialist in supervision acts to ensure their own formation and
    continued formation to help him to work with digital technologies. The research had as
    its locus Centro de Ensino Monsenhor Luís Alves Madureira, a high school of the state
    network, it is located in the municipality of Bacabeira-MA. Its approach is qualitative,
    firmed in the scientific method dialectical historical materialism also being of applied
    nature and of exploratory and descriptive goal with focus in the process of bibliography
    research. It was based on authors such as Castells (1999, 2003), Libâneo (2004,
    2008), Moran (2015), Nóvoa (1992, 2009), Paulo Freire (1967, 1980, 1996), Rangel
    (2001, 2005), among others. This research also stems from the practical problems that
    the researcher faced since she was involved in the context of where the research takes
    place. The data collection procedures were made by applying semi-structured
    interviews, using the analysis of data by Bardin to infer the participants' perceptions.
    The investigation’s results composed a diagnostic of attributions of the supervisor
    having in sight its historicity and legislation, especially in what touches the continued
    formation and fomentation of the use of digital technologies. It was also possible to
    dialogue with contemporary theoricals that helped to understand the tensions of the
    complex reality experienced in the school from the changes caused by the new
    scenario presented by COVID-19. As a Technological Technical Product of the
    research, it was made a website based in a collaborative perspective, entitled
    “Supervision in Sienergy: Your space of collaboration and exchanges of experiences!”
    The goal of this product was to contribute with the supervisors’ work, giving to the
    teachers good pedagogical practices and significant learning to the students.


  • Data: 22/05/2024
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  • The presente study, linked to the Postgraduate Program in Education (PPGE) of the State
    University of Maranhão (UEMA), in the Research Line "Educational and School
    Management", aims to present the results achieved by the research, whose objective is to
    analyze the quality indicators and the actions of the school managers of the municipal public
    network of Vila Nova dos Martírios - MA, in view of the quality of education offered in the
    municipality's public network, in an attempt to understand the possible contributions to the
    quality of education within the scope of actions at school, taking into account the principles of
    democratic management, defined in the 1988 constitution and in LDBEN 9. 394/96. The
    theoretical and conceptual contributions that corroborate the theme of this work are: Dourado
    and Oliveira (2007, 2009), Hora (2007), Libâneo (2008, 2012), Luck (2012, 2013), Nóvoa
    (2019, 2022), Paro (2010), among others. The research is in line with the qualitative approach
    (GOLDENBERG, 2013), and the empirical investigation was carried out using semi-
    structured interviews. It had the collaboration of nine managers and eighteen teachers from
    nine schools belonging to the municipal network of Vila Nova dos Martírios-MA. The study
    used content analysis (BARDIN, 2002) as a data analysis procedure, inferring propositions
    about the object of study, which sought to answer the following question: is the quality of
    education related to the professional profile of school managers in the municipal public
    network of Vila Nova dos Martírios - MA? Among the main impressions, we highlight the
    following: most of the schools surveyed had their managers chosen by political appointment,
    failing to comply with target 19 of the National Education Plan and target 18 of the Municipal
    Plan 2014-2024; all the school managers had been in post for less than three years, their first
    experience in the position, and had not undergone any training before taking up the job. In
    short, the results presented in this study do not allow us to say whether the profile of school
    managers in Vila Nova dos Martírios-Ma is related to the quality of education, taking into
    account, in addition to the evidence already reported, the IDEB results obtained by the
    schools against the targets set by the MEC, considering other factors that contribute to the
    quality of education, such as: the work and training of teachers, human and material
    resources, facilities and structures, etc. As a contribution to this study, we propose the
    creation of a permanent training center to train school managers as a technical and
    technological product.


  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • The qualitative approach guides the documentary and bibliographical research of this
    dissertation, allowing the analysis of Guacira Lopes Louro's discourse on Sexual Education as
    a category of teacher training. The theoretical assumptions of the research cover the classes of
    post-modernity, post-criticism in education, Foucauldian post-structuralism, cultural studies in
    education and queer thinking. We collected documentary data from articles, book chapters and
    books authored by Guacira Lopes Louro, in addition to interviews and lectures given by her.
    We also consider some normative bases that structure Brazilian education, with emphasis on
    the initial and continued training of teachers, focusing on sex education as a category. As for
    the survey of bibliographic data, we compiled it from publications (articles, book chapters and
    books) by authors who write from Guacira Lopes Louro. The Foucauldian analysis of the
    research is central to the categories device, discourse, discursive practice, condition of
    production and modes of subjectivation. Guacira Lopes Louro not only considers it of
    fundamental importance that the category Sexual Education be an organic part of the initial
    teacher training curriculum, but also understands that the continuing education processes must
    take on the theme, given the demands that are pronounced in the school itself, being a question
    of historical, social, cultural, political and academic relevance, in particular when considering
    the current outlines and “silences” of Brazilian educational policies on the Sexual Education
    category. The “silence” becomes even more perverse when the cultural dimension is
    considered, given the distrust of the naturalization/biologization of straight sexuality. The
    centrality of the research is the Training of Teachers to work with Sexual Education. This is
    how we biograph Guacira Lopes Louro and talk about Sexual Education and Teacher Training
    in the field of Sexual Education. The Technical-Technological Product (PTT) is a pedagogical
    proposal for teacher training, which, based on problematizations, provides clues for working
    with the Sexual Education category in a post-critical bias, as we understand that the
    heteronormative sexuality pedagogy device and normalizing, through its operations, produces
    violent, demeaning and systematic subjection to carry out the erasure and subalternization of
    sexualities qualified as abject, peripheral or abnormal. Problematizing education, with a queer
    disposition, signals possibilities for education and Sex Education from a citizenship

  • O USO DA METODOLOGIA DESIGN THINKING NA ORIENTAÇÃO DO TCC NO IEMA: Contribuições para a formação do professor

  • Data: 14/09/2023
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  • La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo general analizar la metodología Design Thinking
    y la formación de docentes para la orientación del TCC en IEMA. La motivación nació del
    contexto profesional en el que trabajo. El Instituto Estatal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología
    de Maranhão (IEMA) y requiere el Trabajo de Conclusión del Curso (TCC) que involucra
    emprendimiento, innovación, el Objetivo de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) y Design Thinking.
    Con este fin, IEMA promovió un curso de capacitación sobre esta metodología y una tutoría
    para maestros sobre la metodología. Para lograr los objetivos de la investigación, se optó por la
    investigación-acción con un enfoque cualitativo. En la recolección de datos, se utilizó un
    cuestionario a través de formularios de google y entrevistas individuales con los participantes.
    Para analizar los resultados, se utilizó el análisis de contenido, que originó tres categorías: 1)
    Comprensión sobre la formación docente y la metodología Design Thinking; 2) Percepción de
    los profesores del IEMA sobre la Metodología Design Thinking; 3) Contribución de la
    Metodología Design Thinking al proceso de formación docente en la orientación del TCC. La
    comprensión de estas categorías fue teóricamente apoyada con el diálogo con los autores:
    Pischetola y Miranda (2021), y Bacich y Moran (2018), Adorno y Horkheimer (1985), Ciavatta
    y Ramos (2011), Charlot (2013), Manacorda (2013), Saviani (2007), Godotti (2009), Cunha
    (2000), Manfredi (2000), Paulo Freire (1985), Demo (2014), Candau (2014), Gatti (2018),
    Maseto (2010), Barbieri (2020), Kronemberger (2019), Rock (2018), Brown (2020), Zeichner
    (2010), Garrido Pimenta (2005), Mizukami (2003), Ghedin (2006) e Tadhei (2018). Los
    resultados revelaron que la formación en Design Thinking (curso y mentoring) necesita ser
    ampliada, llevando a su marco un marco teórico y no restringido al dominio técnico de la
    metodología en cuestión. Otro aspecto revelado es que la institución cuenta con un cuadro de
    docentes en el que la mayoría son profesores becados, lo que impacta en el proceso de
    formación a mediano y largo plazo, ya que el docente no tiene un vínculo efectivo. Fue posible
    percibir que el proceso de construcción del TCC (cursos y mentoría) contribuyó para la
    educación continua de los docentes, cuando indican un rediseño en sus prácticas en el aula. A
    través de este resultado, se elaboró el producto educativo titulado "Cuaderno de Directrices para
    el uso de la Metodología Design Thinking en la Elaboración del TCC en IEMA" y tiene como
    objetivo contribuir a la formación de profesores en el proceso de orientación del Trabajo de
    Conclusión del Curso (TCC) de estudiantes del Instituto Estatal de Educación, Ciencia y
    Tecnología de Maranhão (IEMA).


  • Data: 28/06/2023
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  • This study, entitled “Municipal Educational Assessment System of São Luís (SIMAE) and
    quality of education: analysis of the appropriation of results by the school”, analyzes how the
    management team of a municipal public school in São Luís, Maranhão, uses the results of the
    Municipal Educational Evaluation System (SIMAE) in their pedagogical practices. The
    general objective of the study was to analyze how school management has appropriated the
    results of SIMAE to improve the quality of teaching, having as reference a school in the early
    years of elementary school, considering the temporality from 2017 to 2019. And it has as
    specific objectives : understand the political and social assumptions that marked the
    emergence of external evaluations from the 1990s onwards, discussing the emergence of
    municipal evaluation systems; to analyze the role of school management in view of the results
    of SIMAE in a school in the early years of elementary school; identify the possible
    contributions of the appropriation of these results by the school to improve the quality of
    education; develop a proposal for a Pedagogical Workshop in face-to-face mode with a view
    to analyzing, interpreting and appropriating the results of external evaluations by the school.
    The methodology used adopted a qualitative approach, using the dialectical method and
    considering the historical and social aspects of the analyzed educational phenomenon. In the
    field research, semi-structured interviews were applied with the management team and in the
    interpretation of the data collected in the content analysis in Bardin (1997) to organize the
    data obtained. As documentary sources, the study used documents made available by the
    Municipal Department of Education (SEMED and by the research school. The results
    achieved show that SIMAE, over three editions, has rendered accounts to society and the
    school community, providing opportunities for monitoring and monitoring of elementary
    school students. At the end, a Pedagogical Workshop is proposed based on the indicators of
    the researched school with the objective of guiding the analysis and interpretation of the
    results of the external evaluation, aiming at the improvement of the school work through the
    educational outcomes.

  • GESTÃO ESCOLAR DEMOCRÁTICA: as distorções entre os discursos e as ações em uma escola dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental público luminense

  • Data: 22/03/2023
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  • This research, linked to the Educational and School Management Research Line of the Graduate
    Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), presents a reflection on
    DEMOCRATIC SCHOOL MANAGEMENT. The general objective of the study is to analyze
    the existing distortions between the discourses and actions of democratic management in the
    Cecília Meireles Basic School Unit, which includes the stage of the initial years of Elementary
    School of the Municipal Network of Paço do Lumiar - MA, for the identification of elements
    that need to be reflected by the school community on the guarantee of the constitutional right
    to education. It unfolds in the following specific objectives: a) to understand the concepts of
    school management in the historical context of the Brazilian public school, from the
    theoreticians of the new school; b) identify, for analysis, the conceptions of democratic
    management and the legislation that guide it; c) analyze in order to apprehend how the exercise
    of democratic management in the public elementary school in Luminense takes place; d)
    elaborate a Course Pedagogical Project (PPC) of continued formation in the online modality
    accompanied by certification, with the purpose of directing and improving the development of
    the educational work of the school community of the researched public institution. It uses
    observation, semi-structured interviews and content analysis guided by Bardin (2015), for the
    organization and exploration of data obtained by legal provisions to observe existing distortions
    between democratization mechanisms and everyday school practices; the management profile
    of the school in the early years of elementary school in the municipality of Paço do Lumiar -
    MA; how the school community participates in administrative and didactic-pedagogical
    decisions to guarantee education as a constitutional right; which educational product can be
    used to strengthen the concept of democratic management for the school community researched
    in that municipality. In the methodological processes, this research project is anchored in the
    dialectical method, considering the social and historical aspects, having a descriptive character
    and with the use of bibliographical, documental, and field study. It is based on theoretical
    references, such as: Cury (2002); Gadotti (1994); Libâneo (2010, 2014, 2017, 2021); Lück
    (2000, 2005, 2009, 2010a, 2010b, 2012, 2013, 2017); Paro (2003, 2014, 2016, 2018a, 2018b);
    among others, to point out concepts and distortions between the discourse and actions related
    to democratic management in schools that contemplate the initial years of Elementary
    Education. From the analysis of the testimonies, we found that the school community surveyed
    feels little participative in school decisions, due to the absence of dialogue, lack of knowledge
    in the area and lack of time/space for exchange and reflections on educational issues. In this
    way, the theme is considered relevant, and inspires thinking about democratic management in
    addition to providing opportunities for dialogue with members of the school community, but as
    a need to put discourses into action, considering the sociocultural, economic and technological
    transformations through which society has experienced historically, in the sense of
    guaranteeing the constitutional right to quality school education for citizens.

  • COLABORAÇÃO INTERMUNICIPAL NO MARANHÃO: o caso do ADE dos Guarás e suas repercussões na qualidade do ensino

  • Data: 27/06/2023
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  • This dissertation addresses the Education Development Arrangements (ADE) in the brazilian territory, focusing on the state of Maranhão. The ADE's are characterized as an organization among the municipalities that, when approaching due to having similar educational challenges, seek alternatives to overcome the educational problems found among them. The study aimed to analyze the process of inter-municipal collaboration in Maranhão, emphasizing its repercussions for the quality of education, based on the experience of Ade Guarás. The methodological route encompassed bibliographic research, document analysis and field research. The theoretical framework for analysis of the research object was supported by the authors Dourado (2004), Freitas (2008), Araújo (2013), Gentili (2002) among others who elucidate the partnership in the educational field between the State and the private sector that occurred from from 1990, deal with federalism, decentralization of educational public policies and non-governmental organizations. The research was inspired by the historical-dialectical materialist method to apprehend the investigated reality, and as a technique the case study of Ade Guarás, focusing on the municipality of Guimarães, which together with the municipalities of Apicum-Açu, Bacuri, Cedral, Central from Maranhão, Mirinzal, Porto Rico, Cururupu and Serrano do Maranhão are part of the ADE in reference. As data collection instruments, semistructured interviews were used with institutional implementers and questionnaires to school managers, and for data analysis, content analysis guided by Bardin (2004). The results point to the growing interest of Maranhão municipalities in establishing inter-municipal collaboration partnerships in the ADE format with the intermediation of the private sector with a view to the development of quality education


  • Data: 29/12/2023
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  • The research brings elements for discussion about the teacher training process and the teaching knowledge necessary for the teacher's pedagogical practice. The guiding question is focused on how teacher training takes place and what teaching knowledge is mobilized to carry out the teaching-learning process in the Educação-PI Channel. To this end, we set out with a general objective to analyze the relationship between teacher training and the teaching knowledge mobilized to carry out the teaching and learning process. We defined the following as specific objectives: a) identify in the documents guiding the educational work of Educação-PI Channel the concepts, objectives and actions aimed at teacher training; b) map the pedagogical practices that contribute to or impede the promotion of teaching and learning in Educação-PI Channel; c) Understand the concept of teacher training and the knowledge mobilized in the teaching and learning process; d) propose the collaborative construction of the Guidebook on teaching knowledge in the Educação-PI Channel. This is qualitative research and its methodological path has theoretical support from authors such as Gil (2002), Goldenberg (2004), Minayo (2007), Marconi and Lakatos (2005), Bardin (1979). The research participants are studio teachers from Educação-PI Channel. The concepts of teacher training and teaching knowledge presented have theoretical support in studies by authors such as Freire (1996), Pimenta (2005), Gauthier (1998), Imbernón (2011), Nóvoa (2019, 2022) Tardif (2002) Shulman (1986) among others. Official documents from Educação-PI Channel were analyzed, such as the Pedagogical Proposal (2012) and the Strategic Plan for Education with Technological Mediation of Piauí (2019). As a result, we present the conceptions about the teacher training process as being the moment of construction and acquisition of the teaching knowledge necessary for the development of pedagogical work. As for knowledge, participants recognize that they are acquired during the processes of initial training, continuing training and in the daily practice of being a teacher. We conclude that, although the training moments aim to acquire and build knowledge necessary for teaching practice, there is still a gap in terms of mastering all the knowledge that must be mobilized by teachers during their pedagogical work, but which is It is possible to develop them within the training path that shows moments of continued training that are based on critical reflection on one's own practice and coexistence with one's professional peers.


