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  • A través del Putumayo, Un estudio etnográfico de la economía ribereña transfronteriza. Tarapacá – Colombia

  • Data: 10/01/2024
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  • Data: 03/04/2024
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  • El propósito de este informe es presentar una investigación titulada "JUSSATUBA: UN TERRITORIO ÉTNICO EN LUCHA POR LOS DERECHOS", que se está desarrollando con la comunidad quilombola de Jussatuba, ubicada en el condado de São José de Ribamar y que integra la región metropolitana de el Estado de Maranhão. La investigación surge de mis observaciones y diálogos con los quilombolas de esta comunidad, enfrentando la percepción de su contexto social ante el escenario resultante de especulaciones e invasiones de parte de su ámbito territorial, desafiando y amenazando la preservación de su cultura material e inmaterial. patrimonio y consecuentemente de su territorialidad étnica. Y, se ha constituido centrado en el eje Narrativa, memoria e identidades colectivas en la Amazonía; una de las líneas de investigación de la Maestría en Cartografía Social y Política de la Amazonía, que ofrece el Programa de Posgrado de esta Universidad y de la que soy estudiante. A la luz de lo anterior, corresponde a este informe manifestar el interés en la investigación por comprender cómo se da el proceso de resistencia y afirmación de su identidad étnica, así como el empoderamiento de la valoración de la identidad y pertenencia ante el rostro de las interferencias externas que están presentes. El informe contiene mis primeros descubrimientos y observaciones con esta comunidad étnica y una propuesta de estructura a trabajar en la continuidad de esta investigación, considerando la flexibilidad de cambios de acuerdo a las necesidades en el proceso de los objetivos y su trayectoria.

  • ENTRE O CENTRO HISTÓRICO, A PRAIA GRANDE E O “PROJETO REVIVER”: Espaços de Sociabilizações da Comunidade LGBTQIA+ em São Luís – MA

  • Data: 27/10/2023
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  • Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo principal compreender os processos de sociabilização LGBTQIA+ no Centro Histórico de em São Luís – MA. O estudo é de carater quantitativo e qualitativo. Sendo assim desenvolveu-se uma vasta revisão bibliográfica, em seguida a pesquisa de campo com a construção de um mapa cartográfico social para dispor aos estabelecimentos de sociabilização e lazer de indivíduos da comunidade LGBTQIA+ na área do Centro Histórico de São Luís – MA, assim como fotografias autorais e a aplicação de questionários e entrevistas semiestruturadas para traçar o perfil dos indivíduos da comunidade LGBTQIA+ que frequentam a área de estudo desta dissertação. O aporte teórico desse estudo conta Foucault (1979, 1988, 2010, 2022), Facchini (2005), Quinalha (2020 e 2022), Louro (2009), que trabalham o tema da homossexualidade em grande escala. Os resultados parciais apontam que o Centro Histórico de São Luís, possui dez estabelecimentos frequentados pela comunidade LGBTQIA+, onde oito são totalmente voltados para esse público, e dois são frequentados por todos os públicos, mas a grande maioria de frequentadores desses dois estabelecimentos são pessoas da comunidade LGBTQIA+, principalmente no período noturno.

  • Between 2020 and 2021, the Chamber of Deputies debated the creation of the New Mining Code, to replace the 1967 Mining Code. This movement generated a sense of legal uncertainty, since the political context of this discussion was marked by the anti-environmentalist stance of the then-current government. The proposal for the New Mining Code was presented by Report No. 1 and Report No. 2, both from 2021. The idea is to make mining an activity of public utility, of social interest and essential to human life. The content proposed by the new code clashes directly with other rights and guarantees, mainly of indigenous and traditional peoples. According to art. 15 of Convention 169 of the International Labor Organization (ILO) the ownership of ores or subsoil resources belong to the State, and the governments must consult the peoples concerned, to understand if the interests of these peoples would be harmed. In the same sense, art. 231, § 3 of the Federal Constitution of 1988 expresses that there is the possibility that affected communities have the power of veto, when the undertakings are considered harmful to their interests. In this sense, the idea of this research is to understand this whole situation through the concepts of “device” and “state acts”, worked by Foucault and Bourdieu, respectively. The purpose is to understand the movements of the New Mining Code, as proposed by GTMINERA, as a strategy to reverse the effects of laws enacted after the country's redemocratization, which limited the excesses provided for by the 1967 Mining Code.

