tadeu gomes de oliveira


Projetos de Pesquisa

Projeto de Pesquisa Área de Conhecimento
PVC78-2024 Range-wide threat mitigation and population monitoring of the tiger-cats’ species complex (Leopardus tigrinus/guttulus/pardinoides) in their key conservation areas in South America: A continental approach towards small cats’ conservation Ciências Biológicas
PVC79-2024 Pequenos felinos na nova fronteira agrícola do Brasil: ecologia espacial e populacional do gato-do-mato (Leopardus tigrinus) e outros pequenos felinos ameaçados nas minguantes savanas do Cerrado norte do Brasil. Ciências Biológicas
PVC84-2024 Wild Cats Brazil/Americas: Red alert in the Threatened Kingdom - intensifying actions to secure the tiger-cat kingdom and felid hot-spot Ciências Biológicas
PVC106-2024 Range-wide threat mitigation and population monitoring of the tiger-cats’ species complex (Leopardus tigrinus/guttulus/pardinoides) in their key conservation areas in South America: a continental approach towards small cats’ conservation. Ciências Biológicas
PVC80-2023 Small wild cats in the metropolis: conservation of the Andean tiger cat in threatened reserves of the Colombian Coffee Region Ciências Biológicas

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