  • Data: 06/03/2023
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  • This work is part of the field of educational research that problematizes themes of social
    relevance present in the school pedagogical space, and seeks to understand them from a
    historical and sociocultural contextual perspective, which bring in themselves the strand of
    post-critical studies, which propose to discuss educational practices, curricula and demands of
    difference inscribed in power relations, investigate issues of gender, sexuality, race, ethnicity,
    among others, questioning standardization and universalization. When investigating the black
    female body in Biology teaching, we propose to understand how the categories body (Louro,
    Goellner, Beauvoir), sex/gender/feminine (Scott, Beauvoir, Butler, Louro) and race/color (Hall,
    Guimarães, Grosfoguel) are intertwined in the construction of their meaning situated in a
    Brazilian socio-historical and cultural context. Black Feminist Studies, which include authors
    such as bell hooks, Sueli Carneiro, Lélia González, Angela Davis, allow us to think about the
    complexity of a body simultaneously affected by racism and sexism. This work also approaches
    Decolonial and Cultural Studies. Thus, this research aims to analyze how the development of
    didactic propositions can provide opportunities for re-significations about the black female

    body in Biology Teaching from a deconstructionist, historical-cultural perspective of an anti-
    racist and anti-sexist character in which we develop through the digital technological resources

    Padlet and Canva. This investigation, therefore, is characterized as an action-research
    developed in a state school in the city of São Luís - MA, with classes of the 3rd year of EM.
    The theoretical-methodological actions are based on a qualitative approach with Dialogic
    Discourse Analysis (BRAIT, 2006; VOLOCHINOV, 2017), aiming to answer the following
    question: How can interventionist didactic propositions under the sociocultural perspective of
    the black female body provide opportunities (re )significances in Biology teaching? The corpus
    of analysis brings together developed questionnaires, productions by the collaborators and
    reports from the daily Field Blog. The results of a research practice developed in approximately
    one semester demonstrated the perception of sociocultural themes and, consequently, the
    approach of the black female body distanced from Biology teaching by teachers and students,
    but throughout the practices we noticed deconstructions and resignifications in the
    understanding of the theme, as well as the developed didactic-pedagogical practices that reveal
    possibilities for this, and make it possible to think of other forms of critical and reflective
    education of the social context. As a Technological Technical Product we have a formative
    proposal for teachers/es and students materialized in an interactive Ebook with propositions for
    the development of didactic-pedagogical practices that allow to resignify the black female body
    in the teaching of biology from a deconstructionist, historical-cultural perspective of anti-racist
    and antisexist character.

  • GESTÃO DE RECURSOS PÚBLICOS NO ÂMBITO DA GESTÃO ESCOLAR NA PERSPECTIVA DEMOCRÁTICA: uma análise do Programa Dinheiro Direto na Escola (PDDE) em uma escola na rede municipal de Paço de Lumiar/MA

  • Data: 22/06/2023
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  • This Dissertation aimed to analyze, in the light of the principles of democratic management, the
    management of resources from the Dinheiro Direto na Escola Program (PDDE) in a school of
    the municipal public teaching network of Paço de Lumiar/MA in the period from 2016 to 2021,
    seeking to understand how the school community participates, through representatives of the
    School Board in the management of resources. They gave theoretical-conceptual support to the
    understanding and analysis of the phenomenon, Araújo (2010; 2013; 2018); Abrucio (2005,
    2010); Golden (2007, 2010, 2014, 2016); Paro (2002, 2007, 2009, 2016); Fleury (2003); Lück
    (2009), in addition to others. The research adopted a dialectical look (KOSIK, 2007) and a
    qualitative approach, using observation, document analysis and semi-structured interviews as
    procedures, using content analysis for data analysis and systematization, based on Bardin
    (2016) and Franco (2008). The school manager, pedagogical coordinator, teachers, and
    members of the School Council, representative of the Secretary of Education of the
    Municipality SEMED, participated in the research. The study found the importance of
    democratic management of education and the public school, as bases that support participatory
    democracy, as well as the role of collegiate bodies representing the school community in the
    organization of the school management system, particularly in the management of financial
    resources of the PDDE . The evidence pointed out in the investigation leads to the conclusion
    that the principles of school management from a democratic perspective are still poorly
    understood by the community, particularly the instances represented in the School Council,
    which points to enormous challenges in the sense of guaranteeing the effective participation of
    the community, both in the organization of the school management system, as well as in the
    management of the PDDE Resources in the school. This confirms the need and importance of
    continuing education at school, with a view to fostering theoretical-practical and critical content
    for effective community participation, both in administrative and pedagogical management, and
    in the management of PDDE resources. As a contribution, a Technological Technical Product
    (PTT) was prepared, containing a proposal for a Training Plan for School Counselors to
    subsidize continuing education at school. It is a pedagogical notebook with theoretical/practical
    guidelines, , drawn from the results of research in the field school, as well as the legal
    foundations of education and literature on the subject

  • LIBRARIA - LITERATURA ACESSÍVEL: contribuições da Tecnologia Assistiva Digital para os multiletramentos do aluno surdo

  • Data: 26/04/2023
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  • El presente estudio está vinculado a la Línea de Investigación de Formación Docente y Prácticas
    Educativas, del Programa de Posgrado en Educación Stricto Sensu de la Universidad Estadual
    de Maranhão (PPGE/UEMA), y trata de comprender cómo la implementación de Tecnologías
    Asistentes digitales en la práctica docente puede favorecer el proceso de alfabetización de los
    estudiantes sordos. Su objetivo principal es comprender el uso y las posibilidades de los TAD
    en la promoción efectiva de la multialfabetización de los estudiantes sordos, mediante el
    desarrollo de una aplicación con una interfaz de lectura accesible. La investigación se
    caracteriza por ser un estudio con enfoque cualitativo de base empírica, de carácter exploratorio,
    con inspiración metodológica en el materialismo histórico-dialéctico propuesto por Hegel,
    además de ser parte de una investigación de desarrollo. Los supuestos teóricos y analíticos que
    subyacen en este estudio, con respecto a la inclusión, la sordera, las multialfabetizaciones, las
    tecnologías de asistencia digital, etc., se extraen de las contribuciones de los autores Bersch
    (2012), Berkeley (1998), Cortelazzo (2012), Blacksmith; Teberosky (1999), Freire (1996),
    Nascimento (2016), Perlin (2004), Quadros (2007), Soares (2003), Strobel (1998), entre otros,
    además de documentos normativos oficiales que sustentan y regulan la Educación de las
    personas Sordas en Brasil y en el mundo. En cuanto a la investigación exploratoria, se realizó
    en sitios web especializados en servicios educativos para el público sordo y en plataformas de
    aplicación como Apple Store, Play Store y Microsoft Store. El análisis planteado indicó que el
    uso pedagógico de los TAD facilita en gran medida la comprensión y el aprendizaje de sus
    usuarios, pues definen una metodología que reemplaza una enseñanza descriptiva y
    memorística. Corresponde a los docentes dominar los TAD, con el fin de establecer diferencias
    cualitativas en las prácticas pedagógicas. De esta manera, es posible integrar actividades
    pedagógicas con recursos, estimulando la creatividad y la autonomía frente a las dinámicas de
    aprendizaje. Con base en la investigación, sugiere como Producto Técnico-Tecnológico una
    aplicación de lectura accesible denominada Libraria. Se cree que con esta investigación
    podemos contribuir a la comunidad académica y a la sociedad en general, brindando
    herramientas a los docentes, a fin de equiparlos para una efectiva práctica pedagógica inclusiva,
    al tiempo que facilita el acceso a la lectura a todas las personas, independientemente de sus

  • FORMAÇÃO CONTINUADA DE PROFESSORES: Comunicação Não-Violenta para a vivência de uma Cultura de Paz na escola

  • Data: 15/06/2023
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  • This study presented to the Professional Master’s Program in Education of the Graduate
    Program in Education – PPGE, of the State University of Maranhão – UEMA, within the
    Research Line “Teacher Training and Education Practices”, with the Research Theme
    “Training Continuing and Development of Teachers in School Contexts”, starts from the
    following central problem: How has violence at school been treated by schools and by the
    professionals who work in them? Faced with the need to discuss the subject and aiming to
    contribute significantly to studies in education, the general objective of the research is “to
    analyze the pedagogical practices in the face of the phenomenon of violence at school, in
    view of collaborative actions included in the continuing education of teachers that culminate
    in a more peaceful culture, improving the quality of education processes in the school
    context”. It presents the following specific objectives: To identify what the continuing
    education policy of the municipal public network of São Luís contemplates about preventing
    and combating the phenomenon of violence in schools; Perceive resolution strategies in
    everyday schools life to minimize violent behavior in the school community; Present Non-
    Violent Communication as a tool to minimize violence in the school context; Propose
    continued training to the school based on Non-Violent Communication for the
    implementation of a culture of Peace; and to elaborate a Pedagogical Guide in a collaborative
    way with didactic-methodological guidelines for Non-Violent Communication and a Culture
    of Peace, aimed at the Elementary School community – Early Years. For the preparation of
    this study, we chose four central categories of analysis, namely: Violence at school, Non-
    Violent Communication and Culture of Peace, Pedagogical Practices and Teacher Training.
    For the construction of Knowledge, the research is based on authors such as Freire
    (2002;2006), Nóvoa (2019), Rosenberg (2006), Spósito (1998; 2001; 2002), Abramovay
    (2003), Galtung (1990; 1996), among others, in addition to official normative documents
    about education. The research is characterized as a study of qualitative approach with
    empirical basis, of exploratory character through the historical-dialectical materialist method,
    being contextualized through the case study. The place selected to carry out the research was
    the municipal school of São Luís – MA, UEB Henrique de La Roque Almeida – União dos
    Moradores annex, a school located on the outskirts of the Great Island of São Luís. The
    research universe comprises 5 teachers of the 2nd year of Elementary Education at this
    school. To collect and generate the necessary data for this research, the following instruments
    were used: semi-structured interview, field diaries, participant observation and analysis of the
    official documents. We used Bardin’s method of analysis (2011) to organize and analyze
    collected data. According to the research carried out, we were able to infer that violence at
    school is a real, growing and urgent phenomenon, which requires interference from the public
    authorities, as well as through new pedagogical practices aimed at a Culture of Peace. In view
    of this, it is necessary that in-service training be carried out according to the demand that
    arises in schools, with the intention of collectively encouraging reflections on violence, and
    thus, thinking about new practices that will contribute to the extinction or mitigation of this

  • PSICODRAMA PEDAGÓGICO: um estudo de caso no ensino superior

  • Data: 10/05/2023
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  • Esta investigación de Maestría del Programa de Posgrado en Educación Profesional
    de la Universidad Estatal de Maranhão, se centra en el Psicodrama Pedagógico, un
    método que nació en un campo terapéutico, pero extendió este campo de
    conocimiento a la Educación. El Psicodrama Pedagógico consiste en actividades
    integradas por trabajo en grupo, juegos y dramatizaciones para desarrollar un tema
    específico y ha sido utilizado más allá del área educativa en empresas y
    organizaciones para capacitación y selección. En este sentido, la investigación tiene
    como objetivo analizar el uso de este método en la educación superior, a partir de un
    estudio de caso, basado en la relación teórica de la afectividad en el aprendizaje. El
    método utilizado es el Fenomenológico, pues involucra la percepción de los
    participantes sobre su experiencia con el método en el lugar de la investigación, el
    Instituto de Ensino Superior Franciscano (IESF), en São Luís. De acuerdo con los
    objetivos, se trata de un estudio de tipo exploratorio, basado en el hecho de que, en
    el escenario de la enseñanza superior, este es un tema poco explorado. La
    investigación se consolida en un estudio de caso, con abordaje cualitativo, a través
    de la recolección de datos con el uso de entrevista semiestructurada y focus group
    siguiendo la fundamentación teórica en Gamez y Marques (2021), Gil (2008);
    Minayo, Deslandez y Gomes (2007); Moreno (2014); Romanã (1996), entre otros,
    que posibilitan la historicidad de la trayectoria del Psicodrama, su método y
    correlación con la afectividad en la enseñanza superior. Presenta, como resultado
    del análisis, la constatación de que el método es un recurso con resultados
    significativos en su aplicación en el aula, válido, eficaz, innovador, que ha marcado
    una diferencia en el aprendizaje en el locus de investigación. Concluye que es
    necesario ampliar las posibilidades de conocimiento del método en la formación de
    profesores, hacer significativo el uso de diferentes campos, utilizar materiales de
    referencia como protagonista del proceso de aprendizaje, como el Psicodrama

    REMOTO: discursos, práticas e (trans) formações na Rede Pública Municipal de São Luís

  • Data: 26/06/2023
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  • The trajectory of this research sought to answer its central objective, which was based on
    analyzing the repercussions of continuing education in the context of remote teaching, in the
    Municipal Public Network of São Luís do Maranhão, from the narratives of four teachers of the
    elementar school of a Basic Education Unit. The theoretical foundation is based on the writings
    of Ludke and André (1986), Minayo (2013), Severino (2019), Marx (1845), Vásquez (2007),
    Stephen Ball (2011), Nóvoa (2020, 2021), Imbernón (2010), Gatti (2020), Tardif (2007), Tarlau
    and Moeller (2020), Souza (2021), Miranda (2020), Marqueti and Antunes (2021), Freire
    (1996), Freitas (2022), Saviani (2011), Anfope (2020), Marinho (2014), Wenger (2007), Kenski
    (2020), among others. As for the methodological approach, this work is a qualitative research
    that assumed methodological strategies of participante research. As a data generation
    instruments, it used the questionnaire, the interview and group interactions. The study is aligned
    with the thinking of historical-dialectical materialism, whose analyzes and discussions during
    its development were submitted to Bardin's Content Analysis. The path taken to find answers
    to this goal led to discussions that resulted in notes on the various challenges faced by teachers
    in the context of their training in order to respond to an unprecedented educational context
    caused by the devastating health circumstance of the pandemic. Among the several issues that
    permeated this scenario, the teachers' speeches revealed the fragility of the trainings prescribed
    by Semed during this period. It also appears in the research findings that remote teaching
    accelerated the articulation between technological knowledge and teaching knowledge, which
    resulted in the inference that teaching knowledge is in movement, situated and (re)situated
    according to the needs of the teacher's daily work, just as it is constructed and reconstructed by
    changes in the historical, social and cultural reality in which it is allocated. However, although
    the training in remote teaching has contributed to the integration of this knowledge, it should
    be noted that this mediation was largely disconnected from the real possibilities of teachers'
    work in the materialization of virtual teaching environments for the students' context. However,
    this limitation drove other actions that led the teachers to seek in different formative spaces
    (formal and informal) new alternatives to improve their practice through communication and
    sharing of experience among their peers. In this sense, these results show the relevance of
    understanding and analyzing the impact of social contexts on teacher education, which is an
    opportunity to evaluate which training practices are fruitful for the professional development
    of teachers and which practices and training models need to be reevaluated. Following the
    perspective of these findings, we elaborated together with the teachers who participated in the
    study a technical and technological product that resulted in a community blog conceived as an
    interactive and formative space that allowed teachers to be a space for reflection and debate
    about the directions that their training should take based on their needs and context. It is also a
    place to promote the exchange of knowledge that took into consideration the relationships
    among teachers, their practices, their emotions, their difficulties, their self-training, as well as
    the public policies that affect their continuing education and, consequently, their work.


  • Data: 01/06/2023
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  • This project is linked to the Educational and School Management Research
    Line of the Stricto Sensu Graduate Program in Education at the State University
    of Maranhão (PPGE/UEMA) and aims to analyze the use of IDEB results in the
    implementation of quality regulatory policies education in Secondary Education
    of the State Education Network of Maranhão. In order to achieve the
    aforementioned objective, bibliographical and documental research was carried
    out, followed by field research, of a qualitative nature, with methodological
    inspiration in historical-dialectical materialism. Based on the articulation
    between documents, researched texts and field research, we sought to identify
    the elements that contribute to the construction of regulatory policies adopted in
    Secondary Education in the state education network of Maranhão. For the
    construction of the state of knowledge, theoretical support is sought in authors
    such as: Vitor Paro (1999; 2012; 2016); Almerindo Janela Afonso (2005; 2018);
    Nigel Brooke (2006); Luiz Fernando Dourado (2007), among others, as well as
    documents published by the National Institute of Educational Research Anísio
    Teixeira and by the State Department of Education of Maranhão, which present
    data referring to the indicators in that State. In the Introduction of the present
    study, the theme, its objectives, research problem and methodology are
    presented. Then, the study is divided into four sections. In the first session, we
    seek to understand the elements that characterize external evaluations,
    especially the SAEB, as well as the results achieved in the evaluations. The
    second section focuses on understanding regulatory policies, as well as
    regulatory practices adopted in the State of Maranhão. To this end, we seek to
    analyze the regulatory practices adopted in the state education network, with
    the SEAMA analysis as the main point. The third section illustrates the results
    obtained from the field research and contemplates the characterization of the
    locus and the research subjects, the management team's understanding of the
    external evaluation as well as the technical evaluation team of SEDUC/MA.
    Finally, the fourth section presents the proposed Technological Technical
    Product, which is a booklet entitled “Beyond the numbers: guidelines for
    analyzing and discussing the results of the external evaluation”, through which
    guidelines are provided to the teaching network and school units.Finally, there
    are the final considerations, through which the results of this study are
    presented. Among the main results identified, the confirmation of the effective
    influence of the SAEB in the institution of the educational public policy
    developed in the State of Maranhão stands out; the discrepancy between the
    flow presented by the Network and the results in proficiency; the evident need
    to improve proficiency in the network; and the need to think about network
    strategies capable of promoting emancipatory evaluation.