  • Data: 27/04/2023
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  • Dispositive; Effects; Indigenous People; Mining

  • The structural violence experienced in Putumayo-Colombia for several decades now, forces the people who inhabit that territory to forcibly move and settle in large cities in search of refuge, including Leticia in the Amazonian trapeze. The CIHTACOYD Indigenous Council, which means Heirs of Tobacco, Coca and Sweet Yucca, made up of people of different ethnic affiliation but with forced displacement as a common element, is an example of tenacity driven by the need of its people to return to their territory and fight. This has led to the generation of democratic dialogues, confrontations with the interests and needs of the other reservations in the area, and the initiation of a claim process against State institutions such as the National Land Agency and the Ministry of the Interior. The CIHTACOYD decides to take a piece of land so that, after the maloca is built, it will become a shelter, a space in which they could once again strengthen the social fabric, exercise control and resume territorial autonomy guided by the law of common origin of the people who they formed the council.

    This qualitative research uses participant observation to understand the mobilization in the territory; it is supported by the field diary, the workshops with exercises on Social Cartography and Time Lines. This work opens debates about identity, the multiethnic and multicultural discourses of the Nation-State, and especially land tenure for indigenous peoples in Colombia

  • Data: 20/06/2023
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  • Identity, Territory. Territorial struggles. Indians peoples

  • SÃO LUÍS FREE FAIR: Historical and ethnographic study

  • Orientador : GREILSON JOSE DE LIMA
  • Data: 13/09/2023
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  • This dissertation analyzes the trajectory of the street markets in São Luís from the perspective of the stallholders, both those who sell and those who buy. As free fairs correspond to public equipment, it is articulated with governments to meet the needs of the population. In this sense, this analysis is justified because there are few studies that bring the voices of those who are in that field of activity every day. In this way, I hope that this study opens new possibilities for other fields. This study is part of the field of Anthropology and, more specifically, in the line of narratives, memories and collective identities from which I sought theoretical basis. Methodologically, I opted for a timeframe that encompasses the creation of free fairs for small producers in the 1980s, that is, (1982-2023) which is the time that we can visualize important changes. I looked for different sources, both official produced by the State, and oral ones that added to the literature of other renowned authors on the subject. In this work, I sought the historical origin of the fairs from the reports of stallholders who work in this activity since the early years. Many observations and interactions could only be made using the ethnographic method, especially in the analysis of the structure and operation of the fairs where I watched the setting up in the morning, the operation during the day and the dismantling of the stalls at night. I tried to observe through the perspective of those who are living the work at the street market, that is, its regulars, to try to discover their concerns, their way of working, how they established themselves as marketers and how they learned new knowledge. To this end, I applied research techniques such as interviews that were very useful to overcome the difficulties of approximation in an exchange environment that is very dynamic and whose interest is economic.

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  • Data: 14/04/2022
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  • This research aimed to analyze artisanal fishing through local narratives, for that we chose two guiding questions. The first sought to carry out an epistemological and documentary mapping on the subject of artisanal fishing. The second part focused on describing, through interviews and life trajectories, the course of experiences and narratives built in this place based on orality. Concepts such as territory and ecology were key elements in this process. Traveling through different temporalities showed a path full of transformations and changes in everyday life. Daily life on the island involves understanding the logic of the times of the tides, of the moons as opposed to the new logics of resource use, of the modern tools that occupy everyday life. The relationship between the different landscapes, education through practice, the experience of the calendar through the festivities that approach, but differ from the experience common to all. Rich discoveries in this challenging process that anthropology proposes when turning to everyday themes, and not necessarily to the exotic. Denaturalizing the familiar and seeking to familiarize the strange as a voyage of discovery brought a collection of reflections that are contained throughout this research.

  • BETWEEN RITES AND INVASIONS: the struggle of the Tentehar/Guajajara indigenous people for the territory.
  • Data: 31/03/2022
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  • This dissertation work is the result of a qualitative research that aims to ethnographically analyze the elements of struggle used by the indigenous people of the Tentehar/Guajajara ethnic group who inhabit the Araribóia Indigenous Land, in the municipality of Amarante - MA, for the maintenance of the territory, as well as to understand the political dimension of the rites of passage, in this case, the ritual of the Girl Young Woman Party, as this ritual is used by the Tentehar/Guajajara as an element of identity self-affirmation and demarcation of their ethnic boundaries. In this work we intend to problematize about the attacks and invasions to which this ethnic group suffers from the State and from the non-indigenous society within its territory already demarcated since the 1990s.