  • O CORPO MASCULINO NOS LIVROS DIDÁTICOS DE CIÊNCIAS:uma análise dos discursos sobre o corpo masculino e a retirada da categoria “gênero” da Base Nacional Comum Curricular

  • Data: 28/02/2023
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  • The human body, through the efforts of various sectors and social institutions, is historically named, described, analyzed, privileged or marginalized. When we focus on the male body, we notice discourses based on the maxims of medical and biological science, as well as on the pedagogy of living in society. The male body reflects the period and space in which it is inserted, the existence and the practices of this body construct discourses, and vice versa. The school and the textbooks are spaces that discuss the male body and, therefore, can contribute to the perception of the subjects regarding their body and the construction of masculinity from discourses that guide the power relations involved in gender issues. Among the documents that govern national education, the Common National Curriculum Base (BNCC) stands out, which in 2017, due to conservative pressures, had the mentions of "gender" removed from its original text. From a qualitative documentary research, I analyze here five collections of science textbooks for the Elementary School Final Years (6th to 9th grade) provided by municipal and state public schools in the district of Cidade Operária, São Luís - MA. In these collections I search for the discourses about the male body and aim to problematize them based on Cultural Studies in Education, taking the Foucauldian notion of discourse where objects are also produced by discourses. From the processes of floating reading and in-depth reading I built categories and subcategories for the discussion of the results. What was observed in the analysis is that the textbooks are still based on a binary notion that correlates sex and gender, where the biological perspective of the body focuses on the reproductive capacity of men, and that they almost never discuss intersex or transgender bodies, but that the books bring some discourses that guide the contestation of body standards, the social role of men, and patriarchal privileges. This research generated as a Technical and Technological Product a book in e-book format with pedagogical proposals for working the male body in school.

    SOCIAL: uma análise das práticas avaliativas em uma escola, no município de Uruçuí – PI

  • Data: 07/06/2023
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  • The present study with a concentration area in management and teacher training in Basic
    Education, is linked to the line of research in educational and school management of the
    Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) and is constituted
    from the interest in knowing what are the conceptions of the manager, coordinator and teachers
    of the initial years of Elementary School, of a public school of Uruçuí-PI, have on learning
    evaluation. It recognizes the importance of all types of assessment but focuses on the one that
    corroborates teaching-learning, bringing critical and conscientious reflections. For this, it
    sought to understand the most diverse conceptions that guide the pedagogical practice of these
    professionals in order to find mechanisms for improving the quality of learning assessment in
    accordance with the reality experienced in the school context. The research has as main
    objective to analyze the conceptions of the manager, coordinator and teachers, of a public
    school that offers the Initial Years of Fundamental Education, about the evaluation of learning,
    identifying possibilities and notes necessary for social transformation, with the purpose of
    contribute to knowledge through awareness-raising evaluative processes that promote quality
    learning assessment. For this, it has a theoretical and historical survey on the evaluation of
    learning. As a theoretical framework, it is drawn from the contributions of authors such as
    Hoffmann (2011; 2019), Luckesi (2009; 2011; 2014), Saul (2008; 2010; 2015; 2016), Freire
    (1976; 1997; 2014; 2018; 2019; 2021), Romão (1998; 2020), among others. It uses as
    methodology the field research defended by Gil (2008), from a qualitative approach
    conceptualized by Minayo (2007) and Teixeira (2013). As a data production technique, the
    semi-structured interview based on Minayo (2007). For data analysis and discussion, it relies
    on the principles of content analysis in Bardin (1979; 2016), with which we can trace the
    discussion of results into categories. The data produced indicate the importance of knowing
    what the conceptions of the manager, coordinator and teachers are of the researched school, and
    from them, to analyze, reflect and suggest new ways of perceiving the evaluation of learning,
    thus strengthening the debate on the researched theme. It also informs the relevance of a product
    that enables studies and guidance on social transformation from an emancipatory perspective
    through a notebook with guidelines, meeting the guidelines of the legislation.


  • Data: 22/03/2023
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  • This dissertation deals with work developed by managers of Early Childhood Education
    institutions of the municipal public network of São Luís, Maranhão, from the analysis
    of their performance, with a view to implementing the theoretical and legal frameworks
    for this stage. Assuming that the school manager plays an extremely relevant
    leadership role with the school in this implementation and, consequently, for ensuring
    the quality of Early Childhood Education, which can have an impact on reducing
    educational inequalities in the later stages of schooling. To this end, it follows the
    theoretical line based on dialectical materialism in order to highlight the importance of
    social practice for the transformation of reality, as Kosik (2002) points out. In this sense,
    it presents as a product of the research an e-book, aimed at managers of early
    childhood education institutions in order to contribute to the quality of educational
    processes with children from zero to five years of age. It discusses the conceptions of
    Childhood and Child as central categories in this stage of basic education based on
    authors among which stands out Hewyood (2004), Ariès (2006), Oliveira (2011) and
    Sarmento (2005, 2013). It explains the legal frameworks of Early Childhood Education
    and the perception of theorists about this legal support, highlighting the following
    authors: Kuhlmann Jr. (2001), Kramer (2006), Campos and Rosemberg (2009),
    Abuchaim (2018). It brings in its bulge discussions on the importance of the quality of
    early childhood education for the reduction of educational inequalities from the
    contributions of Coleman (1966), Crahay (2002, 2013), Campos (2011, 2013, 2020)
    Heckman (2006, 2012), Campos et al. (2011) as well as presents a brief history of
    education management from authors such as Sander (2007), Souza (2009), Lück
    (2015) and addresses the dimensions of school management in the light of Lück's
    contributions (2009, 2013, 2014), Paro (2011), Libâneo, Oliveira and Toshi (2012),
    Libâneo (2015) and Souza (2021). The theoretical-methodological course of this
    investigation is anchored in a qualitative approach, of descriptive nature. The data
    collected through a questionnaire elaborated through the Google Forms executive tool
    and through semi-structured interviews conducted with two managers were analyzed
    and categorized in order to allow a better visualization of the results. The research
    showed that the manager can contribute to ensure the right of children to a quality
    education with certain limitations imposed by the challenges faced in the face of the
    failures of the public authorities.

  • AFETO E COGNIÇÃO NA EDUCAÇÃO INFANTIL:potencialidades da dimensão socioafetiva na aprendizagem

  • Data: 10/05/2023
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  • The discussions undertaken about the socio-affective dimension in Early Childhood Education
    have gained increasing prominence among the scientific and academic community, this is due
    to the recognition of the interfunctional relationship that affectivity establishes with human
    cognition, becoming a potentiating element of children's learning. In this sense, the research

    with a qualitative approach has as its central objective to analyze the implications of the socio-
    affective dimension and its possibilities to enhance the child's development in pedagogical

    practices in Early Childhood Education by developing a paradidactic book to promote this
    relationship. It asserts that the relationship between affection and cognition in Early Childhood
    Education is a fundamental aspect for the consolidation of children's learning, thus supporting
    their development. In this path, in line with the general objective, this study also seeks to
    identify the place of childhood and children in history to contextualize the concepts of affection
    and Early Childhood Education; discuss the affective dimension as a mediation of children's
    learning and identify the relationship between teachers' pedagogical practices and affectivity
    for the mediation of children's learning. The research is guided by the principles of the
    Historical-Dialectic method and the assumptions of Socio-Historical Psychology. According to
    the objectives outlined, it is descriptive and, as for data collection, it is survey. For the

    construction of the theoretical framework that underlies this study, it defines the affect-
    cognition relationship from the contributions of Wallon (1986) and Vigotski (2000). These

    authors treat the affective-cognitive unit as an aspect that materializes human activity and
    makes affectivity and cognition inherent parts of learning, thus constituting an essential element
    for Early Childhood Education. With regard to the conception of children, childhoods and
    socio-affective implications as mediation to enhance children's learning, it is drawn from the
    contributions of Agamben (2005); Sarmento (2008); Kuhlmann Jr. (1998); Tardiff (2002);
    Formosinho (2007); Zeichner (2010); between others. The analyzes raised show, as a result, the
    meanings produced by Early Childhood Education teachers about affectivity as a mediation for
    the development of children's learning, concluding that despite being intrinsically linked to the
    concept of welcoming in the school routine, they do not incorporate the Cartesian perspective
    with organicist approaches, which polarizes the relationship between affection and cognition,
    giving the affective apparatus the condition of subjugated to the cognitive. It finally concludes
    that the implications of the dimension of socio-affective relationships in the pedagogical
    practices of Early Childhood Education and the possibilities of enhancing the child's learning,

    result from the understanding of the relationship between affection and cognition as a historical-
    cultural substrate constituted in the collective of men. In this way, for the participating teachers,

    socio-affective support assumes the sine qua non condition for the consolidation of the
    children's learning process, reverberating in the promotion of meaningful and contextualized
    pedagogical practices in Early Childhood Education.

  • ENSINO EMERGENCIAL: a gestão escolar em tempos de pandemia

  • Data: 30/03/2023
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  • The research that this dissertation derives from integrates the studies of the Research Line
    Educational and School Management of the Graduation of the State University of Maranhão
    (PPGE-UEMA) and aims at analyzing to analyze how the school manager implements the
    pedagogical and administrative strategies of emergency teaching in the elementary school stage
    between the years 2020 and 2022 in a public school in the municipal network of São Luís/MA.
    This is an investigation with a qualitative methodological approach, developed through a case
    study. For the construction of the state of knowledge, we sought the theoretical contribution of
    Mészáros (2008), Lück (2000; 2009), Libâneo (2012), Behar (2020), Saviani and Galvão (2021)
    Hora, Corrêa and Oliveira (2022), among others, in addition to documents that regulate
    emergency teaching and research that allowed the description of the various socio-educational
    pandemic realities in Brazil, with emphasis on the capital of Maranhão. The text has five
    sections, the first of which is intended for the introduction, initial discussion on the topic,
    problematization, objectives and methodology. The second section, School Management in the
    Context of the Pandemic, deals with the panorama of the neoliberal crisis of social, health,
    economic and political bias that caused impacts, challenges and serious consequences in the
    school organization that underwent a process of (re)planning and (re) organization according to
    the reconfigurations of emergency teaching. The third section, Municipal Public Education of
    São Luís/MA in Times of Covid-19, presents the characterization of the municipal public
    network and the directions assigned to the school management of the network, courted with the
    empirical contribution of the participating managers, obtained in the semi-structured interviews
    that point out which pedagogical and administrative actions and strategies of emergency
    teaching were carried out in the researched school. This section also presents the researcher's
    perspectives, experiences and contributions on the managers' school routine, obtained through
    participant observation. In the fourth section, we present the Emergency Teaching Digital
    Repository (RDEE), Educational Product, with the Guidelines for school managers,
    complementary material, to be used as a source of research and subsidy for strengthening the
    pedagogical and administrative practices of school managers in the face of scenarios in the
    which emergency teaching is needed. The last section is intended for final considerations, with
    emphasis on aspects pointed out in the investigation to achieve the proposed objectives.

  • Programa de Iniciação Científica no Ensino Médio: e a sua relação com a Educação Superior

  • Data: 07/06/2023
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  • This dissertation has the general objective of analyzing the relationship between the

    Institutional Program of Scientific Initiation Scholarships for Secondary Education (PIBIC-
    EM) with Higher Education. For that, a case study was carried out at the Federal Institute

    of Maranhão, campus Buriticupu, where the data of the advisors and graduates of the
    mentioned program between 2017 and 2021. In addition, interviews were conducted by
    through semi-structured lobes with the same audience. As an analysis technique and
    data interpretation makes use of content analysis, following Bardin guidelines (1977) in
    structuring the stages of analysis. For theoretical research support we used authors
    such as: Arantes and Peres (2015), Massi and Queiroz (2015), Bazin (1983), Massi and
    Queiroz (2015), Moraes and Fava (2000) and Oliveira et al. (2015), Sousa; Filipeck et
    al. (2017), among others. When seeking to fulfill the general objective and the specific
    objectives, the research arrived as the one that PIBIC-EM contributes so that its graduates
    want to attend a continuous course, bringing Basic Education closer with Higher Education.
    It also concluded that the program helps to develop skills in its participating students, such
    as developing critical thinking and better speaking and writing. Despite its importance,
    the PIBIC-EM is still little explored in graduate program research.


  • Data: 03/06/2022
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  • This research, linked to the Graduate Program in Education of the State University of Maranhão,
    (PPGE/UEMA) in the line of educational and school management, aims to analyze the relationship
    of the Political Pedagogical Project (PPP) with the training of education professionals and school
    community in a school of the state public network of Maranhão, from the construction, use and
    evaluation of a repository of guidelines, which will consist as a research product. Thus, the study
    will enable reflections on the debates that permeate the PPP in educational and school
    management, and on its scope in the training of educational professionals and school community.
    In this scope, the qualitative research approach is used, configuring it by means of a participant
    research developed in five stages, which intend to meet the objectives of the study, counting on
    the participation of representatives of the community of the state public school in question, which
    were organized in: living in the school with participant observations; application of interviews and
    semi-structured questionnaires; content analysis; construction of the guidelines repository; and
    finally, use and evaluation of the repository. The research is developed with the construction of
    the state of knowledge, and that is based on authors such as: Veiga (2013); Padilha (2017);
    Vasconcellos (2019); Libâneo (2002, 2004, 2006, 2018), Luck (2000, 2011, 2013), among others.
    The text presents seven sections aimed at the presentation of the intentionalities of the research,
    beginning with introduction and ending with the final considerations, as well as the methodological
    paths adopted, which result in the presentation and analysis of the empirical data in Technical
    Technological Product with guidelines and references for the processes of PPPs. The construction
    of the categories of analysis, from the interlocution of the empirical work and the theoretical
    framework that grounded the research, allowed not only to indicate the existence of the relationship
    between PPP and formation, but also to affirm for the public-school space the possibility of
    building the PPP. It also suggests that the participants deepen their understanding of the still
    complex relationships between school organization and participation mechanisms, based on the
    practices carried out daily, such as the arrangement of collective work, which, when built, enables
    the elaboration of collective proposals, such as the PPP. As for the repository, a product of the
    research, it was configured as a collective instrument, which contributes to the decentralization of
    power in the school and constitutes an opportunity for discussions about the formative dimensions
    in the educational context. Therefore, the scarcity of scientific-academic productions about the
    relationship between PPP processes in school management, and training for the school community
    in education systems, ratifies the relevance of this research in its political, social, pedagogical and
    academic dimensions.

  • O LUGAR DO AFETO NA GESTÃO ESCOLAR: Um estudo sobre a interface entre afetividade, aprendizagem e gestão.

  • Data: 05/07/2022
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  • This dissertation work prepared in the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão, entitled The Place of Affection in School Management: A Study on the Interface Between Affectivity, Learning and Management, has as main objective to discuss the importance of affection in school management as a tool to improve human relations in the school environment as well as in the teaching-learning process. The research takes place in two schools of Pole 3 of the Regional Education Unit in São Luís of the State Education Network SEDUC Maranhão. For the development of this work, the research was designed by the qualitative approach, using content analysis procedures directed by the Historical-Dialectical method. The semi-structured interview was carried out in both online and face-to-face modalities in the selected schools. The theoretical contextualization is based on the contribution of the following authors: Wallon (1986), Vygotsky (1984), Paro (2012,2015,2018), Luck (2004,2007,2008,2009) Freire (1987) and others who contemplate their you speak. We present the contributions of affection in the practice of school management as a support tool in the search for an equitable school environment conducive to the development of human relationships and learning. It is a reflective approach to social interaction and affective relationships that take place at school from the perspective of school management, thus rethinking the prevailing conception of administrative school management disassociated from emotional aspects.