  • VINHAIS VELHO: identity, history and memory marked by sociocultural impacts resulting from the construction of the Expressway in São Luís - MA

  • Data: 04/05/2022
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  • The present research aims to analyze the way in which the Vinhais Velho Community contemplates the Memorial of the Archaeological Site of Vinhais Velho after the construction of the Expressway in São Luís-MA having been inaugurated in 2014. In this way, the research extends to a bibliographic analysis, however with field data from the author of current moments and those already experienced in other contexts. Therefore, as subjects of this study, I highlight the Social Agents who experienced closely the period in which the mega-enterprise was built, between its conflicts and manifestations. In this way, I intend to explain how the social effects from the construction of a mega-enterprise interfere in the lives of people who already have their most diverse ways of life, between daily life, festivities, cultural and social, as well as environmental, haste. Then, in a synthetic way, speeches of Agents who demonstrate dissatisfaction with having their environments interfered are described, where he greatest influence on the part of the elite class is perceived. Thus, the body of this dissertation unfolds as follows: the introduction points out the paths that led me to the object, as well as to the field, thus, my relationship with it, based on the disorders arising from the Covid-19 Pandemic, as well as as the conversation with the same through bibliographical readings. The chapter that follows explains a little about the history of the Tupinambá Peoples, who have their archaeological artifacts “preserved” in the Memorial. Furthermore, it is a chapter that approaches museological perception through anthropological theories. Finally, the last chapter makes a documentary analysis based on the Environmental impact study-Environmental Impact report, as well as the speeches of Social Agents, opposing what the State exposes as a defender of urban growth. “I conclude” this study with brief final considerations, which demonstrate the effects of the course of this work, based on this field that is constantly under construction.

  •  Una familia kayapó en xingu (y nuestro encuentro)

  • Data: 21/11/2022
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  • Este trabajo de disertación busca relatar y analizar los caminos de la familia Tavares Kayapó por las regiones Transamazonica y Xingu, en la búsqueda de su reconocimiento étnico institucional, frente al proceso de expansión del desarrollo depredador en la Amazonía, y la implementación de grandes proyectos industriales, a partir de políticas etnocidas. Reflexionando sobre los conceptos de “mescla”, “pertenencia”, “etnicidad”. Traigo sus hablas en entrevistas, grabación de reuniones y videos, donde cuentan la historia de sus acciones para su reconocimiento, los desplazamientos de su grupo étnico y sus formas de afirmar y ejercer su territorialidad y la legitimidad de su etnicidad, en la convivencia con y en la sociedad civil.

  • ALTERNATIVE CONFLICT SOLUTION MEANS: an analysis of COECV mediation in land conflicts in Maranhão
  • Data: 29/12/2022
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  • O poder do Estado através da pós-consulta das comunidades Nasa do alto Cuembí: Os atos do Estado na configuração da desapropriação pelo encobrimento desde a guerra como continuidade da colonialidade do poder.