  • O PAPEL DO GESTOR ESCOLAR NA PERSPECTIVA DA GESTÃO DEMOCRÁTICA DA ESCOLA PÚBLICA: implicações para a melhoria da qualidade da educação na rede pública municipal de ensino de São Luís/MA

  • Data: 09/09/2022
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  • This study aims to analyze the role of the school manager in the context of actions
    carried out at the school, seeking to apprehend possible contributions to improving the
    quality of education in the municipal public network of São Luís - MA. The analysis
    took into account the principles of democratic management, defined in the 1988
    Constitution and in the LDBEN 9.394/96. The analytical and discursive field considered
    the historical context of educational and school management, but with emphasis on
    the temporal record, from the 1990s, the initial moment of important reforms in Brazilian
    education, driven by the State Reform and the current LDBEN. With the expansion of
    educational services, in line with the principles of democratic management, since then,
    the role of the school manager is expanded and starts to figure associated with the
    quality of education that occurs in school. The understanding and analysis of the
    phenomenon relied on the theoretical-conceptual support of Albuquerque (2013);
    Bezerra (2009); Ferreira (2011); Fonseca and Oliveira (2011); Lück (2010); Paro
    (2002, 2005, 2009, 2011); between others. The research fits within the qualitative
    approach (BOGDAN and BIKLEN, 1994) and adopted, as research procedures,
    documentary analysis, semi-structured interviews and observation of the empirical
    field. The research included the participation of two school managers and nine
    teachers from two schools in the municipal public education network of São Luís. The
    study has sought to answer the following question: Does the work of the school
    manager, in the context of the actions carried out at school, contribute to improving the
    quality of school education in the municipal public network of São Luís/MA? Among
    the main evidence, we highlight: the choice of managers of the researched schools is
    made by political appointment, contrary to what is proposed by goal 19 of the PNE and
    the PME of the municipality of São Luís; the organization of school management and
    the work of the manager are performed by centralizing practices and, to some extent,
    authoritarian. Although the managers and teachers interviewed demonstrated a certain
    understanding of democratic management, they do not guarantee participatory spaces
    to discuss and make decisions on issues that affect administrative and, especially,
    pedagogical work. Finally, the results achieved by this study do not allow us to affirm
    the contributions of the work of school managers to the quality of education, taking into
    account, in addition to the evidences already pointed out, the results of the IDEB
    achieved by schools in face of the goals set by the MEC, while recognising that other 

    factors such as teaching work, structure and facilities, as well as material and human
    resources need to be taken into account in educational services, aiming at the quality
    of education. As a contribution of this study, and according to the modality of this
    Dissertation, we propose, as a Technological Technical Product, a pedagogical booklet
    for School Managers, with the objective of subsidizing the work of the school manager,
    taking into account the role he/she plays, as well as the theoretical-practical and critical
    foundations of democratic management, in order to guarantee an education of social
    quality, focused on the integral formation of students.

  • FORMAÇÃO INICIAL DOCENTE E PRÁTICA PEDAGÓGICA DO PROFESSOR DE ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: um olhar sobre suas vivências didáticas em duas escolas da rede municipal de Altos – PI

  • Data: 30/07/2022
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  • The objective of this study was to analyse the contributions of initial teacher training to the pedagogical practice of teachers in the classroom context, given the social transformations that have led to new demands in the teaching and learning processes since the 1990s. The question that guided the development of this work was: Has the initial training of elementary school teachers contributed in the context of contemporary society beyond an instrumental dimension of the profession, causing significant changes in teaching practices? In this understanding, the initial training of the future teacher should establish a dialogue between the theoretical basis of the degree course with the reality of everyday school life, enabling the understanding of the teacher's role as mediator of an emancipatory education. We have sought to reflect critically on the relationship between theory and practice in initial teacher training, through the analysis of policies for initial teacher training from the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education - LDBEN of 1996, with support from scholars in the field of education, such as Saviani, Duarte, Freitas, Freire, Gatti, who conceive education in a critical dimension, therefore, in teacher training, without neglecting other scholars who offer subsidies for understanding the training process, such as Alarcão, Tardif, Libâneo, among others. The research is qualitative in nature, due to its human bias object, therefore, social and of descriptive approach. As instruments for data collection, semi-structured interviews were carried out and a training memorial with 8 teachers who work in primary education from 1st to 3rd year in 2 schools of the Municipal Public Network of Altos - PI. The organization and analysis of the data were based on a critical perspective. The data were grouped into 2 major categories of analysis: Initial Teacher Training and Pedagogical Practice. The results of the research indicate that teachers understand the importance of the relationship between theory and practice in initial training, however, this relationship was a challenge in the degree courses in which they graduated, affecting the development of a transforming pedagogical practice of the social reality of the students. As a Technological Technical Product, a training course was developed in a virtual learning environment, campusonline platform of the Federal Institute of Piauí - IFPI, aiming to enable reflection on teacher training and the challenges of classroom practice. We concluded that the dialogue between university and school is still weakened, considering that education is a social practice, it is necessary to reflect on the initial teacher training process, given the new social demands that make the educational field permeated with uncertainties and challenges.

  • O (NÃO) LUGAR DO(A) NEGRO(A) E A EDUCAÇÃO ÉTNICO-RACIAL COMO PRÁTICA DA LIBERDADE: uma análise sobre os impactos da Lei n.o 10.639/2003, no espaço escolar em São Luís/MA

  • Data: 15/09/2022
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  • The insertion of contents pertaining to the history and culture of the black, Africa-
    descendant, and African populations is, without a doubt, a process that has been

    discussed for a long time by the black and diligent movements of racial and
    educational relations in Brazil. The articulation of the black population, through much
    struggle and resistance, made it possible for measures to be taken by the State to
    revert a situation of inequalities that had and still influence racial ethnic groups, in the
    case of this study, the black population. Federal Law 10.639/2003 is a measure that
    determines the mandatory teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture
    in formal educational spaces in public and private institutions throughout the Brazilian
    territory. In this direction, the National Council of Education approved in 2004 the
    Opinion CNE/CP 03/2004 and the Resolution CNE/CP 01/2004 which establish and
    regulate the National Curricular Guidelines for the Education of Ethnic-Racial
    Relations and for the teaching of Afro-Brazilian and African History and Culture. In
    view of the above, we determined in this dissertation to investigate whether the
    educational management develops a curricular work that includes the content on
    Afro-Brazilian and African history and culture, in compliance with the implementation
    of the Law, which aims to implement a proposal for racial-ethnic diversity in the
    school space. The theoretical contribution is based on an extensive literature review
    with authors who are allied to the racial theme and corroborate for an antiracist and
    liberating education. The methodological approach is qualitative aligned with the

    bibliographic and documental research and the research techniques were semi-
    structured interviews applied with (02) two managers and (04) four teachers at a

    public high school located in the Liberdade neighborhood in São Luís - MA. The
    results obtained, presented, and analyzed are separated in 11 (eleven) thematic
    units and revealed a process of inclusion in the school of the racial theme, related to
    the black population, we verified that the teachers understand the importance of the
    Law and we observed that practices are developed to overcome racism and racial

  • ENSINO DE SOCIOLOGIA: repensando práticas pedagógicas a partir da Lei da Reforma do Ensino Médio e da LDB n. 9.394/96

  • Data: 12/09/2022
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  • Considering Law 13.415/17, which deals with the implementation of the new curricular
    organization of high school, we analyze the consequences of a curriculum structured in five
    Formative Itineraries and the Common National Curricular Base. We aim to identify the
    theoretical and methodological strategies of Sociology teaching inherent to the current
    educational demands, in order to understand the correlation between Sociology teaching and
    the human formation of the student, seeking the valorization of their social and cultural
    characteristics. Santos (2004) strengthened the historical contextualization of sociological
    knowledge. Our methodological support is in qualitative research with a crossing in Cultural
    Studies, supported by the post-structuralist perspective present in Louro (2007), Moreira
    (1994; 1995; 2001), Moreira and Silva (1994; 2018), Silva (1994, 2010). The counterposition
    to a normalizing education and strengthening of the school within cultural pedagogies were
    embraced in the theories of Miskolci (2012), Berticelli (2001) and Lopes and Macedo (2011).
    Minayo (2009) and Sá- Silva (2019), brought the rationale of a social research, which
    welcomed the documentary research as a method of procedure. We live an austere moment,
    the legislation for New High School has preached the maxim of directing the student to the
    market and to the world of work, following the orders and courses of the capital.
    Unfortunately, the human formation has been dismissed at the end of the basic cycle, refusing
    to carry out, in fact, the integral formation of this subject. The comings and goings of the
    discipline in the classroom have brought countless challenges to the Social Sciences. Power
    relations constitute the Reform process as a whole, and are imprinted in the interconnections
    between the socio-historical context and its reproduction in the economic sphere. The
    discussions developed here have intensified the construction of a pedagogical proposal aimed
    at the Educa Mais Learning Centers, state educational institutions in São Luís- MA, which are
    going through this moment of integralization of teaching. We estimate to ascend the
    importance of Sociology in the school environment and in the dimension of human formation,
    allowing the Sociology teacher to create spaces to resist against the erasure of the subject in
    the diversified part of the curriculum, although still facing the arbitrary ties conferred to the
    educational scenario in the current Brazilian plot.

  • Formação continuada do gestor escolar da rede municipal de educação de Codó: proposição de um site educacional.

  • Data: 01/07/2022
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  • The dissertation deals with the continuing education of the school manager of the municipal education network of Codó, addresses a current and relevant theme to the social and local context, an exploratory and intervention research, using as an instrument a questionnaire and data collection applied with school managers of the Municipality of Codó, MA. It seeks to analyze the reality of managers through an applied questionnaire, and from this context, produce a site for continuing education, as a technical and technological product of the research. It uses applied research of the action-research type for intervention in the reality in question and the qualitative approach, insofar as it works with values, beliefs and non-quantifiable aspects. The finalized research was divided into five stages, namely: 1) literature review on the subject in question; 2) Application of the questionnaire 3) website creation; 4) availability on the internet; 5) analysis of the site by means of comparison with others, in order to verify similarities and explain divergences. Theoretical references were selected in the area of technologies and school management to dialogue with the information of the research subjects. The bibliographic research was guided by the following themes that cross the theme: Continuing Education of Teachers in Brazil; School management in Brazil; the pandemic and digital information and communication technologies-TDICs. The research uses as instruments for data collection, application of a questionnaire and semi-structured interview with eight school managers from the Municipal Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation of Codó. It uses Bardin's Content Analysis as a technique for interpreting and analyzing the manager's statements at different times of the research. As for the website, the home page was developed using programming tools that allow collaborative and interactive web resources. With the study, it was possible to point out that from the research developed, the website gestoescolarcodo.com.br constitutes a very broad universe according to the location and historical evolution of knowledge on the subject, in addition, the possibility of verifying how it is inserted in the context of the new digital technologies of information and communication. Based on the result of the study, it becomes relevant to carry out new studies, capable of deepening knowledge about management and technologies, in view of the different possibilities of action of a website in learning and later customization of it, improving its content and programming tools. The results indicate that the research participants consider the site pleasant and its content satisfactory for school management in Codó-MA.


  • Data: 16/09/2022
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  • A pesquisa tem por finalidade analisar como tem se configurado o processo de
    democratização da gestão escolar no contexto das escolas de Ensino Médio da Rede Pública
    Estadual da cidade de Codó, Maranhão, a partir do Plano Nacional da Educação (PNE, 2014 –
    2024. O PNE, aprovado por meio da Lei n.º 13.005, de 25 de junho de 2014, preconiza a
    participação da sociedade como princípio indispensável para a consecução dos propósitos
    educativos da escola pública brasileira. Para isso, analisa-se a trajetória política e histórica do
    planejamento educacional brasileiro por meio dos PNE, investigando as concepções e como
    vêm ocorrendo os processos de democratização da gestão educacional na escola pública
    brasileira, quais indicativos e/ou processos de gestão escolar democrática se apresentam nas
    escolas públicas estaduais de Ensino Médio de Codó, Maranhão, no período de 2015 a 2022.
    Como contribuição técnica, o estudo apresenta um caderno de atividades práticas em gestão
    democrática, que visa contribuir para a democratização da gestão escolar. No aspecto
    metodológico, trata-se de uma pesquisa de abordagem mista, na perspectiva quantitativa e
    qualitativa, aliada à pesquisa bibliográfica com análise documental. Como instrumento de
    coleta se fez uso de entrevistas, que devido à situação de isolamento social, por conta da
    pandemia da COVID-19, se deu por meio de questionários, via Google Forms, aplicados aos
    cinco gestores escolares pertencentes às escolas da Rede Pública Estadual de ensino de Codó.
    Como efeito dessa construção, afirma-se que a democratização da gestão escolar naquela
    Rede Pública Estadual é processual, no que tange às mudanças necessárias para que se efetive
    em seu locus natural, a escola pública. A investigação legitimou questões relevantes para a
    discussão, como o fato de que o processo de regulação dos PME brasileiros atualmente é
    desenvolvido muito mais pela iniciativa privada, do que pelo Estado, revelando assim, a
    presença da gestão gerencialista. Os resultados evidenciaram mudanças significativas na
    forma de acesso à função de gestão escolar, por meio de seletivo qualificado e eleição direta e
    sobre o perfil da função, como: maior participação feminina na ocupação da função;
    crescimento significativo de negros na função, em relação às demais raças ou cor; maior
    quantitativo de profissionais com titulação, além de maior implementação de instrumentos
    participativos na gestão das escolas públicas estudadas. No entanto, ainda persiste na
    realidade das escolas da rede, em menor proporção, o critério clientelista da indicação
    política, o que não reponde ao alinhamento o atual PNE (2014-2024.

  • A PARTICIPAÇÃO SOCIAL COMO UM PRINCÍPIO DA GESTÃO DEMOCRÁTICA: uma análise da atuação dos Conselhos Escolares no município de Capitão de Campos - PI

  • Data: 19/12/2022
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  • The present study "Social participation as a principle of democratic management: an analysis
    of the performance of school councils in the municipality of Capitão de Campos - PI" is part
    of the following research problem: How can the principle of social participation, via the
    School Council, contribute to the democratization of school management? Thisstudy aims to
    analyze, from the performance of the school board of two elementary schools of the
    municipal network of Capitão de Campos/PI, how the principle of social participation can
    contribute to effect democratic management. The research is based on the perspective of a
    qualitative approach and was developed in the municipality of Capitão de Campos, located
    approximately 118 km from the capital Teresina of the state of Piauí. To this end, the text is
    part of the concept and role of the school board. It also addresses the theoretical field of
    democracy and participation in classical and contemporary ideas, based on the following
    authors: (BOBBIO, 1982, 1987, 1998), (MONTAÑO E DURIGUETTO, 2011), (COUTINHO,
    2008), (OSÓRIO, 2019), (BORDENAVE, 1994), (HELD, 1991), (NETO CABRAL, 1997);
    (PARO, 2000, 2016, 2018), (SANDER, 2007, 2009), (NETO; CASTRO, 2011), (SANTOS,
    2004, 2008), (HORA, 2007a, 2007b), (ANTUNES, 2008), (ADRIÃO; CAMARGO, 2001) and
    others that contributed to a better understanding of the theme in evidence. We identified in
    the theoretical body of this work that the School Councils represent the higher instance in the
    scope of schools, not only for autonomy in the decision-making process, but for the power
    that has to stimulate the critical and reflective capacity of the social subjects that compose
    this collegiate body. Based on the analysis of the subjects' statements, we diagnosed that
    the School Councils still represent with fragility, the interests of the community in the school
    space, among the main reasons, we found the lack of knowledge, and especially time for the
    subjects to be involved in school issues. In addition to these preliminary conclusions, we
    highlight that social participation contributes to the democratization of school management,
    as collective interests within the school, strengthening the teaching and learning process,
    and expanding the understanding of educational subjects. In this sense, it is urgent that the
    community understands that it is not enough to know that a collegiate body is important for
    school, but that it is necessary to know its functions and attributions, developing critical and
    reflective self-awareness of itself, so that they understand the impact of their actions on their
    reality and that of those who are involved with the same cause.

  • FORMAÇÃO DE PROFESSORES DE MATEMÁTICA E A METODOLOGIA RESOLUÇÃO DE PROBLEMAS NO 5° ANO DO ENSINO FUNDAMENTAL: desafios e possibilidades e respectivo produto técnico tecnológico: A metodologia resolução de problemas na formação de professores de matemática: aprendizagens colaborativas.