  • Data: 04/11/2022
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  • A análise busca abordar a compreensão do Estado a partir da visão das comunidades Nasa do Alto Cuembí, a partir de concepções centrais de seus argumentos nas relações de marginalização, que constituem sua relação com o Estado por meio de agentes privados por ocasião da consulta processo. . No início, a análise se concentrou nas noções gerais de Estado que permitiam a análise das comunidades e abordou a análise acadêmica a partir de conceitos como atos de Estado para nos aproximar, além das experiências particulares de dois colegas de trabalho no processo de consulta, a partir de conceitos como a colonialidade do poder e a ausência do Estado. É necessário explicar conceitos como o Estado Falso e o Estado da Máfia para compreender o planejamento econômico da guerra contemporânea baseado no “Plano Colômbia” como uma estratégia geopolítica que constitui o contexto global de desapropriação e caracteriza as formas contemporâneas de Estado ações que são explícitas de uma forma particular nos atos de Estado. Em um segundo momento, a análise incidirá sobre a visão comunitária das concepções do direito ocidental frente ao seu próprio direito e a análise das relações de subordinação do direito hegemônico, tendendo a questionar dois direitos humanos, em contraste com a vinculação ao direito consulta nos trechos de Socialização de dois impactos e Medidas de Gestão, Acordos e Protocolos, anexos a comentários sobre a situação e posicionamento de dois setores que estão em consulta, isso com o intuito de enfatizar a visão de subalternidade do Estado e sua relação como processo judicial, revelando as acusações de dois agentes do Estado fora do âmbito do processo de consulta. Ao contrário do exposto, a análise do reconhecimento de dois direitos indígenas no contexto latino-americano e a interpretação do território como sujeito de direitos no contexto jurídico colombiano, a jurisprudência internacional e nacional que caracteriza a consulta e a descrição dos a particularidade legal da consulta como As comunidades da Nasa do Alto Cuembí para entender o processo de consulta são retomadas. Por fim, traz uma perspectiva de análise que integra e destaca os aspectos mais importantes da minha opinião, para mostrar como o Estado é pensado na perspectiva da experiência da Nasa, através da experiência com os diversos agentes do Estado, que têm sido buscados por seus perante a vida das comunidades Nasa, constituindo uma complexa construção de agentes que através de seus atos constituem o poder do Estado imposto às comunidades Nasa.

  • THE OITI TREE AND THE BAMBOO CLUBS: incandescent memories of Quilombo de Santarém-MA

  • Data: 18/07/2022
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  • The objective of this work is to analyze the conflict faced by the quilombola community- Santarém municipality of São Luís Gonzaga do Maranhão in defense and permanence in their territory. For this research, I conducted interviews with social agents, made observations, visited places that the community considers an important and symbolic landmark for their identity statements, remembering their ancestors as enslaved people. Among these symbolic representations, the community demarcates a temporality from the oiti foot and the bamboo thickets that were planted by their ancestors enslaved in the 19th century, being centenary trees, I took photographs and marked GPS points for the elaboration of maps. The narratives of social agents are instigating to reflect on the antagonistic and conflicting relations between the quilombola community and the so-called farmers, since the relationship with the land has different and opposite meanings for these agents who fight for free territory, to live and reproduce. their ways of life, which directly influences the construction of their ethnic identities. The struggle for land in the quilombo of Santarém is configured around these social relationships, involving kinship relationships, families of workers who declare themselves quilombolas who were welcomed to reside in the community and their antagonists, the farmers, relationships that have caused several conflicts until the current days. During these decades of conflict, social agents say they have lived with processes that violate their existence, since their territorial dynamics are totally ignored. Therefore, the research work is not neutral, since since my first insertions in the community, I have made evident my proximity to its main claims, above all, the fight for the territory. Such a situation only increases the responsibilities with the rigor of the research and this text.

  • Data: 13/09/2022
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  • The present research aims to analyze, in a critical and reflective way, a context of disproportion, suspension of concepts and inversion of values in which the relationship between “man” is found, assuming the condition of a god-self in his agonizing quest to eternalize himself. if faced with infinities with time and space, the "State" being hostage to corrupt groups and corruption and "Culture" taken as an ideology, alienating, dividing and massifying the vast majority of its makers, inserting them in a state of disputes completely disloyal to a sincerity as they are, acting without any social responsibility with what they do. A reality in which the subject of knowledge expresses an entire fragmented, extreme, individualistic, essentialist, utilitarian and instrumentalized context of reading, interpreting and understanding the world, which is the basis on which to build his condition of uncritical and thoughtless sociability on contradictions, contingencies and determinisms in a life always stipulated by others. For this investigation, I take as a cut, my experiences as director of Casa do Maranhão – SECMA, involved with the instigating, reflective and questioning experiences of living museums via the Traditional Knowledge and Ethnography Exhibition of the New Social Cartography and Policies Program of the Amazon, promoting a whole rethinking. of institutional museological practices and countless self-criticisms, quarrels, considerations being the starting point and main basis of this alleged dissertation.

  • RURAL WORKER, QUILOMBOLA AND THE REPRESENTATION OF LEGAL CATEGORIES: the conflict in Alcântara and the protection of collective rights.
  • Data: 03/02/2022
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  • The scope of this dissertation is to analyze the production of documents in the judicial sphere by both state and social agents, examining the legal categories rural worker, quilombola in relation to the representation of legal categories from the conflict in Alcântara and the protection of rights collectives, this raising the discussion of the process of legitimizing the changes of legal categories in face of the demand of the quilombola communities of Alcântara in the face of the state. I focused the analysis on court documents, as will be explained, due to the need to delimit the focus of the study, already realizing the type of practical result that had been obtained throughout the development of the research. Therefore, based on the analysis of the conflict between the quilombola communities of Alcântara and the State, as an emblematic case, I propose to discuss, based on the identified legal experience, the construction of collective law, because despite the constant conflicts inside and outside the courts, this was translated in a new interpretation of the Federal Constitution of 1988, based on expressive legal pluralism and, therefore, it is highlighted that the research seeks to address the relationship between the change of the category "rural worker" linked to the category "squatter", as it appears in the documents produced within the legal proceedings, used to designate those expropriated during the beginning of the implementation of the Alcântara Launch Center (CLA), for the ethnic category "quilombola", from the idea of building the protection of collective rights, with the perception how this change was incorporated in the legal world and in the documents prepared, based on the need to break with the law. state logic that permeates the construction of the standard. The methodology adopted involves the inductive method, based on the use of ethnography of documents, according to an analysis involving public court documents, some of which were easily accessible and others required special authorization to access them.

  • LA NAVIDAD TAMBIÉN ES DÍA DE TAMBOR: La fiesta de São Benedito y la construcción de la identidad quilombola de la comunidad Bacabal Anajatuba MA.
  • Data: 31/12/2022
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  • As a result of a long debate between the university and social movements, a reformulation of the criteria that define a community as quilombola is under way. These criteria are systematized in Decree No. 4887/03 and refers to elements such as the “assumption of black ancestry connected to resistance to the historical oppression, specific territorialities and self-attribution”. Based on these criteria, the present work describes Saint Benedict’s Tambor de Crioula Festival, a festivity that takes place annually on the 24th and 25th of December in the Bacabal community, and is regarded as the main factor of quilombola identity. The festival has an extensive program, which starts in September and ends with the Christmas’ Tambor de Crioula, portraying the agricultural production and the social relations historically experienced in Bacabal. In addition, this festival assembles the Tambor de Crioula movement of the municipality of Anajatuba, as it is among the few to have a fixed date, what allows to scrutinize the plurality and richness of the Tambor de Anajatuba.

  • "I DON'T CHANGE MATA FOR ANYWHERE”: Perceptions about the changes in a rural neighborhood in São José de Ribamar

  • Data: 20/12/2021
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  • .This work aims to show a reflection on the modernization and urbanization process in Bairro Mata, closely related to the decline of family farming as an economic activity. The place of my research is Bairro Mata, located in a rural area near the capital São Luís and the object of study are local family farmers. I carried out an ethnography, where I described the neighborhood, the Matenses and the interaction between them. As a matense and author, I sought reflections on my insertion in the field and exposed the pros and cons of my academic and social position within the neighborhood. This research had the collaboration of active and retired farmers from Mata, in addition to their families. I was able to access some different points of view about the practice of local family farming, about the neighborhood's urbanization process, I accessed information, opinions about family farming and about education as a tool for social mobility and financial prosperity in both cases. Through the various speeches cited throughout this work, different perceptions were present and thus I was able to unveil new points of view that were previously hidden for not knowing them. Through life stories that they exposed to me, I tried to expose reflections on such environmental, economic and social transformations, relating them to family farming.

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  • Data: 07/02/2020
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  • This work is the result of a field research carried out in three self-designated quilombolas in the municipality of Alto Parnaíba. Instances such as official actions to promote the discourse of environmental preservation or “sustainable development” social agents are led to acts of resistance based on traditional practices of use of natural resources that aim to develop an ecological conscience that bluntly denies the mode as disciplinary norms adopted by Park managers. In this sense, do not use the elements specified in the strict "environmental law", be based on requests for identity declarations when demanding the Brazilian State or recognition as quilombola.