  • Data: 23/05/2022
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  • This dissertation discusses the training of mathematics teachers and the problem solving
    methodology in the 5th year of elementary school, highlighting the challenges and
    possibilities in teaching and learning mathematics. The study aims to analyze the training of
    mathematics teachers and the use of the Problem Solving methodology, in the 5th year of

    elementary school, at Prof.a Silvana Cunha/Cururupu-MA school; to identify the theoretical-
    methodological and epistemological perspectives that support the school's pedagogical

    proposal, the training plan and the pedagogical practice of the teachers who teach
    mathematics in the 5th year of elementary school; to observe the development of the
    pedagogical practices of the teachers in the virtual classroom, identifying the challenges and
    possibilities encountered by teachers and students in the teaching and learning of
    mathematics; understand the concepts of teacher training and Problem Solving methodology
    with teachers who work in the 5th year of elementary school; to propose, from the needs
    pointed out by the teachers, the collaborative elaboration of the e-book: The problem solving
    methodology in the formation of Mathematics teachers: collaborative learning. The research
    methodology is configured with a qualitative approach, in a critical, reflexive and
    emancipatory perspective. As a methodological process, a descriptive and exploratory field
    research was carried out at the Prof.a. Silvana Cunha, located in the city of Cururupu, with the
    participation of 4 teachers, 10 students and 1 pedagogical coordinator of the 5th year of
    elementary school. For data collection, we performed the following procedures: a) online
    semi-structured interview b) online participant observation c) data collection and recording
    through a field diary d) analysis and interpretation of the data obtained. I understand with the
    results of this research that from the teacher training policy at school it is possible to
    constitute a collective space for critical and dialectical reflection on pedagogical praxis to
    teach mathematics in the 5th year of elementary school, taking into account the use of the
    Resolution of Problems as a possibility to contribute to the construction of mathematical
    knowledge aimed at the human formation of subjects, in a critical and emancipatory


  • Data: 16/09/2022
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  • Este projeto se desenvolve a partir da concepção de gestão democrática, assegurada na
    Constituição Federal (CF) de 1988, na Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional
    (LDBEN) de 1996 e no Plano Nacional de Educação (PNE) da Lei n.º 13.005, de junho de
    2014. Neste escopo legal, entende-se o Projeto Político Pedagógico (PPP) como um
    instrumento que possibilita a gestão democrática na escola. Dessa forma, a pesquisa “Projeto
    Político Pedagógico nas escolas Municipais de Porto Rico do Maranhão: implementação e
    avaliação”, tem como objetivo fortalecer os princípios da gestão democrática das escolas
    municipais, com a elaboração de um curso de formação continuada desenvolvido com a
    comunidade escolar sobre implementação e avaliação de PPP. Busca-se, também, perquirir o
    entendimento dos profissionais de educação (gestor escolar, professor, coordenador
    pedagógico e técnico da Secretaria Municipal de Educação – SEMED) sobre a relevância do
    PPP para a gestão escolar democrática, que viabilize um planejamento contextualizado com a
    realidade social e local em que a escola está inserida. Para isso, desenvolveu-se instrumento
    metodológico que se apoiam em compreender a relação dos sujeitos com o objeto de estudo,
    neste caso o PPP. O caminho pesquisado é de natureza qualitativa, pesquisa bibliográfica,
    documental e de campo. Para a produção de dados, desenvolveu-se o questionário via
    formulário do google forms como instrumento de abordagem qualitativa, que apontaram os
    principais desafios e limites elencados pelas escolas no processo implementação e avaliação
    do PPP. As considerações finais apontam que o PPP é um instrumento que norteia a gestão
    escolar no trabalho pedagógico, com orientações que organizam e conduzem o cotidiano
    escolar, baseado no princípio democrático com a participação coletiva. Portanto, se reafirma a
    importância de um curso de formação continuada desenvolvido com a comunidade escolar
    sobre elaboração, implementação e avaliação de PPP. O aporte teórico com alguns autores,
    Pimenta (1995), Paro (2011, 2016), Libâneo (2012, 2009), Veiga (2013), Luck (2011), Cury

  • GESTÃO ESCOLAR E APRENDIZAGEM: uma análise do Modelo Tecnologia de Gestão Educacional (TGE) adotado em uma Unidade Plena do IEMA

  • Data: 14/09/2022
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  • The present study, presented to the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) – Professional
    Master's in Education, from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), is part of the
    Educational and School Management Research Line, whose objective was to analyze the
    school management "Educational Management Technology (TGE)", seeking to apprehend the
    repercussions on the organization of the school management system, on teaching work, on the
    teaching-learning process and on the quality of education in a Full Unit of the Institute of
    Education, Science and Technology do Maranhão (IEMA). The analytical and discursive field
    took into account the educational reforms that took place since the 1990s, with a focus on
    democratic school management defined in the 1998 Constitution and the 1996 LDBEN. In its
    specificity, the study analyzed a school management model adopted by the IEMA, in a
    partnership between the state of Maranhão and companies that operate in the educational
    sector, understanding this initiative as part of the public-private relationship in the country's
    educational sector, in compliance with the market logic. They gave conceptual support to the
    understanding and analysis of the phenomenon in question: Costa (2006), Dourado (2012),
    Laval (2019), Libâneo (2007), Lück (2009, 2013a, 2013b, 2015), Militão (2015), Paro (2008),
    Peroni (2006, 2009, 2012, 2020), Peroni and Caetano (2015), entre outros. A pesquisa
    enquadra-se na abordagem qualitativa (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994), between others. The
    research fits into the qualitative approach (BOGDAN; BIKLEN, 1994), and adopted
    document analysis, semi-structured interviews and a questionnaire. It had the participation of
    two managers, teachers and students of the researched teaching unit. The study sought to
    answer the following question: Do school management practices, based on the "Educational
    Management Technology (TGE)" Model, impact on the learning of IEMA students? Among
    the main evidences, we highlight: the TGE adopted by IEMA, it reflects guidelines, strategies
    and administrative, pedagogical and financial assumptions based on the principles of
    efficiency and effectiveness, with a focus on results; The management practices of TGE they
    obscure community participation in teaching planning, pedagogical work, monitoring and
    evaluation of educational results, and interfere with school autonomy. The TGE adopts
    centralized management concepts and ready and standardized tools; Although respondents say
    there are favorable repercussions from TGE in the organization of the school management
    system, in the teaching work, in the teaching-learning process and in the quality of education
    of the school unit studied, taking into account the results achieved by the School Unit in
    IDEB, denote the contradiction when they affirm the discomfort with the rigidity of the

    Model, the burden of exaggerated routines, in addition to the concern with the school's
    position in the ranking among other schools in the state education network. As a contribution
    of this study, and given the Master's modality, we propose, as a Technological Technical
    Product, a document with guidelines for the realization of a Participatory Class Council,
    aimed at students, teachers and managers, with the objective of subsidizing the pedagogical
    work, considering the theoretical-practical and critical foundations of democratic
    management, with a view to guaranteeing an education of social quality aimed at the integral
    formation of students.


  • Data: 15/07/2022
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  • The present dissertation, linked to the Research Line Teacher Training and Educational Practices, of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) – Professional Master's in Education, from the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), entitled Literacy and Literacy in the Intervention Plan Pedagogical of the Municipal Education Network of São Luís: With the word, the teachers! aimed to analyze the literacy and literacy processes in the early years of elementary school, within the scope of the implementation of the Pedagogical Intervention Plan (PIP). The historical and temporal cut adopted was the period of implementation of the Program “Educar mais Juntos no Direito de Aprendiz” (2017 to 2020), whose main goal was to improve the learning indicators of students in the municipal public school system of São Luís, more specifically in the literacy cycle (1st to 3rd year of elementary school). In carrying out the studies, it was found that official data on public basic education attest that Brazil still lives with a harsh reality to be faced, particularly with regard to proficiency in the early years of elementary school. Maranhão presents itself as one of the states of the federation, with one of the lowest literacy rates and the city of São Luís is no exception to this reality. In order to achieve the proposed objectives, a qualitative approach was established as a methodology, based on the empirical-analytical nature of the data, a semi-structured interview with the teachers of the literacy cycle of two schools in the municipal network and the analysis of official documents that have on policies, plans and actions aimed at literacy at national and local levels, with particular attention to the PIP. This work took as conceptual and analytical support for the analysis of the phenomenon authors such as: Alarcão (2011), Albuquerque (2013), Carvalho (2019), Ferreiro and Teberosky (1999), Freire (2002), Fonseca (2009), Gatti (2010), Giroux (1997), Imbernón (2006, 2009, 2010), Kleiman (2008), Lerner (2002), Mortatti (2010, 2011), Oliveira, Duarte and Rodrigues (2019), Paro (2014), Pimenta (1999), Saviani (2008, 2009, 2013), Shiroma, Morae and Evangelista (2007), Soares (2019, 2020a, 2020b), Tfouni (2010), Weisz (2009), among others. In the analysis of the phenomenon, we present a historical review of the trajectory of education in Brazil with a focus on literacy, identifying the temporal markers of the insertion and evolution of the term literacy in Brazilian education, the legal and political bases of education as a constitutional right, the formation and the teaching work. The empirical section, the result of the research, addresses the issue of literacy and literacy from the implementation of the PIP, from the perspective of individuals who worked directly on the materiality of the Plan, comparing them with the documents analyzed. In this section, we also present the contributions, obstacles, results and developments of this for the education of the children of the Network, in the literacy cycle, which unfolded in the Technical-Technological Product: e-book on literacy and literacy, based on the critical-reflective-emancipatory perspective of theorists who defend this bias, substantiated by normative documents, with the contribution of the professors involved in the research.

  • O CONSELHO ESCOLAR COMO MECANISMO DA GESTÃO DEMOCRÁTICA: uma análise sobre as políticas de gestão escolar no Maranhão.

  • Data: 18/11/2022
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  • Le conseil d'école est un espace de discussion de tous les segments de l'école, grâce
    auquel l'école peut définir des actions qui répondent aux souhaits de tous pour
    l'amélioration de l'éducation. De cette façon, le présent travail a essayé de comprendre
    comment la formation du conseil d'école dans l'école et comment son fonctionnement
    conséquent peut contribuer à une gestion démocratique de l'éducation dans l'école,
    ainsi que d'analyser les politiques de gestion en se concentrant sur la législation de la
    création et de la performance des conseils d'école. Ainsi, nous avons effectué une
    revue de la littérature sur le thème proposé ainsi qu'une recherche documentaire pour
    étudier les bases légales et les lignes directrices pour la mise en œuvre d'espaces
    démocratiques et ainsi comprendre le processus de mise en œuvre des conseils
    d'école. Ensuite, identifier et analyser les politiques de l'État qui régissent le conseil
    scolaire dans ce processus complexe de formation et de consolidation des espaces
    démocratiques. Dans ce sens, nous développons l'investigation de cette recherche en
    nous basant sur des références théoriques : Meszários (2005) ; Le concept de
    participation de Veiga (1998), Paro (2007) ; Le concept d'organes collégiaux de
    Antunes (2002) et Bastos (2002) ; ainsi que la législation actuelle. Nous partons du
    principe que la gestion publique démocratique implique une rupture avec les structures
    autoritaires locales, mais on ne peut manquer de considérer que la mondialisation du
    mode de vie capitaliste a mis en évidence le caractère fragmentaire du social,
    produisant des représentations qui soulignent la relativité des valeurs circulant dans
    les sociétés. Par conséquent, le conseil d'école renforce la démocratie au sein de
    l'environnement scolaire et établit l'engagement de tous envers l'école et l'amélioration
    de la qualité de l'enseignement, contribuant ainsi à la construction d'un savoir
    significatif pour la société. Destarte, comme Produit Technique Technologique, l'étude
    laisse comme contribution un livret éducatif, qui vise à contribuer et aider dans les
    difficultés de formation et de mise en œuvre du Conseil d'école.

    Le conseil d'école est un espace de discussion de tous les segments de l'école, grâce
    auquel l'école peut définir des actions qui répondent aux souhaits de tous pour
    l'amélioration de l'éducation. De cette façon, le présent travail a essayé de comprendre
    comment la formation du conseil d'école dans l'école et comment son fonctionnement
    conséquent peut contribuer à une gestion démocratique de l'éducation dans l'école,
    ainsi que d'analyser les politiques de gestion en se concentrant sur la législation de la
    création et de la performance des conseils d'école. Ainsi, nous avons effectué une
    revue de la littérature sur le thème proposé ainsi qu'une recherche documentaire pour
    étudier les bases légales et les lignes directrices pour la mise en œuvre d'espaces
    démocratiques et ainsi comprendre le processus de mise en œuvre des conseils
    d'école. Ensuite, identifier et analyser les politiques de l'État qui régissent le conseil
    scolaire dans ce processus complexe de formation et de consolidation des espaces
    démocratiques. Dans ce sens, nous développons l'investigation de cette recherche en
    nous basant sur des références théoriques : Meszários (2005) ; Le concept de
    participation de Veiga (1998), Paro (2007) ; Le concept d'organes collégiaux de
    Antunes (2002) et Bastos (2002) ; ainsi que la législation actuelle. Nous partons du
    principe que la gestion publique démocratique implique une rupture avec les structures
    autoritaires locales, mais on ne peut manquer de considérer que la mondialisation du
    mode de vie capitaliste a mis en évidence le caractère fragmentaire du social,
    produisant des représentations qui soulignent la relativité des valeurs circulant dans
    les sociétés. Par conséquent, le conseil d'école renforce la démocratie au sein de
    l'environnement scolaire et établit l'engagement de tous envers l'école et l'amélioration
    de la qualité de l'enseignement, contribuant ainsi à la construction d'un savoir
    significatif pour la société. Destarte, comme Produit Technique Technologique, l'étude
    laisse comme contribution un livret éducatif, qui vise à contribuer et aider dans les
    difficultés de formation et de mise en œuvre du Conseil d'école.

  • IMPLICAÇÕES DA ATUAÇÃO DO INTÉRPRETE EDUCACIONAL DE LIBRAS: práticas inclusivas do ensino de estudantes surdos

  • Data: 23/06/2022
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  • The research entitled Inclusive Practices of Educational Interpreters of Libras: implications of professional practice for the teaching of deaf students, linked to the Graduate Program in Education, Professional Master's in Education, of the State University of Maranhão (PPGE/UEMA) focuses on a study on the educational interpreter of Libras. In this sense, it aimed to analyze the inclusive practices of the educational interpreter of Libras in supporting the teaching of deaf students in ordinary schools. As well as, to recognize in the history of Special Education the place of the educational interpreter of Libras, identifying his dialogic relationship with the regent teacher of the discipline in the context of the common classroom. The method used in the research was the Dialectical-Historical method to promote discussions aimed at the formation, performance and attributions of the interpreter in the common room of regular education. As for the objectives, it is an Exploratory research, as for the data collection procedure, it is of the Survey type and, in relation to the Researcher/participants, it is a Qualitative research, in the perspective of promoting investigation directed to the daily life of the classroom with the purpose of apprehend the challenges, skills and procedures of the interpreter in the school context. The questionnaire was used as an instrument for data collection, consisting of open and closed questions, applied online through the Google Forms platform. The content analysis technique used in this research was thematic analysis according to the conception of Bardin (2016). The research participants were 07 (seven) interpreters of Libras who work in the educational context in the public school system, 6 (six) teachers who have deaf students in their respective classrooms and 1 (one) monitoring technique of the ILS. The studies were theoretically based on Brito (2016), Quadros (2004), Veiga (2018), Minayo (2009), Gil (2008), Bardin (2016), Alarcão (2001) among other researchers in the field of Special Education and inclusive. The documents consulted were: LDBEN Law nº. 9,394/96, Libras Law nº 10,436/2002, Law 12,319/10 that regulated the profession of Libras translator and interpreter, Decree nº 5,626/05, among others. The research findings demonstrate that, in the school environment, the interpreter is involved with teaching practices and generally faced with the educational weaknesses of the deaf student; he feels co-responsible for the teaching of the deaf student, contributing to a pedagogical performance, which makes him in contact with educational strategies. It is concluded that the practice developed by the Libras interpreter corresponds to a technical and pedagogical practice, since in the educational context, the performance of the ILS, the technical knowledge will support the pedagogical choices regarding teaching strategies for the student to develop the desired skills. In this sense, an educational product was built.

  • O ARTE-EDUCADOR E A EDUCAÇÃO PROFISSIONAL: um estudo de caso sobre o Arte-Educador no Instituto Estadual de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Maranhão (IEMA)

  • Data: 13/09/2022
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  • The teaching of art contributes significantly to the development of the student's aesthetic
    sensibility and critical perception in all teaching modalities. In Maranhão, the State Institute
    of Education, Science and Technology of Maranhão (IEMA) offers full-time education that
    proposes the integration between propaedeutic high school and technical education in a single
    curriculum in the offer of Integrated Education, presenting in its curricular matrix the Art
    component, according to the Law of Guidelines and Bases for National Education (LDBEN).
    However, with the context of Law 13,415, which deals with the Reform of High School
    Education, the Art component became studies and practices, losing space in the guaranteed
    workload at this level of education due to the reduction of the total maximum workload of
    1800 hours to the 3 years. Faced with this reality, this dissertation sought to understand the
    reflexes that this context brought to the practice of art teaching in Maranhão, specifically from
    Law 13,415, in integrated education. This research was carried out from the account of how
    the teaching of Art is developed in this institution, with a Phenomenological approach in
    Merleau-Ponty (2018). As a theoretical basis for this study, the bases are in Ferraz and Fusari
    (2001), Pimenta (1997), Barbosa (2009), (2012), (2013), Pacheco (2012), and Brasil (1971),
    (1996), (1998), (2016), (2017), (2018). The methodological approach brings together the
    application of a questionnaire and semi-structured interviews applied to the IEMA school
    community as well as bibliographic and documental research for a better understanding of the
    object. This work is divided into 4 sections, in which the history of art teaching is reported,
    the legal adjustments in relation to professional education in Brazil and its effects on
    education and the pedagogical structure of the State Institute of Education, Science and
    Technology of Maranhão (IEMA). It was concluded that more is needed on the role of art
    teaching in Vocational and Technical Education - VTE, as the art educator is provoked, in this
    context, to deconstruct prejudices that still exist about the (non) relationship between art and
    technical training, as well as educating students to aesthetic aspects, creativity, imagination,
    accurate perception and criticality, which are development through artistic experience. As a
    Technological Technical Product (PTT), a pedagogical proposal for a virtual gallery was
    elaborated for the exhibition of the students' artistic works, access to small reports of the
    experience in the student's and the Art-Educator's view on artistic themes in an interactive
    way, with a view to strengthening the relationship between art education and VTE.