  • Charms and disenchantments in Camaputiua: agrarian conflicts and quilombola resistance

  • Data: 28/02/2020
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  • This dissertation aims to analyze agrarian conflicts in the Quilombola Territory of Camaputiua. Its presentation starts from the terms “charms” and “disenchantments” of human rights formulated by Rubio (2014). According to the author, the “charms” consist of the emancipatory dimension of human rights, with the liberation of the instruments of domination that prevent the realization of these rights. However, it presents a counterpoint to these “charms”, which would be the “disenchantments”. They consist of the difficulty in implementing human rights, from the moment that they are fixed only in theories, while the reality is totally different from the legal provisions. Soon, the legislation related to quilombolas was cataloged, evidencing the Federal Constitution of 1988 and Convention 169 about Indigenous and Tribal Peoples of the International Labor Organization. Then, the challenges for the implementation of these rights and the conflicts experienced by quilombolas as a result of these “disenchantments” were exposed, as well as the difficulty of access to the justice systems. The strong presence of the African-based religion was also evidenced, which is also considered a “charm” because of the close relationship between the enchanted and the quilombolas. Finally, we discuss the strategies of resistance of quilombolas in the face of these conflicts, showing the attempt to break with the system of domination and breaking stigma of victimization.

  • STATE ACTIONS AND CONFLICT GENERATION: a study based on conflicts generated between the Brazilian Stateand traditional quilombola communities in Alcântara - MA.

  • Data: 28/02/2019
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  • This paper seeks to understand the conflicts generated by the edition of state acts regarding the implementation of the Alcântara Launch Center, in a context of the existence of traditional communities that occupy territory that is not suitable for this purpose. It is expressed by the reflection about the role of the State and the consequences of its official acts as a way of adapting the reality to objectives defined from specific interests that are in conflict with the interests of the centennial communities living in the city of Alcântara. It seeks to understand the conflict and its characteristics with the acts of state as the generator and political reaction of the communities as a result of the tensions initiated by the expropriation process imposed by the State of Maranhão in 1980 and later confirmed by the Federal Government in 1991. It seeks to understand the forms of politica organization and the strategies of these mobilizations in a situation of conflict designed by the creation of a developmental project in the molds of those that were implanted in the Amazon in the 1970s.

  • In this work I seek to show the importance of tambor de crioula as an instrument of struggle and resistance in the face of the arrival of large companies in the quilombola territory of Santa Rosa dos Pretos, located in Itapecuru-Mirim, Maranhão. Through narratives of elders and my own experience as quilombola, I briefly review the history of the territory and the uses attributed to tambor in theory to highlight how it passes from "cultural expression" to an instrument of resistance. To this end I reconstruct the processes of black resistance as well as the formation of quilombola identity and the struggles hindered on behalf of the recognition of the territory in the face of the process of negation put in place by the State. Tambor de crioula appears in this way as the focus of this study and a privileged analysis in order to understand the role of ancestrality in the struggle of these quilombos. For this purpose, the process of hearing the ―older people‖ considered to be elders gave me the foundation necessary to understand the historicity of this black territory that has much to teach us. 

  • Data: 29/11/2019
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  • Tambor de Crio ula, Santa Rosa dos Pretos, Identity, Resistance, Large Companies

  • "NÃO EXISTE BABAÇU LIVRE EM TERRA PRESA": estratégia, autonomia e resistência dos babaçuais

  • Data: 20/12/2019
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  • This paper analyzes the trajectory of MIQCB, especially in Maranhão, its organizational forms, its struggles to secure rights to coconut breakers and its resistance to the devastation of the Babaçu Ecological Region. The named Babassu Ecological Region, an area of 27 million hectares that extends from the Parnaíba Valley to Tocantins-Araguaia, covering the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Pará and Tocantins, place of extensive babassus Coconut Babassu, where women groups that named themselves babassu coconut breakers, excercise their activity of collecting Coconut Babassu and earning income for their families, facing difficulties caused by agribusiness, which destroys the Babassu palm, endangering your own identity of “Coconut babassu breaker". In the face of these conflicts, the breakers mobilized and organized the MIQCB, as an organizational way of representing their social, political, economic and cultural interests, directing their struggles for free access to territory and resources, valuing the babassu coconut chain, training through contextualized education, access to public policies, preservation of palm trees babassu and the autonomy of the production process. For the methodology of this research were used readings, participation in meetings, public hearing, speech transcripts, interviews, studies of social cartography, visits to the headquarters of MIQCB in São Luís, the use of internet with access to websites of Organizational Forms, information that collaborated in the construction of my object of study. Therefore, debating and making visible the actions of coconut breakers in the face of the rights violations they have been suffering is essential to strengthen them.