  • Data: 16/09/2022
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  • This research is part of the Graduate Program in Education - PPGE of the State University of
    MANAGEMENT: an analysis in a municipal public school of São Luís – MA”. The research
    has as primary objective: to analyze the process of updating the Political Pedagogical Project
    of a municipal public school in São Luís - MA, identifying the established interrelation of this
    process with the principles of Democratic Management. In order to achieve this proposal, it is
    defined as secondary objectives: to present a historical clipping on the transition from school
    administration towards Democratic Management, in view of the historical, political and
    economic conditions that interfered in this process; to know the concepts of Democratic
    Management that underlie the materiality of Pedagogical Political Projects, having as criteria
    the principles of autonomy, participation and decentralization; discuss the pedagogical,
    political and methodological assumptions that guide the updating of the Political Pedagogical
    Project and produce a training proposal with the purpose of assisting in the construction or
    updating of the Political Pedagogical Project based on the principles of Democratic
    Management. By developing a State of Knowledge, it was possible to consolidate some
    authors that guided the research, such as: Alarcão (2001); Cury (2002; 2013 and 2015); Demo
    (1985; 1995; 1997 and 1999); Dourado (2004; 2006 and 2007); Drabach (2009; 2010 and
    2013); Ferreira (2004 and 2009); Gadotti (1994; 1997 and 2000); Time (2012); Libâneo
    (2012; 2013 and 2015); Luck (1991; 1997; 2009; 2013a;2013b and 2017); Oliveira (2004;
    2014 and 2015); Paro (1993; 1998; 2007; 2012 and 2016); Rosar (2001; 2012; 2015 and
    2017); Veiga (2003; 2009; 2013 and 2019); Vasconcellos (2002 and 2019). The adopted
    methodology has a qualitative approach, with the dialectical analysis method, it also has a
    descriptive and explanatory analysis procedure and was carried out in the case study format.
    Regarding the construction of the research, a survey of bibliographic and documentary
    references was used. In the context of the field research, the data collection instruments were
    structured interviews, questionnaires and a focus group, and the target audience of these
    instruments was a group of teachers, management, the pedagogical monitoring technique of
    the network and parents. Regarding the definition of the researched institution, it was a school
    (more specifically an annex), which is part of the public education network of São Luís - MA,
    which works with students in the early years of elementary school. Regarding the data
    analysis, the content analysis procedure was used in order to seek the meanings of the
    speeches and responses obtained. The research had six sections, the first is the introduction,
    the second section deals with the modification of the paradigm of school administration
    towards Democratic Management and the context of redemocratization in Brazil, the third
    deals with an analysis of the theme of democratic management, the fourth deals with the
    aspects that make up the Political Pedagogical Project, the fifth focuses on the analysis of the
    results of the field research, the sixth brings the conclusions of the current study. The results
    obtained reveal that the PPP theme still faces fundamental difficulties for implementation in
    the school context. It is also noteworthy that the research has the construction of a
    Pedagogical Product, this is a proposal for training with the topics covered in the context of
    the research.


  • Data: 30/05/2022
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  • This text presented to the Professional Master's Degree in Education Graduate Program at the State University of Maranhão - UEMA, within the Research Line Teacher Training and Educational Practices, aims to analyze the discourses on education for ethnic-racial relations contained in in the didactic routines produced for the literacy process of the second year of Elementary School in a public school in São Luís - MA, from the analysis of the didactic routines of the curricular components of Portuguese Language, History, Religious Education and Sciences of this stage education. The discussions carried out in this work permeate the themes of Education for racial-ethnic relations, anti-racist education, black culture, curriculum and curricular justice. Among the theoretical references used in the elaboration of these discussions, we highlight: Gomes (2005, 2010, 2012), Gonçalves e Silva (2004, 2013), Cavalleiro (2001), Regis (2012, 2014, 2016), Apple (2013), Arroyo (2007, 2013), Moreira (2007, 2013), Silva (1995, 2010, 2013), Santomé (2013, 2016), Ponce (2018), Ponce and Neri (2015, 2017), among other authors, in addition to the documents that regulate the educational processes based on the education of ethnic-racial relations. As for the methodology, it is a qualitative research, based on Cultural Studies, in a post-structuralist perspective. The method of procedure used is documentary research. The research universe is composed of three classrooms of the second year of the literacy cycle of a school in the municipal network of São Luís that is located in the neighborhood of Liberdade, which together with Camboa, Fé em Deus and Diamante, constitute the region that was named by the Palmares Foundation as Quilombo Urbano. At the end of the study, we intend to bring discussions about the construction of an anti-racist education, which values the ethnic diversity of the school space, with the construction of a curriculum that considers the perspective of curricular justice and that gives voice to each of the subjects that constitute it.

  • OS TEXTOS NOS LIVROS DIDÁTICOS DE MATEMÁTICA DO ENSINO MÉDIO: contribuições para a Alfabetização Científica 

  • Data: 31/05/2022
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  • This dissertation is the result of a qualitative documentary research developed with the objective of analyzing the mathematical texts in High School Mathematics textbooks, understanding the context in which they usually appear. Thus, this study is developed around the discussions about Mathematics Education, the Mathematics textbook of High School and reading and writing as tools for Scientific Literacy. Thus, the main epistemic logic that leads this study is D'Ambrosiana, as it is anchored in episteme D'Ambrósio’s ideas to understand reading, writing and Scientific Literacy as actions in the light of post-critical teaching practices. Content Analysis is also adopted for the identification, cataloging and organization of texts taken from textbooks, being adopted, according to the National Common Curricular Base, three categories, a) history of mathematics, b) applications of mathematics, and c) informative texts. The books used for the research are those approved by the National Book and Teaching Material Program - PNLD, from Decree No. 9,099, of July 18, 2017. As a result, the texts of the books have significant potential to raise discussions in the classroom, being mechanisms for the contextualization of mathematical contents that stimulate reasoning, critical thinking and the learning of socially relevant scientific knowledge. The texts are found at the beginning and end of each chapter or thematic unit, and are in specific sections, in which the authors use various textual, visual and linguistic elements to contextualize the contents presented. The Technical-Technological Product is a theoretical pedagogical proposal that was elaborated from the discussions raised about texts, textbooks and the practice of reading in Mathematics classes, and the texts analyzed during the research were incorporated, forming a collection of mathematical texts for use in High School Mathematics classes. Thus, the product seeks to contextualize the research findings with the possibility of reading and writing, valuing Scientific Literacy through criticality and meaningful learning.


  • Data: 10/08/2022
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  • The present study addresses the contribution of active methodologies in the process of teacher
    training and pedagogical practices in the early years of elementary school. The main question
    of this work is: How active methodologies can contribute to the process of teacher training and
    pedagogical practices for the construction of knowledge in the Initial Years of elementary
    school. In this research, we carried out an analysis of active methodologies in teacher training
    and pedagogical practices in the early years of elementary school, as a possibility to contribute
    to the construction of new knowledge by students. The research was developed through a
    qualitative approach (MINAYO, 2010) in the form of participant research fundamental to the
    precepts of Brandão (1999), using as data collection instruments the participant observation
    following a perspective of Minayo (2010, 2014), the document analysis following the creation
    of Boccato and Fujita (2006); and follows them following the understanding of Triviños (2009)
    and Gil (2008). The investigation had as its research field the UEB Maria José Vaz dos Santos,
    located in São Luís, MA with the participation of 11 teachers from the classes of the Initial
    Years of elementary school. The analysis of and treatment of empirical and documentary
    material was based on the creation of Minayo (2010) with studies by Moran and Bacich (2018),
    Bacich (2020), Freire (2006, 2015), Imbernón (2006, 2011) and Tardif (2000), Castellar (2016),
    Vickery (2016), Maraschin (2000), Lasry, Mazur and Watzins (2008), Clarke (2008). The
    educational training course carried out for the elaboration of the educational product with the
    collaboration of the research participants. It is an e-book with guidelines for the use of
    methodologies in the Initial Years of Elementary School that aims to contribute to re-signifying
    as methodologies and as teaching teaching practices fostering a continuous training of teachers
    centered on action-reflection-action (FREIRE, 1996) qualitative teaching is configured in
    meaningful learning practices and in the development of students' autonomy and emancipation.

  • (AMONG) LINES AND SPEECHES: Study on homosexuality and homophobia in high school sexuality and sexuality books in public schools in São Luís, Maranhão.
  • Data: 15/02/2021
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  • This research had as theoretical contribution the Cultural Studies in Education, in the poststructuralist perspective and, as main methodological tool, the documental research, in which fifteen paradidactic books, belonging to the collection of the school libraries: Teaching Center “Liceu Maranhense, Centro Benedito Leite “Escola Modelo” and Centro Integrado do Rio Anil - CINTRA, were analyzed, resulting in the construction of six categories, thus illustrating that the speeches about homosexuality in these books are identified within a socio-cultural, biomedical vision and psychological. I also noticed, in these books, different views on what we mean by homophobia and homophobic / sexist education. And some of these analyzed books presented a discourse that promotes education for diversity, a factor that has helped us in the construction of a final product that can pedagogically assist teachers and teachers from public and private education networks, in discussions about sexuality and sexual education

  • Data: 10/02/2021
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  • The current survey addresses the Ethnomathematics Program as an epistemology for teacher
    training, regarding the cultural context of the village Centro dos Ramos, in Barra do Corda -
    MA. Part of the leading question: How can the Ethnomathematics Program – which is targeted
    for the math comprehesions as human science at the service of quality of life, the dignity of
    human relations and as a consequence of the knowledge and making of a culture - contribute to
    the continued training of teachers, who work in the final years of elementary school, in a rural
    public school, in the village of Centro dos Ramos, in Barra do Corda-MA? The study aims at
    analyzing the continued formation of teachers from the perspective of the Ethnomathematics
    Program in the cultural context of the village Centro dos Ramos, in the municipality of Barra
    do Corda-MA. The referred research is qualitative in its nature, in the modality of action
    research, based on critical thinking (D'AMBROSIO, 2019; MINAYO, 2009; TRIPP, 2005;
    ALARCÃO, 2011, ADORNO AND HORKHEIMER,1971). As instruments of technical
    approach, it was used: the observation of the participant type in virtual classrooms due to the
    pandemic; semi-structured interviews and narratives developed with teachers; questionnaires
    made available to students; in addition to the analysis of documents which guide the educational
    action in the school. The data were organized by the triangulation method and analyzed by
    theoretical references of the Ethnomathematics Program (D'AMBROSIO, 2005, 2008, 2012,
    2016; ROSA and OREY, 2017; SOUSA, 2016); with forays into Critical Theory, culminating
    in the elaboration of a collaborative educational product, based on the Ethnomathematics
    Program for the teaching and learning of mathematics integrated to other disciplines, in the final
    years of elementary school in the researched school. It is supposed to seek that the product
    proposal be materialized in the institutional daily life, bringing together school and community,
    in favor of a quality education that enables the social and cultural inclusion of students with
    creativity and criticality, in order to converge to the understanding of the Ethnomathematics
    Program as General Theory of Knowledge (SOUSA, 2016), to be incorporated into teacher
    training policies to guide pedagogical practices in different ethnomathematical contexts.


  • Data: 24/11/2021
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  • Currently, the discussion of environmental issues has become one of the main concerns of contemporary society. As this situation worsened, society has been discussing and reflecting on the impact of its activities, thus developing a series of initiatives, such as Environmental Education. Educational Institutions are important spaces for the realization of this practice, the link between University-School allows the implementation of pedagogical proposals aimed at the formation of more aware, informed, sensitized and active citizens, concerned not only with the discussion, but also with the looking for solutions to environmental issues. This dissertation aims to analyze the context of Environmental Education at the Educa Mais Teaching Center “Paulo VI”, School of Application of the State University of Maranhão, for the elaboration of a pedagogical proposal that expresses the interaction between the University and the schools of high school in search of realizing this practice permanently and continuously. In order to answer what is the place of Environmental Education in the school and under what conditions it will be possible to develop an interdisciplinary project to implement this practice permanently in school spaces, we are developing a qualitative research based on the hypothetical-deductive method, of the exploratory type. As the main instrument of data collection, we use bibliographic research (seeking information about the object of study in official documents - international, national and state legislation) and documentary analysis (from the Political Pedagogical Project of the School and possible Didactic Projects already developed or in progress). development). The content analysis technique used to analyze the documents collected consists of three stages: pre-analysis (selection of the material to be analyzed following a superficial reading of it), the analysis of the material (the analysis itself consisted of coding, categorization and quantification of information) and the treatment and interpretation of results to present the product, which will be an educational material aimed at carrying out environmental actions in the school environment to be presented at the end of the dissertation. As partial results of the study, we present the theoretical chapter of the dissertation, which was divided into two articles, in order to contextualize the object of study, thus presenting the main theorists and concepts used to support the research. The first chapter is a bibliographic survey on Environmental Education in the school space that has allowed us to draw an overview of the possibilities and needs for environmental actions in formal education, especially in high school. To deal with Environmental Education, in a critical perspective, we rely on the studies of Marcos Reigota, Marília Tozoni Reis, Antonio Fernando Silveira Guerra, Carlos Frederico Bernardo Loureiro, Marília Torales Campos and Vanessa Andreoli with a view to choosing the approach to be followed for the design of the pedagogical proposal. In the second article, we bring the concepts with which we discussed throughout the essay text, for that we are based on the ideas of Michel de Certeau and Edgar Morin to present the concept of Place; Milton Santos bringing his contributions about Space; Paulo Freire and Maurice Tardif to discuss the importance of the theme in teacher training, showing the relationship of these concepts with the environmental theme. Finally, we emphasize the importance of deepening these concepts for the execution of the study and inform that the concluding stages of this master's research will contemplate an overview of the history of Environmental Education, analyzing the legal frameworks and their consequences, as well as presented in teaching medium from Maranhão, highlighting the path taken by UEMA in this context; in addition to providing details of the pedagogical proposal for the construction of the product to be presented; considering the main existing gaps, advances and recommendations for the implementation of environmental education practices in the school space.

  • National Examination of High School: analysis of the educational policies adopted by the Education Departamento f the State of Maranhão from 1998 to 2019

  • Data: 25/08/2021
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  • Brazilian education, from the 1990s onwards, underwent significant changes when its
    public educational policies were formulated, especially those governing secondary
    education. This research is about public educational policies from Maranhão aimed at
    the National Secondary Education Examination and implemented from 1998 to 2019.
    The ENEM, whose original objective was to assess the performance of students at the
    end of basic education, has also become the main form access to higher education.
    This research questions what the logic of education is contained in these policies, what
    are their advances and setbacks, as well as whether or not there has been an
    improvement in educational indicators resulting from them. The general objective was
    to analyze the political-educational meanings of these Public Educational Policies,
    identifying contradictions, potentialities, and limits. The analysis was based on the
    historical-dialectical methodological approach, valuing the categories of totality and

    contradiction, in the perspective of apprehending the object situated in a socio-
    historical context, unveiling its logic, as well as the correlation of social forces.

    Bibliographic prospection and document analysis were also used to verify the
    ideological perception of the evaluation. In the bibliographical research, the reference
    to scholars on the subject, such as Afonso (2005); Carnoy (2002); Dubet (2008);
    Freitas (2012); Gatti (2009); Gomes (2016); Libano (2012); Saviani (2007); Scaff
    (2011); Freire (1999), Hoffmann (2007), Melchior (2003), among others. In the
    document analysis, national and state normative texts (laws, decrees, Provisional
    Measures, Resolutions, etc.) and official data were included. In this sense, based on
    the literature and referenced by a conceptual axis of formative assessment and quality
    education, this research, based on the analysis carried out, seeks to produce a
    Technical Technological Product, a Technical Note, as an academic contribution. and
    social, in order to help improve the formulation and implementation of future
    educational policies. In a world so profoundly unequal, it is increasingly imperative that
    public policies be at the service of a less segregating, fairer and truly equitable society,
    overcoming its merely bureaucratic character and representing an instrument of
    citizenship and dignity.


  • Data: 04/06/2021
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  • This study deals with a notebook of methodological guidelines for integrated planning between the teacher and the Libras Interpreter, which helps in the teaching and learning of Deaf students included in the regular classroom. The general objective of the research was to identify the initial training of teachers of Deaf students, included in the common room of regular education, at the Maria José Aragão Teaching Center. As for the specific objectives, they were: to identify the conceptions of deafness through the clinical and socio-anthropological bias; to analyze the main legal milestones between 2001 to 2010 that permeated the education of the deaf; analyze the planning experienced by teachers, who have a Deaf student included in the regular classroom; in addition to raising the pedagogical needs of Deaf students and the collaboration regime for Libras teacher / interpreter planning; as well as building a notebook of methodological orientations aimed at an integrated planning of teacher / interpreter of Libras, which helps in teaching the Deaf student included in the regular classroom. Through systematic literature review and using qualitative methodology, whose analysis system is quantitative-descriptive, the research used the application of online questionnaires, for data collection, to Deaf students, Teachers and Interpreters of Libras, 3rd grade of high school. The study is configured as field research and this application is one of the phases of bibliographic and documentary research. The research analysis system fits into the quantitative-descriptive, which supported the construction of the research product. The relevance of conducting this research is justified by considering that the technical-technological product can assist teachers in the elaboration of an integrated planning, for inclusion of the Deaf student in the regular classroom. In this research it was possible to raise the pedagogical needs of the Deaf student, based on their specificities, how the planning of the teacher is experienced along with the performance of the Libras’ Interpreter, generating the didactic material for the teachers. It was found that there are still weaknesses in the initial training of teachers and that it is considered unsafe to plan and teach classes for Deaf students. The research pointed out that the teacher's planning has some gaps, which can compromise the accessibility and learning conditions of the Deaf student, which only do not occur, in fact, due to the presence of the Libras’ Interpreter, causing him an overload in the exercise their function. The technical-technological product of this research, a notebook with methodological guidelines, is a recommendation for integrated planning, for teachers from all areas of knowledge: Human Sciences and their technologies, Natural Sciences and their technologies, Languages, codes and their technologies , Mathematics and its technologies. In an attempt to contribute and minimize gaps in the initial teacher training, it is recommended to use this didactic material, on the school's own floor, through pedagogical training and / or workshops, thus making it possible to guarantee conditions of accessibility, inclusion and learning to the student. Deaf student included in regular school.

  • Data: 21/06/2021
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  • This research addresses an investigative teaching sequence in the Chemistry area on the theme: Investigative teaching sequence for meaningful learning in the Chemistry area: a contextualization with foods. The research problem that guided this inquiry was: How to think up a pedagogical proposal through an investigative teaching sequence that results in meaningful, social interactionist, and problematizing learning in the Chemistry area? The objectives were: to elaborate and evaluate a proposal in the form of an investigative teaching sequence for meaningful, social interactionist, and problematizing learning in the Chemistry area. The specific objectives were: to understand the value of an investigative teaching sequence and of how it can sort the activities for achieving the teaching goal proposed; to understand how the meaningful, social interactionist, and problematizing learning process happens in the area of teaching Chemistry; to build an investigative learning sequence capable of making it possible the learning based on this proposal in the Chemistry area; to propose a sequential matrix for developing investigative learning in the Chemistry area, and to propose an evaluation matrix to verify the content produced during the learning process. The methodological path included bibliographic research grounded on Lakatos and Marconi (1990), and the study approach was qualitative, according to Minayo (1994). The investigative teaching sequence enables the teacher to develop Chemistry teaching consistently, directed to scientific investigation, and favorable to the construction of critical and reflexive behavior, sensible to the resolution of daily life problems, in a contextualized manner, integrated to the main changes and transformations that the world goes through. The product of this research is a pedagogical proposal organized in the form of an investigative teaching sequence with the theme: The Chemistry of coffee and bread: let’s have coffee and warm bread?


  • Data: 31/08/2021
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  • This study, carried out with the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) - Professional Master's
    Degree in Education at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), is linked to the concentration
    area in Management and Teacher Training in Basic Education and the line of research in
    Educational and School Management. The objective was to analyze the implementation of the
    National Policy for Special Education from the Perspective of Inclusive Eucation (PNEEPEI) in
    the municipal public education networks of Central do Maranhão and Apicum-Açu, seeking to
    apprehend under what conditions this policy is materialized within the regular classroom and
    specialized educational service in schools in these educational networks. In its specificity, the study
    brings to light the results achieved by the research that investigated the aforementioned policy, in
    the process of being implemented in Brazil since 2008, taking as research field the two
    municipalities, both located in the Western Coast Region of Maranhão. . To understand the theme
    and analyze the phenomenon, the study was supported by Silva (1987), Carvalho (1997), Montoan
    (2003), Mazzotta (2005), Beyer and Mora (2006), Gomes and Silva (2006) and Rua (2014), among
    other authors who deal with the subject at hand, through theoretical and empirical studies. The
    research, which fits into the qualitative approach supported by the assumptions of Bogdan and

    Biklen (1994), Minayo (2016), Manzini (1995), Vergara (2012) and Triviños (2008), used semi-
    structured interviews, systematic observation and document analysis. In the analysis and

    interpretation of the data, the content analysis of Bardin (2009) was adopted, and as for the method,
    the study printed a dialectical look as adduced by Mark (1974), for the apprehension of the
    phenomenon in its entirety, considering the historical nature, political, economic and social. The
    accurate analysis of the phenomenon allowed us to conclude that in the two cities surveyed, to
    materialize special education from the perspective of inclusive education, there is still a long way
    to go, as what has been done in practice is still far from reaching what is foreseen. to PNEEPEI.
    Although it was not possible to observe educational practices within the scope of Specialized
    Educational Service in the Perspective of Inclusive Education, considering the suspension of the
    school calendar in both cities imposed by the Covid-19 Pandemic, the testimonies of the
    participants, in both cities, they present evidence that there is no continuous and responsible
    planning of the actions of the municipal education secretariats, which hinders the process of
    implementing PNEEPEI. Likewise, the two educational networks did not present a plan that
    integrates continuing education actions for teachers that allow them to understand the act of
    teaching and learning in the context of serving people with disabilities or special educational needs,
    which represents a setback in implementing the policy in education systems. It was also found that
    the two municipalities do not have the structure, facilities and pedagogical material necessary for
    educational work in this area, which explain the emerging challenges faced by the municipalities
    in achieving the policy objectives.

  • TRAINING OF EJAI HIGH SCHOOL MATHEMATICS TEACHERS: discussing methodologies focused on pedadodical practices that coontribute to the mathematical Reading of the world na social and cultural emancipation.

  • Data: 20/04/2021
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  • The dissertation addresses the formation of high school mathematics teachers in the EJAI modality and discusses methods aimed at pedagogical practices that can contribute to the mathematical reading of the world and a social and cultural emancipation. It is linked to the Research Line for Teacher Training and Educational Practices of the Graduate Program in Professional Master in Education at the State University of Maranhão. This
    research justifies the importance of the theme and the recognition of the need to guarantee educational processes that contribute to prepare each citizen for the exercise of their citizenship, is not restricted to using the domain of reading, writes and solves mathematical problems, but that aims to develop personal and collective with a view to building a less unfair society. Thus, in the methodological path, bibliographical, documentary and empirical research was carried out. It is a qualitative research, which uses as methodological procedures for bibliographic and documentary review, in addition to collecting empirical data in order to seek
    information and data that help in understanding research problems. The instruments that support the data collection process were for observation, the focus group and the script of semi- structured interviews, covering open questions, conducted with a total of 5 cases. A documentary search records laws, decrees, considerations, opinions and information regarding EJAI in Brazil and Maranhão. In Field Research, used by the observation of the teacher's practices, carried out in the Mathematics classes of EJAI and by the semi-structured interview and, with the students, it was carried out in a focus group with 5 students and students of the Centro de Ensino Pedro Alvares Cabral school. In relation to what has already been developed, evidence that the form is marked by repetition and dropout by students, a lack of specific didactic material to work with students and little problematization on the subject.

  • Education management for people deprived of their liberty in São Luís - MA: "I am not a student, I am a thief"

  • Data: 14/07/2021
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  • The recommendations of the National Guidelines for the provision of education in penal institutions are aimed at “promoting the social reintegration of the person deprived of liberty through education. The Criminal Execution Law No. 7,210 of June 11, 1984, provides, in Article 10, about the State's duty to provide assistance to persons deprived of their liberty. LDBEN n. 9394/96 defines in its article 37 the Youth and Adult Education (EJA) modality as that destined to people who did not have access to or continue their studies in elementary and high school at their own age. Thus, the work presented here aims to analyze the challenges of education management in the Prison System from the institutions responsible for the process of (re) education of inmates at the Pedrinhas Penitentiary Complex in São Luís / MA, highlighting their conceptions, possibilities and challenges, as well as the reflexes on the re-socialization of people deprived of their liberty. To this end, the historical perspectives of education in prisons in the Brazilian context stand out, as well as the legislation in the different periods, in addition to highlighting education as a social reintegration program and analyzing the competencies of SEDUC and SEAP, how they are articulated and whether educational assistance is being achieved in its purpose in the Prison Units for Resocialization of São Luís / MA. Education in prisons requires mechanisms and actions that guarantee management, conditions associated with technical criteria of school administration, which make feasible and enhance educational practices that foster respect and come to curb prejudice and discrimination and act to correct attitudes disrespectful, and that favor and potentiate significant learnings of access to basic knowledge, fundamental for life integrated to society. The methodological proposal is based on apprehending the dialogical process of debate between opposing positions, emphasizing the permanent investigation of the contradictions of reality. The investigative path for the construction of this work is of a qualitative nature, which involves bibliographic, documentary and field research. The research subjects will be professionals from SEDUC who work in prison education (pedagogical coordinators, teachers and manager), from SEAP (managers, agents and technicians from the penitentiary system) and young people and adults enrolled in school. For the collection of empirical data the option is the questionnaire, which was prepared containing open and closed questions. Partial data presented show that there is, in fact, no effective educational policy for the re-socialization of young people and adults deprived of their liberty. However, there is an urgent need to develop a humanized work of professionals who work directly with the re-socialization of these people who believe in offering education as a privilege and not as a right provided for and guaranteed by law. To this end, the importance of providing continuing education for those who work with education in prisons is stated. According to the issues raised, it is considered that school management can be held responsible for the inmates' learning by promoting actions based on the articulation between Secretaries involved, in order to seek ways to reduce the rate of recidivism and, consequently, the prevention of crime inside and outside the prison.

  • THE SCHOOL COLLEGIATE AS A DEMOCRATIC MANAGEMENT EXERCISE: challenges and possibilities in a state public school in Maranhão

  • Data: 07/04/2021
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  • This dissertation, linked to the Educational and School Management Research Line of the Graduate Program in Education at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA), with the title “The school collegiate as an exercise in democratic management: challenges and possibilities in a school in the network public school of Maranhão ”, aims to analyze the relationship between the action of the school collegiate and the exercise of democratic management in a public school in the state of Maranhão. The methodology is guided by the adoption of the dialectical method, seeking a gradual approach to the object of study and considering the historical and social conditions, seeking to understand it from the existing contradictions. For that, we made use of the qualitative approach with the accomplishment of bibliographical, documentary analysis and field study. We started the investigation process with the construction of the state of knowledge that underlies this research, focusing our references on authors such as: Libâneo (2003, 2018), Fonseca (2012), Sander (2009), Paro (2012; 2016), Oliveira ( 2015), Hora (2007), Arroyo (2008), Dourado (2013), Frigotto (2014), Cury (2007), Ribeiro (2015), Silva (2002), Oliveira (2002), Freire (2019), Gadotti ( 1998; 2002), Santos (2012), Cardozo (2012), Ericeira (2015), Antunes (2002), Abranches (2003), Gonh (2010), Bordignon and Gracindo (2000), among others. We continue with the survey of documents that regulate the principle of democratic management and action by the school collegiate at the national and state levels. We carried out the field study in a state public school in the city of São Luís (MA), where observation and semi-structured interviews took place with managers, teachers, employees, students and family whose data contributed to the analysis of the collegiate's actions among the years 2016 - 2020. The text presents six sections aimed at presenting the research intentions as well as the methodological paths adopted; to the understanding of the democratization process of school administration in Brazil from a historical perspective on educational policies and the influences of politics and economic relations in the establishment of democratic management as a principle of education. We discussed the concepts and principles that mark the exercise of democratic management in schools, considering the struggles for their consolidation and also the educational reality of the state of Maranhão; we carried out an analysis of how the school collegiate action constitutes a strategy for the exercise of democratic management. We are also dedicated to the presentation and analysis of empirical data and the presentation of the educational product in compliance with the regulations of the Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES) that deals with professional master's degrees and the Internal Regulations of the Professional Master's in Education at the State University of Rio de Janeiro. Maranhão. - Resolution No. 1393/2019 - CEPE / UEMA. Finally, we present the final considerations, revealing that the action of the school collegiate as an exercise of democratic management is part of a process that aims at the democratization of the public school as a political and social exercise, which is not yet configured in reality, demonstrating that the action of this body it reflects the actions of the school management.

  • Professional profile of undergraduates of the UEMA  pedagogy course: who are we, where are we?

  • Data: 26/08/2021
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  • The present study with concentration area in management and teacher training in Basic
    Education, is linked to research line in educational and school management of
    PostGraduate Program at the State University of Maranhão and is constituited from the
    interest in knowing what the UEMA, São Luís campus, Pedagogy course graduates are
    doing profissionally. For this, it sought to know the most varied fields of professional
    activity of the pedagogue in contemporary society, especially, of the UEMA, São Luís
    campus, Pedagogy course graduates, as the Resolution n.1 of 2015, that regulates and
    establishes guidelines to Pedagogy Course, (BRASIL, 2015) requires monitoring of
    inicial training graduates in their professional environments. In order to find mechanisms
    to improve training quality according to these graduates acting field demands. In the
    atempt to answer the problem question that guides this study, the research has as the main
    objective to identify the professional profile of the State University of Maranhão, São
    Luís campus, Pedagogy course graduates of the period from 2015 to 2019, with the goal
    of contribuiting in curriculum organization, in the academic management process and in
    professional insertion. For this, it counts with data that indicate who are, where and how
    are inserted profissionally the graduates of the UEMA ́s graduates. For this, it counts
    with a theorical and historical survey about the Pedagogy course in the relation with
    research field and the study object. As theoretical reference, it is supported by Luzuriaga
    (1984), Gauthier (1998), Cambi (1999), Nóvoa (1999), Libâneo (2006), Pimenta (2006),
    Silvestre; Pinto (2007) Franco (2008), Saviani (2012), among others. It utilizes
    qualitative, exploratory, field approach methodology. The data produced indicate the
    importance of knowing where are acting the UEMA ́s Pedagogy course graduates,
    stregthening the debate about the training of pedagogues and their multivariate fields of
    professional acting. They also inform the relevance of a product that enables forward
    courses graduates, through an app, attending to legislation guidelines.

  • Data: 19/02/2021
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  • This Dissertation text discusses the themes of gender and sexuality in Early Childhood
    Education. The research entitled: “Discourses on gender and sexuality in didactic books of
    Early Childhood Education in Caxias - MA” has a qualitative documentary approach. It aims
    to analyze the speeches on gender and sexuality issues present in didactic books of Early

    Childhood Education in public schools in Caxias - MA, these being those of Creche and Pre-
    School (Infantile I and Infantile II) of three public schools in the municipality. The specific

    objectives were: to describe the speeches about gender and sexuality present in didactic and
    paradidactic books of Early Childhood Education; understand the types of speeches that are
    announced in Early Childhood Education textbooks on gender and sexuality and produce, based
    on the analyzes carried out, a Pedagogical Proposal in book format (e-book) - to make plural,
    ethical, citizen child sexual education visible and inclusive. Nine didactic books were

    purchased, namely: two didactic books from the nursery (one of calligraphy); and seven pre-
    school textbooks (one on calligraphy). The preschool is divided into Early Childhood Education

    I and Early Childhood Education II. Both in Early Childhood Education I and Early Childhood
    Education II the books are the same in discipline: Language, Mathematics, Nature and Society.
    The problematization about the discourses of gender and sexuality present in the textbooks of
    Early Childhood Education shows that books have produced different ways of being a boy and
    a girl. The books analyzed from the perspective of Cultural Studies in Education show that: in
    the gender category, the subcategories professions have been presented in the books in order to
    visualize the role of men and women in the world of work, but it also persists in producing
    spaces and representations traditional ways of working, with women often seen in the home
    and caring for their homes and children. In the family subcategory, it was also noticed that the
    family composition is some pluralized, invented moments, giving visibility to new
    configurations and family models. In the category of toys and games, the books have sought to
    emphasize toys and games by grouping children based on gender, also seeking to cultivate a
    vocation for motherhood in girls, indicating how these girls should behave, what they should
    wear, talk, buy, etc. . In the sexuality category in the child body subcategory, this is represented
    by the stage of development of life, from birth to adulthood, portraying the body in the universe
    of biological reproduction. And, in the subcategory hygiene, it has been addressed in the health
    dimension. The clean body also refers to another compression that taking care of the body is a
    task that must be learned from childhood. The child's hygiene is invoked as necessary for an
    idea of childhood that needs to be clean, smelling and well taken care of. With that, it was
    noticed a set of speeches that fit children in a normalized model of being a boy and being a girl
    since childhood. The excerpts, images and abstracts extracted from textbooks helped to build
    arguments that such discourses are configured in forms of discipline and normalization of
    childhood. Therefore, it is important that teachers and teachers of Early Childhood Education,
    when choosing and using textbooks, observe the discourses present in these materials, in order
    to recognize the socially imposed standards, the stigmas conveyed, the pedagogically operated
    normalizations and the oppressions materialized in texts, images and activities, so they can be
    rethought, deconstructed and reworked.