  • The dissertation “BRASILIA'S BROTHERHOOD: when knowledge builds a rational use of natural resources”, was carried out in the community of Brasília, located in the municipality of Serrano do Maranhão, region ecologically known as Baixada Maranhense. This research aims to reflect on the process of building the territoriality of the so-called Brasilia territory from the consideration of the knowledge and practices of social agents. The analysis of the construction of territoriality considers kinship relations, the proper categories used to classify the territory and the relations of knowledge and rational use of natural resources. In this construction, there are notions related to the use of natural fields, rivers and forests, associated with protective beings and that control the rational use of natural resources and others that involve political relations, established at the organizational level.

  • Data: 18/12/2019
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  • Brotherhood; Knowledge; Territoriality; Quilombo; Kinship and Panema.


  • THE DIFFERENT BATTLES OF THE PRIVATE AND COLLECTIVE: the "specific territorialities" of the Quilombola Community of Castelo through the organization of the Feast of Our Lady of Batalha

  • Data: 28/02/2018
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  • The work is a result of the master's research of the postgraduate program in Social Cartography and Politics of the Amazon. The field was carried out in the State of Maranhão, in the quilombola community of Castelo in Alcantara and in Camboa in São Luis. We analyze the objective and subjective conditions provided by ethnographic work, highlighting the elements that rarely enter into the consolidation of such work. The present dissertation is also about the castle quilombo, its origins and its relation with São Luis. The intense interaction between the quilombolas who live in the community and those who left it due to compulsory displacements but who maintains close economic and symbolic ties is discussed. In the opportunity we analyze the concept of quilombo in the light of the empirical reality present in Castelo and perrcebemos that constitutes a specific form of quilombo whose borders are "beyond the sea", that is, the quilombo of Castelo can be found in the municipality of Alcantara and also in the municipality of São luis in the neighborhood of campo. We analyze the Feast of Our Lady of the Battle organized by the social agents and that has a series of rites that reinforce the identity and the solidarity of the group. The party is held throughout the year in November and involves several quilombola communities in an event that highlights group identity and the sense of belonging. It also involves campesino residents who belonged to the castle community and had to leave due to compulsory relocations. They continued to maintain relations with the community by developing strategies for possession of the quilombola territory. Finally, the feast consecrates the unity of the quilombolas in the fight against expropriation and in the construction of a specific territoriality.

  • In the aforementioned study, on the socio-environmental conflicts experienced in the so-called quilombola community of Cruzeiro, which is located in the Maranhão state, as well as the resistance strategies triggered by these social agents through conflicts, with a more focused approach to the processes that have occurred since 2009, which has usurped the right of use and permanence in the territory by the self- defined. In the reflections raised I bring knowledge and practices inherent to the way of life that are intrinsically related to the construction of the quilombola identity and the struggle for the guarantee of the territory. It is evident in the description that these social agents endowed with self-consciousness, establish collective agreements and strategies that renew themselves from the lived experiences to construct a unit. Thus, the dispute is circumscribed by the multiple forms of use of territories and their resources and the way in which territory and resources are given meaning. The senses attributed by the self-defined ones that give symbolic value to the territory, have been undergoing systematic actions, making the territory and the natural resources targets of the privatist yearnings with the exploitation of resources and devastation for cattle ranch production. In this sense, the present work analyzes the disputes that are circumscribed in a field for the legitimation of territorial recognition, considering that the reflections were possible through the network of relations built with the social agents of the quilombola community of Cruzeiro.

  • Data: 28/02/2018
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  • Territory, knowledge, conflicts and strategies of resistance

  • Territories of Formoso: territorial conflicts and the construction of a specific territoriality.