  • Data: 21/07/2021
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  • This study, conducted under the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) - UEMA, aimed to analyze the policies of continuing education of school managers implemented in the municipalities of Alto Alegre do Pindaré and Miranda do Norte, in the period from 2009 to 2019, seeking to apprehend the effectiveness in the organization of school spaces and times, in the organization of pedagogical work and management and in the quality of school education. The research brings up the historical construction about the educational policies and reforms in Brazil, from the 1930s, and is based on: Chiavenato (1983), Frigotto (1999), Paro (1996, 2016), Luck (2000, 2013), Machado (2000), Oliveira (2002), Gentili (2005), Andreotti (2006); Fonseca (2009), Oliveira (2011), Libâneo, Oliveira and Toschi (2011), Aguiar (2011), Saviani (2013), Peroni (2015), Souza (2018), Silva (2018); Hora (2012), Toschi (2011); among others. The analysis of the phenomenon takes into account the main legal documents instituted as of the 1988 Constitution, giving visibility to the Education Development Plan (PDE, BRASIL, 2007) and the National Education Plan (PNE 2014-2024). The methodology was supported by Bogdan; Biklen (1994), Marconi and Lakatos (2003), Yin (2010), Gil (2010), Minayo (1994), among others. The research fits the qualitative approach and adopted as research procedures the document analysis and the semi-structured interview. The data were analyzed based on content analysis (BARDIN, 2009), based on the following categorical axes: axis I - continuing education, school management and quality; axis II - processes of continuing education of school managers and policies, programs and space/time of the training meetings; axis III - democratic management, training and Municipal Education Plans. The dialectic view (KOSIK, 1976) in the analysis of the phenomenon in question allows us to state that only from the 1988 Constitution and the LDBEN (9394/1996) school management started to be guided by the principles of democratic management, whose assumptions are autonomy and participation of school subjects. However, these principles hide the character of accountability for the results achieved by the school in the IDEB, in accordance with the guidelines of international organizations, with emphasis on the efficiency and effectiveness of school management. The study identified, within the scope of the municipalities researched, two programs for the continuing education of school managers, which were carried out through a public-private relationship. What they all have in common is the managerialist conception of educational policies and practices that demarcated the actions aimed at the training of school managers. As for the contents discussed in the training courses and the mechanisms implemented to ensure their effectiveness, the research revealed that the policy of educational and school management, implemented in the municipalities participating in the research, whose fulcrum is the elevation of the IDEB of municipal public schools. As a Technological Techinical Product, the study leaves as a contribution a pedagogical Project of course and e-book, both to subsidize the school management system and particular, the work of the manager.

  • Dialogues of intercultural knowledge in teacher training: an analysis of mathematics education in the Indigenous graduation course of the State University of Maranhão

  • Data: 14/07/2021
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  • The research entitled Dialogues of intercultural knowledge in teacher education: an analysis of mathematics education in the Indigenous Licentiateship of the State University of Maranhão aims to analyze mathematics education in the Intercultural Licensing of Basic Indigenous Education (LIEBI) at UEMA. Therefore, it is necessary to understand the mathematization process of indigenous peoples from Macro-Jê and Tupi linguistic trunks in the face of the introduction of Western mathematical logic in the diffusion of traditional indigenous knowledge and practices, as well as to find out how the course participants are appropriating the Mathematics education at LIEBI and its articulations with different types of knowledge, with a view to developing didactic material for the teaching of Mathematics. The text is structured as follows: a first theoretical referential section that analyzes the impositions of knowledge of colonizers and indigenous resistance, in a historical approach to educational policies for indigenous peoples, plus the policy of indigenous teacher training and interculturality, based on LIEBI /UEMA and mathematics education in the aforementioned Degree; a second section that deals with the research methodology, whose investigative path for the construction of this work is of a qualitative nature, starting from the premise that the subjects of this research, the students Timbira and Tentehar from the LIEBI Nature Sciences course, live surrounded by through both traditional and school education processes, the subjects' speeches, behaviors and attitudes were used in the analysis of mathematical thinking, through Ethnomathematics in the various techniques of qualitative research: field diary, semi-structured interview, participant observation and the focus group. The didactic guidelines are based on the pedagogical project of the LIEBI/UEMA Course, which presents itself as a response to the various challenges of the State's indigenous communities, seeking, in particular, to build a possibility of knowledge dialogues involving the principle of counting a base three for the Timbira and base five for theTentehar.


  • Data: 20/08/2021
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    The search for educational quality, socially referenced, has become a flag of struggle in recent times. From this perspective, school management is one of the elements that can contribute to achieving this goal. This dissertation deals with school management and the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB) in a dialogic perspective. Thus, the general objective was to analyze the management actions in two public schools in Floriano - PI, and the quality indicators of the goals established by the Basic Education Development Index (IDEB), based on the Prova Brasil, in the period between 2013 to 2017. The research is a case study type developed in two public schools in Floriano, Piauí, Brazil, both located in the urban area of the city. In the study, we chose to approach the historical-dialectical materialism as a method that implies going beyond the mere appearance of phenomena, providing a greater knowledge of the essence of the studied object. In contact with the empiricist, we carried out semi-structured interviews with principals, teachers, representatives of parents of students and administrative representatives of the two schools in the field of research. We use content analysis as a technique for analyzing and interpreting data, for this we follow the guidelines of Bardin (2011) in organizing the analysis steps. For theoretical support of the work we used authors such as Davies (2006), Dourado (1998), Duarte (2013), Fonseca (2001), Freitas (2020), Frigotto (1999), Gamboa (2008), Gatti (2020), Oliveira (2020), Padua (2012), among others. In the process of fulfilling the general objective and the specific objectives, we reached conclusions such as that the management actions in the two schools surveyed, in the period corresponding to the time frame of the research, influenced the results of the IDEB. This influence can be directly or indirectly, for example, we have the reinforcement class, which is frequently mentioned in the interviewees' reports, this can be an example of an action that directly influences the results from the training of students to take the Saeb. The search also conclude that actions such as the bonus policy influence the work of teachers from the perspective of reward. We also identified that the use of these results in many cases took place only from the perspective of aggrandizing those schools that have good grades and blaming those that, for various reasons, did not achieve positive results. The search also regard to its use as an instrument to assist in the construction of educational public policies, the IDEB is still very little explored.


  • Data: 20/07/2021
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  • This work is the result of a research in the Masters in Education of the Graduate Program in Education (PPGE) at the State University of Maranhão (UEMA) entitled “The continuing education of teachers in the Pedagogical Intervention Plan in the Public Teaching System of the municipality of São Paulo Luís” analyzed the continuing education of literacy teachers, materialized by training policies, understood in this study as one that values teaching work in all its dimensions. Thus, the research analyzed continuing education actions of the Pedagogical Intervention Plan – PIP 60 lessons, of the “Educar More, Together in the Right to Learn” Program, and its effects on the qualification of teaching work in order to provide effects on the literacy of students in the 2nd and 3rd years of elementary school in the public education system of São Luís, Maranhão. To carry out this research, we chose a qualitative approach, supported by the empirical-analytical nature (literature review, the analysis of official documents, logbook and semi-structured interviews) in a dialectical perspective. In this sense, we discussed continuing education in the light of current legislation, in addition to dialoguing with current theorists and scholars, who helped us to understand the perceptions, tensions, interpretations of the complex reality experienced at school from the materialization of the PIP-60 lessons. The research results comprise a diagnosis of the continuing education of the literacy cycle that substantiated the elaboration of the Continuing Education Proposal for Literacy Teachers, supported by a perspective of critical-emancipatory epistemology, as a technical technological product of the research. The intention through this product is to value the knowledge and actions of literacy teachers. Based on the literature review and document analysis, the studies showed, among other aspects, that the continuing education of literacy teachers is one of the privileged spaces for learning and knowledge production. That the PIP is one of the axes of the education policy for literacy teachers, who work in the Public Education System of São Luís, Maranhão, marked by superficiality in the theoretical-methodological and pedagogical foundation, is a cognitive proposal, with a technical methodological nature, as represented in the application of the 60 lessons. That literacy teachers need to have their teaching work recognized and valued based on the knowledge they already have, also collaborating in the formulation of public educational policies.

  • Base Nacional Comum Curricular: repercussões na formação de professores em São Luís

  • Data: 29/04/2021
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  • This research focused on investigating how teachers in the early years of elementary school are treating the Common Base National Curriculum (BNCC) in its implementation process in school pedagogical work. In this sense, it aimed to analyze the guidelines prescribed in the BNCC and its effects on the pedagogical work of these teachers in a municipal school in the rural area of São Luís. More specifically, it was proposed to analyze the actions of continuous training, offered to teachers of the years elementary school, in relation to the BNCC proposals; to identify the perceptions developed by the teachers, the school manager and coordinator about the BNCC regarding the pedagogical work they do at school. Finally, in compliance with the proposed objectives, an educational blog of collaborative writing with teachers was built, understood as a means of communication and sharing of materials and tools that enable the implementation of the BNCC. The search for answers to these objectives allowed us to understand how teachers in the rural area of São Luís, an empirical field of research, conceptualize, treat, reinvent, resist and improve the guidelines of the National Common Curricular Base. The methodological guidelines follow a qualitative approach, of documentary and bibliographic analytical nature, using a professional profile identification form (open) and semi-structured interview. The theoretical perspective adopted was based on a dialectical view, locating the Curriculum in the field of studies and research in the critical and post-critical conception, also placing in this theoretical perspective the school planning and the continuing education of teachers. As for the theoretical-methodological approach, the curriculum is located in the field of Educational Policy, a field where there is the possibility of revealing the possibilities and challenges of professional teaching action. Through research, the analysis of the actions of continuous training offered to teachers in relation to the BNCC's proposals revealed that the discussions in the initial moments of implementation were not sufficient for an effective appropriation of these guidelines and to relate them to their pedagogical practice. However, teachers' perceptions of the curriculum revealed elements of criticality regarding the construction and implementation process of the BNCC, identified in the interviews and in the writing of the blog. Finally, the blog's research and construction work demonstrates that this space is a favorable and fertile environment to approach the dialogue on the implementation of BNCC in schools. As well as, it has been a means of accessing the various materials and tools available on the network for pedagogical assistance to schools.


  • Data: 10/12/2020
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  • This study focuses on the National Common Curricular Base (BNCC), a normative document for Basic Education, an initiative of the Ministry of Education, with support from other institutions, specifically the National Council of Education Secretaries (CONSED) and the National Union of Municipal Education Directors (UNDIME). The main goal of the investigation was to analyze according to the guidelines of the BNCC what are its consequences in the Curricular Document of the Maranhense Territory, leading to the elaboration of an E-book for teachers of the literacy cycle, with emphasis on the curricular component of Portuguese Language. In order to progress this analysis, it was necessary that the research focus was directed to the curriculum and the construction of the concept of the national base in the context of educational policies in a critical perspective, considering the official educational policy and the collaboration regime; emphasizing the structure of the BNCC centered on competencies and its intentions and implications for teacher training. The research methodology is based on the dialectic method with qualitative studies, with the gathering of bibliographic and documentary data, with research on authors with theorizations about the curriculum and teacher training, collecting data through official documents of the Ministry of Education that regulate and organize the Brazilian education. As a theoretical-methodological framework in the curriculum area, contributions from Sacristán, Llavador, Santomé, Arroyo, Apple, Moreira and Tadeu, Lopes, and Macedo, among others, were used. In the area of teacher training, the foundations for the discussions were Imbernón, Lüdke, André, Tardif, among others. As a result, there is a need to reformulate the School Pedagogical Political Project according to the Common National Curricular Base and the Curricular Document of the Maranhense Territory. It is concluded that with the analysis of the data, according to the theoretical references used, it was possible to perceive that it is visible, the submission of teacher training and the elaboration of the curriculum to the requirements of the Common Curricular National Base, in the justification and urgency of updating Basic Education curriculum based in this normative document.

  • CONTINUING TRAINING OF THE SPECIALIZED EDUCATIONAL SERVICE TEACHER: (re) significance in working with students with Intellectual Disabilities

  • Data: 20/10/2020
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  • This Dissertation is about the continuing education of the Specialized Educational Assistance (SEA) teacher of the municipal education network of São Luís, focusing on the work developed for the student with Intellectual Disability in the Multifunctional Resource Room. It analyzes the reality of this training in the respective education network, and from this context, produces a pedagogic support booklet for the use of this teacher, as a product of the research. It uses applied research of the researchaction type for the intervention in the reality in reference and the qualitative approach, as it works with values, beliefs and non-quantifiable aspects. It arrives at the State of the Art through a bibliographic survey in the categories listed in the research: Continuing Education of Teachers in Brazil, Specialized Educational Assistance and Intellectual Disability. The research is guided by the Historical-Dialetic method, in the understanding that there is a history that accompanies the trajectory of this formation and attendance, as well as many contradictions between what is proposed in public policies and what is lived in the school context. It employs as instruments for data collection, a semi-structured interview with the manager of the Superintendence of Special Education Area (SSEA) of the Municipal Department of Education of São Luís and with eighteen teachers of the SEA of the respective educational network. It also applies a questionnaire for the evaluation of the pedagogical support booklet only with the teachers. It makes use of Content Analysis as a technique for interpreting and analyzing the statements of the SSEA manager and the teachers of the specialized service. Based on the data obtained, it shows that continuing education in the municipal education network is planned, but still follows the same context in which it was historically conceived in the brazilian educational scenary, i.e., of an emergency crankcase and propeller of a possible pedagogical remake with models, resources and watertight planning. It highlights that the pedagogical support booklet built relied on the collaboration of SEA teachers during the application of the research and was later evaluated by them. This, the material was composed with pedagogical guidelines and suggestions for practical activities for a systemized specialized service and, at the same time, adaptable for students with Intellectual Disabilities. It concludes that it is necessary to re-signify the continuing education in order to have a dialogue with the pedagogical practice in the SEA This action must start from the understanding of the teaching needs, in the foreground, so that this reflection focuses on the procedural development of the student with Intellectual Disability.

  • Common National Curriculum Base: Conceptions about Adolescence and Life Project
  • Data: 27/11/2020
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  • The themes Adolescence and its conceptions, the factors that influence the formation of the person, the Life Project and the High School, gained greater notoriety after the approval of the Common National Curricular Base (BNCC). Thus, this research has as its general objective to analyze the conceptions about Adolescence and Life Project according to the BNCC of High School. It uses documentary analysis to understand the BNCC, through floating reading as an impregnation technique and in-depth reading for categorization. It makes the discussion with the theoretical framework and data analysis in the process of construction of this Dissertation, placing it as a qualitative research. It considers the historical and social process in the development of the curriculum, mainly from 1995 until now, a time when Brazilian society immersed itself in neoliberal processes. Its assertion is that despite the fact the neoliberal system does not focus on education, this area has been strongly affected by internal and external policies that mark Brazilian education. In this way, the construction of the curriculum itself did not go unnoticed by the process of neoliberalism, but it was influenced from its conception to the effectiveness in the classrooms, consequently in the students themselves. We understand in this work that the adolescent and the Life Project are temporal, historical, cultural, economic and social constructions, based on the external environment and the subjective processes of the person himself. It is not possible to analyze the Life Project dissociated from the teenager himself and from where he is inserted. In this way we need to obtain a holistic view of the construction in order to understand the parts that compose it. As a result, during the analysis of the relevant passages about adolescence, we realized that the text, for the most part, also carries the view of adolescence as a historical construction factor, which needs to be analyzed within its context. As with adolescents, the Life Project is also conceived with the subjective and external specificities of the subjects, however the BNCC draws a fine line on the relationship between the Life Project and the professionalization process, in which several times it needs to be better delimited. In addition, there is a need to work on the Life Project in a more detailed way in the high school texts, as well as within the areas of knowledge, as we point out an erasure of the theme within the specific competencies. We conclude that there is space for further studies, mainly in relation to the profile of teachers, methodologies and conceptions of teachers who work with the curricular component of Life Project. We built an E-book to assist in the journey of high school teachers, who need to deepen their theoretical and methodological conceptions about adolescents and about the Life Project.

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