  • Data: 27/02/2018
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  • The social agents of the territory of Formoso have a history of resistance with antagonists related to territorial issues that extend from the context of occupation of their families in the place. In the last decades they have been experiencing other situations of conflicts related to the extensive creation of buffaloes in that region and the privatization of extensive areas of land by farmers and businessmen. From these issues, there are numerous other problems related to the privatization of areas of common use, devastation and deforestation. Faced with this situation of social tension, these social agents who define themselves as "quilombolas" have been mobilized aiming at the defense of the territory and free access to natural resources. Aim to reflect on the elements that underpin the self-definition as "quilombola". These elements have been activated in the process of claiming the territory vis-a-vis the Brazilian State. I also try to reflect on the restructuring of the strategies of exploitation by the so-called farmers and entrepreneurs, and also to understand which strategies of resistance have been used by the social agents interviewed in these situations. I will stick to the aspects referred to the set of knowledge, narratives and beliefs that are called by the so-called quilombolas to make mention of a concrete social situation. It should be pointed out that the analysis is done in such a way that the various domains of social life, namely the political, economic, social and religious domains, are not set out as separate paragraphs.

  • Miranda do Rosário is located at Rosario, Maranhão, 70 km from the capital of the state, São Luís. Large projects encouraged by the State establish different conflict situations in the region of the Eastern Amazon, the Rosario region an area of interest to development politics. The announcement of the arrival of Petrobras' Premium I Refinery at Bacabeira has brought forth impacts in several aspects of neighboring municipalities, including Rosario, reaching a diversity of traditional groups and communities with increased real estate speculation, threats of compulsory displacement and environmental damage. People of Miranda bring in their narratives about the city the various conflicts that the community has experienced since the 1970s, a period of increase of government agencies in order to growth of agricultural projects in the Eastern Amazon, making it difficult for the group to access natural resources as a hedge of Babaçu until then freely available. In the following decades the conflicts changed configuration with the progression of mining companies involved with the exploitation of rocks for the civil construction causing great environmental damages and threats of expulsion. The mobilization of the community to face the threats enabled the group to be recognized as a remaining “quilombo” community receiving the certification of the Palmares Cultural Foundation in the year of 2010. This work is aimed to describe several situations of conflicts throughout the history of the group from the voices of the social agents themselves and to examine social conditions that allow the presence of different antagonists and the relations established in the exploitation of the ecological resources guaranteed by the State.

  • Data: 24/02/2017
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  • quilombos; State; mining companies; territories; conflicts

  • Data: 29/08/2017
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  • The following text, the result of a research for dissertation purposes, aims to bring a reflection on the representation of collective identities and traditional knowledge in both anthropology and Brazilian literature. For this, we think of ethnography as a moment of enlargement of literary and anthropological frontiers. In addition, we analyze the ways in which traditional knowledge and knowledge of quilombola communities were represented both in newspapers and in some texts of Brazilian literature. However, realizing that these social agents, members of the research, previously objects of studies of literature and anthropology, today have claimed the authorship of their stories and their self-representation, we bring the narrative of some of them and some of them so that they (s) are (a) present. We thus perceive that this representation can also be understood as a form of struggle by breaking with the external and stigmatizing classifications to which these agents are subjected daily.

  • Data: 29/08/2017
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  • The following text, the result of a research for dissertation purposes, aims to bring a reflection on the representation of collective identities and traditional knowledge in both anthropology and Brazilian literature. For this, we think of ethnography as a moment of enlargement of literary and anthropological frontiers. In addition, we analyze the ways in which traditional knowledge and knowledge of quilombola communities were represented both in newspapers and in some texts of Brazilian literature. However, realizing that these social agents, members of the research, previously objects of studies of literature and anthropology, today have claimed the authorship of their stories and their self-representation, we bring the narrative of some of them and some of them so that they (s) are (a) present. We thus perceive that this representation can also be understood as a form of struggle by breaking with the external and stigmatizing classifications to which these agents are subjected daily.

  • Data: 29/08/2017
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  • The following text, the result of a research for dissertation purposes, aims to bring a reflection on the representation of collective identities and traditional knowledge in both anthropology and Brazilian literature. For this, we think of ethnography as a moment of enlargement of literary and anthropological frontiers. In addition, we analyze the ways in which traditional knowledge and knowledge of quilombola communities were represented both in newspapers and in some texts of Brazilian literature. However, realizing that these social agents, members of the research, previously objects of studies of literature and anthropology, today have claimed the authorship of their stories and their self-representation, we bring the narrative of some of them and some of them so that they (s) are (a) present. We thus perceive that this representation can also be understood as a form of struggle by breaking with the external and stigmatizing classifications to which these agents are subjected daily.

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  • Data: 27/08/2015
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